FISS: HRSEP 199912000 Final Report Category (Check one) X RWS (Resource & Watershed Stewardship) HR (Habitat Restoration) ST (Stock Rebuilding) Area (Check One) VI (Vancouver Island & South Coast) NCC (North & Central Coasts) -?-- FRB (Fraser River Basin) IT (Yukon Territory) Organization Name Alouette River Management Society Contact Name Ross Davies Jennifer Ljunggrcn Contact Title Watershed Coordinator Administrator , .. Mailing Address- Box 21117 Maple Ridge, B. C. V2X - I P7 :. 467-6401 467-6478 Phone Fax Ait Phone: Alt Fax: ~======::::: 467-0747 465-3893 , I I E~ail [email protected] Did you receive DFO input on this project? YeslNo Name ofDFO COnJact(s): Maurice Coulter-Boisvert, Matt Foy,Harold Beardmore, Mike Landiak r 2 Project Title Alouette Watershed Stewardship Start Date April I, 1999 End Date March 31, 2000 Project Rationale To continue to provide ARMS with a Watershed Coordinator in (problem being addressed) Order to fulfill ARMS' objectives. Was afeasibility study or pre-assessmen1 done for this project? Yes/No Ifyes, please describe. All instream works were preceded by input and/or onsite presence by appropriate agency staff. I4ctivSv TVpej Check all that apply Inven10ry & Mapping x Stock Assessment x Public Awareness x Habitat Restoration x Stock Enhancement x Stewardship/Community Planning x Other x Specify Partnerships with District ofMaple Ridge staJ!on stewardship and restoration projects. lPl'o;ect Objectives (from your proposal andlor al:l"eement)1 Objective # 1 : Continue to promote community involvement as well as watershed stewardship and agency accountability. Was it achieved?: Yes - this was accomplished through landowner contact, media, public Yes/No + Details presentations and workshops and broad based lobbying. Objective # 2 : To undertake various watershed restoration and enhancement projects. Was it achieved? : Yes - see attached project list YeslNo + Details 3 lPartnershiP.iJ List and describe the personnel involved in the project. ARMS: Ross Davies (Watershed Coordinator); Jennifer Ljunggren (Administrator); Geoff Clayton (President); ARMS volunteers Janice Jarvis (Stewardship Coordinator, Coquitlam I Kanaka I AIouette) DFO: Maurice Coulter-Boisvert (Community Advisor); Matt Foy, Harold Beardmore (Resource Restoration) MOELP: Marvin Rosenau (Habitat Biologist) Mmlstrvof Attorn,,), Gel\!;ral: Ron MacLean (Fisherieslnstructor, ARCC); inmate labor li.QJjy.!!.ro:_AIastair McLean (Biologist); Alouette ManagementCommittee District of Maple Ridge: Jim Sheehan (Envii-onmental Technician); Kim Grout (Environmental Manager) NorthEl1Is!'LS'!!r!l_QI1_!\ssist~n_ce Pr~~.<;t: Tony Matahlija (Project Manager) Maple Ridge Community Organizations <KEEPS, Adopt-a-Block, Silver Valley Neighborhood Association) Other (B~~_an~_b-.s~()Ciates; _~tipIavi!<) # ofpersons trained 45 # ofvolunteers involved 60 # ofpersons employed 25 # ofvolunteer hours 24,000 person-days ofemployment created 1,000 Is the local community involved in this project? List and describe the partnerships involved We continue to distribute our newsletters to all riparian property owners within the Alouette watershed as well as our general membership. We also inform and educate the community through the media (see Appendix I). Several riparian property owners have assisted us by collecting water quality information from their backyard stream, and also by alerting us to habitat issues. This liaison between ARMS and riparian property owners has enabled us to carry out projects on private land, often assisting the property owner in the process by reducing costs and obtaining the necessary permits. (See examples in Appendix 2) We have also developed a very positive working relationship with the environmental staff of the District of Maple Ridge, and have worked cooperatively on several projects. The Rivers Heritage Center has provided a venue for ARMS to host events such as the Smartgrowth workshop as well as Streamkeeper training sessions. 1PT0jec/ Locationl Complete as fully as possible. (Details - name, code or other) Water body / System(s) AIouette River watershed (including North Alouette) Watershed(s) Pitt River (Fraser system) Nearest Community Maple Ridge Other Geographic 1riformation Coordinates of Rivers Heritage Center below 4 Latitude/Longitude UTM Coordinates 534200 E: 5455000 N !Results/Quantifiable Measure.