his WAYFARERway here→ o right Jeremy Tankard Typography www.typography.net Wayfarer From Lincoln travel north along the A57, over the Fossdyke Continue forward onto the A57, Navigation at Saxilby to the Dunham Toll bridge. Dutifully through Odder, through Saxilby ↓ pay the twenty-fi ve pence toll to cross the River Trent At Drinsey Nook Junction, branch and continue on the A57 to join the A1 at Markham Moor. left, follow sign to Worksop ↓ At Markham Moor you can see the 1950s hypar structure Continue over the Dunham Toll (a hyperbolic paraboloid) designed by Sam Scorer, now home Bridge ↓ to a Little Chef restaurant. Follow the A1 north, leaving at Continue forward onto the A57, Elkesley to rejoin the A57 towards Worksop and Sheffi eld. through Whimpton Moor, through Darlton Pass the Wilkinson head offi ce and distribution centre, ↓ nestled neatly amongst trees, and a new B&Q distribution At Markham Moor roundabout take the 4th exit onto the A1 centre (a huge grey hangar, thankfully behind more trees). (signposted Doncaster) Continue along the A57 and, after going over what feels like ↓ Continue forward onto the A1, hundreds of roundabouts, you eventually arrive in Sheffi eld. through Elkesley ↓ At roundabout take the 2nd The city of Sheffi eld is geographically located 53°23' N, exit onto the A57 (signposted 1°28' W. It is surrounded by seven hills and is placed at the Worksop) ↓ confl uence of fi ve rivers one of which, the River Sheaf, lends Continue forward onto the A57, its name to the city. It has a long industrial history, most through Worksop ↓ famously for steel production. Typographically it is important . lots of roundabouts, follow as home of the type foundry Stephenson, Blake & Co. signs to Sheffi eld . ↓ This booklet was printed in Sheffi eld and it was for Sheffi eld Continue on A57 to Sheffi eld that this type was originally designed. based on www.aaroutemap.co.uk 1 Main text is Wayfarer Regular 9 on 13 Atelier Works originally commissioned the typeface for use It was also an opportunity to widen the typographic with a new city centre wayfi nding system for Sheffi eld.¹ It references for the new font. I was keen to look at other early had been thought the existing type Granby Condensed would sans serif types, especially those from Stephenson, Blake be suitable. The Granby family of types was developed during and most notably their Grotesque series.³ These most the 1930s as Stephenson, Blake’s contribution to the general idiosyncratic of designs are full of warmth, have an informal cashing in of other foundries on the popularity of Monotype’s rhythm and a vitality to their shapes, all of which help create Gill Sans and the geometric sans serifs being introduced interesting word patterns. These types fell out of favour by the continental type foundries. Many of the detailing as designers looked to the cleaner and more standardised features found in Granby link it closely to other types of that forms of later interpretations of the idea of the grotesque period. The most obvious infl uence is that of the London type. The Swiss School in particular did much to launch such Underground typeface.