Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-19-1954 The B-G News February 19, 1954 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News February 19, 1954" (1954). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1170. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1170 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. IWHtuj Green State Universittj VoL 38 Official Studsnt Publication. Bowling Grssn. Ohio. Friday. February 19. 1954 No. 31 44 Education Majors McDonald Outlines Duties Are Student Teaching Forty-four elementary educa- Claude Thornhill Band To Play At tion majors are student tesching Of Senate For Semester this semester. ■y MAD GREENIEHG They are: University Military Ball March 19 Marjorie Hawkinson, Mary Al- Plans for complete re-organixa- ice Smith, Louies Hastetler, Mar- Claude Thornhill has signed a tion of the Student Senate for the 'Richard III' Has 81,260 contract to app r with his current semester were given to garet Gulotte, Sue Ann Coburn, Bivins To Attend orchestra and vocalist, Ginger La- Student Senate Monday evening Odd Lights, Music; Eileen Moore, Mrs. Ruth Jay, mare, at the Military Ball, March by Pres. Ralph W. McDonald. In- Richard Richardson, Marianne Four-Day Confab 19. The ball will be held in the cluded in the seven pages of plans Begins March 11 Hickroan, Mary Beth Peterson, Men's Gym from 9 p.m. until 1 were 10 principles under which Barbara Heller, Joan Slants, Doris a.m. in honor of the Army and Senate should operate. 4 reasons A set symbolizing the blood and Shoup, Carol Wortman, Esther In Alabama Air Force ROTC students. terror of his reign, with unusual Bliesch, Betty Michael, Marilyn for the present confusion aa to Mawhorter, Marge Riehl. Col. Luther M. Bivins professor Mr. Thornhill began studying the role of Senate, and 10 poten- lighting and the music of Shosta- Joy Traver, Jo Lene Lance, of air science and tai tics will join music when he was four and at tial powers and functions to be kovitch adding to the effect, will with more than 200 professors of six was considered a *>rodigy when delegated to Senate. Walter Duricy, Phyllis Kaczmar- be seen in the University Thea- ek, Ann Schaller, Lois Everett, air science and tactics from col- he gave his first recital. At six "The present membership of the ter's production of Shakespeare's he organized his own eight piece Shirley Zieman, Mary Johnson, leges and universities in this orchestra to perform at ice cream Student Senate has been flounder- "Richard HI," to be presented Catherine Myers, Barbara Koontz, ing in an honest effort to find its country, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, socials and oyster suppers in his March 11 to 13 in the Main Aud. Senora Bickham. to attend a 4-day conference on proper place in the life of the Uni- Linda Bremer, Gloria Pember, home town of Terre Haute, Ind. versity," Dr. McDonald said. The set will consist of bloody Air Force ROTC at AFROTC Good Friend 0| Artie Show Donna Henry, Sally Halford, Headquarters, Montgomery, Ala., This confusion stemmed, in part, brick arches to symbolise the Mardelle Sawyer, Linda Long, He attended the Conservatory from dissension within the group, according to Maj. James R. Cables, king's dictatorship and suppression Joan McClure, Diane Smith, Jane public information officer. of Music in Cincinnati and Curtis a reputation as a "sounding of the people. The arches will Spreng, Dolores Szostak, Mary Institute of Music. After study- board" for theorists and gripers, divide the stage into two parts, Weis, Paul Cothrel, Delores Beginning Sunday, March 7, ing there he joined Austin Wylie's and the fact that the present Sen- with the scenes shifting from one Swayne, and Mrs. Jennie Shartzer. this conference will review pres- Orchestra in which he began a ate constitution lacks official rec- part to the other. Curtains before ent and future aspects of the Air lasting friendship with Artie Shaw, ognition because it wa* never ap- the two sections will have the Force ROTC program in relation CLAUDE THORNHILL who was also a member of the proved by or submitted to the white roses of York on one and Committee Heads to national defense and citizenship band. Before forming his own University, he stated. a lion on the other. There will be training; policies and procedures bsnd in 1940 Mr. Thornhill did relative to selection, education Studeal Parttdpatioa entrances and exits into the or- Appointed For Prom PiKA Scholarship arranging for the Kostelanetz and motivation of cadets, and radio program, Hal Kemp, Benny The president indicated that chestra pit. Committee chairman for the present mission briefings from the U-A Prom appointed by the re- Goodman, and Bing Crosby. He Senate could hold an important Special Elteds Used Air Defense Command, Strategic Takes Top Honors; also worked with Charlie Spivak role in the management of the The costumes to be used are viewing committee were accepted Air Command, Tactical Air Com- by Senate, announced Richard and the late Glenn Miller. University through increased stu- based on the medieval-early Gothic mand, and the Flying Training 5 Groups On Pro In October 1942 he enlisted in dent participation if it can organ- period, which was actually earlier Mahoney, general chairman of the Air Force to the professor of air Prom. Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma, the Navy as an apprentice sea- ise itself in harmony with certain than the time of the play. Fac- science and tactics mission. Phi Delia Thete, Sigma Alpha Ep- man. After Artie Shaw was principles. One principle stated Jane Caskey will head the tions will be represented by color General Twining To Attend silon, and Sigma Chi fraternities transferred to another station, that, in the future, Senate officers of the costumes to make them dis- Decorations Committee, Stanley Kutler is chairman of the Miss Several outstanding military are on social probation for the Claude Thornhill took over the should be chosen from among the tinguishable during battle scenes. remainder of the ^master for Navy's musical group, the Rang- assembly after all members have B-G committee, Christine Redrup and civilian dignitaries have been The play will be done in a is chairman of the Publicity Com- invited to address the conference. failing to maintain a 2.25 accumu- ers. The Navy built a show been elected in an all-campus streamlined, stylized manner, lative fraternity point average, around him, Claude Thornhill All- election. mittee and co-chairmen of the They include: Gen. Nathan F. with a number of special effects Band Committee are Richard Twining, chief of staff, USAF; Herbert Scogg, Interfraternity star Show, featuring his band and He further emphasised that being used. Lighting will be in Jones and Sam Martin. Commit- Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, U.S. Council president, announced at Dennis Day. The show made an Senate membership must exclude various shades of red. Huge, tee members will be announced Army (retired) who recently Wednesday's IFC meeting. extensive tour of the Pacific area. "the self • aggrandiier, the popu- stylized masks will be used in the later. wrote and published "Wings For Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Bond Of The Year b lttt larity seeker, or the incompe- ghost scenes, and there is a possi- Tentative date for the U-A Prom Peace;" Col. James K. Dowling, placed first in grades with a In 1948 "Look" selected his tent" The method of selection bility that silhouetted scenery ef- is May 16. public information division, Head- 2.6500 accumulative average. organization as "The Band of the must produce responsible members fects may be used. Members of the reviewing com- quarters USAF; and Dr. Lloyd Following is a complete list of Year." in every position. The blood, thunder and pag- mittee were Kathy Biscotti, How- Humphreys, director of the per- fraternity averages: Mr. Thornhill is a composer, ar- eantry of the story will be em- ranger, and pianist. He combines "The functions of Senate are ard Mizer, Sam Martin, Shirley sonnel research labo tory at Pi Kappa Alpha 2.5690 a classical background with inter- important, but not necessarily phasized in this version of "Rich- Davis, and Mahoney. Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Phi Kappa Tau 2.4867 ard 111," which is bssed on a pre- est in the current trend of popular more important than the func- Sigma Phi Epsilon 2.3939 music. His classical training also tions of any one of the many sentation of the play by Richard ALL-CAMPUS AVG. 2.3800 Whorf on Broadway in 1949. shows in his use of the French other agencies." Senate should Alpha Tau Omega _ 2.3456 horn which is sn innovstion to stay in the area of its functions There will be less dialogue and President Explains Housing Zeta Bete Tau 2.3342 more action. the dance world. delegated by the President. Dr. Phi Kappa Psi _ 2.8179 Recordings made recently by McDonald receives Senate as a Hlch.r Directs Ploy To Fraternity Personnel Thcta Chi 2.2888 Claude Thornhill include Small part of the University administra- Robert Richey, assistant pro- Delta Upsilon _..2.2860 Hotel, Where or When, A Thopol- tion, which receives its authority Pres. Ralph W. McDonald out- been involved in the study and ogy, Autumn Noct.rne, Arabian fessor of speech, will direct the lined the tentative long-range making of major University prob- ALL-FRATERNITY AVG.
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