Every Name Index for Property Owners on Historic Yates County Maps Maps included in this index: 1852, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1865, 1876, 1896 This is a searchable pdf document. It is organized in alphabetical order by the surname of the property owner. To search for a name press “Ctrl f” on your keyboard and enter that name into the search box. Search results will show the road on which the property is located as well as the town (or village) and the year of the map. Eg. Chadwick: D.: Belknap Hill Road N JER 1852 Photocopies of a given map may be ordered by emailing our office. Photocopies cost $1.00 per page plus postage. Every Name Map Index ----- -----: Preemption Road E BEN 1855; Rte 14A W MIL 1855 (2); Hamilton Street W PY1896; Main Street W PY1896; Lakemont-Himrod Road E EDY 1857 A. T.: Elm Street S PY1855 A.: Scott Road W BEN 1855, 1865; Reynolds Road E POT 1865 B.: Hamm Road SE POT 1862 C. W.: Dunn Road W ITA 1854 J.: Italy Valley Road ITA 1855 J. R.: Voak Road W POT 1865 W. H.: Bath Road E MIL 1876 ----an: F.: Himrod Road E MLC 1865 --aniyie: R.: Esperanza Road W JER 1854 ---bury: W. H.: Lakemont-Himrod Road W EDY 1857 ----ett: Voak Road E POT 1854 ---in: C? ?: Jessop Road W 1854 ?: Pulver Road W ITA 1854 --inham: Main Street E DN 1854 --irely: J.: East Swamp Road S POT 1855 ---llis: Main Street E DN 1854 --oles: Voak Road W POT 1854 ---on: J. M.: County House Road N JER 1855 --onagan Mrs.: Himrod Road E MLC 1865 --own E.: Himrod Road E MLC 1865 ---quist: -----: Severne Road S MIL 1944 ---rd: ? Town Line Road E TOR 1854 38: Head Street S PY1857 A A----: B---- &: Shannons Corners Road N, Shannons Corners STA 1857; Rte 14A E DN 1876 C.: Clinton Street N MIL 1876 D. B.: Flynn Road W MIL 1865 G. S.: Houck Road W MIL 1865; Rice Hill Road N MIL 1865 (2); Rice Hill Road S MIL 1865; Rice Hill 1 Index Road SW HMR 1865, 1876 J.: County House Woods Road W JER 1865; Guyanoga Road W JER 1852 J. B.: Outlet Road NE MIL 1865 L. B., blacksmith shop: Back Street E RV 1876 M. A., Mrs.: Union Street N DN 1876 A. & O.: Main Street W DN 1876 Abandoned Road: S of Rte 364, old route MID 1940 Abbey: A.: Rock Stream Road S STA 1854 A. J.: Rock Stream Road S STA 1852, 1855 Abbott Abbot: J.: County House Woods Road W JER 1852, 1854, 1855, 1865; Williams Hill N JER 1876; Main Street E RV 1865 Joseph: County House Woods Road W JER 1876 Mrs.: Rte 247 E, Rushville POT 1876; Main Street E RV 1876 Abek? G.: Rte 364 E, Middlesex Center MID 1855 Ables: Elm Street S PY1896 Abraham Wagener House: JER 1933 Academy: Spring Street N DN 1852, 1854, 1855, 1865, 1876; Main Street W RV 1865 Academy Road: STA 1876, 1933, 1940, 1952, 1966, 1968, 1971, 1980, 2002; EDY 1876 Ackerson: A.: Preemption Road E BEN 1852, 1854, 1855 O.: Keuka Street W PY1896 Ackley: H.: Liberty Street E PY1865 H. M.: South Avenue N PY1896 J.: Hoyt Road E MIL 1854, 1855; Milo Center Road NW MIL 1857 J. B.: Plum Point Road N MIL 1857; Shannons Corners Road N, Shannons Corners STA 1865 John: Main Street E PY1896 P.: Hoyt Road W MIL 1852 W., Mrs.: Monell Street