Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam BBBiiinnndududu Issue No. 107 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications 18 July 2005 Śrī Śayana Ekādaśī, 26 Vāmana, 519 Gaurābda Circulation 1,590 • OUR MISSION His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada • KALI’S INFLUENCE Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode • KRISHNA IS NOT AN OBJECT OF OUR MUNDANE VISION From the life of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada • THE STORY OF GULIKA Highlights Highlights Nārada Purāa 1.37.19-69 PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO OUR MISSION We are simply encouraging everyone, “Chant the Hare Krishna mantra. What is the diffi- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta culty? Simply chant Hare Krishna and dance.” Swami Prabhupada —Dharma: The Way of Transcendence, chapter 2. Wherever we go, we install this Before me so many swamis came in this Krishna deity, we work for country. They could not present the real thing. Krishna, we print books for They wanted some money and went away. Krishna, we distribute books for That is all. This Krishna consciousness move- Krishna, we beg everyone to be- ment is not like that. We want to give some- come Krishna’s bhakta. There- thing to the Western countries. That is our fore it is Krishna consciousness. We have no purpose. We have not come to beg. We have other business than Krishna. As Krishna says, to give something. That is my mission. They sarva-dharmān parityajya mām eka śaraa come here to beg, “Give me rice, give me dal, vraja [Bg. 18.66]. We are doing that. We have give me wheat, give me money,” but I have no other business. come here to give something of Indian cul- —Pandal lecture. Delhi. 10 November 1973. ture. That is the difference. It is our duty to make all unfortunate crea- —Śrīmad Bhāg. lecture. New York. 6 July 1972. tures fortunate. That is our mission. Therefore, Practice bhakti-yoga, be Krishna conscious, we go into the street and chant. Although they and make your life successful. That is our say “can’t”, we go on chanting. That is our mission. It is not a business, that, “Give me duty. And if somehow or other we place some some money then I will teach you.” It is open. literature in someone’s hand, he becomes for- We are asking everyone, “Chant the Hare tunate. He would have squandered his hard- Krishna mantra. What is the difficulty? There earned money in so many nasty, sinful ways, is no loss. You haven’t got to pay anything.” but if he purchases even one book, regardless —Śrīmad Bhāg. lecture. Hyderabad. 21 April 1974. of the price, his money is properly utilized. This Our mission should be that first we must is the beginning of his Krishna consciousness. assimilate all of the knowledge given by all —Teachings of Queen Kunti, chapter 13. the great saintly persons — Krishna and oth- Our mission is to teach this science. It is ers — and distribute this knowledge all over not a business — “Give me some money, and the world. The whole world is also expecting I will teach you.” The knowledge is free. that, therefore as soon as the rascal swami next column !!! !!! Issue One hundred seven, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu top left 2 Top right 2 goes there, they immediately gather: “Here is mundane and is Kali’s residence. One must one swami from India. We may get some- give up all such mundane desires. thing.” But they are cheating. They are cheat- — From Sajjana To aī 15.2 ing, taking money, having illicit sex, enjoy- — From Śrī Bhaktivinoda Vāī Vaibhava chapters 7 and 91. ing, and coming back. Therefore, they could Compiled by and with questions from Sri Sundarananda Vidyavinode. Translated by Sri Bhumipati Das, Published not do anything. But the whole world is wait- by Sri Iswara Das and Touchstone Media. Vrindavan. 2002. ing for India’s culture, India’s bhakti, and India’s spiritual knowledge. KRISHNA IS NOT AN OBJECT Nectar of Devotion . — lecture Bombay. OF OUR MUNDANE VISION 7 January 1973. From the life of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission is to Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada make everyone’s life successful. Everyone Once, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta become happy. That is everyone’s mission. Saraswati Prabhupada was “Everyone’’ means those who are devotees. standing on the front porch of How will people become happy? That is the Sri Chaitanya Math temple their mission. It is not that we start a mis- taking darshan of the deities sion just to make some money and to fill up of Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga- our hungry belly. No. It is a mission to see Gandharvika-Giridhari. The that everyone is happy in Krishna con- door to the altar is not very wide and Srila sciousness. This is the mission. Prabhupada did not have his glasses on. —Lecture. Bombay. 