\ V VOLUME 12 ^ O y v j T E O ^ NUMBER ÎM Washington, Tuesday, October 28,1947 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT Sec. 27.1 Exclusion from provisions of Fed­ CONTENTS eral Employees Pay Act and Classi­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 9901 fication Act. THE PRESIDENT 27.2 Maximum stipends prescribed. A p p o in t m e n t o f J am es P. D a v is, D ir e c ­ Executive Order Page 27.8 Stipends under existing agreements tor, D iv is io n o f T erritories and with trainees. Davis, James P., Director, Division I sland P o sse ssio n s, D e par tm e n t o f 27.4 Stipends of trainees assigned to Fed­ of Territories and Island Posses­ t h e I n t e r io r , as A dministrator o f th e eral hospitals as affiliates. sions, Department of Interior; P uerto R ic o R econstruction A d m in ­ 27.5 Exclusion of other trainee positions appointment as Administrator ist r a t io n and establishment of maximum sti­ of Puerto Rico Reconstruction pends. Administration________________ 6965 By virtue of the authority vested in me 27.6 Extent of régulations. under the Emergency Relief Appropria­ 27.7 Inquiries. EXECUTIVE AGENCIES tion Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 115, 118), and Authority: §§ 27.1 to 27.7, inclusive, is­ Alien Property, Office of the act entitled “An Act to provide that sued under Pub. Law 330, 80th Cong., ap­ funds allocated to Puerto Rico under the proved August 4, 1947. Notices: Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of Vesting orders, etc.: 1935 may be expended for permanent re­ § 27.1 Exclusion from provisions of Abshagen, Werner_________ 6992 habilitation, and for other purposes” , Federal Employees Pay Act and Clas­ Costs and expenses incurred approved February 11, 1936 (49 Stat. sification Act. In accordance with the in certain Wisconsin, Ohio, 1135), I hereby appoint James P. Davis, provisions of section 1 and section 2 of and Kentucky courts— 6993 Director, Division of Territories and Is­ Public Law 330, 80th Congress, ap­ Glas-und Spiegelmanufactur, land Possessions, Department of the In ­ proved August 4, 1947, the following A. G. et al--------------------- 6992 terior, as Administrator of the Puerto positions, in addition to those specifi­ Goldschmidt, Dr. Bernhard, Rico Reconstruction Administration, cally excluded by section 1 and section et al------ ------------- 6993 vice Edwin G. Arnold, resigned, to serve 2 of such law, are excluded from the Hoerner, Ferdinand_________ 6993 without additional compensation, and to provisions of the Federal Employees Pay Knoop, Lange & Co., Inc_____ 6995 exercise and discharge the functions, Act of 1945 (Public Law 106, 79th Con­ Kueppers, Josephine—-______ 6991 duties, and authority conferred upon the gress), as amended, and the Classifica­ Lange, William A___________ 6988 Puerto Rico Reconstruction jAdministra- tion Act of 1923, as amended and ex­ Nordring A/B_______________ 6991 tion and the Administrator by Executive tended (5 U. S. C„ ch. 13) : Schreiner, Carl_____________ 6989 Orders No. 7057 of May 28, 1935, No. Interns in clinical psychology at St. Steigelman, Roland________ 6989 7180 of September 6,1935, as amended by Elizabeths Hospital, second year ap­ Army Department No. 7554 of February 17, 1937, and No. proved post graduate training (pre-doc- Rules and regulations: 7689 of August 12, 1937. toral) and fifth year approved post Bridges; Acushnet River, Massa­ The said Executive orders are hereby graduate training (post-doctoral). chusetts_____________________ 69,73 amended accordingly. § 27.2 Maximum stipends prescribed. Child Labor and Youth Employ­ In accordance with the provisions of sec­ H arry S. T r u m a n ment Branch tion 3 of Public Law 330, 80th Congress, T h e W h it e H o u se , Proposed rule making: approved August 4, 1947, the following October 25, 1947. Logging occupations and occu­ maximum stipends (including overtime pation of any sawmill, lath [P. R. Doc. 47-9667; Piled, Oct. 27, 1947; pay, maintenance allowances, and other mill, or cooperage-stock mill_ 6979 10:44 a. m.] payments in money or kind) for student nurses, medical or dental interns, resi- Civil Aeronautics Board dents-in-training, student dietitians, Notices: TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE student physical therapists, and student State Airlines, Inc. and Pied­ PERSONNEL occupational therapists, except as other­ mont Aviation, Inc.; south­ wise provided in § 27.3 are hereby pre­ eastern States case, hearing_ 6984 Chapter I— Civil Service Commission scribed: Civil Service Commission Student nurses— St. Elizabeths Hos­ Rules and regulations: P art 27— E x c l u s io n F r o m P r o v is io n s pital : Positions in Government hos­ o f t h e F ederal E m p l o y e e s P a y A ct First year training_______ __________ $775 pitals filled by student or resi­ o f 1945, as A m e n d e d , and t h e C l a s s i­ Second and third year training, ’ dent trainees; exclusion from f ic a t io n A ct o f 1923, as A m e n d e d , maximum total for two years___ 1,225 provisions