1 Supplementary Material to Guimarães Et Al. (2020): Peixes. Fauna De Vertebrados Ao Longo Da Estrada De Ferro Carajás Erick

1 Supplementary Material to Guimarães Et Al. (2020): Peixes. Fauna De Vertebrados Ao Longo Da Estrada De Ferro Carajás Erick

Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 1 Supplementary material to Guimarães et al. (2020): Peixes. Fauna de vertebrados ao longo da Estrada de Ferro Carajás Erick Cristofore Guimarães1,2,3*, Pâmella Silva de Brito2,3, Jadson Pinheiro Santos3, Rafael 4 & 4 Ferreira de Oliveira Felipe Polivanov Ottoni 1 Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Programa de Pós-graduação sociedade natureza e desenvolvimento, Instituto de Ciências da Educação, Campus Universitário, Santarém, Pará, Brazil 2 Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Departamento de Biologia, Laboratório de Genética e Biologia Molecular, Av. dos Portugueses 1966, Cidade Universitária do Bacanga, CEP 65080-805, São Luís, MA, Brazil 3 Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Laboratório de Ictiofauna e Piscicultura Integrada, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Campus Paulo VI, avenida Lourenço Vieira da Silva, n. 1000, bairro Jardim São Cristóvão, CEP 65055-310, São luís, MA, Brazil 4 Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais, Campus de Chapadinha, Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Organismos Aquáticos, BR-222, KM 04, S/N, Boa Vista, CEP 65500- 000, Chapadinha, MA, Brazil * [email protected] Introduction Recently, Guimarães et al. (2020) published a book chapter entitled “Peixes”, aiming to provide an inventory of the fish species distributed along the “Estrada de Ferro Carajás”, located in the States of Maranhão and Pará (fig. 1). This was an extensive species inventory carried out in the Mearim, Gurupi and Tocantins river basins, conducted during several years, and the specimens were collected in localities along the this railway “Estrada de Ferro Carajás”. Despite the mere listing over two hundred fish species in this inventory, it was neither possible to provide all information on the sampled localities (figs. 2-42) nor on the examined specimens. Considering the principle of replicability in science, presenting voucher numbers fig. 1. Localities sampled along the railroad ‘Estrada de Ferro Carajás’ in the drainages of the Mearim river in Maranhão (locs. 1-27, yellow dots), the Gurupi river in Maranhão (loc. 28, orange dot), the Tocantins river in Maranhão (locs. 29- 34, white dots), and the Tocantins river in the state of Pará (locs. 35-42, red dots). © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 2 of the specimens sampled on species inventories is crucial to serve as testimonial material of the study, allowing other reserchers to check and confirm species identifications. Therefore, the present contribution aims to provide a list (as supplementary material) with the specimens examined for the list contained that book chapter. Collection acronyms o CICCAA Coleção Ictiológica do Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais, Universidade Federal do Maranhão o CPUFMA Coleção de Peixes da Universidade Federal do Maranhão o MPEG Museu Paraense `Emilio Goeldi' Reference Guimarães, E.C., P.S. Brito & F.P. Ottoni (2020): Peixes. 32-51. In: Dornas, R.A.P. & S.G. Rolim (eds.): Fauna de vertebrados ao longo da estrada de ferro Carajás. Editora Rupestre, Belo Horizonte Find the book chapter below of page 54 or the complete book for download here. recommended form for reference: Guimarães, E.C., P.S. Brito, J.P. Santos, R.F. Oliveira & F.P. Ottoni (2021): Supplementary material to Guimarães et al. (2020): Peixes. Fauna de vertebrados ao longo da Estrada de Ferro Carajás. Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 available as pdf-file at www.pecescriollos.de since 16.Jun.2021 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos is being archived for permanent record by the German National Library. © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 3 Sampled localities in the Mearim basin of Maranhão (yellow dots) fig. 2. loc. 1: Estreito dos Mosquitos, São Luís fig. 3. loc. 2: Rio Piratiba, Bacabeira municipality, municipality, -2.768761° -44.349853° -3.020280° -44.349167° fig. 4. loc. 3: Bacia 420, Miranda do Norte municipality, fig. 5. loc. 4: Bacia 464, Arari municipality, -3.564167° -3.549366° -44.660583° -44.678889° fig. 6. loc. 5: Bacia 466, Arari municipality, -3.567495° fig. 7. loc. 6: Várzea do Mearim I, Arari municipality, -44.683049° -3.575832° -44.745546° fig. 8. loc. 7: Rio Mearim, Vitória do Mearim municipality, -3.546672° -44.832483° © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 4 fig. 9. loc. 8: Várzea do Mearim II, Vitória do Mearim fig. 10. loc. 9: Igarapé Piraqueú, Igarapé do Meio municipality, -3.542804° -44.838616° municipality, -3.593913° -45.026393° fig. 11. loc. 10: Bacia 814/815, Santa Inês municipality, fig. 12. loc. 11: Olho d'água dos Carneiros, Pindaré-Mirim -3.680554° -45.330791° municipality, -3.719778° -45.468233° fig. 13. loc. 12: Rio Zutiua, Pindaré-Mirim municipality, -3.717164° -45.534161° fig. 14. loc. 13: Igarapé Jundiá, Pindaré-Mirim municipality, fig. 15. loc. 14: Lago do