Journal of the Field Naturalists' Club

Journal of the Field Naturalists' Club

•?ir..__111i<^_i.t1_ •*^o — J 'engage done tous k dviter dan^^ leiirs Merits toute personnalite, toute allusion d^passant les limites de la discussion la plus sincere et la plus courtoise. Lahotdbene. JOURNAL e\"lB OF THE 5,0 (b (j ^9. Publication Committee :— H. Caracciolo, President ; P. Carmody, F.I.C, RC.S : Devenish, Syl M.A. ; B. N. Rake, M.D. ; R. R. Mole ; F. W. Urich. F.E.S., Hon. Secretary. VOLUME I APRIL 1892 FEBRUARY 1894. MIRROR OFFICE, PORT-OF-SPAIN. ?,?)<-'i- Oii>^ 'A GENERAL INDEX. Aleyrodea, attacking guava - - - - 66 Alligator shooting in Trinidad ... 142 Animals wanted from Trinidad - - - 41 Announcement . - . J Annual Meetings, Reports of - - - 77, 236 Artibe7(s hnriii, Description of - - - 151 Bee, Common honey - - - - - 10, 33 Beetles, some peculiar types of Trinidad - - 147 Birds, Method of preserving - - - 39 Borer, Small sugar cane. Report on - - 45 Blue basin. Excursion to - - - - 187 Broadway, W. E. Articles by - - 5, 36, 190, 208 Butterflies, The metamorphoses of - - - 28 Butterflies, Protective resemblance and mimicry in 31 Butterflies, Preliminary list of Trinidad - - 173 Caligo iJioneus - - - - - - 31 Caracciolo, Henry, Articles by 3, 16, 31, 62, 64, 65, 66, 147, 297 Caroni, Babiche shooting in - - - 93 Carr, Albert B. Article by ... 269 Carr, T. W. Notes by - - - - 273, 313 Cassavas -----. 223 Castnia licit s, a Banana pest - - - 141 Check List of Coccidfe—Neo Tropical Region - - 311 Chittenden, Dr. J. F. Communication from - 39 Club Meetings, Reports of '^Qg ' J- 227 259 291 - - 226*, 262,' Coccidaa . 200, 255^ 306, 311 Cocoanut, Pest of - - - - - 71 Cockerell, T. D. A. Articles by 153, 177, 200, 226, 255, 262 Collens, J. H. Article by - - - - 170 Committees for 1893-94 - - - - 232 Composit8e, The natural order of - - - 190, 208 Constrictor, Notes on a young ... g Cricket, Cannibalistic habits of - - - 62 Crowfoot, W. M. Article by - - - 173 Devenish, Syl. Letter from - - - - 39 Devenish, Syl. Article by - - - - 142 Economic Entomology Competition, Rules for - - 236 Entomology, Elementary - - - - 22, 72 iv. Index'. Epicrates ceiichria . Eunectes mtirinus ... Ewen, E. D., Articles by - - Excursion to St. Anns Fungus, Description of a New Grape rust in Jamaica ... Gryllotalpa vulgaris ... Guppy, P. L., Articles by • - Guppy, R. J. L., Articles by Guppy, R. J. L., Letter from Goldney Prize Competition—Prize Paper - Her2')etodryas carinatus ... Hewlett, W. G., Article by - - - Ichneumon, The , India, Natural History Notes in - Insects, Classification of - - Insects, External Anatomy of Insects, Hints on Preserving for the Cabinet Kirby, W. F., Article by - - - Ladies' Evening - . Larvse, Notes on the Collecting and Rearing of Larva, Bullet Excavated by a Lepidoptera, Gynandromorphism in Lepidoptera, Notes on - Lepidoptera, Notes on Silk-producing Lota, Dr. A,, Article by - - Lucilia hominivorax Mammals, Preliminary List of Trinidad Mammals, wanted - - . Manatee, The Trinidad Meaden, C. W., Articles by Members, Lists of ... Microzoa of the Tertiary and other Rocks of Trinidad and the West Indies - - 277 Mole, R. R., Articles by 8, 19, 56, 93, 184, 187, 295 Mole Cricket - .... 