,1 ..1 )• B^V •!• -y '#***'*• •* i^,t^iiN^S»^-^f*-*-*^*^ „*. •mw^^iji-^gten U35ii»ft»s-l Pnge Eight THE BEANPORD REVIEW, BRANPORD, CONN., OCTOBER 0, 1941 I m THE HOME NEWSPAPER 18 A THE HOME TOWN PAPER VITAL FORCE IN EVERT TOWN ol PORTRAYING AS IT DOES SUANFORD—NORTH BRANFORD LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN BTONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD FAMILIAR LANGUAGE Prevent Crime By Stopping • • • • SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS Che ptanforti l^iJietu COVE—EAST HAVEN AND EAST HAVEN NEWS PBIOE FIVE CENTS Branford, Coimccticnl, Thursday, October IG, 1041 • i foL XIV—Ko. 26. '^he J^irst Offender • Wrniinfii Pnrpnt-Teachers iDeMolay Order New Haven FoodCommittee Atlantic Wire Explosion k^OUnty t^arent ^^O^^^J^ ^^^ Officials Consociation Asked To Hear Seriously Injures Two yHold Autumn Gatnering \ ^re Installed! Meets_Sunday Disaster Talk Mrs. Wilfred T. Nolt. chairman of Annealing Room Workers The following officers of Branford The 232nd annual meeting of tlie Branford branch. Red Crosis, disas­ ' In Local High School Chapter, Order -o f DeMolay, were - New Haven East Consociation will ter committee on food Is arranging II inducted Into office at its recent be held Sunday ill tho Church of a Bet-together ot her cochalrmen Michael Markesich and Earl FitzPatrick Horribly Burned ^^t-'ilAristonians Serve Supper To 100 Guests At Afternoon- meeting in Masonic Haii by Past Christ, Stony Creek. to hoar Chairman Mr. G. F. Boyn- In Late Evening Blast—Second Serious Accident In Evening Meeting—William Couch, Evening Speaker M«ster councilor -warren winter- Devotional services will be open­ ton from New Haven branch talk P. - S_. ,, «;„„„ ,a„„„i„„ AHdrP.RH halderandhlsstatf of West Haven; on that subject. The meeting Is to Three Months—Cause Unexplained. Master councilor, Louis Desl; senior ed at 3:30 P. M..by Karl Phlllppl —Superintendent Pinkham Gives Opening Address. bo held In the Armory. Notice ot councilor, James Mellor; Junior of Northford with Helen Waylott date win be announced In about First encouraging reports on the councilor, Paul Blrbarlc; chaplain, Smith Soloist.' The afternoon ad­ condition ot Earl FltzPatriOk, 34, , Parents, teachers, educators and Charles Baldwin; marshal, Robert dress will be given by Rev. Judson another week. 'Those assisting the Health Officer Adjourned Town chairman are as follows; of 25 Chldsoy Avenue, East HaVen J other interested persons gathered Fletcher; senior deacon, Kenneth L. Cross of Tougaloo,'Ala. camo this morning when Now Ha- , ? In the high school yesterday after- Johnson. Junior deacon, Vincent Conferences will be conducted by Stony Creek, Mrs. Charles Nettle- Gives Warning Meeting Monday Grlswold. senior steward, Edwin ven Hospital reported hisoondl-' ?noon for the fall meeting of the Dr Ralph C. Jenkins of Danbury, ton, Mrs. Elijah Ball, Mrs. F. M. '^ New Haven County Council of Poulton; Junior steward, George Clarke, Mrs. Martin Northam; Pino tlon as "slightly improved." Malcolm; scribe, Howard Young; Rev. Almeda Vlckery of Now Haven On Tularemia ; Parent-Teacher Association. About Slashes Budget Dr. George S. BroBkes of RockvlUc. Orchard, Mrs. Harrison M. Lang, Michael Markesich, 32, of Bran­ treasurer, George Hansen; stan­ Ms. Samuel E. Doane, Mrs. William 150 registered. Dr. Hughbert Landram of New ford a patient In Grace Hospital' Branford's adjourned annual dard bearer, Calvin Horn. p. Pinkham; Indian Neck, Mrs. Dr. A. S. McQueen, health officer The Rev. B. Kenneth Anthony Haven and Rev. Gibson Daniels of was repoHod at noon today as "stlU town meeting held Monday in the Almoner, Thure Poison; orator, calls attention to tho following delivered the Invocation and greet­ 1 Frederick Houde, Mrs. William Mef- Community House, cut $26,000 from Eric Schoenlng; first preceptor, Hartford. : bulletin issued by tho State Board poor." . ings were extended by Supt. Ray­ fert, Jr., Mrs. Francis A. Coleman, the toal budget of $330,634.82 rec­ Norman Esborn; second precepton, Dr. Brookes will open the even ot Healh. Burned by an explosion In the mond E. Pinkham. A program of ommended by the Board of Finance. Robert Poultorl. third Preceptor, ,.r„5ra.:; =» ™; gMrs. J^^'"niwrr.Joseph J. ZuWallack,' -Mrss. Another case ot tularemia was tinneallng rbom ot tho Atlantic you America," EdVrin P. Burne will music, under the dhectlon of Miss The reduction included $20,000 in William Kelsey. fourth preceptor, Henry ZuWallack, Miss Catherine reported last week in Connnotlcul. Wlro Company, the two Injured ; Angelica Carabello Included selec­ the selectmen's account and $6,000 Charles Montellus; fifth Preceptor, sing. J Donadlo; Mill Plain, Mrs. Roy H. This is the second reported case employees are on the danger list tions by the Musical Art Society in the amount allotted to the James Martin; sixth Preceptor, Rev. Kenneth Brookes is pastor Cox, Mrs. Sidney Ward. tor tho state, the flrst one having