THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, DECEMBER 27, 1951 Every Thuriday 1951 Marked B School Board l£ D. Stanley Elected Director Yule Mail Increy Of Old Guard; Succeeds Leon Still Arriving; Town Receives Variety Ut Events ^eof 11% Adm. E. D. Stanley of Cranford Hit by Tie-ups was elected director of the West- Public Hearing Set field Chapter of the Old Guard Bid For Property 15—LWV Asks Council Support Thursday in the YMCA. Harry Heavier Than Last Police, Post Office Public Assistance Bill For January 8— M. Leon is the retiring director. Year, Sharkey Says; Council Reorganzies Churches List Holy Week Junior High School, Mr. Stanley was born in Ne- Rites braska and was graduated from Employ Many Extras Tuesday at 10:30 A.M. Holy Trinity designations Held II. F. Darby Named Toast-1 the University of Nebraska in On Feb. 13, the Board of Edu- Many WcBtficld households were Reorganization of the Town master for Council Dinner | cation wi submit to the voters a 1904. He was commissioned a Offers $25,000 Four Councilmen File Peti- j major in the Nebraska National Btill being visited by Santa Claus Council will take place Tuesday Spotlight Here tions proposed budget for 1952-1953 yesterday with deliveries of pack- at 10i30 a.m. at the traditiona amounting to $1,413,527, an in- Guard the same year and entered the N»vy as an ensign in 1905. ages, representing several loads of Ncw Year's Day meeting in the 22—Plan Good Friday Services crease'o'f f $$139,(i57 or about 11 For School Site The resignations of Police Chief Here He served it) the various ranks of parcel post, which only arrived in Municipal Building. Mayor CIIUM, per cent over the current budget. the Westfield Post Office yester- P. Bailey is expected to review ty. [John R. Schrclber and three other Defense Groups Report Pro- the Navy for 40, years, through The Town Council Friday night, The board estimates that it will day. Tho loads were late because events of 1951 and diacms plans bembers of the Wcstfield Police gress World Wars 1 and II. He had three at its last meeting of th« jr#tr, • . receive from state aid and other of tie-ups in terminals in such for the coming year in his annual Department,, and the subsequent tion and three in South America, received an offer of (26,000 titim . Cancer Drive To Open April, sources income in the amount of centers as New York and Phila- message, and will announce official appointment of former Sgt. Albert tours of duty on the China sta- Rt. Rev. Msgr II, Watteraon, pu. 12 to Seek $4,500 ^ [$135,591!, leaving $1,277,054 to delphia, according to Joseph T. appointments. ' Pfirrmann as the new chief high- Second Candidates Meeting tor of Holy Trinity Church for be raised through local taxes. De- Sharkey, ncw postmaster. The four councilmen who wil lighted the town's 1951 calendar, Planned by GOP Clubs ,,nt property in the Spring street area . tails of the proposed budget are be sworn in at the meeting are of events. Sharing the spotlight ] 29—TowT n Employees Granted Christmas cards, too, arc still to be used as the Bite for » now • g pg given in the legal advertisement d from the Law Harold Frcvert, of the fourth University of arriving. There were two deliv- high school, parking are* (nd was the resignation of the late appearing elsewhere in this issue I "T hf eries yesterday on most routes, wurd; Robert Gumbert of tho sec- Summit Pastor Named Coun- of the Leader. \ Georgetown and was admitted to playground. John H. Traynor as Wcstfield and it is hoped that the backlog ond ward; Donald Belcher of the postmaster and the ultimate ap- cil Dinner Speaker The board wishes to point outl"1* bar ln 1922-Hla . fi.nal. Navy first ward and II. Emerson Thom- The property include! loti 1 to ' GOP Candidates Accept Bids will be caught up by tomorrow, 3 inclusive and lot 27 of Block pointment of Joseph T. Sharkey to that much of the proposed in. | duty was in command of the Na- Mr. Sharkey said. as of the third ward. ihe position. to Speak Wednesday 009 and ia In tho rear of property crease is caused by ^^^^t^t^^^Z Tho Post Office this year hired which the church already owni. Scoring heavily among national APRIL 87 persons, including college stu- 5—School Board Grants Bonus Rev, Wattorson said last night fents affecting the town were ci- dents and housewives, to help with Westfield Sailor that details of the new Khool llian defense activities, blood Dinner to Honor Mayor, eration in the growth of the