12604 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 17, 2004 / Proposed Rules Docket. Documents relevant to this scheduled for March 31, 2004. Persons Dated: March 9, 2004. action are available for public wishing to present oral testimony on the Jeffrey R. Holmstead, inspection at the EPA Docket Center, Supplemental Proposal may do so. The Assistant Administrator for Air and located at 1301 Constitution Avenue, meeting facilities and their phone Radiation. NW., Room B102, Washington, DC numbers are provided above under [FR Doc. 04–6093 Filed 3–16–04; 8:45 am] between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., ADDRESSES. BILLING CODE 6560–50–P Monday through Friday, excluding legal If you would like to present oral holidays. A reasonable fee may be testimony at the hearing, please notify charged for copying. Documents are also Ms. Kelly Hayes at (919) 541–5578 no ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION available through EPA’s electronic later than March 26, 2004. She will AGENCY Docket system at http://www.epa.gov/ provide you with a specific time and 40 CFR Part 300 edocket. date to speak. Worldwide Web. The EPA Web site for The public hearing will begin each [FRL–7637–3] this rulemaking, which includes the day at 8 a.m. and continue into the Supplemental Proposal and information National Oil and Hazardous evening until 9 p.m., or later if about the public hearing, is at http:// Substances Pollution Contingency necessary, depending on the number of www.epa.gov/mercury. Plan; National Priorities List speakers. The EPA is scheduling lunch FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If breaks from 12:30 until 2 p.m. and AGENCY: Environmental Protection you would like to speak at the public dinner breaks from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Agency. hearing or have questions concerning Oral testimony will be limited to a ACTION: Notice of intent to delete the the public hearing, please contact Ms. Hooker-102nd Street Superfund Site Kelly Hayes at the address given below total of 10 minutes per commenter to address the Supplemental Proposal. We from the National Priorities List. under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION or at will not be providing equipment for (919) 541–5578. Questions concerning SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection commenters to show overhead slides or the Supplemental Proposal should be Agency (the ‘‘EPA’’ or the ‘‘Agency’’), make computerized slide presentations addressed to William Maxwell, U.S. Region 2, announces its intent to delete unless we receive special requests in EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and the Hooker-102nd Street Superfund Site advance. Commenters should notify Ms. Standards, Emission Standards (Site) from the National Priorities List Kelly Hayes if they will need specific Division, Combustion Group (C439–01), (NPL) and requests public comment on equipment. The EPA encourages Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, this action. commenters to provide written versions telephone number (919) 541–5430, e- The NPL is Appendix B of the; of their oral testimonies either mail at [email protected]. For National Oil and Hazardous Substances electronically on computer disk or CD information on section 111 Hg Model Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 ROM or in paper copy. Trading Rule contact Mary Jo Krolewski, CFR Part 300, which the EPA U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. (MC The hearing schedules, including lists promulgated pursuant to Section 105 of 6204J), Washington, DC 20460, of speakers, will be posted on EPA’s the Comprehensive Environmental telephone number (202) 343–9847, fax Web pages for the rulemakings at http:/ Response, Compensation, and Liability number (202) 343–2358, electronic mail /www.epa.gov/mercury prior to the Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended. The (e-mail) address, hearing. Verbatim transcripts of the EPA and New York State, through its [email protected]. For hearing and written statements will be Department of Environmental information on the part 75 Hg included in the rulemaking docket. Conservation (NYSDEC) have monitoring requirements contact Ruben Comment Period determined that all appropriate Deza, U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. response actions under CERCLA have (MC 6204J), Washington, DC 20460, Due to the many requests we have been implemented and that no further telephone number (202) 343–3956, fax received from both the public and response actions, other than operation, number (202) 343–2358, electronic mail members of Congress to extend the maintenance, and monitoring, are (e-mail) address, [email protected]. public comment period for the January required. Moreover, the EPA and the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 30, 2004, Proposed Utility Mercury NYSDEC have determined that the Site Reduction Rule to reduce air emissions no longer poses a significant threat to Public Hearing of mercury and nickel, EPA is extending public health or the