EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELP- HIA, TUESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1915: 11 EWS DROPS FROM THE SCHUYLKILL LAWN TENNIS AND GOLF COMMENT OTHER SPORTS KhEBRASSIE VERSUS MOOREr-HOWE- THE MASHIE PRETTY YOUNG GOLFER LEADS FOR TITLE LL WATER "SELLY OF THE SCHUYLKILL" , H TTvT nrvT.WI- XrtTT1TT m rrt-r-r-- -. ian uuijj.- j vv i& TJtlili J3J&TTEKY BY ANGRY BOATMEN xixn BAHLE ON THURSDAY; PURSUED Which Is the Old Controversy All of Over a Long Shot REV0IREYS.HAUBER Alexander Washington Lincoln Selkirk Shies at the Pul- - or a u v """ -- .v. minium AnviLiiuiun xournu- - motor Keystone Yachtsmen to Hold Races ment.-- -- Berrinnintr Scliwnh'q Tomorrow ''--,,- W U nnj V4 J. Boxers Will Compete in Dela- Saturday Upsets at Stone Harbor ware Swim to Gloucester. '. Which ls better golf, the shot that calls has been playing beautiful golf at nla SELLY'S KESOLVE mnrgln waa slight, as the difference vm for a wetk. All tho well-know- n locals Weekly Show Scheduled at 24: against 26:01. nlnver thrown his tittle nil into ft nro entered, though some 'a pwine to t hnckicorxft forevtr, "h. of tho very Amonp f ffi' In the open Iiij oi" th0 hot tMBt makes tho best are out of town nnd, therefore, Douglas Club Tonight fnlltr palt ah lab so icell. boat class for will not be on hand. And if ever I'tt arm alone a riMier, the Anna T., T. B. English, of the Holly innnhln thouElitfullv n. bit. nnd Aw hopet I'tt Hind pigUcatti. Beach Yacht Club, showed her heels to a Ir!:,..MS'" ran tliA lintnf IJMh big entry. G., O C. ltK Chljrlcs H. PUGILISTIC POTPOURRI Pet J. Fleck, Chelsea useful. Schwab, chairman of tho No longer does the sun shine for Alex- Yacht Club, was second. race ,l are rather Bethlehem 8teel Corporation, Is an ardent In the for - are notorloun long shot players golfer, a though ander Washington Lincoln Selkirk, a boats over 00 feet, the Mnry Jahe, J M, ho often laughingly savii Vlllln "swimming champion of "gem'men" bma short-en- d players nnd It It Is lucky Moore, on the Schuylkill River. Rowland, Oceart Cly Y. C, was first, notorious for his stockholders that ho accepted Tommy Sclly, - .li -- - mnnli kill In .n,l nut. knows more nbout making South I'nltftdelphla." has as he la fnmlllnry called, went with the Margaret M., C. P. Tllton, At- steel than ho Howell's defi and he will defend his as- bathing the other afternoon oft one of lantic City Yacht Club, Tb.n called for, ft humming bird does about making shots. second. x sumed Inurcls Thursday morning. The tho river mntorbont club floats. He let Ths race for Class B the nlley as It docs to Ilcccntly, while ho as y, Main-brldg- cruisers wa won WaUht down nt kehlgh agreed from o by deadly mftshlo pitch. Galleries In of which he Is a trustee, nnd boxers have to swim out lusty yells as he struck tho chilly the TnUreg II, L. Kramer, Chelsea wkp a street wharf to Gloucester. nnd muddy waters of tho upper Schuyl- Yacht Club, with tho H. ItkViJi counirji uuiuk aiiiuiiwuii ni from which ho )iolds tho honorary degree Alice. Tlodman. boxer-swimme- wa- of doctor of engineering, Schwab told Tho rs will enter tho kill. Then he permitted himself to be Holly Dcnrh Y. C., Becond. In the last dragged un- event of day, ST wood. One of thp Infiplrntions of the nbout playing on the links nt Whlto Sul-ph- ter at 11 o'clock. The. fighters' respective out of the water apparently the for displacement crui- Springs last winter. managers, nilly McOonlgle and Johnny conscious, while his "bes' gnl" screamed, ser, the J. M. R., owned by J. M How-lan- d, ffftrn ... .UlI(irtinf-- iM tvlniFNl "1 was doing my direst. Ono .IB vv ilfe iiiiKH9HvHfliHilHiifl Spntoln, will accompany tho Bttlmmcrs In women fainted nnd men made n dive for Ocean City Y. .G., was the only shot I to iSrlit ever upward. We want moro "ever missed the ball altogether. On tho noxt a launch. telephones to summon medical nssletanco. boat face the starter, and what might I rnlsed It-- nnd also a great lot of grass taking to thu The life savers got n pulmotor. have been a splendid spectacle waa lost nnd Moore, who has been Socrclty ' J5rn iohk-khiii- u earth. 