of Federal Employ­ and E stablishment o f M a x i m u m Note: The maximum total stipend of ees Pay Act and Classification S t ip e n d s for P o s it io n s i n G o v e r n ­ $1,225 for the second and third years is Act, and establishment of m e n t H o s pit a ls F il l e d b y S t u d e n t effective only so long as student nurses at maximum stipends_________ 6965 PR R e s id e n t T r a in e e s St. Elizabeths Hospital are assigned during these years to affiliated hospitals for one year Commodity Credit Corporation Effective upon publication in the F ed­ of training with no compensation other than Rules and regulations: eral R egister, Part- 27 is revised to read maintenance. Potatoes, Irish; 1947 loan pro­ as follows: (Continued on p. 6967) gram ---------------------------- 6968 6965 RULES AND REGULATIONS 6966 CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission Pag» National Park Service age Rules and regulations: FEDERALÄREGISTER Notices: Grand Canyon National Park— 6974 1*3* Hearings, etc.: ^ t/ N IT tO * Interstate Gas Co. and Cities Post Office Department Service Gas Co-------------- 6984 Rules and regulations: Lone Star Gas Co. (4 docu­ Service to foreign countries; Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ments) — ---------------------- 6984 parcel post, Union of Soviet and days following official Federal holidays, Northern Natural Gas Co— 6984 Socialist Republics------- -— 8974 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Washington Gas Light Co— 6 985 Public Health Service National Archives, pursuant to the authority Proposed rule making: contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Uniform system of accounts; Rules and regulations: proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as 6980 Commissioned officers; foreign . dismissal of proceedings^— amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ service allowances------- ------ - 6974 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Federal Trade Commission Public Housing Administration tion is made only by the Superintendent of Notices : Rayon and silk converting in­ Rules and regulations: Documents, Government Printing Office, 6985 Veterans’ emergency housing Washington 25, D. C. dustry; hearing----------------- The regulatory material appearing herein is program, policy; standards Rules and regulations: for selection of tenants—,— 6970 keyed to the Code*of Federal Regulations, Cease and desist order; Super- which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant 6969 Puerto Rico Reconstruction Ad- to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Cold Corp-------------- — ----- amended June 19, 1937. Fish and Wildlife Service ministration The Federal Register will be furnished by Rules and regulations: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Rules and regulations: Hunting of deer: Davis, James P.; appointment per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ as Administrator—------------- 6977 vance. The charge for individual copies Blackbeard Island National (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Wildlife Refuge, Georgia— 6978 Securities and Exchange Com-, size of the issue. Remit check or money Waubay National Wildlife order, made payable to the Superintendent Refuge, South Dakota------ 6979 mission of Documents, directly to the Government Notices: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Forest Service Hearings, etc.: There are no restrictions on the republica­ Rules and regulations: Alabama Power Co—---------- 6986 tion of material appearing in the Federal Harney National Forest, South American Power & Light Co. Register. Dakota, and Kaibab National and Washington Water Forest, Arizona------------------ 6974 Power C o --------------- ----- 6985 City Stores Co. et al-^------ 6988 Indian Affairs, Office of Columbia Gas & Electric Corp. 1946 SUPPLEMENT Rules and regulations: et al--------------------------- 6987 Delegation of authority; func­ General Public Utilities Corp_ 6987 to the tions relating to Indian lands Metropolitan Edison Co------- 6986 and minerals-------------------- 6970 CODE OF FEDERAL Wage and Hour Division International Trade, Office of REGULATIONS Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations: Organization— _— — ------ -— 6970 The following books ore now Licenses, general: Utilization of State agencies Foods and soaps— ---------- by'•* for investigations and inspec­ available: Gift parcels: tions— I— ---------------------- 6970 Book 1: Titles 1 through 8, Enemy prisoners of war— 697d including, in Title 3, Presiden­ Germany and Japan.------ 6973 CODIFICATION GUIDE Prohibited exportations (2 doc­ tial documents in full text with uments) --------------- ®97^ A numerical list of the parts of the Code appropriate reference tables and of Federal Regulations affected by documents index. Interstate Commerce Commis­ published in this issue. Proposed rules, as sion opposed to final actions, are identified as Book 2: Titles 9 through 20.
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