NO PAPER NEXT PAPER NEXT WEEK THE BALL STATE NEWS THREE EXHIBITS 1. 32, No. 33 BALL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, MUNCIE, INDIANA, JULY 3, 1953 Price Five Cents Inspection of New Building Held Announce Names of Six Scholarship Expected To Be Completed for ew Professors; One Quits Board Sets Classes Beginning Fall Quarter Six new professors, who will begin their duties at the start of Final inspection of the interior of the business education and e fall quarter, Sept. 7, were announced by Dr. John R. Emens. home economics division of the new Practical Arts Building was e Dr. Merton Utgaard has been appointed assistant professor of Standards held Monday. Nearing completion, the structure, valued at a cost of l‘usic and director of the college band to replace Herbert W. Fred, Seven standards for awarding more than $1,038,742.64, is expected to be ready for classes at the beginning of the fall quarter. ho has resigned to accept the position as assistant band director the Storer scholarships were de- the University of North Carolina. Present at the inspection were John R. Emens, president of the Dr. Utgaard received his B.A. degree in 1940 from the State cided upon by the members of the college; Dr. Mark Studebaker, head of the business education de- eachers College, Valley City, N. D.; M.M.Ed. in 1947 from the S tor e r Scholarship Foundation partment; Mildred J. Moore, head of the home economics depart- niversity of Minnesota, and Ed.D. from the Colorado State Col- Board in a meeting at the Student ment; Joseph C. Wagner, business manager and treasurer of the ge of Education in 1950. Center recently. college. Leslie Colbin of Indi- He was band director at Aneta, The standards which were set anapolis, contractor for the in- e . C., 1935-38; director of music, Ball State Student Convo Speaker terior of the building, was also arrington, N. D., 1940-43; as- Reigns as 1953 up by the Committee on Stand- present. stant band director at the Uni- ards, were unanimously accepted Tells of Feeling THE SHELL of the building, rsity of Minnesota, 1945-46; `Queen of the Lakes' by the board. These standards in- which was under contract to 'rector of instrumental music clude scholastic ability; industry; R. E. Schenck and Co., of Indi- ochester, Minn., 1946-48, and For America Miss Jo Ellen Livezey, Ball integrity; courage and ideals so as anapolis, was completed earlier ad of the music education de- State junior, was crowned "Queen at a cost of $380,661.40. Cost of rtment, University of South to give the greatest promise of "As a boy in Syria my teacher of the Lakes" Saturday night, told me about America in beauti- the interior construction was akota, 1949-53. being enabled by a continued edu- $560,751. An additional sum of June 27, at North Webster by ful and true words," Salom Rizk, While he was at the University cation to become leading citizens lecturer and author, told the con- $97,330.24 has been allocated for Minnesota, he was under the Miss Francie Study, "Queen of of a community, state and nation; vocation audience at Assembly equipment at this time, and an irection of Gerald R. Prescott, the Lakes of 1952." high school record, which must Hall Tuesday. additional amount will be allo- ho is nationally known in the Jo Ellen entered the contest as cated for equipment from capital eld of wind instrument tech- show that a student can succeed Speaking on "America Is More outlay, according to Joseph C. ique. At the University of "Miss Middletown." She is a in his chosen field; definiteness of Than a Country," Mr. Rizk en- Wagner, business manager. tertained his audience with his outh Dakota he took the band on member of Pi Beta Phi. purpose; and attitude toward Some distinctive features of the veral tours of the state and put experiences, tinged with a bit of June 20, the contestants at- teachers, fellow students, parents, wit, in Syria and America. In this new building are its heating sys- n a performance at the Univer- tended a formal dance at North tem, which consists of a fin-type ty of Nebraska between halves and others. lecture Mr. Rizk's deep and sin- convector radiation with outlets t a football game. Each year he Webster and were first judged The first four of these stand- cere feeling for the worth of located on the walls; a forced air resented a series of concerts during the grand march. An auto ards Were taken directly from the America was quite evident. system; block walls, painted in a Hardship was the keynote of aturing guest soloists. parade from the south end of will of the late 0. W. Storer, wide range of colors in the class- He