The Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. 14. ST. JOHNS. MICH., THURSDAY. JANUARY 13. 189L7 WHOLE NO.—1629 tender my resignation to take effect BREVITIES. April 1,1808, or before, as the Lord dl- BUSINESS LOCALS ricts.” lie added: “As long as I re­ “1 CAUSE OF ACTION” Bargains in Cloaks at John Hicks. I’urs Wanted. main with you I shall continue to preach We will pay tbe highest market prices Judge Daboll lectured at tbe Opera for all tbe Furs we cau get. We deal the gospel. It may not be according to bouse at Elsie Friday evening last. direct with exporters aud can give you The Baptist Brethren Dissatis­ your liking, but it will be the truth. I Was the Verdict Directed by Regular meeting of Morning Star State Superintendent Pays Them full value for yours skins, see us betore lodge, D. of H., Friday night, Jan. 14. fied With Their Pastor. have preached you the gospel and you a Compliment. you sell. Fokkch & H anley . rejected it.” Judge Daboll John Reynolds, of Ovid, has been granted an original pension of $6 per IT PA YS TO TRADE AT JOHN HICKS. month. IT IN SAID UK CLAIMS VO BK THE WILLARD INTERVIEWED. IN THE CASE OF WOLCOTT VS. THE There will be a social at the Bengal SAYS THEY AUK THE 1IKST GRADED Notice to Skaters. MOUTHPIECE OK THE LOUD, and Riley Baptist church Friday, Jan­ OF ANY HE HAS YET VISITED. 1 hereby request all skaters to keep VILLAGE OF ST. JOHNS. uary 20. The Worthy Gentleman Grant* The Inde­ off my ice pond as it leaves the Ice in a Meeting of tbe L. L. C. at Mr. Goette ’s very unclean condition and is a matter pendent an Interview. -Calls HU Flock Godless Christians, Infi­ Jan. 19. Subject for table talk, “Henry of great inconvenience to me. Thinks, However, That the School Prem- H. A. Sauk. dels, Backsliders and Unbelievers, The Independent man next sought The KfMoni Set Up by Village Attorney George and Tbe Single Tax Law.” Ises of the Couiitjr Could he Im­ and Opposes Young People's out the residence of tbe more sinned IlruDion Why the Village of St. John* The revival meet ug at the M. E. church are increasing in Interest, and proved Somewhat. BARGAINS IX CLOAKS AT JOHN Noddles of Any Kind. against that sinning Rev. Willard. Not I* Not Liable In ThU Ca*e. will continue during the coming week. HICKS. being personally acquainted with the The adjourned term of the Clinton _________ _______ py ____ _______ reverend gentleman, it was with county Circuit Court began Monday, at A Reception Tendered Him In the High Standard Linen go to Mrs. L. Canfild . timid mien and a wary eye to the It Is Rumored the Plaintiff Will Pay the which some important cases are to be Resignation Tendered Sunday Morning to tried School Building Thursday Evening. Take KtTect April 1, 1898. possibilities of retreat that the report ­ Costs anil Commence a New Suit. Here’s A Trade. Tbe celebrated Schiller piano, sold by er approached the gentleman's presence. The case of Joel 8 . Wolcott vs. The A reception was tendered to Mr. Jason Wanted to exchange 2-5 second hand Considerable excitement was created E. M. Smith, was used in tbe orchestra E. Hammond, our new state superin­ wheels for the 1898 Clipper Special. in this village by the appearance, in the Contrary to our expectations we made Village of St. Johns, wherein the form ­ at the Lyceum theater in Detroit during the acquaintance of a man who is any- er sought to recover damages from the the holidays. tendent of public instructiou, last BARGAINS IN CLOAKS AT JOHN Detroit Tribune, of a special telegram A former resident of Saginaw has Thursday evening, in tbe high school HICKS. from St. Johns, stating that Kev. Elisha thing but that which tbe Tribune's cor- latter on account of smoke and soot from reepondeut would mislead us to believe. been “ doing the town ” this week en­ building. It was a very pleasant affair, Willard, of the First Baptist Church, the water works alighting on tbe plain­ deavoring to interest our citizens in the Annual Heeling. We found in Rev. Willard one of the tiff's premises and on the household attended largely by tbe students, their had been asked by the church to resign. propogation of sugar beets. parents aud tbe professional people of The annual meeting of the People's comparatively few men who have fully effects, was brought to an abrupt ter­ John Roach, a transient, waB before Mutual Fire lusurance Company will be Jt has been well understood that for St. Johns, who, after meeting and con ­ held attbecity hall in Ionia, on Tuesday, some time past the members have been consecrated themselves to the service