Architectural History Vol. 1-46 INDEX OF PERSONS Note: A list of architects and others known to have used Coade stone is included in 28 91-2n.2. Membership of this list is indicated below by [c] following the name and profession. A list of architects working in Leeds between 1800 & 1850 is included in 38 188; these architects are marked by [L]. A table of architects attending meetings in 1834 to establish the Institute of British Architects appears on 39 79: these architects are marked by [I]. A list of honorary & corresponding members of the IBA is given on 39 100-01; these members are marked by [H]. A list of published country-house inventories between 1488 & 1644 is given in 41 24-8; owners, testators &c are marked below with [inv] and are listed separately in the Index of Topics. A Aalto, Alvar (architect), 39 189, 192; Turku, Turun Sanomat, 39 126 Abadie, Paul (architect & vandal), 46 195, 224n.64; Angoulême, cath. (rest.), 46 223nn.61-2, Hôtel de Ville, 46 223n.61-2, St Pierre (rest.), 46 224n.63; Cahors cath (rest.), 46 224n.63; Périgueux, St Front (rest.), 46 192, 198, 224n.64 Abbey, Edwin (painter), 34 208 Abbott, John I (stuccoist), 41 49 Abbott, John II (stuccoist): ‘The Sources of John Abbott’s Pattern Book’ (Bath), 41 49-66* Abdallah, Emir of Transjordan, 43 289 Abell, Thornton (architect), 33 173 Abercorn, 8th Earl of (of Duddingston), 29 181; Lady (of Cavendish Sq, London), 37 72 Abercrombie, Sir Patrick (town planner & teacher), 24 104-5, 30 156, 34 209, 46 284, 286-8; professor of town planning, Univ. Coll., London, 27 577n.161; (with J.H.Forshaw) County of London Plan, 46 284-5; Greater London Plan, 46 284; Sheffield Plan, 46 286 Abercromby, Generals Sir Ralph, Sir Robert & Sir John, 27 333-4, 339n.16 Aberdeen, 4th Earl (prime minister & antiquary), 28 159-60, 45 328, 331 Aberdeen, Earl of , 29 179 Aberdeen, David (architect): Coventry cath. des’n., 35 215, 227* Abingdon, 4th Earl of (Rycote), 27 384 Abraham, Henry Robert (architect), 11 81, 19 38; London, Law Cts. (plans), 11 77, 83, 85-7 Abraham, Thomas (bricklayer): Hampton Ct., 45 136 Abraham, --------- (of Shrewsbury: carver), 11 24 Absalom (son of David), 35 198 Acker, Kenneth (architect): Santa Monica, Eames ho., 32 166 Ackermann, Rudolph (antiquary & publisher), 18 44, 51, 46 148, 152, 177; Repository of the Arts, 18 45, 51, 45 331 Acqueroni, Luigi (priest), 31 1`76 & n. Acres, Thomas (sculptor): Hardwick, 29 64 Adair, John (surveyor), 46 109, 124 Adam Bros. (architects), 22 95, 24 109, 25 26-7, 27 222, 382, 29 168, 34 153-4, 163, 41 137, 42 340; ‘Liardet versus Adam’ (Kelsall), 27 118-125; Hopetoun, 27 194, 197-8, 202n.48; London, Adelphi, 23 121, 25 27, 38 130, 44 118-19 Adam, E.A. ( ), 17 17 Adam, James (architect), 25 42, 44, 58, 27 118, 121, 125, 220, 36 90n.16, 38 130, 168n.1; ‘James Adam, James Essex and an altar-piece for King’s College, Chapel, Cambridge’ (Doig), 21 79-82; Hertford Shire hall, 27 303 Adam, Janet (RA’s sister), 27 224n.17 Adam, John (architect), 25 35, 43, 27 120-22, 