36 Mosquitoes - - - - - 216 Mosquitoes and diseases in human body - 168 Mosquito-worm, the so-called - - - 91 - - - - Mygale, Bite of . 127 CEcodoma cephalotes - - - - .68, 123 Orange, Disease of - - - - - 66 - - - Obituary Notice - . 259 Pleufotomaria adansoniana - - - - 21 -Totter, T. I. Articles by - - - 10, 33, 141 presidential Addresses - - - - 80, 237 Index. V. Quank hunt, A - - - - - - 269 Quank hunt, Notes on a - - - - 273, 313 Racoon, Notes on a - - - - - 184 Rattlesnake Notes on - - - - 293 Rake, Beaven N. Dr., Articles by - - ld9j 135 Reptiles, Notes on some Trinidad - - - 19 San Fernando, Visit to - - - - 157 Scale insects, on Crotons - - - - 64 Scale insects, destroyed by fungus - - - 177 - Secretary's Reports - - - 78, 227 Secua nut - - - - - - 117 Sjnlotes variabilis ----- 20 Tanner, J. E. Articles by - - - - 68, 123 Ticks on an Iguana - - - - 222 Tick, Determination of a Trinidad - - - 268 Thomas, Oidfield Articles by - - 40, 151, 158 Treasurer's statement for 1892-93 - - - 234 Trinidad, Biological and Faunistic notes -on - 118, 175 Urania leilus - - - -. - - 16 Uraniscodon jylica ----- 20 Urich, F. W. Articles by - 14, 19, 216, 268, 293 Yam2)yrops caracciolce, Description of - - - 40 Warming, Eug. Letter from - - - - 18 Xiphosoma hortulanum - - - - - 19 ANIMALS, PLANTS, dec. REFERRED TO IN REPORTS OF CLUB MEETINGS. Actinote j^sllenea - - - - - 109 - - - Amphisbaena - - . 292 Antidote for snake poison - - • l34 - - - Anohitim . - 180 Anthercea pernyi - - - - 183, 207 Ant, parasol - - - - - 132 antiquorum (Pristis) . • . 261 ^' - argesilaus (Pajnlio) - - - 76, 207 Asteridium moniliferwn (fungus) - - - 260 Attacus bolivar - - - - - 77 Attacus Cynthia - - - - - 181 atrox {Bothrops) - - - - - 132 vi; Index. bahamensis (Momotus) - - - - - 261 barbara (Galictis) - • . - - 107 Belvoisia bi/asciata - - - - 205 Boa constrictor . 53, 156 bolivar (Attacus) ----- 77 Bombyces from Trinidad - - - - 133 Borer, Sugar cane ----- 55 Bothrops airox - - - - -132 Calandra palmaruiu ----- 75 Canoletus conicus ----- 77 Carpophihis dunidatus - - - - 77 Castnia linis - - - - - 105 cenchris (Epicrates) - - - 52, 53, 91 Centipede, Bite of - - - - - 76 Centipedes - - - - - - 183, 292 constrictor {Boa) ----- 53, 156 Coral snake - - - - - 260 cordi/olia (Fervillia) - - - - 106 Crocodiles 204, 261 Crepidodua - - • - - 77 - cresphontes (Fapilio) - - . - 52 cynthia (Attacus) - - - - - 181 Dermatobia noxialis - - - - - 105 Diebe, Plants collected at - - - - 108 Dorylus ------ 76 Dragon fly (new genus of) - - - - 53 dunidatus {Carjyophilus) - - - - 77 edwardoii (Peripatns) ----- 54 Epicrates cenchris - - - - 52, 53, 91 Eunectes murinus - - - - - 132 ferrugineum (T7'iIobiuna) - . - - 77 Fervillia cordifolia - - - - - 106 fumata Typhoia ----- 77 Galictis barbara - - - -,- - .107 Gordius ------ 236 Hawks -------- 133 Heliconioi ------ 53 hemipterus {Sphenophorus) - - - - 75 honiinivorax (Lucilia) - - - - 75 Humming bird . - . 