² This is not surprising as Stephenson, Stephenson, Blake’s Granby ‘neo-grotesque’ types into the ubiquity of use they still enjoy Blake were involved in the production of the Johnston wood today, off ering a more functional image and an extended letter used by London Underground. range of integrated weights and styles. Application of the original Granby Condensed type was, however, diffi cult practically. It was not available in digital The London Underground type The lower case of Wayfarer form, and felt to be just too condensed, with the proportion incorporates a variety of terminal of ascender to x-height, too uncomfortable for use on the endings, to refl ect the informal acefghlpq quality of the Grotesque types signing project. So there arose an opportunity to design a new typeface and at the same time tailor it to the specifi c needs of the Sheffi eld project. A new type could address the The rhythm of Wayfarer is similar to that of Granby, but it formal requirements of a signing context, while retaining is combined with an approach to character detailing which Street = St the characteristic diamond dot of the Granby faces. echoes the informal variety found in the Grotesques. Road = Rd For this release, the typeface has been expanded and an Sons = Sons accompanying italic added. The character set now covers Brothers = Bros most languages that use the Latin letter and includes many Superior small capitals in use useful extras such as small capitals, arrows, superiors and fractions. As a feature of Wayfarer, superior small capitals have been included. Examples of their use can typically be found in contractions on older street name lettering and in 1. Information about the design some business names. company Atelier Works can be found at www.atelierworks.co.uk 2. The London Underground Left: Granby Condensed typeface was designed in 1916 by Right: Grotesque № 8 Edward Johnston. 3. A large family of types based on nineteenth-century models. 2 3 Wayfarer Regular Wayfarer Italic CAPITALS CAPITALS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÈÉÊĚËĒ ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÈÉÊĚËĒ ĔĖĘĜĞĠĢĤĦÌÍÎĨÏĪĬİĮIJĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅ ĔĖĘĜĞĠĢĤĦÌÍÎĨÏĪĬİĮIJĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅ ÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒŔŘŖŚŜŠŞȘŤŢŦÙÚÛ ÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒŔŘŖŚŜŠŞȘŤŢŦÙÚÛ ŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻŊÐÞ ŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻŊÐÞ LOWERCASE LOWERCASE abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģ àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģ ĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņòóôõöōŏőøǿœŕřŗ ĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņòóôõöōŏőøǿœŕřŗ śŝšşșßťţŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžżŋðþ śŝšşșßťţŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžżŋðþ SMALL CAPITALS SMALL CAPITALS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÈÉÊĚËĒĔĖĘ ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÈÉÊĚËĒĔĖĘ ĜĞĠĢĤĦÌÍÎĨÏĪĬİĮIJĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅ ĜĞĠĢĤĦÌÍÎĨÏĪĬİĮIJĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅ ÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒŔŘŖŚŜŠŞȘŤŢŦ ÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒŔŘŖŚŜŠŞȘŤŢŦ ÙÚÛŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻŊÐÞ ÙÚÛŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻŊÐÞ LIGATURES LIGATURES fb ffb fffh ffh fi ffifj ffj fk ffk fķ ffķ fl ffl fþ fb ffb ff fh ffh fi ffi fj ffj fk ffk fķ ffķ fl ffl fþ 4 5 SUPERIORS SUPERIORS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz FIGURES, CURRENCY & RELATED FORMS FIGURES, CURRENCY & RELATED FORMS [DEFAULT] 0123456789€$¢£ƒ¥ [DEFAULT] 0123456789€$¢£ƒ¥ [TABULAR] 0123456789€$£¥ [TABULAR] 