mination Wednesday morning when Justice Severance last Monday on a of their maker. Judge Daboll took the case from tbe charge of drunk aud disorderly. Sen­ versing with Mr. Hammond, were en­ January 18, 1898, at ten o,clock A. M. very much dissatisfied with ltev. Wil­ Not desiring notoriety, Mr. Willard tenced to jail for thirty days. tertained by music, recitations, and ap­ for the purpose of electing a president, lard, but the charges against him, as jury and directed a verdict in favor of vice-president, secretary and treasurer was rather averse at first in making Fred Tatro, while engaged in chop ­ propriate speeches by Mr. llammond, related iu the Tribune, were a surprise tbe defendant of “ no cause of action. ” and four diietors, and suen other busi­ auy statements on the matter but finally ping wood for Josiab Upton, last week, Commissioner Winston and Prof. Mon ­ ness as may properly come before it. to those outside the church. It was a case which attracted more cut one of his big toes so nearly off that granted tbe Interview. On being asked roe. T. G. Stevenson , Secretary. The telegram was dated January 7, than the usual amount of interest and it could not be saved for any future use. regarding the statements published in attention and was of vital iuterest to tbe The ladies' society of St. Johns Mr. Hammond is largely interested IT PAYS TO TRADE AT JOHN HICKS. and reads as follows: in the Tribune he said, after refreshing residents of this village and of every church will give a social at the home of tbe foreign students in tbe school, “A large number of the inhabitrnts Mr. and Mrs. G. 8 . Corbit Friday even­ A new line of black Walking Hats at, his memory by glancing over the other village having water works, elec­ and on his tour of the state that be is of this place are stirrt*! up over a church ing, Januayry 14. Supper from 5:30 to now Mrs. L. Canfield . row which, during the past six mouths, article: tric light works and other works of a 7:30. making, lie is visiting tbe country schools only. His views are that tbe has been slowly coming to a head, which “Now, In regard to being the mouth similar nature, involving as it did tbe BARGAINS IN CLOAKS AT JOHN ended in a grand climax this evening. Tbe regular review of St. Johns Hive, well graded village schools and high HICKS. piece of the Lord. I consider myself no liability of a municipality for damages No. 397, L. O. T. M„ will be held at It was at the annual meeting of the more such thau any other minister Maccabee hall, Friday evening, Jauuary schools are well enough of themselves First Baptist church, called to ascer­ preaching the word of God. caused by operatiug its works of a pub ­ 14. All members are requested to be at present, and tnat the less properly Cedar Posts. tain if Castor Willard should remain “I have nothing against doctors. I lic character and tbe extent to which present. managed country schools should receive Parties wishing to build fence in the another year or sever his relations with never denounce doctors. There are a iiis attention first, and then later, on spring should be on tbe lookout for the church at the close of this confer ­ tbe rights of an individual property- The deportment cards of our school his next trip, be will devote his time to great many noble Christian men among were handed out last week. Barents their cedar posts aud draw them while ence year. April 1. The vote was over ­ doctors. holder must be subservient to the rights the high schools. the roads are good. Any length, quan ­ whelmingly in favor of bis severing his should examiue these curds carefully Mr. llammond, with County Com ­ “I am a firm believer in missions. of tbe public. aud keep informed as to tbe progress of tity or size cut to order this month. Par­ relations. 1 could not be a Christian and show missioner Winston, has been visiting ties wishing extra size for anchor posts, “Elisha Willard came here from Pella, The plaintiff's evidence in the case their children. them disfavor. If the Lord ever calls tended to show that the damage and an* and noting the condition of the country or anything iu the cedar line, can leave fa., last July, and has made it hot for me to foreign Helds, I shall surely go Married, at the residence of John schools of Clinton county, during the their orders with A. E. Dutcber, tbe his flock ever since, lie teaches his and shall do all in my power to forward noyauce from smoke and soot at one Sharp, on Lansing street, January 8 th past week.
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