served in the Army Air the early life of Rizk. He was rooms; unique cabinet work done North Webster to the festival Muncie banker who set up the raised by his grandmother who orce during World War II as an grounds at the north end was the by the Freeman Co. of Indianap- lectronics officer. He is married multi-million dollar scholarship said "I shall not raise him for olis; fluorescent lighting through- nd has two children. beginning of the final judging trust fund. America which took my sons," out; special display windows in and on her death he was left to Dr. Utgaard is a member of Friday evening, June 26. Addition of the last three pro- every corridor; individual lockers After the parade, the girls, forage for himself. This seven- in the corridors, with a section for hi Delta Kappa, Phi Mu Alpha, visions was done by the board. year-old child would not accept appa Psi, and Phi Sigma Phi. wearing formals, walked in front coats, and two separate sections The high school record provi- charity because he had been for books; varnished wall panels George Manolakes has been of the judges' stand, first indi- sion will be interpreted broadly taught to work for himself from of birch wood; a large demonstra- elected as assistant professor of vidually and then as a group. Ap- and will include such things as the time he was very young. tion room which seats 250 people, ducation. He received his B.Ed. activities and attendance. After the war his hometown with a stage and adjacent kitchen; rom the State Teachers College, proximately 30,000 people watched the contest. By-laws which set up four of- was rebuilt including a school in individual offices for each pro- Vew Paltz, N. Y., in 1942; his fices in the foundation, a chair- the town. Rizk told of his great fessor, and many other features. V1.S. in 1948 from the School of Other Ball State girls in the man, vice chairman, secretary and desire to attend this school, but The business education depart- education at Syracuse University, contest were Donna Beemer, treasurer. None of these officers that was out of reason because of ment, under the direction of Dr. vhere he has done additional Alpha Omicron Pi; Nancy Clark, except the secretary may succeed his lack of funds. The teacher be- Studebaker, occupies the entire ;raduate work. Pi Beta Phi; Barbara Pratt, Alpha himself. friended him and instilled Rizk upstairs of the building. He taught at Rutland, Vt., In addition the board approved with a desire to come to Amer- Sigma Tau; Patty Martin, Sigma OFFICES OF the professors 946-47; at Hyde Park Elemen- the report of the committee on ica with such words as, "In face Riverside Avenue, and a re- ary School, N. Y., 1947-49; was Sigma Sigma; and Janice Schurr examinations and tests which will America men are free, and free ception room occupies the area assistant instructor in the college representing Bremen. (Continued on Page Four) men can do the deeds of giants." opposite the offcies. Corrugated •eading program at Syracuse Uni- "It took me five years to get my glass partitions separate the of- rersity 1949-51, and was super- passport f r o m the American fices from the reception room. risor of the high school reading Embassy because I didn't have a The study or planning room, com- wogram at Syracuse during the Convo Will Feature Duo birth certificate." When he did mittee room, a stock room, sec- ,ummer term of 1950. leave for America he wished to retarial training room, and a reg- Mr. Manolakes was director of forget all the hate and bitterness ular classroom are also located on he reading program and test of the Old World and start afresh. this south side. valuation unit of the research In America Rizk was able to The central section of the busi- livision in the State Department receive an education with the ness education department, along if Education in New York and as- help of a friend to whom he with the office training rooms is istant in the educational research dedicated his b o o k, "Syrian situated directly in front of the 952-53. He has been in charge Yankee." Rizk told the audience main vestibule. Office machines d workshop groups in Sherburne about his many stumblings with and duplicators will be located in and in Waterloo, N. Y. the English language. a room containing wood cabinets From 1942 to 1946 he served as which will be used to store old irst lieutenant in the Marine machines and office supplies. ;orps, and later as captain in Jury," "Gondolliers," "Ruddi- gore," "Iolanthe," "Pirates of Each of these classrooms contains he Marine Corps Schools 1951-52.
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