0123456789€$£¥ [OLDSTYLE] 0123456789€$£¥ [OLDSTYLE] 0123456789€$£¥ [TABULAR] 0123456789€$£¥ [TABULAR] 0123456789€$£¥ [SMALL CAPITAL] 0123456789€$£¥ [SMALL CAPITAL] 0123456789€$£¥ [SUPERIOR] ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁺*⁼⁽⁾ [INFERIOR] ₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉89:₍₎ [SUPERIOR] ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁺⁼⁽⁾ [INFERIOR] ₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉'()₍₎ [NUMERATOR] 0123456789+−=() [DENOMINATOR] 0123456789+−=() [NUMERATOR] 0123456789+−=() [DENOMINATOR] 0123456789+−=() ½⅓⅔¼¾]^_`ab⅛⅜⅝⅞ ½⅓⅔¼¾LMNOPQ⅛⅜⅝⅞ ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ l m n o p q ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ [ \ ] ^ _ ` ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ +−±×÷=≠≈~^<>≤≥¬◊|¦∞∂∫√ΔΩ∏∑μπ ⁄ +−±×÷=≠≈~^<>≤≥¬◊|¦∞∂∫√ΔΩ∏∑μπ ⁄ %‰№℮¤ℓ°ªº %‰№℮¤ℓ°ªº PUNCTUATION & MARKS PUNCTUATION & MARKS '"‘’‘’“”“”‚„‹›‹›«»«».,:;…··!¡¡!¡?¿¿?¿ '"‘’‘’“”“”‚„‹›‹›«»«».,:;…··!¡¡!¡?¿¿?¿ &&()()()[][][]{}{}{}\/*†‡§¶•#_--––—— &&()()()[][][]{}{}{}\/*†‡§¶•#_--––—— @@@©©℗℗®™ @@@©©℗℗®™ ARROWS ARROWS ←↑→↓↖↗↘↙←↑→↓↖↗↘↙ ←↑→↓↖↗↘↙←↑→↓↖↗↘↙ ACCENTS ACCENTS ``´´ˆˆˇˇ̕˜˜¨¨¯¯˘˘˚˚˝˝˙˙¸˛̦ ``´´ˆˆˇˇ̕˜˜¨¨¯¯˘˘˚˚˝˝˙˙¸˛̦ 6 7 IN PHARETRA RISUS AC ARCU. Vivamus nunc. Ut WAYFARER LIGHT 11 ON 14 eu nulla. Donec lobortis dui ac velit. Fusce justo tortor, accumsan ut, vulputate non, vestibulum vel, ante. Cras at neque eget quam aliquet auctor. Pellentesque a nisl quis erat sodales iaculis. Aliquam accumsan viverra ante. Cras sed purus. A 1 Etiam posuere ipsum egestas turpis. Integer volutpat. Sed in elit. In congue magna eget mi. ( Worksop 9 ) Vestibulum lectus. Nullam varius pellentesque Doncaster 22 est. Nullam aliquam nunc. Proin hendrerit, libero ( Sheffi eld 26 ) CURABITUR AT PURUS. SED METUS. In semper, WAYFARER REGULAR 11 ON 14 metus non pretium blandit, ante quam tristique lacus, ut faucibus massa metus at purus. Aliquam lectus felis, pulvinar at, eleifend ac, pellentesque non, orci. Curabitur lacus. Curabitur feugiat faucibus magna. Fusce facilisis feugiat sem. Aliquam elit nibh, adipiscing hendrerit, tempus et, ullamcorper sit amet, lacus. Duis sollicitudin varius diam. Aenean orci lacus, laoreet et, vehicula quis, laoreet a, lorem. In hac CRAS IACULIS MAURIS SIT AMET LECTUS. Fusce WAYFARER MEDIUM 11 ON 14 nunc pede, tincidunt nec, egestas dignissim, convallis venenatis, metus. Morbi mattis turpis vel lectus. Duis molestie, massa sed volutpat interdum, risus massa fringilla nunc, in iaculis sem arcu eget nisl. Aenean molestie mattis sapien. Maecenas vel purus non magna ornare aliquam. Donec urna. Donec ante. Proin metus urna, porttitor vulputate, lobortis ut, feugiat vel, odio. Mauris auctor, urna ornare egestas For further more detailed showings visit the Wayfarer page at www.typography.net VIVAMUS SCELERISQUE. Sed justo dolor, WAYFARER SEMIBOLD 11 ON 14 rhoncus at, fringilla eu, elementum sed, elit. THE ROUTE MASTER Duis et metus. Aliquam congue rhoncus neque. Praesent nulla. Sed diam diam, lobortis at, semper vitae, molestie a, tellus. Aliquam vitae velit. Duis ante. Aliquam fringilla sodales lectus. Peak District National Park Morbi elementum metus quis urna. In diam. Donec sit amet tortor. Curabitur id elit. Praesent pretium nibh sit amet nisl. Vestibulum ipsum. Integer neque nisl, tristique vel, scelerisque PROIN TINCIDUNT. PRAESENT NON nibh non WAYFARER BOLD 11 ON 14 London Rd nisl eleifend condimentum. Suspendisse metus mauris,
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