E1054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 13, 2015 on that day near Soissons, France ‘‘. he Antonio was named in his honor; and, in 1941, where he researches family genealogy, coordi- crawled alone into an enemy trench for the Camp Barkley, a WWII Army installation, was nates special events, and participates in Civil purpose of capturing or killing enemy soldiers named after him. War reenactments. Matthew is a diligent stu- . He killed 4 of the men and took the re- In 1989, the Army recognized Private Bar- dent and boasts a superior academic record. maining 4 men prisoners.’’ While taking them kley as the first Hispanic Medal of Honor re- Upon graduation from Forest Park High to the rear, an artillery shell shattered one of cipient. School, Matthew will be the first in his family Edwards’ legs. For his actions that day, Pfc. Private Barkley, and the other Medal of to go to college. He will attend Virginia Com- Edwards received the Medal of Honor. Honor recipients from Texas, proudly served monwealth University in the fall, majoring in David E. Hayden was born in Florence, their state and country during the First World Criminal Justice. Texas. He served as a Hospital Apprentice War, and they will forever be remembered for Casey Peschka attends Woodbridge Senior First Class in the U.S. Navy serving with the their brave actions. High School and is a member of the Ad- Marines. On September 15th, 1918, near 100 years later we still remember the Texas vanced Placement Scholars, National Honor Thiaucourt, France his brave actions earned boys of WWI, those that served and returned, Society, Viking Norsemen Community Service him the Medal of Honor. His citation reads, those that served and returned with the Club, and Student Activities Council. He ‘‘During the advance, when [his comrade in wounds of war, and those that served and did serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the school arms] was mortally wounded while crossing an not return. newspaper, The Valkyrie, and as Team Cap- open field swept by machinegun fire, Hayden And that’s just the way it is. tain of the Varsity Boys’ Lacrosse Team. One unhesitatingly ran to his assistance and, find- f of Casey’s most notable achievements is serv- ing him so severely wounded as to require im- ing as co-founder of ‘‘El Fuego’’ or ‘‘The Fire,’’ mediate attention, disregarded his own per- CONGRATULATING FRANCIS HOW- a recreational soccer team that raises funds sonal safety to dress the wound under intense ELL NORTH HIGH SCHOOL FOR for ACTS to help combat hunger and poverty machinegun fire, and then carried the wound- ITS PLACEMENT IN THE TOP 25 in the local community. In college, Casey will ed man back to a place of safety.’’ MISSOURI RANKED HIGH major in Biology and Organic Chemistry and Samuel M. Sampler was born in Decatur, SCHOOLS plans to pursue a career in medicine as an Texas. On October 8, 1918, near St. Etienne, Oncologist. France, the young U.S. Army Corporal be- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER Anna Stapor will graduate as valedictorian came the third Texan in WWI to earn the OF MISSOURI from C.D. Hylton High School in June. Anna’s Medal of Honor. When his company suffered IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teachers characterize her as an ‘‘exception severe casualties during an advance under Monday, July 13, 2015 among the exceptional.’’ With an extensive list machinegun fire, ‘‘Cpl. Sampler detected the of academic achievements, Anna won First position of the enemy machineguns . Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Place in the Prince William Youth Salute and Armed with German handgrenades, which he today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- was named an Advanced Placement Scholar had picked up, he left the line and rushed for- gratulating Francis Howell North High School with Distinction. She is a member of the Na- ward in the face of heavy fire until he was for its placement in the top 25 Missouri high tional Honor Society and the French Honor near the hostile nest, where he grenaded the schools as ranked by U.S. News and World Society, and is also a recipient of the Presi- position. His third grenade landed among the Report. dents Volunteer Service Award. Throughout enemy, killing 2, silencing the machineguns, This school’s administration, teachers, and her high school career, Anna has participated and causing the surrender of 28 Germans, students should be commended for all of their in a number of clubs and organizations; who he sent to the rear as prisoners. As a re- hard work throughout this past year and for among them, Virginia Girls State, National sult of his act the company was immediately their commitment to education. Council on Youth Leadership, Prince William enabled to resume the advance.’’ I ask you in joining me in recognizing Model United Nations, and AIU High School These three Texans who earned the Medal Francis Howell North High School for a job Diplomats. Anna was the Captain of Hylton’s of Honor were among the ones who survived well done. Varsity Field Hockey and Lacrosse Team, re- the war. f ceiving the following honors: Most Valuable A fourth Texan also earned the Medal of 2015 PRINCE WILLIAM CHAMBER Player, The Coaches Award, and Honorable Honor during WWI, but gave his life during the SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Mention for All Conference Field Hockey De- actions for which he earned the medal post- fender. In the fall, Anna will attend Virginia humously. Tech and major in Industrial Design to design David B. Barkley, of Hispanic descent, was HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY products to benefit poverty-stricken commu- born in 1899 in Laredo, Texas. His father was OF VIRGINIA nities. in the U.S. Army and his mother was a Mexi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join can-American native of South Texas. Monday, July 13, 2015 me in commending the 2015 Prince William David enlisted in the Army before his 18th Chamber Scholarship recipients for their birthday. Not long after, he was sent to the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today achievements both in and out of the class- frontlines in France. On November 9, 1918, to commend the Education and Innovation room and in thanking the Prince William Private Barkley’s actions went above and be- Committee of the Prince William Chamber and Chamber of Commerce for their support of yond the call of duty. to recognize the scholastic achievements of educational excellence. the 2015 Prince William Chamber Scholarship His Medal of Honor citation reads: f ‘‘When information was desired as to the Program winners. Focused on educating the enemy’s position on the opposite side of the workforce of today and tomorrow, the Prince TRIBUTE TO EMILY GRAVLIN Meuse River, Pvt. Barkley, with another sol- William Chamber seeks to highlight the talents dier, volunteered without hesitation and swam and achievements of high school seniors who HON. DAVID YOUNG the river to reconnoiter the exact location. He have demonstrated a commitment to both aca- OF IOWA succeeded in reaching the opposite bank, de- demic success and community involvement. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spite the evident determination of the enemy This year’s scholarship recipients are nothing to prevent a crossing. Having obtained his in- short of exceptional and for that I wish to rec- Monday, July 13, 2015 formation, he again entered the water for his ognize the following individuals: Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise return, but before his goal was reached, he Matthew Critchley, Forest Park High School today to congratulate and recognize Miss was seized with cramps and drowned.’’ Casey Peschka, Woodbridge Senior High Emily Gravlin of Creston, Iowa, for winning a David Barkley’s body was not returned School State Championship at the Iowa High School home until 1921. His body was laid in state at Ann Stapor, C.D. Hylton High School Rodeo State Finals on June 5th, 2015. Emily the Alamo, ‘‘The Cradle of Texas Freedom,’’ Matthew Critchley is a lifelong resident of is the daughter of Michelle and Wayne Han- making him the second person to ever receive Dumfries, Virginia. Given his deep roots in the son and David Gravlin Sr. that honor, and then buried in San Antonio community, Matthew has expressed a par- Emily placed first in barrel racing after a National Cemetery. ticular interest in the history and legacy of the successful season at various rodeos through- His brave actions were acknowledged at Town of Dumfries. Currently he serves on the out Iowa. Her victory is the culmination of home and abroad. He received medals from town’s Parks and Recreation Commission and many years of hard work, training, and com- France and Italy; an elementary school in San volunteers at the Weems-Botts Museum peting. She has qualified for the 67th National VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:22 Jul 14, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13JY8.022 E13JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 13, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1055 Finals Rodeo in Rock Springs, Wyoming on Maureen Artist, Montclair Elementary School that cancer never had a fighting chance with July 12th–18th. Dina Baird-Berberoglu, Samuel L. Gravely her. Cancer was no match because Alean Mr. Speaker, it is an honor and privilege to Elementary School knew the rules of the boxing game; after all, represent dedicated Iowans like Emily in the Shawn Baugh, Triangle Elementary School it was her son, Calvin’s childhood dream to U.S.
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