Women's Liberation and Speaker Series by GREG ERICKSON ple have to be against white people." That, she says, is be- (I wanted to start this cause "men are agents for with a personal touch, but Miss Kennedy the system." 101. 2 No. 0 OCTOBER 2I„ 1970 FREE I don't know what to say. also urges strikes during Allow me to tell you why I which women do not make Workers, and a supporter of the University Speak- ying degrees of violence. feel inadequate. FOCUS: bank deposits or retail pur- ment of The such politicians as John and that it will be con- angrier Oakland, in its search for chases. She suggests that one er Series blacks have been Robert Kennedy, Eugene sort of Hunt- known to burn down some someone to write a hype day each month be selected ducted in "a McCarthy, and George Mc- panel dis- slums, the for Friday's guests made a as a period in which all angry ley-Brinkley type angrier draft-re- Govern. I wish I could tell sisters have supremely incompetent sel- women should assert their cussion fashion" for one burned some Sel- you some of the things ection. I have no right to be positions. "The society can she hour, followed by periods ective Service records, and has said, but I have had some doing this article because (1) be stopped cold dead if ev- for group discussion. the angrier women have burn- problems in that respect. The I have been, in frequent nar- erybody resists oppression. Three of the many groups ed some bras. The degree of pages on which her essay in row-minded periods of my That's why strikes are good:' of people which I would con- violence seems to be a func- Time appeared had been rip- life, a male chauvinist, sexist, Miss Steinem is a white, sider to be oppressed are the tion of time and organiza- ped out of the O.U. library's racist, capitalist war-monger- successful co-editor and col- blacks, the draft-age men, tion. Black people have copy, and the two Time sub- ing pig;(2) all I know about umnist for New York maga- and the women of the United been organized longest. And scribers I contracted had women's lib is what I read zine, a recent essayist for States. Clearly, not every they have been unsuccessful thrown out that particular in the male chauvinist, sex- Time, and a contributor to member of these groups is in achieving their group's issue. I couldn't find a copy ist, racist, capitalist war-mon- many other publications. completely dissatisfied with goals for the longest time. of New York magazine any- gering newspapers and maga- She was one of the organiz- his lot. However, those who I believe what I have been where. Women's liberation zines and (3) I should be ers of Writers and Editors are seem to have a lot to be attempting to say is that is indeed a controversial sub- home studying for an exam. Against the War in Vietnam, dissatisfied about. The every oppressive second ject. But know I'm going most disturbed are protest- breeds another bunch of you to a fund-raiser for Cesar Chav- I have been informed by ing this oppression with var- such frustrated folks. As tell you, anyway.) ez and the United Farm the organizers of this seg- This Friday at 1:00 in time drags on and on, it may the Oakland Center Gold i well begin to seem to these Room, two of the foremost people that the only way to campaigners for freedom, decrease apathy is to burn equality and other things something up. That isn't for women, blacks and other good, but it's true. folks will speak about "Wo- The involvement of man's Role in the Seventies:' Gloria Steinem and Florynce Their names are Florynce Kennedy in the issues facing Kennedy and Gloria Steinem. black, brown, and white men Miss Kennedy is a black, and women should indicate successful lawyer and author their concern for human of a new book called Abor- beings as a whole. Since tion Rap. In the past, she all FOCUS: Oakland read- has been a strong supporter ers are human, all FOCUS: of civil rights and what she Oakland readers should go terms "consumerism." It is listen on Friday. They will her view that "women have be talking about us. Let's to be against men for the stop making so many folks Florynce Kennedy and Gloria Steinem same reason that black peo- so angry. Obowd Releases Results Of Meeting With ABS (The following was released on A statement of agreements ton, Acting Vice President for ant to state that most of the offenders and the hearing will October 15 by President Don- reached by President Donald Student Affairs and Dean of concerns voiced by black stud- be conducted on Tuesday, Oct. ald O'Dowd. It.is a summary O'Dowd and Oakland Univer- Students, James Bullock, As- ents were directly related to 13. A seven member ad hoc of the agreements reached on sity black students represented sistant to the Provost, and Jesse their educational environment committee composed of three Tuesday, October 6 in a meet- by Miss Adrienne Edmonson, Ingram, Associate Director of and with substantive changes persons appointed by the Pres. , ing with representatives of the Thomas Love, Stanley Childress Upward Bound. necessary to increase the value two recommended by the black students of Oakland Un- and Anthony Thornton. Also of Oakland University's acad- accusers and two recommend- iversity.) participating were James A pple At the outset, it is import- emic program for black stud- ed by the students charged ents. Any other interpretation will review the case and deter- would misrepresent the integ- mine appropriate adjudication. rity of the black students and The Pres. has named Professor the importance of the deliber- Carl Vann as Chairman, staff ations conducted during the member Mrs. Augustine week of October 5. Wright and student Roy De- The agreements are sum- Rousie to the hearing com- marized as follows: mittee. 1. A closed hearing will be In addition, new information held to review the charges on this case will be sought by Oakian against the two Oakland Univ- the Office of Public Safety and, ersity students accused of pos- if available, reviewed with civil session of a dangerous weapon authorities to determine whe- and the use of that weapon in ther or not the case may be a manner which was threaten- pursued further in the courts. ing to two complainants. Reg- ular procedures as outlined in 2. A commitment was made the Oakland University Stud- to conduct an unannounced ent Handbook will be employ- search for firearms and other ed. The charges have been weapons in all residence halls Zlnioerse communicated to the alleged cont. next page TWO I FOCUS OCTOBER 21,1970 ABS Demands cont. from p. 1 behavior by faculty members at some future but unspecified was tabled until a follow-up time. The authority for sched- meeting. uling such a search is retained by the Vice President for Stud- 6. Agreement was reached on ent Affairs. Since students in the absolute necessity for in- the residence halls have access creasing the number of black to information regarding fire- faculty in all departments for arms and other weapons, a re- purposes of counseling and A letter commendation to search, teaching, with particular em- to the news editor: made by the Association of phasis in Engineering, Business ,,Black Students, the residence Management, Mathematics, Dear Mr. Fulk: I must take hall staff or the Inter-Hall Biology', Chemistry, and Physics issue with you concerning issue no. Council will be given serious The Provost will be responsible 5, vol. 2, of FOCUS: Oakland. attention. Among others, the for detailing with departments Just where do you get President of ABS will be con- a program of involvement in off putting a tortoise sulted prior to any search. seeking candidates on the part with four right legs on the cover of a A search for firearms and of black students. It was fur- newspaper? I mean, weapons will be conducted on ther agreed that black students tsk-tsk, and REALLY! And who is this each floor by a team composed in a given department will be Mike Ber- ger guy? Just of the resident assistant, a requested to participate in who does he think he is, white student, a black student interviewing black faculty can- telling us we can't fight and a fourth student (black if didates for that department. racism in Pontiac until we're the RA is white and white if The President shared present perfect? What would the RA is black). Further programs and plans for recruit- George, this guy you call "the guidelines will be arranged ment of black faculty already true revolutionary',' say -- I shortly so that very little ad- underway and his commitment mean, was he perfect when he vance warning to staff will be to a minimum of one black threw off the shac- kles of necessary at the time of im- person in each department of oppression from all those poor slobs in plementation. These guidelines six or more persons. No new the col- IThilis puts Harrci and Dolores Burdick on the stand. onies? will be publicized. positions are presently author- What are these Kinney ized in any department. Im- people trying to pull, telling 3. A personnel change was re- plementation and further de- hope born in barn us the student leaders at Oct• quested and agreement reached.
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