'Honest Injun,' I said to tho HBK HiaTiillllllllllllllllllllllHBiliniVKlitWSfWilllH&lillllliliH Selkirk was enjoying It all, but ' and ngnin n liallllllllllllllllllllllllllDliEiiwv0iLSiillHiA3iiiiillllllB Delaware for moro than two months for Tho Ibcal paper imci enddy, 'did you ever see worse golf thnn BLW1B In condi- ho "dasscnt" show It. However, when he devoted to motorhoat SujUntS the cllloliouso sirim 10 uuiiuunio this?' the purpose of keeping himself and other aquatic sports will appear In T...i- - tnna tUnt nnt rnnurili nttrntlnn iHHxK tion for tho coming boxing campaign, was thought nil the rescuers hod their heads new " 'Honest Injun, Mr. Schwab.' replied turned, ho slyly pecked out of one eye. a cover nnd under a now title next Toatd to his tame liy link layers. Thore the boy " anxious to hnve the distance to Gloucester month. The magazine has been entitled 4 every 'I never did.' Howell With thnt squint cams visions horrible Z a great glut of par holes on There Is nnd return, but he ngrecd with of Resorts and Yachting In tho past, ' P ,... .... fottf rtf la 11 a little whlto wooden shack to way. will be about death by a mutilating machine. Like n but viri. ttlm the right of tho 13th to swim ono The route will hereafter bo known ns The Yachts- him to innko n full brassle hole nt tho lion Air five miles. ftartlod Jackrnbblt Alexander Washing- man. tcartary for Country Club. Is somo 30 It Is edited by Dr. Eugene Swayho, tho green In two because few It yards from ton LIncotn Selkirk was up and off Vsch the tee and Is Used as sleeping quarters The stellar scrap of tho weekly Douglas through commodore of tho Flat Rock Motorboat Jjrj'ihot holes cxtend-t- he 400 yards that the bushes ns though the devil Club for the Italian workmen on tho courso. It Club show tonight will bring together and nil his imps were nftcr him. the 1" allows. ls In direct line of nil sliced shots l of the ISth Ward, and ong and Kddie Itevolre. Tho crowd, finding Itself hoaxed start- The pier the landing he has notning in nis diu long wabbling on Its pins. Hnuber, or Fnlrmcunt. The pre- ed out In flying at nt Fonton' Bit player not to bo defended; mnd pursuit of the darky. Beach has been extended from 10$ th is To windward, or rather shotward, thoro lims follow; Tommy Proctor vs. Leo Vin- Llko nn I experienced feet any lonfe plnycr rather sprinter Monsieur out to 4(0 feet bo as to glvo greater ac- In enfo the Is not a plnnk in the wnlls that Is not cent; Bddlo King vs. Hnrncy Dugnn; Jack A. W. L. Selkirk burned up his energy to drop the one-sh- holes to nil commodations to tho many motorbonts rnecls badly bntlercd nnd splintered. Pome day Heck vm K. O. Samson and Kid West vs. early. With calculating men In Iktf adversary. On tho tuo-sh- a ball will dlstnnce and yachts that tie up nt that Delaware shorter take the shack In a vital Willie Hnkcr. his wake, Selkirk wns soon overtaken. resort. Tho beach among knits he nsks for an even brbak. spot and then It Is felt It will fall, after Is the best ... Hnrry Smith, local bantam, has changed When orncred Solly wns the most fright- bathing places along the river. Tne worsi ' ' " the ceaseless bombnrdment that It has ened dnrky In tho world, Quite n Boiler, ns ijciiciui iuiiib iuhh undergone, llko a pack of cards. managers. Tommy O'Daro Is handling He actually number of bungalows are now iwu-bii- looked white. of IrkCts only orinK irouuio on Many stories nro told of life In his business now. n.wC.0Ur?,e. construction, nnd several neat Is gonerally tho "Aw, lemmo gol Lomme gol Aw tel' substantial boats are moored out In the Ikolcs, for a hazard shack. A ball onco pierced the heavy Johnny Mcaley, who proved himself stream. liUMd just beyond an avcraBe drive for wire netting over the yuh. Lemmo gol I ain't done nuthln' to window and scram- ono of the hadest hitting featherweights yo'nll. mercy's go, Itbo econd shot to go over or to bo In, bled a basket of oggs standing on tho training Faw sake, lemme was short. Hut In this here Init senson, has started posthaste. I'se got an lmpo'tant business In case tho drlvo mantelpiece As thore was nobody home for coming season. long drive is often found and tho game and the door was opon, tho plnycr the 'ngngemont. It wus only mah little Joko. Those Poor Old !. amused gwlne Phils, SiW bummed. himself trying o get out. He stood on At Kublnk has been added to Frank "You'so all ain't to operate on ! KMakp the little feller strain all the a of sparring partners In me. Is yuh?" pleaded tho now thoroughly How Rotten They Arel chnlr and tried to bounce his ball to Moran's stuff frightened negro lllme rlBht up to the green, I say," said a tho floor and out tho door.
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