V t H n t l E E I t dtattdrffltff gttMtfaa fw a tt THURSDAY, DECEMBER t 'AVEEAOE DAILY OIBUUIJITION ■ ta Chapter, o f Beta SIgml Phi for tSo Moeta ol Movemhar, 1881 WEArHEB I wOI awat tonight at 8 o'clodi at the Leen died aa a hasafd U, loaded •< U. « . Mroathm a ABOUT TOWN I Ilotel Sheridan. INSPECT PARKING with parked oara, a lira should I U aitfoie ^ “ twak out. and flra lighting appara- f tus should be unable to reach the 6.029 at tSe AadM iiaiirlyFH fFr S u ftttttg Robert Trim of Detroit scene. m/tm Snow or nibi taniglit aad Friday night l^y the leeal Im- HIcb., la vlalting frlenda In town AREAS A T SQUARE The committee. In Ita Inveatlga-, tone Qt CXrfeletliei day. saghOy •d Order of Red ICen will be tbla waek. He lived here two 3«ara Here Is Our After Christnu In Tinker hall tonight Inataad, ^ n y e ^ rd a y , found that by level­ MANCHESTER — A OTY OF VHXAGE (If ARM ago, bla father being government ling about IS feet into the west aide ~ at 8:8C ahaip. aeronautical Inapector In Baat Hart­ of tht parklet behind the ra ilrr^ ford. Hr. Trlgga waa later trana- UL. LVIL, NO. 77 AdvertM ag on Pnga 13) Selectmen’s Committee h - stotlon, It may be possible to park MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER SI, 1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) amaU namber o f leeervationa ferred to FUat Thrilling p Hh x t h r e e c e n t s •Va < en to Bon-Bteariiera for the cara diagonally, as on Main street, Markdowiik 9 M both sides of the Square, this ▲ m y and N aey rlub'a New Tear'a AH o f the remaining prlaea ea- restigates Problem— To On Coats, Dresses and Millinery ■va party. The affair baa been lim­ giving atalls to a few more autoe. I ipt the 7th, baa been claimed at The parklet Is owned by the rau- Yacht Figures in Sea Tragedy ited to ISO cooplea. AppUcatlona store Open Tomorrow Until 9 P. M. lenney’A “rhe aecoa< an overcoat road company, whose permiaeton I News m y be made at the ehib. A fine _ tea to raiarlea Wagner, 1 1 Ool- Report Monday Night ____________ Closed AD Day Saturday. POLICE OF NATION fe a r abow baa bean planned for the must be obtained before action can way atreet; the aUth, a *3JM ahlrt be taken. aaanlng and danelng wlU oon " to Joaeph Sterling, 103 Hamlin through until 4 a. m. The Rh Selectman L. T. Wood said today atreet; Jm eighth, a pair o f paja- The highway committee o f the Rcff. $25.00 Coats lOnga oreheetra will play for Board of Selectmen, composed of that tba highway committee wui BIGGEST BATTLE OF WAR maa. to Mra. H. S. MePheraon, 105 probably submit a report of ita llnd- PUN TOUGH NIGHT m . The club baa been decorated for Spruce atreet; ninth and tenth Selectmen U T. Wood. David Cbam- Now .............. the aanual event prlaea, a ahlrt and a tie each to bera and Joaeph Pero, iresterday nga to the Board of Selectmen at ..,1 Its next meeting on Monday night. 9*75 Michael Civlelll, 164 South Main afternoon Inapected Depot Square m n ia rn Thom peon pf 46 jpieiv atreet The .-emalnlng prlae un­ and adjacent streeta with a view to Ho said that the committee mem- bere have not yet come to any dell- Rc£T. $19.75 C!oats aaca atreet who baa been aerloualy claimed, la the aeventli. Vo. 9083S. possible Improvement and enlarge­ FOR AUTO SOUSES B1 at Ua home the paat two weelu ment of automobile parking facili­ nlte decision as to the question, nor Now .............. |a BOW conaidcred out o f danger. have any definite recommendations NOW ON BEFORE TERUEL ties there. The parking problem at been decided on. .1 6*75 AUTO INSPECTIONS the Square taae ‘aken the attenUon A ll four gRHipa o f the Hemorlal of the Board since a peUtion from Reg. $22.75 Coats “No Leniency” k New Year’s Boapltal auxillaiy wlU meet Mon­ merchanU at the north end was m- NEW YEAR’S EVE day afternoon at 3 o’clock at the 7. END TOMORROW troduced at a Board meeting laat Now .............. E re Watchword; Many Foundling *38 Assured H . C A., with Mta. D. M. Caldwell'a month, urging that extra apace be ♦ 16*75 ■ ;• .V. '. i group aa booteaaea It wlU be the provided for the use of aboppers. PROGRAMS HERE Over 200,000 Soldiers annual bualneaa aeaalOB and a full Several plant for giving tba sec­ PoEce To Stress Keeping Idtandanca la hoped for. The following motor vehicle In- Rcff. $16.75 Coats apectlon lane locaUona are now in tion a parking area have been ad­ A Rousing Welcome operation but win cloae at 0 vanced, from the aeeurlng of park­ Now ............... Dmnks From Driying. FOR AUJASTES . THnlty Paat Noble Granda will o clock on Friday afternoon, Dec­ ing lots In the rear of the stores to ..