Lírio, Pindaré-Mirim municipality, -3.655936° -45.706318° -3.653396° -45.773627° © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 5 fig. 16. loc. 15: Igarapé Timbira, Alto Alegre do Pindaré fig. 17. loc. 16: Igarapé Mineirão, Alto Alegre do Pindaré municipality, -3.695492° -45.920500° municipality, -3.708397° -45.938981° fig. 18. loc. 17: Igarapé Arapapá, Alto Alegre do Pindaré fig. 19. loc. 18: Igarapé Caititu, Alto Alegre do Pindaré municipality, -3.707476° -46.006995° municipality, -3.708526° -46.022093° fig. 20. loc. 19: Igarapé do Fausto, Alto Alegre do Pindaré fig. 21. loc. 20: Igarapé Igarapá, Alto Alegre do Pindaré municipality, -3.713962° -46.058226° municipality, -3.764252° -46.137625° fig. 22. loc. 21: Igarapé Jenipapo, Alto Alegre do Pindaré fig. 23. loc. 22: Igarapé Araparizal, Alto Alegre do Pindaré municipality, -3.855621° -46.185988° municipality, -3.909260° -46.201734° © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 6 fig. 24. loc. 23: Igarapé Presa de Porco, Buriticupu fig. 25. loc. 24: Pontilhão Km 353+900, Buriticupu municipality, -3.990973° -46.264982° municipality, -4.122936° -46.413870° fig. 26. loc. 25: Rio Buriticupu, Buriticupu municipality, fig. 27. loc. 26: Rio dos Sonhos, Alto Alegre do Pindaré -4.198254° -46.478057° municipality, -4.372150° -46.714813° fig. 28. loc. 27: Rio Pindaré, Bom Jesus das Selvas municipality, -4.397776° -46.842634° Sampled locality in the Gurupi basin of Maranhão (orange dot) fig. 29. loc. 28: Rio Pequiá, Açailândia municipality, -4.900315° -47.385184° © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 7 Sampled localities in the Tocantins basin of Maranhão (white dots) fig. 30. loc. 29: Igarapé Jatobazinho, Vila Nova dos fig. 31. loc. 30: Igarapé Martírio, Vila Nova dos Martírios Martírios municipality, -5.171521° -48.088004° municipality, -5.162231° -48.133658° fig. 32. loc. 31: Igarapé Marcelininho, Vila Nova dos fig. 33. loc. 32: Igarapé Papagaio, São Pedro de Água Branca Martírios municipality, -5.164563° -48.202540° municipality, -5.149809° -48.376113° fig. 34. loc. 33: Igarapé Grapiá, São Pedro de Água Branca municipality, -5.152078° -48.413015° fig. 35. loc. 34: Rio Samaúma, São Pedro de Água Branca municipality, -5.192436° -48.536230° © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 8 Sampled localities in the Tocantins basin of Pará (red dots) fig. 36. loc. 35: Rio Jacundá, Bom Jesus do Tocantins municipality, -5.250441° -48.816327° fig. 37. loc. 37: Rio Flexeiras, Marabá municipality, fig. 38. loc. 38: Rio Sororó, Marabá municipality, -5.442612° -5.260653°-48.993327° -49.136882° fig. 39. loc. 39: Rio Vermelho, Marabá municipality, fig. 40. loc. 40: Rio das Onças, Marabá municipality, -5.571977° -49.242379° -5.647498° -49.436017° fig. 41. loc. 41: Rio Castanheira, Marabá municipality, fig. 42. loc. 42: Igarapé Surpresa, Curionópolis municipality, -5.758318° -49.688286° -5.865590°-49.806199° © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 9 class E L A S M O B R A N C H I I order MYLIOBATIFORMES family Potamotrygonidae subfamily Potamotrygoninae Potamotrygon Garman, 1877 P. motoro (Mueller & Henle, 1841) Mearim CICCAA 1051 (1), loc. 12, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, Nov.2016 class A C T I N O P T E R I order ELOPIFORMES family Elopidae Elops Linnaeus, 1766 E. saurus Linnaeus, 1766 Mearim CICCAA 4382 (1), loc. 1, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, Aug.2017 family Megalopidae Megalops Lacepède, 1803 M. atlanticus Valenciennes, 1847 Mearim CICCAA 2983 (1), loc. 1, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 21.Sep.2018 CICCAA 3265 (2), loc. 6, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 03.Oct.2014 CICCAA 4414 (2), loc. 7, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 22.Jan.2014 order OSTEOGLOSSIFORMES family Osteoglossidae Osteoglossum Cuvier, 1829 O. bicirrhosum (Cuvier, 1829) Tocantins MA CICCAA 3485 (1), loc. 29, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 2.Oct.2014 MPEG.ICT 020719 (1), 29, coll: Ferreira, A. O, 3.Jul.2011 Tocantins PA CICCAA 3037 (1), loc. 38, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 9.Out.2015 CICCAA 2886 (1), loc. 39, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, Aug.2017 order CLUPEIFORMES family Clupeidae Rhinosardinia Eigenmann, 1912 © www.pecescriollos.de 2021 - ISSN 1868-3703 Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 76: 1-54 (2021) 10 R. sp. Mearim CPUFMA 172570 (2), loc. 1, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, Dec.2017 family Engraulidae Anchovia Jordan & Evermann, 1895 A. surinamensis (Bleeker, 1865) Mearim CICCAA 1103 (1), loc. 15, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, Nov.2015 CICCAA 3240 (2), loc. 7, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 10.Oct.2014 A. sp. Mearim CPUFMA 172570 (2), loc. 1, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, Dec.2017 Anchoviella Fowler, 1911 A. sp. Mearim CICCAA 2990 (1), loc. 1, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 21.Sep.2018 Cetengraulis Guenther, 1868 C. edentulus (Cuvier, 1829) Mearim CICCAA 3509 (3), loc. 1, coll.: Guimarães & Brito, 21.Sep.2018 Lycengraulis Guenther, 1868 L.

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