Appendix I. Observing Programs 2009B and 2010A

Appendix I. Observing Programs 2009B and 2010A

Appendix I. Observing Programs 2009B and 2010A GN Scientific Ranking 2009B Band 1 Ref. No. PI Partner(s) Title Instrument(s) Hrs Measuring the Energetics and Ubiquity of GN-2009B-Q-1 Alexander UK NIFS 24 Outflows in z~2 Galaxies Hosting AGN Activity GMOS study of the gamma-ray blazar 3C66A, GN-2009B-Q-2 Andruchow AR GMOS 5.2 its host and environment Constraining the Effects of High Energy GN-2009B-Q-3 Bary US Photons on Proto-Planetary Disk Chemistry Michelle 5.5 and Evolution A search for the WR progenitors of Type Ib/c GN-2009B-Q-4 Bibby UK GMOS 9.4 SNe in the "Supernova Factory" NGC 6946 GN-2009B-Q-5 Bresolin UH The uncertain abundance gradient of M33 GMOS 4.3 GN-2009B-Q-6 Brown US Sedna and the Birth of the Solar System GMOS 3.6 How do small massive galaxies become big GN-2009B-Q-7 Carrasco GS NIRI+AltairLGS 6.7 massive galaxies? Understanding Transition Circumstellar Disks: NIRI+Altair / GN-2009B-Q-8 Cieza UH a search for close companions in Perseus and 10 Taurus-Auriga NIRI+AltairLGS A deep survey of Wolf-Rayet stars in the dwarf GN-2009B-Q-9 Crowther UK GMOS 3.6 irregular galaxy IC10 Probing Stellar Physics at the Bottom of the NIRI+Altair / GN-2009B-Q-10 Dieterich US Main Sequence: Connecting Masses to 8.8 Photospheric Observables NIRI+AltairLGS Probing grain growth in protoplanetary disks: GN-2009B-Q-11 Duchene US scattered light imaging of edge-on disks in the Michelle 3.4 mid-infrared Black Hole Mass and Orbital Structure in GN-2009B-Q-12 Gebhardt US NIFS+AltairLGS 16.5 NGC507 and NGC741 UV and Early-time Studies of the Evolution of GN-2009B-Q-13 Howell UK/US GMOS 8 Type Ia Supernovae Early evolution of photoevaporating GN-2009B-Q-14 Kassis US protoplanetary disks: mid-infrared spectra of Michelle 10.6 the Orion Nebula proplyds Followup observations of MBCs found in GN-2009B-Q-15 Kleyna UH GMOS 5 PanSTARRS1 Searching for the Bottom of the Initial Mass GN-2009B-Q-16 Luhman US NIRI 16 Function HR 8799 and the Search of Jupiter-like Planets GN-2009B-Q-17 Marois GS NIRI+Altair 6 Around Young & Nearby Early-Type Stars. GN-2009B-Q-18 Matheson US CluLeSS: Cluster and Lensed Supernova Search NIRI 11 The dynamics of the Andromeda sub-group: GN-2009B-Q-19 McConnachie CA/US spectroscopy of two new dwarf galaxies GMOS 8 around M31 Echoes of Historic Milky Way Supernovae: GN-2009B-Q-20 Rest CA/US Spectroscopy of the Cas A, Tycho, 3C 58, and GMOS 18 Crab SNe at Maximum Light. GN-2009B-Q-21 Roberts UK Constraining the mass of the black hole within GMOS 18.6 an ultraluminous X-ray source Titan methane weather at Equinox: Seasonal NIFS+Altair / GN-2009B-Q-22 Roe US 6 climate change and surface geology NIRI+Altair ALTAIR Study of Supernovae in Luminous GN-2009B-Q-23 Ryder AU NIRI+AltairLGS 4.5 Infrared Galaxies Spectroscopic follow-up of Ly-alpha blobs at GN-2009B-Q-24 Saito JP GMOS 2 z~3 in the 2 sq. deg. COSMOS field GN-2009B-Q-25 Sheppard US The First Known Equal Sized Plutino Binary GMOS 3 Massive Outflows in Luminous Quasars and GN-2009B-Q-26 Stockton UH GMOS 6 Radio Galaxies Storchi- GN-2009B-Q-27 BR Feeding vs. feedback in nearby active galaxies NIFS+AltairLGS 4 Bergmann AU / CA / Gamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to