NNEWSe w s • AAllTsrts • OPINIONO p in io n • FAITHFa it h & REASONR e a s o n The Bagpipee VOL.V o l. 51,5 1, No. 21_____________________________________________________________________F21 ridFRIDAY, a y , A p rAPRIL il 2 9 ,2 29, 0 0 52005 www.bagpipeonline.comWWW.BAGPIPEONLINE.COM Wood going to Hawaii came the first RA of Sutherland BYb y LAURIL a u r i MOYLEM o y l e his junior year,year, and stayed around to take the position of RD of the DireDirectorctor of student life, Jason student apartments after hehe gradu­ WoodWood,, will end his long lasting ca­ ated in 2000. As an _RDRD he was also reer at Covenant College to pur­ responsible for intramurals. sue work in Hawaii. Jason Wood married Erin Har­ Wood will become pastor of ris the summer after graduation family life with Trinity Presbyteri­ and they had a son, Ethan, last an Church in Kailua on the Island August. During this time Wood of Oahu. Late one night while was working on a MS of Higher overseeing a CAB event, Wood Education from Geneva College, was in his office. He received a from where he has now graduated. message from Pastor Todd Capen After the resignation of Barb Sch­Sch- of Trinity Presbyterian who was reur in 2002,2 0 0 2 , her job—Associatejob-Associate visiting Covenant at the time. Dean of Students-wasStudents—was split up Capen talked to Wood about into two areas, and Jason Wood the possibility of working for the became the Director of Student church. After some thought and life. He took over the responsibili­ an interview in mid-February, ties for orientation week, housing, Wood was offered the job. and the practical service program, "The“The church is pretty young as well as CAB advising. and the youth are mostly between Wood has been involved in 5th and 7th grade,grade,”" said Wood, finding a replacement to fill his po­ who is obviously excited about the sition. Student Development has job and its surroundings. "They“They been interviewing people. want somebody to come in and "We“We have interviewed people,people, develop the [youth] program.”program." but have not found anything con­ Among other responsibilities that clusive,"clusive,” said Wood. "We“We are feel­ this Covenant grad will have is a ing strong about one of our can­ chaplaincy in a local school (K- didates, though."though.” Wood will leave By Brae Howard 6).6). Covenant mid-May and is flying to Covenant mid-May and is flying to Students get their groove on at Sping Banquet April 22.22. After thundershowers poured over the First While at Covenant, Wood be­be- Hawaii on the 23rd of the month. Tennessee Pavilion, everyone relaxed to the rhythms of DJDf Louis Londono until late in the evening. Chalmers Center. helpshelps Food .for the Hungry in Indonesia needs and it has become clear that gram over the past month. This on the village of Ujong Borah by to · send its staff for training in mi­ BYby AANNAn n a KAUFMANNK a u f m a n n attention now needs to be placed very week FHI began implement­ invitation of Meulaboh'sMeulaboh’s mayor. crofinance and microenterprise de­ on longer-term rehabilitation and ing the program in MeulobahMeulobah.. FHI and Chalmers have had a velopment,"velopment,” said Corbett. recovery. The trading and small The program will aid trades close working relationship since Parts of this article came from The Chalmers Center for business sector in Meulaboh has people who lost their productive the Chalmers Center started. "FHI“FHI a press release dated March 23, Economic Development is part­ suffered extensive damage from the assets in the tsunami to restart or considers Chalmers to be the place 2005. nering with Food for the Hungry tsunami. create new small businesses. Fur­ International (FHI) in tsunami re­ By combining resources and ther programs could include small Faculty Quote of the Week habilitation and development in years of development experience, business training and savings and Meulaboh, Indonesia, in the Aceh Chalmers and FHI plan to effec­ loan services. province. Meulaboh was one of the tively aid in restoring economic "Rather“Rather than just giving tons hardest hit towns in Aceh following livelihoods to this devastated re­ of stuff to the Indonesian people, ''I'm“I’m like a vVell­well- the devastating tsunami that re­ gion. The initial collaboration these same folks are participating sulted after a magnitude 9.0 earth­ focused on designing and imple­ in the rebuilding of their own com­ balanced love quake on December 26, 2004. The menting a small business recov­ munities, including the reestablish­ city of Meulaboh was only 150 km ery program via "tools“tools for work”work" ment of businesses and financial machine here.''here.” from the epicenter of the earth­ microgrants. Two Chalmers field institutions,"institutions,” said