124-5, 41 105; Arniston, 27 216-8, 220-3, 228-9 Ill.); Dumfries Ho., 22 92; Edinburgh, Exchange, 14 40, Lord Milton’s ho., 42 276; Hopetoun, 27 193-9, 202nn.30, 34, 48, 208-9*; Inveraray, 27 222; The Whim, libr., 25 40 Adam, Robert (architect) [c], 6 54, 57, 11 26-8, 30, 58, 12 7, 63, 15 56, 16 28, 19 17, 22, 20 25, 46, 72, 23 28, 25 11, 22, 27, 30, 58, 27 118, 121, 123, 125, 221-2, 224n.17, 263, 392, 28 102, 116, 29 170-71, 174, 33 118, 36 85-7, 38 155-6, 168n.1, 39 82, 40 162, 168, 41 265, 267-8, 271, 44 40; ‘A Monument by Robert Adam’ (Colvin), 21 94; ‘A glossary of Robert Adam’s neo-classical ornaments’ (Gerson), 24 59-82*; ‘Robert Adam’s last visit to Scotland’ (Sanderson), 25 35-46*; ‘Reading the ruins: Robert Adam and piranesi in Rome’ (Tait), 27 524-33*; Airthrie Cas., 25 41; Alnwick Cas., 14 67, 21 80, 28 74, 40 94, 41 265; Alva Ho., 25 39; Archerfield, 25 42, 44; Balbardie, 25 40, 45; Bath, Pulteney Br., 25 8, 10, 18, 38 129-45*; Bury St Edmunds, Theatre & market hall, 28 74; Castle Upotn, 28 74; Cullen Ho., 28 75; Culzean, 25 35, 50, 28 75, 40 94, (farm), 19 20; (and) Dalkeith, br., 25 41; Dalquarran, 25 50; (and) Denovan, 25 39; Du nbar , Ld . La ud erdale’s ho., 25 38, 40, 44; Edinburgh, Academy riding sch., 45 233-4*, Bridewell, 25 37-9, 43-4, (plans), 14 42-3, Queen St (7), 34 163, Register Ho., 14 52, 25 32, 37, 43, South Bridge, 25 35, 43; University, 25 37-9, 43-4; Glasgow, Assembly Rooms, 25 41, 45, 42 296, George Sq. hos., 25 45, Trades Hall, 25 41-2, 42 297*; Glasserton, 28 75; Gosford, 25 40-41, 43, 28 75, 96*; Gt. Saxham, 28 74; Gunton ch., 34 97; (and Hangingshaw), 25 39; Hopetoun, 25 40; 27 183, 193, 195, 197-9, 202n.48; Hulne, Brizlee Tower, 41 265, 267-9*, Lion Br., 41 265, 272; Jerviston, 17 15, 22 73; Kedleston, 17 15, 22 73, 25 8, 16-17, 28 74, 30 187, 40 159-63*, 42 345*, 347-8 & n.9; King’s Lynn, St Nicholas, (Keene mon’t), 21 94, pl.32*; Kirkdale Ho., 25 35; Linthouse, 25 42; London, Adelphi, 38 130, 40 163; Admiralty screen, 25 27, Berkeley Sq., Bute ho., des’n, 40 93; Derby Ho., 27 264, Home Ho., 25 27, 28 72, 74, Kenwood, 28 74, Lincoln’s Inn, 31 143n.7, Portland Pl., 25 27, ; Luton Hoo, 14 23, 28 74; Mauldslie, 25 39-41; Mersham-le-Hatch, 40 93; Mistley, St.Mary., 13 47, 37 108; Newby, 20 22, 22 77, 25 54, 28 74; Newliston, 25 38, 41; Nostell, gateway, 27 340n.17; Osterley Park, 24 59, 26 88, 27 265, 31 168, 40 94; Rudding Hall, 25 38; Seton, 25 38, 40-1, 50; Shardeloes, 20 72; Stobs, 25 44-5; Stowe, 20 33, 36-7, 42, 28 75; Syon Ho., 11 58, 70; The Grange (designs), 26 41-2; Ugbrooke Pk, 27 395-6; Wedderburn, 28 75; Westerhall (Westerkirk), mausoleum, 25 39, 38 135; Witham, 40 81, 93-5*; mon’t, 42 259, 262n.51; Diocletian’s Palace, 36 71, 84, 86, 90n.16, 38 132-3*, 44128; Italian drawings, 27 524-33*; drawing technique, 31 157; use of Coade stone, 28 71-5; at Herculaneum, 36 86; at Split, 38 149; at Tivoli, 46 133 Adam, Robert (architect, c20): Salisbury, ho. in Close, 38 224 Adam, William I (mason/architect), 29 105, 170, 174-6*, 