GN-2009B-Q-28 Fox GS / UK / GMOS / NIRI 30.3 Probes US GN-2009B-Q-29 Tonry UH Spectroscopy of Pan-STARRS Detections GMOS 16 GN-2009B-Q-30 Trujillo GS/US Primordial Solar System Ices NIRI 22 Kinematics and Energetics in Luminous GN-2009B-Q-31 U UH NIFS+AltairLGS 5 Infrared Galaxies The highest-redshift quasars 5.8<z<7.2 in the GN-2009B-Q-32 Warren UK GMOS / NIRI 3 UKIDSS LAS Near-infrared spectroscopy of CFHQS z>6 GN-2009B-Q-33 Willott CA NIRI 22.5 quasars The Gemini Cluster Astrophysics Spectroscopic GN-2009B-Q-34 Wilson CA GMOS 17 Survey (GCLASS) GMOS / NIFS / Catching the LCROSS Impact Excavation of GN-2009B-Q-35 Wooden US NIFS+Altair / 2 Lunar Dust+Ice at K-band with NIFS NIRI+Altair GS Scientific Ranking 2009B Band 1 Ref. No. PI Partner(s) Title Instrument(s) Hrs A Comprehensive Study of Dust Formation GS-2009B-Q-1 Andrews US in Type II Supernovae with HST, Spitzer and GMOS-S 10.2 Gemini Mass calibration and gas physics for ACT SZ GS-2009B-Q-2 Barrientos CL GMOS-S 20 clusters The Supernovae of Gamma-Ray Bursts: GS-2009B-Q-3 Bersier UK GMOS-S 6 Exploring the diversity of stellar explosions GS-2009B-Q-4 Bosch AR Binary Statistics in 30 Doradus GMOS-S 7 Rapid observations of gamma-ray bursts GS-2009B-Q-5 Tanvir AU/CA/CL/UK GMOS-S 13 with Gemini-S Eta Carinae's Continuing Instability and GS-2009B-Q-6 Davidson US GMOS-S 2.5 Recovery -- The 2009 “Event” Searching for the Massive Stars Associated GS-2009B-Q-7 De Buizer US TReCS 6.2 with Methanol Maser Rings (T-ReCS) The optical counterpart of the GS-2009B-Q-8 Gladstone UK GMOS-S 1.7 ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 253 ULX2 GS-2009B-Q-9 Stritzinger CL Early and late phase spectroscopic study of GMOS-S 10 supernovae in the Local Universe by the Chilean Millennium Center for Supernova Studies NICI Imaging of Planetary-Mass Objects in GS-2009B-Q-10 Hayward GS NICI 7 the Orion Nebula UV and Early-time Studies of the Evolution GS-2009B-Q-11 Howell UK/US GMOS-S 8 of Type Ia Supernovae Search for unseen companions around 4 GS-2009B-Q-12 Hoyer CL transiting planets using Transit Timing GMOS-S 23 Variations.(III) GS-2009B-Q-13 Kasliwal US Transients in the Local Universe GMOS-S 5 A NICI Search of Jupiter-like Planets Around GS-2009B-Q-14 Marois CA/GS/UK/US NICI 25.3 HR 8799 and Young & Nearby Stars. CluLeSS: Cluster and Lensed Supernova GS-2009B-Q-15 Matheson US GMOS-S 15.2 Search Spectroscopic Confirmation and Dynamical GS-2009B-Q-16 Mohr US Mass Estimates of South Pole Telescope GMOS-S 42.6 SZE Selected Galaxy Clusters National GS-2009B-Q-17 UK Gemini Outreach Proposal GMOS-S 1 Office The PS1 core-collapse supernova survey: GS-2009B-Q-18 Pastorello UK GMOS-S 5 deaths of very massive stars Mid-IR Observations of the AGN's NGC1808 GS-2009B-Q-19 Pastoriza BR TReCS 3.5 and ngc1365 Constraining the mass of the black hole GS-2009B-Q-20 Roberts UK GMOS-S 29.2 within NGC 1313 X-2 Titan methane weather at Equinox: GS-2009B-Q-21 Roe US Seasonal climate change and surface NICI 4 geology Optical Spectroscopy of the Light Echo GS-2009B-Q-22 Sinnott CA GMOS-S 3 System of SN1987A GS-2009B-Q-23 Smith US IR Variability of Eta Carinae: The 2009 Event Phoenix / TReCS 12 Simultaneity of Accretion and Outflow in GS-2009B-Q-24 Valenti US