K i r k k o p u l l e t i i n i OF FINNISH LUTHERAN CHURCH September- October 2015 The Theory of Relativity Fyysinen maailmankuvamme perustuu Einsteinin tunnetuksi tekemään suhteellisuusteoriaan. Sen mukaan ei ole olemassa mitään absoluuttista nopeutta tai asiaa, jonka mukaan liike voitaisiin laskea. Liike on aina suhteessa johonkin. Auton nopeudeksi moottoritiellä suhteessa maahan voidaan mitata 70 mph, mutta sama nopeus ei päde enää suhteessa auton ja auringon tai auton ja galaksimme keskustan suhteen. Kaikki on suhteellista. Jeesus näytti olevan hyvin perillä suhteellisuusteoriasta. Hän muun muassa kertoi temppelin uhriarkkuun ainoan roponsa (2 lanttia) lahjoittaneen lesken antaneen suhteessa enemmän kuin rikkaat, jotka antoivat määrällisesti paljon: ”Kaikki muut antoivat liiastaan, mutta hän antoi vähästään, kaiken mitä hänellä oli, kaiken mitä hän elääkseen tarvitsi.” (Mk 12:44). Muistammeko tämän opetuksen kun näemme keskuudessamme vähäosaisia tai kun ihastelemme aikamme miljonäärejä ja heidän hyväntekeväisyyttään? On kyse sitten rahasta, ajasta tai lahjoistamme, lopputulosta tärkeämpää lienee sydämen asenteemme — se mistä annamme, kuinka teemme ja miten kohtelemme lähimmäisiämme. Ihminen on myös suhteessa Jumalaan, absoluuttiseen keskipisteeseen, joka on kaiken hyvyyden lähde, muuttumaton totuus, oikeudenmukaisuus — kaikkivaltias Jumala. Voi tuntua jopa pelottavalta ajatella Jumalan valtasuuruutta, mutta on varmasti tarpeellista ajoittain, että ihminen joutuu tuntemaan vastuunsa ja suhteensa maailmankaikkeuden Herralle. Kaikki tekomme ja ajatuksemme kun eivät miellytä Jumalaa tai edistä hänen kunniaansa tässä maailmassa. Suhde Jumalaan ei ole onneksi kuitenkaan ihmisen ja hänen tekojensa varassa. Jumala itse on myös suhteessa ihmiseen ainoan Poikansa Jeesuksen kautta. Tässä suhteessa ihminen joutuu tunnustamaan oman vajavaisuutensa, erehtyväisyytensä, jopa pimeytensä. Näin tehdessään ihminen saa kuitenkin ottaa lahjana vastaan puhtaan omantunnon, ilon ja rauhan. Jumalan Sanasta saamme ammentaa elämäämme tällaista suhdeopetusta, joka perustuu rakkauteen niin suhteessa lähimmäiseen, itseemme kuin Luojaamme. Lukemisen suhdevinkiksi suosittelen Raamatusta 1:stä Johanneksen kirjettä! Our physical picture of the world is largely based on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. According to it, there is no absolute speed or point which defines anything that moves. Movement is always in relation to something. The speed of the car on the freeway in relation to the ground can be measured at 70 mph, but the same speed is not valid for the speed of the car in relation to the sun or to the midpoint of our galaxy. Everything is relative. Jesus seemed to be very much aware of the theory of relativity. He, for example, said that the widow who put her only mite (2 coins) in the temple’s offertory cup, gave more in relation to the rich, who as a money amount, gave more: “For they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on." (Mk 12:44). Do we remember this lesson when we see the less fortuned among us or when we admire the millionaires and their donations? Let it be about money, time or gifts, more important is the attitude of our heart we give from, how we give, and how we treat our neighbors. Man also has a relationship with God - the absolute midpoint, who is the source of all good, invariable truth and rightfulness - the almighty God. It may even feel scary to think about the magnitude of God’s kingdom, but it surely is necessary from time to time to feel the responsibility and the relationship with the universal God. All our deeds and thoughts do not please God or promote his Glory in this world. The relationship with God lies, luckily, not only in the hands of Man and his deeds. God himself is also in a relationship with Man through his only son, Jesus. In this relationship Man has to confess his own imperfection, fallibility, even darkness. By doing so, we, however, receive the gift of a clean consciousness, happiness and peace. From God’s Word we can draw into our life a relativity lesson, which is based on love in relation to our neighbors, to ourselves as well as to our Creator. As a reading I recommend the first letter of John in the Bible. Pastor Timo Saarinen First published in Kirkkopulletiini, August 2008, Our dear Lempi Wilson is gone from us.. We are all sorry to learn that Lempi Wilson passed away on August 5. Lempi had just recovered from a stroke that she suffered in the spring, and was ready to move back to her new home in Bellingham after rehabilitation. But that was not to happen. She suffered a new stroke and left suddenly. We certainly will miss her gentle smile and humor. Lempi was a long time usher at the church, helping to keep the altar look good, setting up the communion, etc. She was baking pullaa for coffee and fundraising, and last, but not the least, was writing her monthly "Lempin terveiset" in the bulletin. - Lempi, we miss you! We will from now on publish previous "Lempin terveiset - Lempi's Greetings" in this bulletin, as we find them in our archives. Thank you Lempi for all your writing! A memorial for Lempi Wilson is scheduled for September 27 at this church, at 11:30 AM, following the service. Pastor Jukka Joensuu will officiate the memorial. The obituary of Lempi Wilson is included at the end of this bulletin. Church service every Sunday at 10 AM. Welcome to the service! Coming events: 1) September 20, 11:15 AM Pitopoyta after the service from 11:15 AM to 1 PM with chef Gunnar! 