SE PY1876 Adams: East Valley Road E JER 1855, 1876; Havens Corners Road S BEN 1852 A.: Kaltenbeck Road W MID 1876; Mertz Road W MID 1876; Rte 364 W MID 1852 C.: Rte 364 W MID 1852, 1854 (2), 1855 (2), 1865, 1876; South Hill Road S MID 1855, 1865 C. & S. Perry: East Valley Road E JER 1876 D. W.: Main Street E PY1854; 1855; 1865; Main Street E 79 PY1857 E.: Main Street SE MSC 1876 Ford & (store): Main Street W PY1854; 1855 G.: East Valley Road E JER 1865 I.: East Valley Road E JER 1852 J.: Hadsell Road W MID 1852, 1854, 1855; Mertz Road W MID 1852; Rte 364 W MID 1854, 1855 L. L.: Kaltenbeck Road W MID 1852, 1855, 1865 L.: Hadsell Road W MID 1865, 1876; South Hill Road S MID 1852; Wickham Road W MID 1876 2 Every Name Map Index Mrs.: Rte 245 SE, Middlesex Center MID 1865; Rte 245 SE MSC 1865 P.: East Valley Road E JER 1876; East Valley Road W JER 1876; Sid White Road S JER 1865 S. C.: Himrod Road E MIL 1852; MIL 1854; Leach Road N MIL 1855 S.: Rte 364 E MID 1852; Rte 364 W MID 1852 Adams & Phillips: Wickham Road W MID 1865 Adams Bros.: Sid White Road S JER 1865 Adams Road: JER 1852, 1854, 1855, 1865, 1876, 1899, 1933, 1952, 1966, 1968, 1971, 1980, 2002; called Hopkins Road JER 1940; later called Lower Friend Hill Road JER 1940 Adams Street: Middlesex MID 1899, 1967, 1971, 1980, 2002; MSC 1876, 1940 Adsit: A.: Skyline Drive E JER 1865 A. E.: Esperanza Road W JER 1852, 1854, 1855 E.: Culver Hill Road N JER 1865 M.: County House Woods Road W JER 1852; Vine Road W JER 1854, 1855 Agers, Agar: A.: Main Street S DR 1855 P. P.: Rte 245 SE MID 1876 Agin, Agan, Agen: D.: Outlet Road N MIL 1857 Daniel: Head Street N PY1896 P.: South Street N HMR 1865 Aikin: J.: Havens Corners Road S BEN 1865 Ainsworthy: D.: Jacob Street N PY1865 Airport: Bath Road E MIL 1944, 1952, 1966, 1967, 1968, 2002; Log City Road W STA 1966, 1968, 2002; MID 1966, 1968 Akins: Robert: Lot 20 1/2, Willow Grove MLO1944 Albright C.: Clute Road SW ITA 1854, 1855; Italy Valley Road NW ITA 1876 J.: Voak Road W POT 1854, 1855 Albro, Albrough Mrs.: Emerson Road N ITA 1865, 1876; Italy Valley Hill Road E ITA 1854, 1855; Italy Valley Road S ITA 1852 Widow: Emerson Road N ITA 1852, 1854, 1855 Aldrich: R.: Rte 364 W MID 1852, 1854, 1855 R. E.: Rte 364 W MID 1865 Alexander Road: BEN 1852, 1854, 1855, 1865, 1876, 1899, 1940, 1952, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971, 1980, 2002 Alicks, Aliek: H.: Keysor Road E ITA 1852 J.: Valley View Road N MID 1852, 1854, 1855 3 Index W. C.: Rte 364 E MID 1952 Allen: A.: Old Lake Road E STA 1857 C.: Shay Road E MID 1865; Upper Hill Road E MID 1852; Upper Hill Road W MID 1854, 1855 D.: Rte 245 NW, Middlesex Center MID 1865; Shay Road E MID 1855, 1865 (2), 1876; Upper Hill Road W MID 1852; Rte 245 NW MSC 1865 D. Jr.: Upper Hill Road W MID 1854, 1855 E.: Shay Road SE MID 1876; Old Rte 14 E, Rock Stream STA 1855 Frank J.: Lot 1, 164 East Lake Road, Mrs. Walter Tower Lots MLO1944 J.: McElwee Road W MIL 1852, 1854, 1855, 1857 L.: Rte 54 S, Hopeton TOR 1865 Mrs.: McElwee Road W MIL 1865; 1876 (2); Brown Street W PY1896 R.: Old Rte 14 