\l Species Addressed (Check as many as applicable) ·Coho ·Pi"k ·Chum ·Chinook Sockeye ·Other Steelhead, cunhroat Habitat Addressed (Check as many as applicable) ·In-channel ·Off-channel *Riparian Estuarine/Marine Loke Other For Mapping & Inventory Projects: Was your data collected according to the DFO-HEB Info Mgmt. guidelines? (ref Brad Mason) Yes/No Ifyes, was it submitted in digital format? Ongoing project in partnership with District ofMaple Ridge Linear metres ofarea mapped: 16.000 Other: GPS mapping project ongoing; water quality --- For Stock Rebuilding Projects: # Adult Salmon Enumerated: 45,000 (OctlNov 99) # Juvenile Salmon Enumerated: --r127".rro million chum smolts (Mar-June 99) # Salmon marked/Tagged or released: Other: Springfry trapping- various locations For Stewardship/Community Planning Projects: # Public Presentations/Media Releases: _",'6>-_ # Landowners Contacted: 800 (3 times per year) Other: ARMS attended several public events such as Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Home Show and Rivers Day. Together these events attracted approximately 30,000 visitors. For Habi/at Restoration Projects: Fencing: Stream length protected km Stream area (fence to bank) protected sq. meters Riparian replanting: Area replanted @ aaa sq. meters # trees/plants 3,500 In-channel habitat: Stream area restored ( /0 000 sq. meters \" (Gravel placement) Off-channel habitat: Stream area created/restored @a sq. meters (L WD placement) Estuarine habitat: Area created/restored sq. meters Lake habitat: Area created/restored 2,500 sq. meters 5 Fish Access: Length ofstream made avai/able_2...... 2:-::­ Ion Area ofhabitat made avai/able;=3"i,~2::..00=- sq. meters Other: Bank stabilization was completed 9 a 750 s are meter debris slide on Millionaire Creek This involved wattle placement and re-p. anti . IProject Descriptiolil Please enler a general project description below. Please include an overview of the methods and techniques used Ifrequired, you may attach an additional sheel. Project StartlEnd Location Personnel/ Project Project Partnerships rationale Methods DogwoodCr. 05/99- Dogwood Cr. ARMS Re-establish Culvert replacement 05/99 Landowner stream access Dis!. ofM.R Coho Cr. 08/99- Coho Cr. ARMS Re-establish Beaver box 10/99 Landowner stream access Dis!. ofM.R A10uette off- 10/99- 210 St. and 132'" ARMS Create access to Culvert placement channel 10/99 Ave. Landowner off-channel pond Tl4 tributary 07/99- 1.0km below ARMS Create access to Modification of stream channel 08/99 Alouette Dam Bowman & stream Associates Hennipen Cr. 07/99- 24400 Fern Cres. ARMS Removal of fish Remove metal flume, restore channel 08/99 Landowner passage barrier Bowman & Associates Riparian planting 01199/04/ Several locations ARMS Restoration of Cuttings, bare root, site maintenance 99 Landowners denuded areas BO\\lDlan's ·1(fusA'P) Balabanian Cr. 07/99- 0.5 km above JUtMS Creation of side Hand tools 07/99 Abernethy Way Adopt-a-Block channel/barrier removal/cleanup Stream inventory 12/99- Blaney Bog and ARMS Map and GPS, trapping, collect bio-physical data 03/00 Silver VaHey Dis!. ofM.R inventory priority tributaries . Landowners streams Clayton Channel 08/99- 4.0km below ARMS Improve flow Install flow diverter 08/99 A10uette Dam Bowman and diversion to Associates channel Millionaire 01100- 1.0km above ARMS Stabilize slide Wattles, other planting, retention ponds Creek 02/00 A10uette area confluence ~~er Dist.ofM.R South A10uette 08/99- 200m below ARMS, Gravel placement Placed 360 tons of gravel at high water 08/99 A10uette Dam MOELP, mark Corrections Beaver Pond 07/99- I km below ARMS, L WD installation Installed 3 L WD structures in off- channel 08/99 A10uette Dam Corrections channel pond 6 IFollow-up & Monitoriniil Please describe the current status ofthe project. Has the problem being addressed been solved? (see "project rationale ") What are the ongoing issues in the area and your recommendations for future work Project Status Future work Dogwood Creek Complete Upstream fry assessment - ongoing Coho Creek Complete Further improvement to cui vert access Alouette off-channel Complete L WD installation in pond Tl4 tributary Complete As per Dogwood Creek Hennipen Creek Complete As per Dogwood Creek Riparian planting Ongoing ID and restore denuded areas - Balabanian Creek Complete Periodic inspection of site - Stream inventory Ongoing Water quality monitoring: 0712000 - 09/2000; GPS mapping: 011200 I - 03/200 I; transfer of existing data to maps - ongoing Clayton Channel Complete Monitor fish presence as per Dogwood Creek; maintenance of flow diversion structure Millionaire Creek Ongoing Seed exposed earth with rye grass; monitor site South Alouet!e gravel placement Complete Substrate sampling downstream of recruitment site Beaver Pond Channel L WD Ongoing Additional L WD installations as needed placement !Supporting Documentatioi1l You may attach additional dacumenlation to illustrate your project's results. (optional) Documentation Attached (Check as many as applicable) x Maps x Brochure x Photos x News clippings Data report x Other Watershed Coordinator summaries 7 \Financiai SummalJ] Please specifY project costs according to thefol/owing categories for the
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