19 March 1972. Standing next to him was one of his dear dis- Let our society be very pure. ekaś candras ciples. The disciple thought perhaps tamo hanti na ca tārā — One moon is suffi- Prabhupada could not view the deities very cient. There is no need of millions of stars. well through the narrow doorway. He said, One moon gives light. If we can make one “Prabhupada, this doorway is not very wide. person fully Krishna conscious, then our It will be difficult for you to see the deities mission is successful. What is the use of mil- from here.” lions of twinkling stars? When he heard this, Prabhupada smiled — Room Conversation. Bombay. 7 January 1977. and gave the following teaching for the ben- efit of us all: “We should not think of the Su- KALI’S INFLUENCE preme Lord as an object of our mundane vi- Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode sion. We should rather consider how we In the following article, Srila Thakur might become worthy objects of his vision. Bhaktivinode speaks about the influence of Kali, Then he will both want to see us and reveal the presiding deity of the present age of quarrel. himself to us.” Who are Kali’s agents? atah śrī-k a-nāmādi na bhaved grāhyam indriyai The agents of Kali are those who accept sevonmukhe hi jihvādau svayam eva sphuraty ada the disciplic succession of Sri Krishna “The holy name, form, qualities and pastimes of Chaitanya but secretly do not follow the Sri Krishna are divine and transcendental. They rules and regulations laid down by the cannot be experienced by material senses. The Lord manifests Himself spontaneously on the disciplic succession. tongue of a devotee who is eager to serve Him.” — From Śrī Mana-śik ā, chapter 2. (BRS 1.2.109) What is the duty of a tolerant person? — Remembrance by Sri Srimad Bhakti Pramod Puri Maha- If anyone blasphemes you, you should toler- raja. Of Love in Separation. Mandala Publishing Group. San ate it. Do not insult anyone. Taking shelter of Rafael, California. 2001. Page 21. the material body, you should not envy any- HE TORY OF ULIKA one else. There is no doubt that lust is a place T S G where Kali can reside. Becoming lusty to serve Nārada Purāa 1.37.19-69 Krishna is transcendental and is known as Formerly, in the Satya-yuga, there was a hunter love of God. To desire sense gratification is named Gulika. He was always attempting to !!! !!! TopSri leftKrishna-kathamrita 3 Bindu top right 3Issue One hundred seven, Page — 3 abduct other men’s wives and take away “That person who is always tolerant even when other men’s wealth. He constantly criticized he is being harassed is the most excellent man. others and regularly tortured other crea- He is forever the favorite of Lord Vishnu. (text 34) tures. He killed brāhmaas and cows by the sujano na yāti vaira parahitabuddhir vināśakāle’pi chede hundreds and thousands. So many great ‘pi candana-taru surabhayati mukha ku harasya sins were committed by him that it is im- “Even at the time of death, a good man thinks of possible to enumerate them even in the the welfare of others, and does not become inimi- course of millions of years. cal to his offender. Even when cut, a sandalwood Once, this great sinner, who could be tree renders the edge of the axe fragrant. (text 35) compared to the god of death in regard to “Alas! Fate is very powerful. It afflicts his dealings with creatures, went to the people in many ways. Even a man who has capital city of the King of Sauvira. The given up all contact with worldly affairs is kingdom was filled with all kinds of riches. being harassed by the wicked-minded. It was opulently decorated with well- Many people in this world are oppressed adorned women and lakes of translucent for no reason. Even a saintly person who water as well as trading centers. It was has given up everything material is harassed comparable to the city of the gods. There by backbiters and critics. was a beautiful temple of Vishnu situated mga-mīna-sajjanānā ta-jala-santosa-vihita-vttīnām in the middle of a park therein, covered with lubdhakādhīvara-piśunā ni kāraa-vairio jagati golden domes resembling pots. Seeing this, “In this universe, the hunter, the fisherman and the hunter was very pleased. Ardently long- the fault-finding critics are the causeless en- ing for wealth to steal, he decided, “I shall emies of the deer, the fish and good people who take away much gold from here,” and he maintain themselves with grass, water and con- went into the temple.
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