Towards a Strategic Management Framework for Engineering of Organizational Robustness and Resilience Der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät / dem Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades Dr. rer. pol. vorgelegt von Florian Maurer, MA aus Bregenz, Österreich Als Dissertation genehmigt von der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät / vom Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Promotionstermin: .. Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: .. Vorsitzende/r des Promotionsorgans: Prof. Dr. Markus Beckmann Gutachter/in: Prof. Dr. Kathrin M. Möslein Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner Abstract I Abstract The concepts of organizational robustness and resilience are essential to organizations to withstand internal and external dynamics, risks, uncertainties and crisis. These concepts enable organizations to innovate within these adverse situation and to find a better position before the occurrence of events. Nevertheless, these concepts are less understood in Service Science research. Main focus within this theory is still on joint co-creation of value in service networks and less on innovation from organizational crisis situation. This dissertation at hand investigates into the concepts of organizational robustness and resilience from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Both perspectives are antecedent to design, develop and engineer the Strategic Management Framework for Engineering of Organizational Robustness and Resilience. This framework is the main result of this dissertation at hand and response to this disseration’s overall research objective how a Strategic Management Framework for Engineering of Organizational Robustness and Resilience can look like. The research towards this framework consists of three independent but interrelated main parts. The first main part (part II) of this dissertation investigates into the conceptual approaches and operational constructs within Service Science towards organizational robustness and resilience. Main results of these studies are the identification of the service-dominant logic, SSMED, viable system approach and work system theory (from a theoretically lens) and the dynamic capability approach (from an empirical lens). Based on the work system framework, a resource-engineering framework, and the dynamic capability microfoundation framework, a capability-engineering framework, is developed. This analytical framework represent best the state of the art in Service Science towards the concepts of organizational robustness and resilience and is important to analyse and evaluate case study research, which are the core of part III. The second main part (part III) of this dissertation investigates into the concepts of organizational robustness and resilience from a theoretical and a empirical lens. Due to the fact that these concepts are less understood in Service Science research, as the first one, this part makes use of knowledge and expertise of heterogenous fields of Abstract II research (e.g. scholarly journals from the academic fields of Management Science, Operational Science, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Management & Leadership and Organizational Psychology). Within this part III, the concepts of robustness and resilience and its related methodologies, methods and tools get elaborated and presented in the network of interrelated concepts of organizational robustness and resilience. This network is important to structure case study research: three case studies that present best the application of the concepts of organizational robustness and resilience within the field of transport logistic and supply chain management. The empirically field of transport logistic and supply chain management is chosen because it is highly sensitive: a single, provider-caused failure easily can cascade to a major disruption within the service network and lead to the breakdown of whole value chains. The third main part (part IV) of this dissertation is about the structured analysis and evaluation of the single case studies and – based on achieved research results in parts II, III & IV – the design and development of the Strategic Management Framework for Engineering of Organizational Robustness and Resielince. This management framework is the main result of this dissertation and is important to organiztions to engineer enhanced levels of organizational robustness and resilience from a resource-, operative-, tactical- and strategic management perspective. This framework not only is the response to how a Strategic Management Framework for Engineering of Organizational Robustness and Resilience can look like but also guides to discuss the path in organizations to reach higher levels of organizational robustness and resilience. This dissertation thus provides managerial implications that support organizations to innovate and evolve not only in times of certainty but also in times of organizational dynamics, risks, uncertainties and crisis. It support to keep and enhance organizational sustainability, survivability and profitability. In addition, the theoretical contributions of this dissertation at hand advance the understanding about the concepts of organizational robustness and resilience in academia. Overview of contents III Overview of contents Abstract ...................................................................................................................... I Overview of contents ........................................................................................... III Table of contents.................................................................................................... V List of figures ......................................................................................................... XI List of tables ........................................................................................................ XIII I Introduction — objective of this dissertation .............................................1 1 Phenomenon studied and research motivation ..........................................3 2 Overall research objective and research questions ....................................6 3 Structure of the disseration .............................................................................8 4 Research method and design ....................................................................... 11 II State of the art in Service Science — towards organizational robustness and resilience ............................................................................. 13 1 Conceptual approaches ................................................................................. 15 2 Operational constructs .................................................................................. 62 3 Analytical framework towards organizational robustness and resilience in service systems ........................................................................ 80 III The concepts of organizational robustness and resilience .................. 105 1 In-depth case study about organizational robustness and resilience 107 2 Case study research: Swissgold XX, Cargo Expert Germany and Camion Austria ............................................................................................ 152 Overview of contents IV IV Strategic management framework for engineering of organizational robustness and resilience............................................................................ 207 1 Case study analysis and evaluation: empirically observed concepts 209 2 The strategic management framework for engineering of organizational robustness and resilience ................................................ 265 V Summary and conclusion ........................................................................... 309 1 Summary of part II–IV ................................................................................ 312 2 Conclusion: contributions and future directions ................................... 321 References ............................................................................................................ 325 Annexes ................................................................................................................. 351 Table of contents V Table of contents Abstract ...................................................................................................................... I Overview of contents ........................................................................................... III Table of contents.................................................................................................... V List of figures ......................................................................................................... XI List of tables ........................................................................................................ XIII I Introduction — objective of this dissertation .............................................1 1 Phenomenon studied and research motivation ..........................................3 2 Overall research objective and research questions ....................................6 3 Structure of the disseration .............................................................................8 4 Research method and design ....................................................................... 11 II State of the art in Service Science — towards organizational
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