54 impressicolis (Fhizophagus) - - - - 77 Indian curiosities - - - - - 132 Lachesis muta - - - - - -132 Land tortoises - - - - -183 Lasioderma testacea - - - • 77 leilus (Urania) ----- 76 ) Index. leporinus (XoctUio) 204 licus (Cast Ilia) linnei (Fhihimpelas) Locusts Luc ilia horn inivorax inacruruin (Ophion) marfhenia (^Siderone) Mildew on roses Momotns hahamensis Morpho murinus (Eunectes) muta ( Lachesis) Mutilla Mygale Mynneleontid(t Noctilio leporinus Notarcha silicalis - noxialis (Dei'inatohia) Ophion macrurum Otter oryza (Sitophihis) - Papilio cresphontes Papilio argesilaiis - palmaruni (Calandra) Parasol ant Perij)atus - Peripatus edwardsii pellenea (Actinote) - perforans (Xyleborus) prasina (Scolopendra) pernyi (Anthercea) - Pristis antiquorum - Rhizophagus impressicolis Scorpion, Sting of Scolopendra prasina Seps tridactyla Siderone marthesia silicalis [Notarchia) Sitophihis oryza Sph$nophoru3 hemipt«rufi Spiders trap door - Sphyrinas xyyoena • spectrum ( Vampyrus) Stone axes - Tannia disease - t-'.stacpa ( Lnsiodprmo '•fl^f viii. Index. Tiger beetles --..-. 109 Trilohiima ferrugineum - - - - 11 Trinidad Bomhyces - - - - 133 tridactyla (Seps) - - - - - 134 Tucuche, ascent of - - - - - 261 Typhmafumata - - - - - 11 TyiMops reticulatus - - - - 292 Two headed Snakes - - - - 292 Urania leilus - • - - - - 76 Vampyrus spectrum - . 249 Xylehorus perforans - - - - - 11 xypoena [Sphyrinas) - . 181 q '^- '- X^, a ^->^si Vol. 1. AUGUST, 18!):^. TVo. 3, J'engage done tons a hntcr dans l.iii:, ,\ii:. t^^uu t\ : • hujI;', toute allusion depassant les liimtcs de la discnssimi la plm iinc'iif I'l lit plus conrliiist'. - Larovlb'B'ne. ^s^^i hk/f^/y NATURA MAXIME MIRANDA IN MINIMIS ^Jubliiation U'ltittntittiM" : H. CARACCIOLO. Eso . Pies/dait. Esq.. MA. Prof P CARMODY, F LC. ; SYL DEVENiSH, Mr R R MOEE. CONTENTS Report of Club Meetings 51 Eunectes Murinu-s 56 Lncilia Homini\<)ra.\ 59 The Ichneumon 62 Scale Insects 64 Guava attacked by Aieyrodes 65 Orange Diseases 66 Gynandromorphism 67 CEcodoma Cephalotes 68' Description of a New Butterfly 70 Elementar)- Entcimology 72 MiKKiiR' (_)tftce, Port-oi-Spain ESTABLISHED A.D. 1843. COLONIAL DISPENSARY, TELEPHONE No. 114. Wholesale and Retail Druggist, •i, FREDERICK STREET, PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD, Keeps always in stock the Purest Drutis and Chemicals, Perfumery, Surgical Instruments and ApplianceB, Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti- cles, Confectionery, Biscuits, Liiiueura, Wines, Preserved Meats, &c. PR ICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. PEDRO PRADA, 3C5, Iviiitj Sti*«-*-t, l*<>i-t-<>l- Spain, Tl^I?TT\II>A.l>, NVUOLESALK AND RETAIL DRY GOODS MERCHANT. Koady Made Clothhiii, VmA^ and Shoes, Hats. Umbrellas, iX.:c.. Guns and Aiiiiiiuiiitions, Furniture. &c , A:c. hifltablished A.D 1886. Telephone No. 128. DRUGGIST, Importer <>t" Fi'esli Diims. GheniicaLs and Plianuaceutical Preparations. English, French & American Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. Perfumery, Soaps. Hi'ushes. etc., etc. BEST QUALITY ONL Y KEPT IN STOCK. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Dispensed with the Choicest Dru^s at any hour, day or iiij:;ht, at moderate prices. Family Medi- cine Cheats tilled up with appropriate Medicines. Fresh Supplies every Mail. THE "CREOLE PHARMACY," South-Eastern Corner of Upper Prince St. & Brunswick Square, PORT-OF-SPAI N , TRI NIDAD. JOURNAL ^{qU >[^tufkli^t^' Club. Vol. I. AUGUST, 1892. No. 3. REPORT OF CLUB MEETINGS. Sevehal members of tlie Club having expressed the opinion tbat the Journal shoukl

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