2) September 27, 11:30 AM Memorial Service for Lempi Wilson. Pastor Jukka Joensuu, choir. 3) October 10 at 4 PM The Finnish Lutheran Church invites you to the Annual Fall Auction and Dinner on Saturday October 10 at 4 PM. Come and enjoy good food and get your Christmas presents of Finnish glassware and other products. Donation $ 15, kids $7, free if 7 year old or younger. Welcome! 4) October 18 at 3 PM Afternoon concert of music by Sibelius and other composers at the Swedish Club Finlandia Foundation, Finnish Choral Society and the Swedish-Finn Historical Society join for a concert on the afternoon of Sunday October 18th at the Swedish Club. Flame Catering will provide appetizers before the concert and during an intermission. In addition to the Finnish Choral Society, the Swedish chorus as well as Maria Männistö and other soloists will perform that afternoon. Please reserve time for this event. Tickets are $15/person. Wedding, Birthday, Graduation or other events.. Rent a space in the Finnish Lutheran Church, Sanctuary, Maki Hall and kitchen. For more information please contact: Heikki Mannisto ( 206-910-7427) e:mail [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2015 SYYSKUU SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 Pirkka Sinikka, Sini, Soile, Soili, Ansa Roni, Mainio Justus Soila 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Asko Miro, Arho, Taimi Isto, Eevert, Kalevi, Santeri, Valma, Vilja Pastor Bill Moos Arhippa Vertti Kaleva, Aleksanteri, Organist:Maria Mannisto: Santtu 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Orvo Iida Sirpa Hilla, Hillevi, Aili, Aila Tyyne, Tytti, Reija Pastor Erik Samuelson Hellevi Tyyni Organist: Maria Mannisto 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Varpu, Vaula Mervi Mauri Minja, Miisa, Alvar, Auno Kullervo Kuisma Pastor Mark Samuelson Mielikki Organist: Joan Purswell Sunday School 27 28 29 30 Vesa Arja, Lenni Mika, Mikko, Siru, Sirja, Pastor Jukka Joensuu Mikael, Sorja Organist: Aaron Otheim Mikaela • Niemistö, Nicola 1 • Uusnäkki, Mika 3 • Elrand-Keys, Teri 5 • Magee, Kristi 6 • Sillanpää, Tuula 6 • Elrand-Hehn, Lisa 11 • Niemistö, Antti 11 Finnish Lutheran Church • Sarkanen, Eila 13 8504 - 13th Ave NW • Elrand-Wert, Tina 15 • Pekonen, John 17 Seattle WA 98117 • Suokko, Matti 18 Phone: 206-789 0864 • Wilker (Rinne), Liisa 20 WEB PAGE • Olofsson, Lars-Erik 22 • Ottelin, Laila 22 •Vaga, Matteus 27 http://www.finnishlutheranchurch.org/ OCTOBER 2015 LOKAKUU SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 Rauno Valio Raimo 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Saila, Saija Inkeri, Inka Roine Pirkko Pirjo Hilja Ilona Aleksi Service at 10 am Auktion Past. Mark Samuelson and Organist: TBD Dinner at 4 PM 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Otso Aarre Taina, Tanja Elsa, Else Helvi, Heta Sirkka, Saini Service at 10 am Sirkku Past. Sr. Liz Colver Oganist:TBD 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Satu, Sade Uljas Kauno Ursula Anitta Severi Asmo Service at 10 am Past. Bill Moos Organist: Maria Mannisto Sunday School 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sointu Amanda Helli, Helle Simo Urmas Eila Artturi Service at 10 am . Past. Jukka Joensuu Finnish Sermon Organist:Yvonne Vollan and Kalevala Trio October Bergstrom Aila 1 Bergeson Kimia 2 Finnish Lutheran Church Birthdays Rinne Marjaana 3 Rudbäck Annika 4 8504 - 13th Ave NW to Westerberg Benita 4 Seattle WA 98117 Rinne Anna-Liisa 7 celebrate Whittle Kim 9 Office phone: 206-789 0864 Olofsson Anneli 10 WEB PAGE Koski Leena 11 http://www.finnishlutheranchurch.org/ Paavola Stephanie K. 12 Kallio Matt 15 Männistö Mikko 17 Rinne Pentti 30 Finnish Lutheran Church 8504 13th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98127 Phone 206-789 0864 Finnish Lutheran Church is located in Crown Hill, serving all the Finns in the Washington State area and people with any interest in Finnish language or culture. We have services both in English and in Finnish with Finnish Liturgy every Sunday at 10 am, everybody is welcome!!!! Finnish music is presented with our numerous and gifted members and friends. You are welcome to stay for a coffee and refreshments after church and get to know new people! Lempi Vellamo Wilson 24.11.1926 - 05.08.2015 Lempi Wilson syntyi Lahnavalkaman kylässa, Lempi Wilson was born in Pyhäjärvi, Karelia, Pyhäjärvellä, Karjalassa.
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