Corbett. "This“This -Pro(-Prof. Matt Vos to his Interpersonal Communica­ quake. Approximately 50 percent workers, Ryan Smedes and Lanie is a non-paternalistic way of help­ tion class, April 19, commenting on his across-the­across-the- of the city was destroyed, displac­ Andres, along with Covenant pro­ ing people rebuild their lives and board high scores on an in-class relationship surveysurvey,, ing an estimated 46,000 people and fessors Russell Mask and Steve sets the stage for a good working "Discovering“Discovering Your Own Love Profile."Profile.” causing extensive loss of life. Corbett and Mask'sMask’s Cross Cultural relationship between FHI and the Initial relief and resettlement Social Science Research Methods community for the ensuing years."years.” Collected by Jenni DeJong programs have met short-term class, worked on designing this pro­pro- FHI is particularly focusing Collected by Jenni DeJong 2 FRIDAY,F riday, AAPRILp r il 229, 9 ,2 2005 0 0 5 OPINION/OPINION / NEwsNEWS · TTHEh e BBAGPIPEa g p ip e Scotscard hopes to Covenant student and alumni add Blockbuster, hold their own at Boston Mojo Burrito Marathon to have that kind of interaction."interaction.” BYBy BuzzyBuzzy MAJAUSKASM ajauskas Card users will be able to make BBYy BuzzyBuzzy MMAJAUSKASajauskas masters divisions and push rimnm College (a girls’girls' college) and a long Starting this fall, the Scotscard purchases without cash. If a card wheelchair division. part of the mile was packed with will expand to include, among is lost or stolen, students can put “Boston"Boston was a running experi­ screaming girls. It is hard to control other things, access to the Lookout it on hold to block unauthorized Covenant senior Cal Marshall ence like no other,”other," Marshall said. your speed when the crowd has so Mountain Cafe and three or four purchases. When students, faculty and alumni Wim Codington and "Most“Most of the course was packed much energy.”energy." Chattanooga merchants. and staff put debit dollars onto Jason Mitchell competed last week with cheering fans. I had written Marshall returned to Covenant "I“I have no doubt that the Look­Look- their cards via the card office or the at the 109th Boston Marathon, my name on both arms and so a excited about future marathons. "I“I out Mountain Cafe will sign the Automatic Deposit machine in the which is held each year on the third lot of people were yelling for me by don’tdon't know yet whether I will run contract this weekend,”weekend," said Dan­ mailroom, they will also be help­ Monday of April. name. That really helped buoy me Boston again next year, but I would iel Dupree of the Campus Card ing the college. When purchases "I“I ran 3:3:16:09, 16:09, which I am fair­ up the hills and kept me focused definitely like to do it again 1nIn the office. are made to local merchants who ly pleased with,"with,” Marshall said. Al­ when my legs started getting tight. future,”future," he said. “I"I may run a few The Campus Card office is accept the contract, Covenant will though it wasn’twasn't his marathon per­ Experiencing mile 13--what13—what is other marathons if I have time, looking into adding merchants like receive a small commission from · sonal record, it was an achievement known as the ‘mile'mile thirteen effect’-effect' - such as the Marine Corps MMara­ ara­ Blockbuster, Mojo Burrito, Mr. TT's, ’s, the merchants. at one of the world’sworld's most presti­ was particularly amazing. That sec­ thon in D.C., and hope to eventu­ Clumpies, Greyfriars, Rembrandts, According to Dupree, the Scots­ gious marathons. “It"It meets my ex­ tion of the course goes by Wellesley ally drop under threethr_ee hours.”hours." Panera Bread, Winn Dixie, and the card expansion is a solution to the pectations because I knew Boston Shell station on the mountain. As ongoing question of "how“how to pro­ would be very difficult. I have sev­ part of the new system, the Cam­ vide more services and also support eral friends who have had terrible My2My 2 Cents pus Card office is forming a Stu­ the college.”college." first experiences at Boston and so I knew I should be realistic in my ford to Evelive in the Hamptons. dent Merchant Advisory Council Felker added, "The“The expansion I knew I should be realistic in my BBYy JJOSHo sh DDESCHesch (SMAC) that will market the sys­ of services will probably encourage time goal."goal.” Out of the 20,405 that In other animal rights news, tem to the student body, poll stu­ students to be regular customers at entered the race this year, 17,549 (“uuhumm”)("uuhumm") How goes it, it appears that a WisconsinW1Sconsin bill dents regarding which merchants various places, arnJand I hope that the made it to the finish line.
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