environment. The The public hearing will provide the public comment period by 30 days. Site is located in the City of Niagara interested parties the opportunity to Therefore, the public comment period Falls, Niagara County, New York. present data, views, or arguments will end on April 30, 2004, rather than DATES: The EPA will accept comments concerning the Supplemental Proposal. March 30, 2004. concerning its intent to delete on or The EPA may ask clarifying questions How Can I Get Copies of This before April 16, 2004. during the oral presentations, but will Document and Other Related ADDRESSES: Comments should be not respond to the presentations at that Information? mailed to: Paul J. Olivo, Hooker-102nd time. Written statements and supporting Street Site Remedial Project Manager, information submitted during the The EPA has established the official U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, comment period will be considered public docket for the Supplemental Region 2, 290 Broadway, 20th Floor, with the same weight as any oral Proposal and the Utility Mercury New York, New York 10007–1866. comments and supporting information Reductions Rule under Docket ID No. Comprehensive information on the presented at the public hearing. Written OAR–2002–0056. The EPA has also Site is available for viewing, by comments must be postmarked by the developed Web sites for these appointment only, at: U.S. last day of the comment period, as rulemakings at the addresses given Environmental Protection Agency, specified in the Supplemental Proposal. above. Please refer to the Supplemental Region 2, Superfund Records Center, The public hearing will be held in Proposal for details on accessing 290 Broadway, Room 1828, New York, Denver, Colorado. The hearing is information related to that action. New York 10007–1866, (212) 637–4308. VerDate jul<14>2003 15:18 Mar 16, 2004 Jkt 203001 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\17MRP1.SGM 17MRP1 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 17, 2004 / Proposed Rules 12605 Hours: Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. (iii) A remedial investigation has shown IV. Basis for Intended Site Deletion through 5 p.m. that the release poses no significant The following summary provides a Information on the Site is also threat to public health or to the brief description and history of the Site available for viewing at the Site environment and, therefore, taking and the Agency’s rationale for Administrative Record Repository remedial measures is not recommending deletion of the Site from located at: U.S. EPA Public Information appropriate. the NPL. Office, 345 Third Street, Suite 530, III. Deletion Procedures The Site consists of two land parcels Niagara Falls, New York 14303, Tel. totaling 22.1 acres. The Occidental The following procedures apply to the (716) 285–8842. Hours: Monday through Chemical Corporation (OCC), formerly deletion of this Site: Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. the Hooker Chemical and Plastics FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. 1. The EPA, Region 2, issued a Record of Decision (ROD) for the Site on Corporation, owns 15.6 acres, and the Olivo at the address above, by telephone remaining 6.5 acres are owned by the at (212) 637–4280, by electronic mail at September 26, 1990, which selected the remedy for the Site. The ROD was Olin Chemical Corporation (Olin). The [email protected], or by FAX at (212) Site is located on Buffalo Avenue in 637–4284. amended on June 9, 1995. 2. Responsible parties implemented Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION the remedy selected in the amended York. It borders on the Niagara River, CONCERNING THE HOOKER (102ND STREET) ROD as described in a Final Closeout and lies less than one-quarter of a mile SITE: Report dated September 8, 2003. south of the Love Canal Superfund Site. Table of Contents 3. The EPA, Region 2, recommends It is separated from the Love Canal Site I. Introduction deletion and has prepared the relevant by the LaSalle Expressway, Buffalo II. NPL Deletion Criteria documents. Avenue and Frontier Avenue. III. Deletion Procedures 4. The State of New York, through the Since the mid-1940s, the Site was IV. Basis for Intended Site Deletion NYSDEC, concurred with the proposed used as an industrial waste landfill. In deletion of the Site in a letter dated the early 1970s, landfilling operations at I. Introduction September 29, 2003. the Site were stopped. OCC and Olin The Environmental Protection Agency 5. A notice has been published in a remain as the current owners of the Site. (EPA), Region 2, announces its intent to local newspaper, and in addition, a During the period of active waste delete the Hooker-102nd Street notice has been distributed to disposal at the Site, OCC and Olin Superfund Site (Site) from the National appropriate Federal, State or local deposited at least 159,000 tons of Priorities List (NPL) and requests public officials, and other interested parties wastes, in both liquid and solid forms, comment on this deletion.
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