Environmental Impact Assessment Project Number: 37378-014 July 2017 Sri Lanka: Jaffna And Kilinochchi Water Supply Project, Additional Financing - Seawater Desalination Plant and Potable Water Conveyance System Prepared by the Government of Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, for the Asian Development Bank. This environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. ABBREVIATIONS ACDP - Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ADB - Asian Development Bank AMSL - Above Mean Sea Level BCE - Before Common Era BIQ - Basic Information Questionnaire BoD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand CC - Construction Contractor CCD - Coast Conservation Department CE - Common Era CEA - Central Environmental Authority DAF - Dissolved Air Flotation DBO - Design-Build-Operate DC - Design Contractor DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System DOA - Department of Archaeology DS - Divisional Secretary EC - Electrical Conductivity EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EICC - East Indian Coastal Current EMP - Environmental Management Plan EMoP - Environmental Monitoring Plan EPL - Environmental Protection License ERD - Energy Recovery Devices ESMS - Environmental and Social Management System FI - Financial Intermediary FFPO - Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance GCE - General Certificate of Education GDP - Gross Domestic Product GHG - Greenhouse Gas GN - Grama Niladhari GoSL - Government of Sri Lanka GPS - Global Positioning System GRC - Grievance Redress Committee GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism GSMB - Geological Survey and Mines Bureau HDD - Horizontal Directionally Drilled HDPE - High-density Poly-ethylene H&S - Health and Safety H&SP - Health and Safety Plan IEE - Initial Environmental Examination IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature JKWSP Jaffna and Kilinochchi Water Supply Project LHI - Lanka Hydraulic Institute MENR - Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources MEPA - Marine Environment Protection Authority MHWN - Mean High Water of Neap Tides MHWS - Mean High Water of Spring Tides MLWN - Mean Low Water of Neap Tides MLWS - Mean Low Water of Spring Tides MoU - Memorandum of Understanding MSL - Mean Sea Level NEA - National Environmental Act NEP - National Environment Policy NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation NMC - North Monsoon Current NWSDB National Water Supply and Drainage Board OC - Operations Contractor O&M - Operation and Maintenance P/DO - Provincial/District Office PAA - Project Approving Agency PC - Personal Computer PID - Provincial Irrigation Department PLC - Programmable Logical Controller PMCIU - Project Management, Coordination and Implementation Unit POP - Persistent Organic Pollutant PPE - Personal Protective Equipment RC - Reinforced Concrete RDS - Rural Development Society REA - Rapid Environmental Assessment RO - Reverse Osmosis RODP - Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant RoW - Right of Way SCUBA Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus SD - Sri Lanka Dome SMC - South Monsoon Current SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement UF - Ultrafiltration UKMO - UK Meteorological Office WHO - World Health Organisation WICC - West Indian Coastal Current WRDC - Women’s Rural Development Society CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background 1 B. The EIA Study 5 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 7 A. ADB Policy 7 B. National Law 9 C. International Agreements 18 III. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 19 A. Overview 19 B. Alternative Sources of Water Supply 20 C. Alternative Project Locations for Desalination Plant 25 D. Design/Process Alternatives for Desalination 30 E. Alternative Analysis for Transmission Main 48 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 48 A. Project Overview 48 B. Plant Production Capacity 49 C. Project Components 50 D. Minimum Product (Potable Water) Quality & Brine Quality to be achieved 53 E. The Project Site 54 F. Indicative Project Implementation Schedule 60 G. Project Construction 62 H. Operation of the Completed Scheme 76 V. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 79 A. Overview 79 B. Physical Conditions 80 C. Biological Conditions – RODP Plant site 96 D. Biological Conditions – Along the Proposed Pumping Main Pipeline Alignment 129 E. Socioeconomic Conditions 135 VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 153 A. Overview 153 B. Impacts due to Location of Project 154 C. Impacts due to Project Construction 163 D. Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures – Project Operation 189 E. Project Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions 208 F. Cumulative and Induced Impacts 208 G. Environmental Impact Matrix 209 VII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 224 A. Consultation by the Project Proponent 224 B. Consultation by the EIA Consultant 226 C. Future Consultation and Disclosure 228 VIII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 229 A. Key Principles and Practice 229 B. Project GRM and GRC 230 IX. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 233 A. Responsibilities for EMP Implementation 233 B. Environmental Management Plan 234 C. Environmental Monitoring Plan 260 D. Cost of EMP Implementation 266 E. Institutional Arrangements 267 F. Future Review and Revision of Documents 268 X. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 269 A. Conclusions 269 B. Recommendations 271 APPENDICES (Available upon request) Appendix A: ADB Environmental Safeguards Policy Principles, according to the Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 Appendix B: CEA Environmental Recommendation / Approval for Desalination Project in Jaffna Appendix C: CEA Terms of Reference for Environmental Study Report of Desalination Project In Jaffna Appendix D: Schedule 1 of the marine environmental protection (issuance of permits for dumping at sea) regulations no 1816/37 2013 Appendix E1: Executive Summary of Feasibility Study Report, 2006 Appendix E2: Feasibility Study Report, 2015 Appendix F: Probable Marine Construction Methodology Appendix G: LHI Field Investigation Report Appendix I: Phytoplankton Recorded at the Project Site (D-Dominant, >4.99%; M- Moderate,1.00-4.99%; R-Rare, <1.00%) Appendix J: IUCN Sri Lanka Proposal on Translocation of Protected Marine Species Appendix K: LHI Numerical Modelling Report Appendix L: LHI Note on Impacts on Marine Species Due To Disposal Of Brine Appendix N: Outline of Contractor’s Construction Stage Environmental Management Plan Appendix O: Issues to Be Addressed in Contractor’s Operation Stage Environmental Management Plan Appendix P: LHI Note on Protected Species In Project Site Appendix Q: Environmental Study Report Prepared by LHI Appendix R: Grievance redress form Appendix S: Terms of Reference of Independent Environmental Monitoring Specialist LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: JKWSP Project Area 3 Figure 2: Project Conveyance Main (shown in pink), RODP site (in red) with proposed locations of intake and outfall pipelines 4 Figure 3: The Coastal Zone as defined by the Coast Conservation Act (1981) 13 Figure 4: The main proposals of the River for Jaffna Project (shown in yellow) 22 Figure 5: Potential project sites evaluated by the Feasibility Study 27 Figure 6: Coastal & Marine Conservation Areas 29 Figure 7: Proposed Alternative Locations of Intake and outfall 41 Figure 8: Near field plume model, and excess salinity 44 Figure 9: Brine dissipation of the Plume (Salinity) at 10 m depth Outfall IM2 Monsoon Average Condition 50% Recovery 46 Figure 10: Brine dissipation of the Plume (Salinity) at 10 m depth Outfall IM2 Monsoon Average Condition 50% Recovery Observed Maximum Spreading (Future Demand) 47 Figure 11: Schematic diagram of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant 51 Figure 12: Proposed SWRO Plant Site at Thalaiyadi 55 Figure 13: Proposed SWRO Plant Site & Access Roads 58 Figure 14: Potable Water Conveyance Pipeline Route 59 Figure 15: Indicative Project Implementation Schedule 61 Figure 16: New Approach Roads (in red line) & Existing road network in the project area 65 Figure 17:Conveyance Pipeline Alignment 76 Figure 18: Vertical intake tower with velocity cap recommended by Feasibility Study 77 Figure 19: Average annual (A) and monthly (B) rainfall in Jaffna, 2006-14 81 Figure 20: Topography of the project site (C) and the surrounding area (B) 83 Figure 21: Topography, surface water and drainage around the project site 86 Figure 22: Morphology and mechanism of recharge and exploitation of karstic aquifers on Jaffna Peninsula Key 87 Figure 23: Groundwater Aquifers in Northern Sri Lanka 88 Figure 24: Bathymetry and cross section of the coastal zone at the proposed site 90 Figure 25: Fluctuations in sea level recorded at the project site 19 March - 5 April 2016 91 Figure 26: Ocean circulation around Sri Lanka and southern India: (a) North-east monsoon; (b) South-west monsoon 92 Figure 27: Current rose diagram for (a) surface, (b) mid-depth and (c) seabed 93 Figure 28: Hydraulic Circulation and Current Field of the Proposed Project Area 94 Figure 29: Wave rose showing height, direction and percentage occurrence of near shore wave heights - annual distribution 95 Figure 30: Floristic Regions of Sri Lanka 97 Figure 31:Existing Forest Areas (2010) 99 Figure 32: Wildlife Conservation Areas in Northern Province 100 Figure 33: Major Lagoons in Jaffna Peninsula 101 Figure 34: Coastal & Marine Conservation Areas 102 Figure 35: The coastal marine habitats of Jaffna 113 Figure 36: Phytoplankton abundance (top), relative composition (middle) and species richness (bottom) at stations in the sub tidal area
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