Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-22-2010 The BG News November 22, 2010 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 22, 2010" (2010). BG News (Student Newspaper). 8328. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/8328 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 65147 52128 43154 THIS WEEK'S WEATHER: MON TUES WED THUR HOLIDAY PARADE For more photos of Saturday's THE BG NEWS parade, march to PAGE 8 Monday, November 22,2010 Volume 90, issue 63 ESTABLISHED 1920 ! A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community www.bgviews.com Students Debate in Ethics Bowl BGSU students apply philosophy at nationals debate competition in Cincinnati BOMftMG ByAlbuWidman Hites, a sophomore philosophy Reporter major, said he heard about the Ethics Bowl in his modem political ideolo- University students debated their gies class with Young and decided to GREEN way to national recognition and are join the team to be more involved. preparing to represent the University "I've really enjoyed it and made at the 17th Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl really good friends throughout the in Cincinnati this spring. process," Hites said. "I enjoy debat- "'^^M^f The competition takes place March ing and things like that, and my 3 and features the top 32 teams from teammates and I work really well B^ the 10 regional Kthics Bowls, includ- together." ing one team from the University. By qualifying for nationals, Hites "In the last 20 years or so the com- said he thinks the team exceeded - jj petition has really blossomed into a expectations, but still has room for £•. large, nationwide event," said Coach improvement as excitement sets in. Ian Young, a philosophy professor. " Honestly I don't think we expected "This is big news. It might get a bit to make it to nationals in our first /*-■ more intense now, but everyone is year," he said. "There's a lot going enjoying it and is keen to come back through my mind now. We did really for more at nationals." well, but there were some things we Seven University students were weren't 100 percent on at regionals divided into two teams for the that we need to work on, like our fun- Nov. 1 Upper Midwest regional damental ethical principles." competition. Hutton, a sophomore film pro- One team consisted of Tom duction and Spanish major, said Cunningham, Scott Hires, Nicole although her team didn't qualify Lepore and Matthew Shadrake and for nationals, there is still a pos- placed second out of 16 teams, quali- sibility she may compete with the fying for nationals. qualifying team. The other team consisted of "You're allowed to have six people Chelsea Fuller. Courtney Hutton and on a team for nationals, so wc still - - p.'if Courtney Steinman and placed fifth need to talk about it, but I would „^B B overall in the competition, but did definitely go if I was asked." Hutton &&. not qualify. said. "It was a new experience for me In the Ethics Bowl competition, because I've been good at academic l m a moderator poses questions con- and logical argument but 1 had never ■ cerning a variety of ethical problems, tried an out loud, debate setup. It was according to Ethic Bowl's website. a challenge ... but the coaches were — Teams then answer and debate the so supportive and made it a great topics before being evaluated by a experience." y^^a 2 panel of judges. Young said he hopes his team's • Debate topics have ranged from presence in Cincinnati will stimu- dam construction in the Amazon to late student interest in the Ethics m child pornography in the animated Bowl. The team is financially spon- Internet world of Second Life and sored by the University's philosophy usually correspond to "real life ethi- department and BGeX and is open BK*-'' cal problems," Young said. to students of any major. "Although winning is nice, I really "The whole idea for the national enjoy getting people thinking about competition was actually dreamt the ethical issues behind a lot of ques- up by a man who taught engineer- tions and think with more depth," he ing students," he said. "Although a fj said. "One thing I really like is see- department member pushed for the ing students sitting about, passion- Ethics Bowl at BGSU, it's open to any- ately discussing ethical issues, even one who is interested." if they're not in an actual debate Philosophy professor George competition." Agich, former director of BGeX. said Although the Ethics Bowl began at his push for a University Ethics the University last fall, all University 1 , ...,, ,... .,»■«•' competitors participated for the first See ETHICS | Page 2 %■ rime this year. 1 1YIER STUJIIE Tut BG NEWS MANUAL Tino Boggs. a sophomore attending Bowling Green High School, tests out the new slate pail Fnday afternoon by nose manualing the R0TC PAYS RESPECTS straight out ledge This feature Is one of the many parts of the new skateboarding facilities located in City Park Local students celebrate opening of new city skate park ByAsi*R*p*> Quinn thanked Parks and Recreation's Reporter Director Michelle Grigore and Recreation Coordinator Kristin Otley for their work in Skateboarders and bikers of all ages rushed the completing the project. city's new skate park Friday afternoon after its "This is a dream for a lot of people that quite official ribbon cutting ceremony. frankly I wasn't sure we'd ever realize," he said. The skate park is located in the west side of "We hope this brings years of good times for the Bowling Green's City Park, near the inline skat- skateboarders of Bowling Green." ing rink, will now be open during normal park Hesaidthecommunityhadbeenapproached hours, with the exception of closure due to by teens for years about this, because they work that will periodically be done to complete wanted a safe place to skateboard. the surrounding sidewalks. "So many people have been thrown out of so At the ceremony, the excitement built as many places," he said. "This is a place with no Mayor John Quinn gave a quick speech. Before MICHAEL RKD I IHEBGNfWS cutting the ribbon, he joked: "The only rule See PARK | Page 2 HONOR: BGSU student William Morey pays his respect at the P0W/MIA Table and Tribute. today is that you don't kill me getting past me." CAMPUS FORUM SPORTS PEOPLE ON THE STREET BG Celebrates the Holidays The Rivalry Explained Tough Weekend What is your favorite food to eat on Thanksgiving day? Bowling Green brings festivity to down- Columnist Bryan Warrick illuminates the long- BG coach Chris Bergeron's first two games KEIKUROYANAGI town with the annual parade celebration standing rivalry of Ohio State and Michigan in time against his former team did not go well Senior. Sport Management for the coming season| P»g« 3 for the upcoming game | P»g« 4 as Miami swept the falcons 4-5,3-0 this "Turkey. It's traditional and I'm from weekend | P»gt 6 Japan, so its interesting." | Page 2 k VISIT BGYIEWS.COM: NEWS, SPORTS, UPDATES. MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE FROM THE FRONT PAGL WWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Monday. Soplembci 15.2010 11:14 PM the 300 block of Colony Lane. bigger grand opening in glad the city could reach BLOTTER Anthony J Angelone. 25. of PARK the spring that she hopes this age group of people by Gibsonburg. Ohio, was arrested Michael Acosta. 34. of Bowling will feature live music and working with something for disorderly conduct/unable to Green, was cited for theft/decep- From Page 1 that interests them. THURS.,NOV18 care for self within the 100 block tion to obtain dangerous drugs professional skaters. 924 A.M. ofN Main St and obstructing official business limits. We hi ipe they use it." Construction on the "A lot of people don't . Jordan G Cedoz. 19. of within the 300 block of Colony llowliiiRtireenl linhSchool skate park began in understand," Crigore said, j ' lo thwood. Ohio, wiis cited tot Lane sophomore linn IIIIJIKS has September after receiving "They have not had a legal possessor, of marijuana within 11:35 P.M. been Involved in the plan- funding from a $10,000 place in the city." the 900 block ol E. Wooster St Jacob D. Graber, 22, and Garth Ryan Wessel. 25. of Bowling ning process since junior Tony Hawk Charitable University senior Nick ; A. Dickerson. 21. both of Stryker. Green, was cited for obstructing high. I le said there were sev- Foundation grant, a $5,000 Yoho said he was looking for-1 Ohio, were cited for open con- official business and arrested on 339 PM. ward to seeing the skate park ; tainer within the 300 block of ictive warrant from the Bowling eral (lilierent designs for the Bowling Green Community ■ laas, 35. of Pembofville. Pike St Green Police Division within the park lhal the teens helped to Foundation grant and and that he likes that it is all ! Ohio, was cited for theft/shop- 300 block of Colony Lane. create, and the finished prod a $20,000 Nature Works made of cement. ; lftet attempting to take That makes it more fun to : ■ Dfth of merchandise IX'I is a combination of those grant from the state.
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