University of Massachusetts Amherst ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst Research Report 03: Bibliography of English Anthropology Department Research Reports series Language Sources on Yugoslavia January 1969 Chapter 7, Folklore and peasant art & Chapter 8, General accounts Joel Martin Halpern Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/anthro_res_rpt3 Halpern, Joel Martin, "Chapter 7, Folklore and peasant art & Chapter 8, General accounts " (1969). Research Report 03: Bibliography of English Language Sources on Yugoslavia. 6. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.umass.edu/anthro_res_rpt3/6 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Anthropology Department Research Reports series at ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. It has been accepted for inclusion in Research Report 03: Bibliography of English Language Sources on Yugoslavia by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mihanovich, Clement S, AMERICANIZATION OF THE CROATS IN ST. LOUIS, MO., DURING THE PAST 30 YEARS. M.A. Thesis, St. Louis University, 1936. Miller, Herbert A. "Yugo--Slavsand Czechoslovaks" in IMMIGRANT BACK- GROUNDS, Henry Pratt Fairchild, ed. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1927. 269 P. Mirth, K. "~mericansWhose Country of Origin is Yugo ia, " CROATIA PRESS, New York, v. 19 (~uly/~ecember,1965), 2-1 Sestanovich, Stephen. SLAVS IN CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, R & E Associates, 1968. (~e~rintof 193' Edition). Trees, Daniel. HOW COLUMBUS AND I DISCOVERED AMERICA. Grosse Pointe, Mich., the Author, 1965. 171 p. Werling, Joan. HISTORY OF SLAVS IN ARIZONA, 1864-1912. San Francisco, R &; E Associates, 1968, FOLKLORE AND PEASANT ART Arbatsky, Yury. BEATING THE TUPAN IN THE CENTRAL BALKANS. Chicago, The Newberry Library, 1953. 64 p. Bartok, Bela. SERBO-CROATIAN FOLK SONGS. New York, Columbia University Press, 1951. 431 p. (~olumbiaUniversity Studies in Musicology, no. 7). Beza, Marcu. "Balkan Peasant Poetry," THE BALKAN REVIEW, London, v. 1, no. 4 (~ay,1919). 279-296. Bihal ji-Merin, Oto. BOGOMIL SCULPTURE. Beograd, Jugoslavija, 1962. XXXIV, illus., 80 plates. Bihal ji-Merin, Oto, ed. NAIVE ART IN YUGOSLAVIA. Beograd, Jugoslavia, 1959. 144 p., illus. Bihalji-Merin, Oto. PRIMITIVE ARTISTS IN YUGOSLAVIA. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964. 200 p., illus. Bihalji-Merin, Oto. YUGOSLAVIA PRIMITIVE ART. Beograd, Jugoslavia, 1959. 144 p., illus. (~ugoslavia,no. 17). Bowring, John, trans. SERVIAN POPULAR POETRY. (by V. S. Karadzic) . London, Printed for the Author, 1^U. 235 p. Brkic, Jovan. MORAL CONCEPTS IN TRADITIONAL SERBIAN EPIC POETRY. s - Gravenhage, Mouton, 1961. 177 p. (~lavicPrintings and Reprintings, 24). Brown, Alee, ed. ESSAYS ON NATIONAL ART IN YUGOSLAVIA, London, Royal Yugoslav Embassy Information Department, 1944. 62 p., illus. Costa, A. "A Festival in Yugoslavia," THE GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE, London, v. 5 fT.W), 109-206. COSTUMES AND ORNAMENTS. Belgrade, Jugoslavija, 1956. 15 plates. Crewe, Cynthia J. "Judaeo-Spanish Folk Tales In Macedonia," MAN, London, v. 32 (193?), 123. Curcija-Prodanovic, Nada. HEROES OF SERBIA. New York, H. Z. walck, 1964. 178 p., illus. Curcija-Prodanovic, Nada. YUGOSLAV FOLK-TALES. New York, H. Z. Walck, 1960. 210 p., illus. Davies, Ellen Chivers. TALES OF SERBIAN LIFE. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1919. 2U8 p. Djordjevtc, Tihomir R. "The Yugoslav National Art," ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY, Washington, v. 17 (I^ ) , 209-21.7. Djuric, Vajislav. "Prince Marko in Epic Poetry," JOURNAL OF THE FOLKLORE INSTITUTE, The Hague, v. 3, no. 3 fl$6), 315-3330. Fil ipovic, Milenko S. "~yniboll-cAdoption Among the ~erbs," ETHNOLOGY, Pittsburgh, v. 4 (~anuary, 1965 ), 66-71. Fine, John V. A. "The Dean Man's Hand and the Hand of Glory" in NARODNO STVARALASTVO, Beograd, 1967. pp. 23-25. Gerard, Frances A. A KING'S ROMANCE; THE STORY OF MILAN AND NATALIF, FIRST KING AND QUEEN OF SERVIA. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1907. 316 p. Hasluck, Margaret M. "The Bust of ~erat," MAN, London, v. 56 (1946), 36- 38 Jankovic, Ljubica S. DANCES OF YUGOSLAVIA. London, Parrish, 1952. 40 p., illus. (Handbooks of European National Dances, 24). Kemp, P. HEALING RITUAL -- STUDIES IN THE TECHNIQUE AND TRADITION OF THE SOUTHERN SLAVS. London, Faber and Faber, 1940. 335 p., illus. Kremenliev, Boris A. "Balkans ~evisited" ETHNOMUSICOLOGY, Middle- town, ~onn., v. 7, no. 3 (1963), 2148-251. Kremenliev, Boris A. BULGARIAN-MACEDONIAN FOLK MUSIC. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1952. 131 p. Kus-Nikolajev, Mirko. FOLKLORE IN YUGOSLAVIA, Beograd, Tourist Association of Yugoslavia, 1957. 32 p. Lake, E. F. Coote. "me Dance of the Spirit of the New Corn in Cattaro," FOLKLORE, London, y. 77 (Spring, 1966), 31-40. Lord, Albert Bates. "Avdo Med jedovic, Guslar, " JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE, Philadelphia (1956), 320-330. 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