schoo! tion. He was retired from the E. D. STANLEY the flood of Christmas mail which Council on Thursday, Apr. 12 population during the last few have not yet been completed. donor appeals and the continuing Stanley has been decorated exceeded last year's volume for Plans so fnr call for 12 class- drafting and mobilization of West- Holy Trinity Sets 3'Fetes foi years has raised a number of dif- \ emeritus of tho Presbyterian the local post ollice. Dies of Injuries Msgr. Waterson ficult problems which will become j by the governments of Poland and Church, led in prayer. John Wal- rooms, R large laboratory, library field men. Figures compiled so far by Mr. and reading room, n large c»fe- S. C. Morton Asks Early during the Peru, and was awarded a Distin- lace led the singing of Christmas Amid much speculation by res- even more serious guished Service Medal by tho Uni- enrols, accompanied by William R. Sharkey show that the number of Succumbs After tcria which will serve 600 pupil* idents, a competitive examination Support of Cancer Crusade years ahead. cancellations for tho local post of- and a gymnasium which will «c»t 12—Freeholder Race Election versity of Nebraska. Huntington of Plainfield at tho Accident in Cuba for the police chief post was set In September, 1940, the enroll-1 He has resided in Cranford for piano. lico from Dec. 1 through Doe. 22 1,100 porsons. Feature was 1,051,149, which is 00,977 fcip by the Town Council after ment in the Wcstfield Schools was j n ycars an(j Wl3 served as town- Navy Technician Eugene W. Cost of the proponed school ll Mr. Leon spoke on the friend- more than for the same 22-day pe- Chief Schrieber resigned. Eight Council Approves Red Cross 3,490. Five years later it was j bhop committeeman and chairman Van Ronk, son of Mr. and Mrs estimated at about $960,000. Rev. ship and good fellowship of the riod last year. The receipts for liiembers of the department took Home 3,401 but in 1949 it had risen to j of the public works committee for William W. Van Ronk of 224 WuttiTKoii said that the ncw Old Guard and thanked members the present quarter-year period is :ho tests July 28 with announce Red Cross Buys Elm St. 3,594. In September, 1950 it j ^ree years. He is slated to become North Chestnut street, dlod Sat- building ia planned so that the for their assistance during his about $0,000 above those for tho tnont of Pfirrmann's appointment Home for Headquarters was 3,875 and is now 4,070. A urday at the U. S. Naval Hospital, old high school enn be used by chairman of the township commit- team as director. He said 35 ncw same quarter last year. anting about two months later. 2 Smoke Victims In Hospital conservative estimate puts the en-1 tee Ncw year's Day. Mr. Stanley members had joined during the tiuantanamo Bay, Cuba, of injur- the grammar school which needs K number of new patrolmen and After Squires Club Fire rollment next fall at 4,440 or an I joined the Old Guard in 1945. past year and 12 have died. The ies suffered when he was crushed additional space, The new park- new superior officers later were Methodists Lay Cornerstone increase of 9 per eent over this | GahtM McDiarmId( a,B0 of membership is now 212. in an accident Nov. 30 involving ing area would hold 105 cars. year and 30 per cent over 1945. named by Council to bring the de- for School Building Cranford, was elected vice direc- Mr. Mather announced birth- Learns Brother a motor whaleboat. The boat Council referred the offer to th* lartment up to its former 19—Carr, Mrs. Scheidcler Win This will require extra teachers tor. Rowland Mather was re- days were celebrated last week by slipped and fell on him as it was town property committee. itrength. GOP Freeholder Race elected historian - secretary, and the following members: Roy Bar- being hoisted up over tho side of A contract for finishing and Congressmen Hit MacArthur ment and supplies. More specifi-' Harvey T. Brown was re-elected ker, Edgar C. Hilyard, John Bolt, Is Red Prisoner tho USS Holy, a destroyer, to delivering 1,500 lineal feet of . Col. Lyman Parks resigned as cally, it is estimated that there which ho was assigned as an in- hairman of the local Civil De- Ouster treasurer. New officers will as- F. J. Welzel, Stacey Bender and concrete pipe was awarded the Church Council To Review will be needed nine additional sume their duties Jan. 3. James Lee. Members welcomed tercommunications t c c h n i cian.
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