at the hospitals. • . and solos by Polly Dunbar and Welfare Department. Specific items Karl Marsh; seventh preceptor, of the entertaining church. Rev. B. Branford Point, Mrs. Charles been reported last winter.'Each of ': Markesich Is under treatment for Anne Gale. which came in for a cut were roads Henry Holmes. i Kenneth Anthony; will be modcra- Freeman, Mrs. William Crawford, these cases had a fatal termina­ first, second and third degree burns JMrs. Wtothrop Wilcox, County and bridges and tarring of roads in . V- l-tor' and Rev. Oi DJUard Lessley, Mrs. Valdemar Gustafson; John­ tion, whereos tho usuol fatality Of the entire body, and FltdPatrlck president presided and the princi­ the selectmen's account, each to the registrar. rate is given as about 15 per cent, Is under tratmont.for second and , the Consociation son's Point, Mrs. George M. Pago; pal address of the afternoon was amount of $10,000 and $3,000 each .c\iurches of Short Beach, Mrs. M .D. Staiiley which moans that approximately jilrd dtegrcp burns ot the hands, Durham, East given by Mrs. Jesse Mariner, first Irpm the expenditures for charities, Bruce Simonds are; Branford , , uurnam, aaav .J..".. •-., —. one in seven patients may bo ex­ drnis, shoulder^ and back. ' , vice-president of the State P. T. A. and the administration account of Haven, Foxon, Guilford, Madison, Mrs. Victor Hutchinson, Mr,^. Roy pected to dlo. Thus tho question Windows of the Branford plant who spoke on "Technical Facts of the Charities Department. Narth Branford, Nbrthtord, North Enquisl, Mrs. John Beaver, Mrs- arises as to whether or not other were blown out and rriaohinory With Symphony jjart were sent flying through tho P. T. A. ", She said that the P. T. A. Guilford, North Haven, North RufuBranfords Shopard, Mrs. Harry G. Cooko, cases have occurred In Connecticut The attack upon the estimates hlr when the explosion occurred represented an absolute crb,5s sec­ Mrs. Murray Upson, Mrs. Edmond that have not been recognized. submitted by the Board of Finance Madison and Stony Creek. about 10:15 P. M. Monday night,and tion of, the country, that organiza­ Orchestra Mon, Hosley, Mrs. Harry Clasen, Mrs. While about 00 per cent of hu­ was led by Democratic Cornelius T. .brought several hundred excited tions • are functioning in Hawii, Oliftord Morton, Mrs. Prank R. man casos of tularemia obtain the DrlscoU, town chairman. ["^ I residents of tho neighborhood run­ Ala.ska and Puerto Rico. Total Simonds, Davis, Szlgeti, Cher- Williams, Miss Mary G. Williams,, Infection from wild rabbits or . Speaking in opposition to the cut ning to the scone. membership in the country is about in the Welfare Department, T. kassky, Novacs, Posselt—these are Women Attend Mrs. Hugh MacLeod, Mrs. Edward hares, other animals that may 2,500,000. Holmes Bracken stated that suits names which mean topflight fame P. Garrlty, Mrs. E. B. Rodney, Miss Continued on page two The blast did damage to an an­ Mrs. Merle. Preston (Maria Shaw) now pending against the town and to musicians and assured musical Mary SUney, Mrs. Samuel A. Grls- V nealing furnace at which the men enjoyment to experienced concert G.O.P,iW[eeting spoke on nutrition programs being having to do with charity cases wold, Mrs. Charles B. Hitchcock, had been working, ruptured' gas patrons. Check them off, one by developed by defense committees amounted to about $3,100 and that Mrs. Michael Oarplnella, Mrs. Wln- Miss Strandberg pipes and caused a minor lire which one; .us an aid to better healtti among this sum should be reckoned as pos­ (ield R. Morgan and Mrs. Harry was extinguished quickly, Company Bruce Simonds — New Haven's Women's Republican, club met children Snd adults; sible outlay of the department dur­ olilclals were unable to explain the ing the coming year, aowara m. ranking musician, an internatlon- Tuesday with lunciieon In the Old Frcsenlus. Becomes Bride Mrs. Herman : Beckert, County ing the coniihg year. Howard M ^^^ f -. \ r-1 I explosion and that art Invoalljatlon Whitlng. declared ..that the high "Hy known pianist, now Dean of Hundred, Southbury, with 150 at­ -V Chairman spoke on "Practical Art" Ol Robert PU was being made. overhead ol the Bqird of Charities the Yale School ot Music, tending. Miss, Katherine Bryne, \-^i i\.\JU^i I •-'^ Ij The tumoop wad a aas-tod typo and exhibited a display. was • "-"I- 1—1„ „o„ \^ce-presldent of the Connecticut Thomas G. Fisher dm ,,Atistonlans^Ber..Ye4 8»pper at 8 in Jepubllcan organization, was,. a MlBs oiattyB -M.o;Vvtaa"BtyBnbcrg, otjioj. "scuLions^ ot tho' country. 'i!theJS.lrst"fa6np:egiitlwal Church tb the. (uea*g^e^ptft!;(KpHK^.T3^^ daughter of Mrs. John Strandberg, Markesluh had apparently been fac­ .lijo-o'guests. ,,'i ^*"-- •;, " •-"..;;-.' with thelJ^ois" supervisor 61 the; new train Dies In Top Photo—Marquee, of Nolo Haven Theater at premiere of "First Offen­ schools to leading roles wiui mij j."-.
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