*14*75 Are Engaged In Combat laoet with Myriad Rebekah Lodge] ember 81, aa announced aeveral the cutting away of sections of the t t Stafford Springs Wedneaday, I Umea. parkleU in the Square. The nar­ In The State Tonight ganuaty S. at 8 o’clock. Hartford, New Haven, Bridge­ rowness o f North Main atreet 1 Resr. $35.00 C^ats Chicago, Doc. 31. — (A P ) — "N o Manchester Folks Have Op- port Waterbury, Stamford, Tor- W e Are Taking The Now ................ lonlency" waa the watchword today Loyalist O bserrert Cm H V M atgarat 10-yaaiM>Id daughter rtngton. New London, Middletown aa police In acorea o f American B y ASSOCIATED PRESS. Astato liquor commission has an- ICKES’ FINISH o f Mr. and M n. Henry O. LelMer of 9*75 Tlie "bye" words In Connecticut nounced that drinks can be served portmoty To Greet 1938 and WilUmantlc, E9even lanea In •2 cltlea prepared to crack down on the 183 Hackmatack atreet la oonilned all are now In operation. today were "A Happy New Tear” aa three hours beyond the midnight Nearly 200 Rebel P laiii SPECIAL drunken and reckleaa New Tear’s deadline. to bar bed with a brokra collar- Rcgr. $59.50 Coats the state awaited midnight to wel­ bone, auatalned while plasing near “INITIAL” S t e p ova motorist. Special motor patrols In Almost Any Manner A warning to "drive carefully” HGHT ADDRESS come In 1938. bar brnne. Innerapring We lava bnaihaa tor an type, N^ow i.t.-., , . , , , were ordered Into action In many waa sounded by the atate motor In A ir At One Time; M agi of pnwei mnlnra la vtooli aad car 9-75 communities. Police oquada were The fact that the official weather vehicles department which stated In Our January Sale By That Suits Their Desires. forecast was snow or rain for New ^Frofaaaor Elbert C. Lane of the I maka repam wllhnal delay. •4 augmented In many others, ^ m e that "You can’t fool a policeman.” BRlN(;S_pPUES Hartford Seminary Foundation baa MATTRESS trafllo oourt judges joined police In Year’s day failed to dampen the Gov. WUbur L. Cross, in a New Men, Tanks And A rtila iy engaged by the Hen’a League PoUeya — Belting Rear. $45.00 Coats voicing a determination to deal dras­ ardor o f those whose enthusiasm Tear’s message, extended to the mounted os thp hour for celebration ■r the Center Congregational I First Introducing tically with thoae who mix drinking New Tear greeters whe^ier they people of Connecticut "greetings for Now I.T.-. , and driving. neared. Employed Hian At A iy jtimreb to lead Ita Bible claaa for NORTON 9*50 desire to watch the old year depart the New Year and best wishes for Congress Members Disarow ’The National Safety Council ask­ Everywhere In the state, the their health and happiness." Era oonaaeutlve Sunday momlnga *12.95 fo a aolemn or hilarious manner, Foundling 1638 was assured a roar­ fg t:SO, beginning with Sunday, I ELEITRK’AL ed law enforcement offlctala to Commenting on the falling off of Time Daring Cm l W ar. 20 in. X 40 in. H eavy Cannon “clamp down hard" on tipay drivers. will be assured of plenty of oppor­ Her owner shot fatally, on her sails scrawled ah SOS, the yacht ing reception. Restaurants, hotels, employment and Income during the Talk Of Conflict Between IbBuaty 8. AH man o f the church [ Rcfir. $39.50 Coats Only a heavy drop In New Tear’s Aafje (above) was found floating aimlessly off the coast of Mexico road housea and other places of pub- H U ba welcome to attend. We Suffgrest These INSTRUMENT CO. tunity to express themselves this Ute months of 1937, the Chief Exec­ t KEMP'S Pboaa taao Now . ........... eve trafllo fatalities would keep the year In Manchester. No less than by the Cfoast Guard Cutter Peraeua. Six persons aboard had been with­ llo entertainment expected their utive said: HlUard street 9*75 natimi’s 1937 traffic death toll from six public New Year parties will out food or water for three da3ra. Its auxiliary motor was out of fuel tables to be filled. " I t U generaUy agreed, however, People And “60 Families,’’ Madrid, Dec. 81.— (A P )— *j^Mr. and Mra. Stuart J. Waaley of I reaching about 40.000, It said. be held within the toam limits and after what had begun aa a two-day pleasure cruise to Santa Catalina Reservations prices run from as since the economic factors involved M Academy atreet were agreeably “The time has come," the CoUn- Island.
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