E STA 1852, 1854, 1855, 1865, 1876; Long Point Road E TOR 1852; Long Point Road S TOR 1854, 1855 S.: Hall Road NW, Fergusons Corners BEN 1865 (2), 1876; Kidder Road W BEN 1876 W.: Canal Street S PY1876, 44 PY1857; Main Street NW MSC 1876 Allen Road STA 1852, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1865, 1899, 1933, 1952, 1966, 1968, 1971; dead end STA 1940, 1980, 2002 Alley: between Elm & Wagener Streets PY1865; now Avenue A DR 1980; now Firehouse Avenue DR 1980 Alley to Mingo's: Southwest corner DR 1855 Alling: Harold: Rte 54 W MIL 1944 Allington, Alington: Clinton Street N PY1876 D.: Rte 364 SW, Nettle Valley POT 1865 D. R?: Main Street N DR 1854 H.: Rte 364 SW POT 1876 J.: Discontinued Road # 11 N STA 1852, 1854, 1855 Mrs.: Henderson Road E TOR 1865; Rte 54 S, Hopeton TOR 1865 S.: Henderson Road E TOR 1852, 1854, 1855 Allison & Capel: Benham Street W PY1876 Almy, Almey, Alma, Almen: Pine Street E PY1876 C. W.: Keech Road E JER 1865; Northrup Hill Road NW POT 1865 D.: Keech Road E JER 1852, 1854, 1855 E.: Huff Road N STA 1876 E. O.: Sprout Hill Road S STA 1876 J.: Keech Road W JER 1865; Italy Hill Road N JER 1876; Northrup Hill Road W POT 1852, 1854, 1855 John: Quarry Street E PY1896 Mrs.: Keuka Street E PY1896 O.: Keech Road E JER 1852, 1854, 1855 American Express: Office: Main Street 54 PY1857 American Hotel: 4 Every Name Map Index by J. Dann: Main Street E PY1852, PY1854; PY1855; 43 PY1857 Ames: R. J.: Bath Road W, MIL 1944 Amsberger: J., P. VanBussen &: Main Street W RV 1876 Amsbury, Amsburry: E. A.: Hamilton Street W PY1896 T. W.: Canal Street S 22 PY1857; Hamilton Street W PY1865; PY1876 Amsden: H.: Main Street E RV 1876 Anabal, Annabal: L.: Rte 364 SW MID 1852, 1854, 1855 Ancient Indian village: ITA 1933 Anderson: A.: Lake Street SE 18 PY1857 Charles: Lot 19, Willow Grove MLO1944 D. A.: Main Street E RV 1865 E.: Rte 14A W STA 1876H.: Milo Center Road S MIL 1857 H.: Esperanza Road W JER 1852, 1854, 1855, 1865; Rte 54A SE, Kinneys Corners JER 1876 H. F.: Milo Center Road S MIL 1865, 1876; Milo Center Road S MLC 1876 (2) J.: Lake Street NW PY1865; South Avenue N PY1896 L.: Rte 14A E, Second Milo MLO 1944 P.: Rte 14A E BEN 1876, 1865 W.: Pine Street W PY1876 Anderson Hill Road: otherwise Andrews Hill Road, BAR 1944 Andes: W.: Grady Road S POT 1852 Andrews, Andress, Andrew, Andrus, Andruss: Liberty Street E PY1876 ? V.: Discontinued Road # 2 POT 1854 A.: Main Street W DN 1854, 1855, 1876 A., cabinet shop: Main Street W DN 1865 A., Mrs.: Liberty Street W PY1896 B., estate: Porters Corners Ro ad N BAR 1876 B.: Loree Road N BEN 1876; Shannons Corners Road N, Shannons Corners STA 1857; Hopeton Road N TOR 1852, 1854, 1855 Briggs &: Shannons Corners Road S, Shannons Corners STA 1857 (2) D.: Head Street N 37 PY1857 estate: East Main Street NE PY1896 G.: Andrews Hill Road W BAR 1876; Johnson Road E BEN 1865 Isaac, site of home: Rock Stream Road N [false information] STA 1933 J.: North Flat Street E BEN 1865, 1876; Town Line Road W BEN 1876; 116 East Lake Road, Mrs.
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