Phoenix 4.9 Young Stars z=6 quasars to probe the reionization of the GS-2009B-Q-25 Willott CA GMOS-S 6 universe The Gemini Cluster Astrophysics GS-2009B-Q-26 Wilson CA/US GMOS-S 34 Spectroscopic Survey (GCLASS) Atmospheric Transmission Spectroscopy of GS-2009B-Q-27 Wittenmyer AU Phoenix 5.3 WASP-7b Galaxy Formation in Action: Resolving the GS-2009B-Q-28 Yang US Nature of Newly Discovered Lyman-alpha GMOS-S 27.2 Blobs in the Chandra Deep Field South GN Scientific Ranking 2009B Band 2 Ref. No. PI Partner(s) Title Instrument(s) Hrs A Survey for Faint, Close, Low-Mass Tertiaries GN-2009B-Q-36 Allen US NIRI+Altair 14 to Nearby Spectroscopic Binaries GN-2009B-Q-37 Bally US AO Imaging of the Explosive Orion OMC1 NIRI+Altair / 20 Outflow NIRI+AltairLGS Beyond the Biggest and the Brightest: Integral GN-2009B-Q-38 Bandara CA Field Spectroscopy of Gravitationally Lensed NIFS+AltairLGS 12.5 Galaxies with Laser Guided Adaptive Optics Globular cluster systems of lenticular galaxies: GN-2009B-Q-39 Bassino AR GMOS 6.7 looking for clues on the origin of S0s. Spatially Resolving Molecular Hydrogen in NIFS+Altair / GN-2009B-Q-40 Beck US 22.1 Planet-Forming Disks NIRI Exotic Explosions and Eruptions: Exploring a GN-2009B-Q-41 Berger GS/US GMOS 12 New Transient Phase-Space with Pan-STARRS Characterizing the Nature of Hyper-luminous GN-2009B-Q-42 Christensen GS GMOS 4.2 Supernovae Testing the theory of magneto-centrifugal GN-2009B-Q-43 Coffey UK NIFS+Altair 13 ejection from T Tauri disks Searching for the Massive Stars Associated GN-2009B-Q-44 De Buizer US NIRI+AltairLGS 2.3 with Methanol Maser Rings (Altair/NIRI) NIRI / Detecting the progenitors of core collapse GN-2009B-Q-45 Crockett UK/US NIRI+Altair / 10 supernovae - precision astrometry with ALTAIR NIRI+AltairLGS Probing the Bending Mechanism Responsible GN-2009B-Q-46 Gomez GS for the Wide-Angle Tailed Radio Source in GMOS 5.8 Abell 562 Chemistry of the dwarf spheroidal NGC185: GN-2009B-Q-47 Goncalves BR GMOS 2.5 PNe versus its Seyfert 2 classification Post-Outburst Dust Formation in Warm GN-2009B-Q-48 Gorlova US Michelle 2.5 Hypergiant Rho Cassiopeiae GN-2009B-Q-49 GOTO UH A search for high redshift QSOs at 5.8<z<8 GMOS / NIRI 14 Michelle / GN-2009B-Q-50 Hodapp UH NIRI and Michelle photometry of Sigma Ori IRS 3 NIRI+Altair The DODO Survey: Extending a Direct Imaging GN-2009B-Q-51 Hogan GS Search for Planetary Mass Companions to NIRI 15.8 White Dwarfs Uranus Cloud Structure after 2007 equinox - NIFS+Altair / GN-2009B-Q-52 Irwin UK 5 NIFS and NIRI NIRI+Altair The Lithium Depletion Boundary and Age of GN-2009B-Q-53 James UH GMOS 12 the Southern Open Cluster Blanco 1 Determining the low-mass end of the local GN-2009B-Q-54 Krajnovic GS/UK NIFS+AltairLGS 6 Mbh-sigma relation Stellar Populations in the Host Galaxies of GN-2009B-Q-55 Liu US GMOS 27.3 Luminous Obscured Quasars Galaxy Transformation in Groups within the GN-2009B-Q-56 Lu CA GMOS 6.2 Accretion Zone of Clusters Precise ages and masses of free floating GN-2009B-Q-57 Lucas UK NIFS+AltairLGS 15 planetary mass brown dwarfs Further spectroscopic investigations of NGC GN-2009B-Q-58 Mason GS Michelle 2.5 1068 Accretion and Outflow from Young Stellar GN-2009B-Q-59 McGregor

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