No. F. 3(S-2027)-FWPM/SHFWS/2010(Sub-l) State Health & Family Welfare Society National Rural Health Mission! Health Directorate Building (3,d floor), Pandit Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala. Dated, Agartala, the~ t>C\ /2012 MEMORANDUM The Attendants (AYUSH) are hereby allowed to continue their services under State Health & Family Welfare Society, NRHM for further period of 6 (six) months w.e.f 1st October 2012 or till discontinuation of NRHM Scheme whichever is earlier as per previous Terms & Conditions laid down in their offer of appointment. The continuation order is liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereotwith one month's prior notice on either side. ~~ -- Secretary & Mission Director NRHM: Tripura Copy to: 1. The PSto the Hon'ble Health Minister, Govt. of Tripura for kind information. 2. The PSto the Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. ofTripura for information. 3. The PA to the Director of Health Services, Govt. of Tripura for Information. 4. The PA to the Director of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Tripura for information. 5. The Member Secretary, State Health & Family Welfare Society for information. 6. The Chief Medical Officer West, Agartala/Khowai, Khowai/Shipahijala, Bishalgarh/Gomati, Udaipur/ South, Belonia/ Unakoti, Kailashahar/ North, Dharmanagar/ Dhalai, Ambassa for information and necessary action. 7. Medical Superintendent IGM Hospital! AGMC & GBP Hospital! RGM Hospital! Tripura Sundari District Hospital for information and necessary action. 8. Dr. Debasish Das, State Programme Officer RCH (000), SHFWS, Tripura for information and necessary action. 9. The Branch Officer (AYUSH), Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of Tripura for information and necessary action. 10. The Sub-Divisional Medical Officers, Khowai/ Bishalgarh/ Sonamura/Amarpur/Belonia/sabroom/Kamalpur/Gandacherra/LTV(Longtharai Valley)/ Dharmanagar/ Kanchanpur for lnformationand necessary action. 11. Deputy Director Finance, SHFWS, Tripura for information and necessary action. 12. The MO I/C for information and __~essary action. ~. Website Section, SHFWS, Tripura for Update the information in the website. 14 for information. ~~ ~;:;~"'L ----=::==-_ ....• Secretary & Mission Director NRHM: Tripura --- No.F.l (150) AYUSHlDHS/20 12(Sub-II) National Rural Health Mission Health Directorate Building, 1st floor Pt. Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti Agartala, Tripura Dated, Agartala the :3! 1 (/; /2012 ORDER Based on appraisal of the performance of the under mention Medical Officers (Homoeo & Ayurved) and Pharmacist (Homo eo) are hereby allowed to continue under State Health & Family Welfare Society under NRHM for further period of 11 (eleven) months with effect from the date as noted in column 4 as per previous terms & conditions laid down in their offer of appointment. If the incumbents accept the offer of continuations, a report is to be submitted to the concerned In-Ch arge 0f the Hea lth InstitI utiIons. SL Name of the M.O Date of Place of Posting NO. (HOMOEO) continuation (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 Dr. Ayan Ray Fatikroy PHC, Kaiiashahar,Unakoti District 22-07-2012 2 Dr. Partha Sarati Ray Gandachara Sub-Divisional Hospital, 19-07-2012 Dhalai District Dr.Shyarntanu Acharya 19-07-2012 3 Atharabhola PHC, Udaipur, Gomati District Dr. Kajal Ghosh 13-06-2012 4 Ampura PHC,Khowai, Khowai District Dr. Subrata Lodh Niharnagar PHC, Belonia, South District 19-07-2012 5 Dr. Ananya Das Narsinghar PHC, Mohanpur, West Tripura 19-07-2012 6 Dr. Sukhendu Debnath 19-07-2012 7 Dhanpur PHC, Sonamura, Sipahijala District Dr. Tanusree Debbarma Bishramganj PHC, Bishalghar, Sipahijala 01-09-2012 8 District 9 Dr. Mithun Das Anandanagar PHC,Bishalghar, Sipahijala District 16-06-2012 SL Name of the M.O Date of Place of Posting NO. (AYURVED) continuation (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 Dr. Rahul Das Atharabhola PHC, Udaipur, Gomati District 05-07-2012 2 Dr. Joydeep Chakraborty Khowai SOH, Khowai District 07-07-2012 3 Dr. Subrata Debbarma Bishramganj Pl:{C, Bishalghar, Sipahijala 04-09-2012 District 4 Dr. Russel Bhattacharjee Nakashipara PHC, Kamalpur, Dhalai District 08-07-2012 5 Dr. Debajyoti Teliamura CHC(R.H), Teliamura, Khowai 01-09-2012 Bhattacharrya, District 6 Dr. Apama Sen (Kar), Boxanagar PHC, Bishalghar, Sipahijala District 05-07-2012 7 Dr. Joyita Das, Anandanagar PHC, Bishalghar, 05-07-2012 Sipahijala District 7 Dr. Joyita Das, Anandanagar PHC, Bishalghar, 05-07-2012 Sipahijala District 8 Dr. Manojit Debnath, Chebri PHC, Khowai, Khowai District 27-09-2012 SL Name of the Pharmacist Date of Place of Posting NO. (Homoeo) continuation 1 2 3 4 1 Smt. Lipika Das, Takarjala CHC,Bishalghar, Sipahijala District 28-09-2012 2 Sri Debesh Debnath, Dayarampara PHC, Bishalgarh, Sipahijala District 28-09-2012 3 Sri Suman Sarkar, Dhanpur PHC, Sonamura, Sipahijala District 28-09-2012 4 Smt. Papri Chakraborty, Bishramganj PHC, Bishalghar, Sipahijala 27-08-2012 District The offer of continuation is liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof:vith one month's prior notice on either side. To All Concerned Copy to:- 1. The Director of Health Services, Govt. of Tripura for information. 