180n.14, 35 183, 44 127; Arniston, 27 214-21, 223n.5, 224n.7, 226-7*, 230*; Craigdarroch, 27 215; Dalmahoy, 27 215; Duff Ho., 20 72, 29 176; Dun, 27 219; Floors, 27 191, 215; Edinburgh, Orphans’ Hosp., 27 488, George Watson’s Hosp., 27 488; Gilmerton, The Drum, 27 215-6, 44 128; Hopetoun, 27 183-4, 188-95, 198, 200nn.16, 21- 2, 201n.26, 28-30, 202n.35, 205-07*, 215; Lawers, 27 215; Mavisbank, 27 215-6; Mellerstain, 27 216; Newliston, 27 215; desn. for royal palace, 29 107, 130* Adam, William II (architectural entrepreneur), 27 118, 120-22, 124-5, 40 163, 41 137 Adam, William III (architectural publicist), 27 122; Vitruvius Scoticus, 27 183, 189-93, 202n.31, 205-6*, 208*, 215, 217-8, 226-7*, 29 130* Adam, William & Co. (speculators), 27 118-20, 122, 124-5 Adam, William Patrick (Commissioner of Works), 27 77-81 Adam of Lincoln (biographer): Magna Vita, 34 32 Adams, Maurice B. (architect): Blickling, 34 85, 112 Adams, William Dacres (civil servant), 44 113 Adams, Thomson & Fry (architects): Bexhill, overall plan, 33 136, 138, 153*; Bexhill pavilion (desn), 33 140-41, 166* Adderleey, C.B (of Hams Hall)., 27 312 Adelaide, Queen of England, 27 60, 33 122 Adey, Dorothy [née Repton], 34 81, 98-9 Addison, Joseph (essayist), 27 470, 33 98n.5 Addison, ------- (architect/teacher), 32 136 Addy, S.O. (historian), 26 106-08; Evolution of the English House, 26 106 Addyman, Peter (historian & archaeologist), 26 107, 42 28 Adler, Nathan (rabbi), 45 393 Adler, Hermann (rabbi), 45 393 Adshead, Stanley (architect & town planner), 43 213, 215, ‘“Architects I have known”: The architectural career of Stanley Adshead’ (Powers), 24 103-23; professor of town planning, Univ. Coll., London, 27 577n.161, 43 287; Bath, Assembly Rms, 24 117; Dormanstown, 24 105; Ham, housing, 24 105; Kingston Hill, ho., 24 111; Liverpool Univ., 30 205, 32 143, waterfront plan, 24 104, pl.39*, 46 249; London, Bennett Steamship Co. offs, 24 104, 117, pl.38b*, Hackney Wick, Eton Manor mission, 24 105, Haymarket Theatre, 24 104, Kennington, Duchy of Cornwall est., 24 104-5, 118-20, pl.40*, St Anselm, 24 105, Old Bailey (comp.), 24 103, Stepney, Scurr Ho., 24 105; Ramsgate, Ryll Victoria Pav., 24 203-4, 116-7, pl.37b-8a*; Totnes, housing, 24 105 Adshead & Ramsey (architects): Worthing, pavilion, 33 136, 139-40, 152* Aebischer, Paul (scholar), 34 50 Aelfgyva, queen of England, 32 23 Aelfric ( ), 45 50 Aelfwold (bishop of Sherborne), 43 91 Aelfwyne (Bishop), 42 30 Aelst, Pieter Coecke van (translator), 44 24 Aeneas (Trojan hero), 34 49 Aethelbald (king of Wessex), burial of, 43 90 Aethelbert (king of Wessex), burial of 43 90 Aethelwold (Bishop), 42 28 Afrasigab (king of Turkestan), 42 94n.49 Agar, James (of Dublin: landowner), 28 108, 113 Agasicrates of Delphi ( ), 6 14 Agathias ( ), 12 39-40, 45, 25 98-9 Agathocles of Delphi ( ), 6 14 Agathon of Delphi ( ), 6 14 Aglionby William (educator): Painting illusttrated..., 42 338 Agnoletti, Fernando (academic), 42 328 Agnon, S.Y.
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