2. The Director of Family Welfare & P.M Govt. of Tripura for information. 3. The Member Secretary, SHFWS (NRHM) for information. 4. Brach Officer (AYUSH), Directorate of Health Services for information. 5. The Chief Medical Officer, West, Agartala Tripura/ Sepahijala District, (Bishalgarh) I Gomati District (Udaipur) I Khowai District, (Khowai) I Unakoti District, (Kailashahar)/Dhalai District, (Ambassa)1 South District, (Belonia) for information. 6. The Sub-Divisional Medical Officer, Bishalghar, Sipahijala District ISonamura, Sipahijala District IBelonia, South District /Gandachara, Dhalai District / Khowai, Khowai District I Mohanpur, West District I Kamalpur, Dhalai District for information and necessary action. 7. Medical Officer In-Charge, Fatikroy PHC, Kaiiashahar,Unakoti District! Atharabhola PHC, Udaipur, Gomati District I Ampura PHC,Khowai, Khowai District I Niharnagar PHC, Belonia, South District I Narsinghar PHC, Mohanpur, West Tripura/ Dhanpur PHC, Sonamura, Sipahijala District I Bishramganj PHC, Bishalghar, Sipahijala District I Anandanagar PHC,Bishalghar, Sipahijala District I Nakashipara PHC, Kamalpur, Dhalai District I Teliamura CHC (R.H), Teliamura, Khowai District I Boxanagar PHC, Bishalghar, Sipahijala District I Chebri PHC, Khowai, Khowai District I Takarjala CHC, Bishalghar, Sipahijala District I Dayarampara PHC, Bishalgarh, Sepahijala District! Dhanpur PHC, Sonamura, Sipahijala District for information. NRHM: Tripura No.F.1 (150) A YUSH/DHS/20 1 I(Sub-II)/Vol-I National Rural Health Mission Health Directorate Building, 151 floor Pt. Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti Agartala, Tripura Dated, Agartala the ;'<1 1 "9 12012 ORDER Based on appraisal of the performance of the under mention Medical Officers (Homoeo & Ayurved) are hereby allowed to continue under State Health & Family Welfare Society under NRHM for further period of II (eleven) months with effect from the date as noted in column 4 or closure ofNRHM whichever is earlier as per previous terms & conditions laid down in their offer of appointment. If the incumbents accept the offer of continuations, a report is to be subm itted to the concerned In-Charge of the Health Institutions. ~-----T---------------------'--------------------------------------~---------' SL Name of the M.O Date of Place of Posting NO. - (HOMOEO) continuation 1----"---+------------=--------------1------------------------------1 2 3 ------------ --------------4 Dr. Swarupa Dayarampara PHC, Bishalghar, Sepahijala 16-06-2012 Biswas(Debnath) District 2 Dr. Nilanjita Chanda, Madhupur PHC, Sepahijala Tripur~__________ Lf-=Q§_-)012 _ 3 Dr. Anamika Goswami, __~9hanpur q-I<::'r-.J~I~~~lPLll2.J!i]:>~I!:.~_(West) =~12-06-2012 4 Dr. Sukhendu Nath-- Ranirbazar PHC, West Tripura --------------.- __19~O_i::2012--- 5 Dr. Gopa Debnath (Deb) Kalachara PHC, _§,,!:!?soom,Sou~!2..I~jQ~ 20-07-20 I~-----l [i=1~fJ~i:~1:0:cc~~-j~~~~tj~t~f~~~I~I~~1~~~~;~,~--~il~!!=-------- ------------------------- ------------- - 1--- --------_ .. - - - ------ - --- -- - ----------- ----- --------------- ----- 10 Dr. Dipan Sankar Dey, Kanchanmala PHC, West Tripura 19-07-2012 -------- -- ------------ --------------- - II Dr. Ayan Das Biswas, Chebri PHC, Khowai, West Tripura 12-06-2012 -- --------------------r------------------------------ ----------------------- -------------------- SL Name of the M.O Date of Place of Posting ~O. __~YURVED) __continuation 1 2 3 4 ---- - ------------------f----------- ------------.- ----------------- - ----------- --------------- I Dr.Dipanwita Roy, Sabroom SDH, SabroolTl, South Tripura 14-07-2012 The offer of continuation is liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof with one month's prior notice on either side. ~~ ---==-- NRHM: Tripura To, All Concerned Copy to: I. The Director of Health Services, Govt. of Tripura for information. 2. The Director of Family Welfare & P.M Govt. of Tripura for information. 3_ The Member Secretary, NRHM for information. 4. Brach Officer (A YUSH), Directorate of Health Services for information. -~ 5. The Chief Medical Officer, West, AgartaJa Tripura/ Bishal2.har, Sepahijala Tripura, / Gomati, Udaipur Tripura/Khowai, Khowai Tripural UnakoJi, Unakoti Tripura for information. 6. The Sub-Divisional Medical Officer, Bishalghar, Sipahijala TripuraiSonamura, Sipahijala TripuraiJirania,West Tripura/Sabroom, South Tripura for information and necessary action. 7. Medical Officer In-Charge, Dayarampara PHC, Bishalghar, Sepahijala District! Madhupur PHC, SepahijaJa Tripural Mohanpur CHC, Mohanpur, Tripura (West)! Ranirbazar PHC, West Tripural Kalachara PHC, Sabroom, South Tripura! Kanchanbari PHC, Unakoti Tripura! Killa PHC, Udaipur, Gomati Tripural Karnalnagar PHC, Sonamura, SepahijaJa Tripura! Kathalia PHC, Sonornura, SipahijaJa Tripura! Kanchanmala PHC, West Tripura/ Chebri PHC, Khowai, West Tripura for information. NRHM:.
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