University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Adam Liska Papers Biological Systems Engineering 2012 Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production Douglas L. Karlen USDA-ARS, Ames, Iowa, [email protected] David Archer USDA-ARS, Mandan, ND, [email protected] Adam Liska University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected] Seth Meyer Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute–Missouri, Columbia, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bseliska Part of the Biological Engineering Commons Karlen, Douglas L.; Archer, David; Liska, Adam; and Meyer, Seth, "Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production" (2012). Adam Liska Papers. 12. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bseliska/12 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Biological Systems Engineering at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Adam Liska Papers by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Number 48 January 2012 Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production The corn/soybean production system models the complexities involved in the generation, supply, distribution, and use of energy. (Photo images from Shutterstock.) bstrAct of systems” or even “systems within energy issue, life cycle assessment is A ecosystems” because of their complex used as a tool to evaluate the impact Quantifying energy issues associ- linkages to global food, feed, and fuel of what many characterize as a simple ated with agricultural systems, even production. production system. This approach for a two-crop corn (Zea mays L.) and Two key economic challenges at demonstrates the importance of hav- soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) rota- the field and farm scale for decreas- ing accurate greenhouse gas and soil tion, is not a simple task. It becomes ing energy use are (1) overcoming organic carbon information for these even more complicated if the goal is adoption barriers that currently limit analyses to be meaningful. to include all aspects of sustainability implementation of energy-conserving Traditional and emerging mar- (i.e., economic, environmental, and production practices and (2) demon- ket and policy forces affecting energy social). This Issue Paper examines strating the viability of sustainable issues within corn/soybean systems energy issues associated with and af- bioenergy feedstock production as are examined to project the effects of fecting corn/soybean rotations by first part of a landscape management plan increasing bioenergy demand associ- defining the size of the system from focused not only on corn/soybean ated with the Energy Independence both a U.S. and global perspective and production but on all aspects of soil, and Security Act of 2007. Uncertainty then establishing boundaries based water, and air resource management. with regard to biofuel policy is a ma- on the Farm Bill definition of sustain- It is also important to look beyond di- jor factor affecting energy issues in ability. This structured approach is es- rect energy consumption to address the all aspects of agriculture. This uncer- sential to help quantify energy issues complex economics affecting energy tainty affects investments in biofuel within corn/soybean systems that are issues associated with corn/soybean production and energy demand, which themselves best described as “systems systems. To help address the complex together influence commodity prices, This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Grants No. 2010- 38902-20899, No. 2009-38902-20041, and No. 2008-38902-19327. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USDA–NIFA. CAST Issue Paper 48 Task Force Members Adam J. Liska Authors , Department of Timothy M. Smith, Bioproduct Biological Systems Engineering, and Biosystems Engineering, Uni- University of Nebraska–Lincoln Douglas L. Karlen (Chair), USDA– versity of Minnesota–Twin Cities ARS, National Laboratory for Seth Meyer, Food and Agricultural Campus, St. Paul Agriculture and the Environment, Policy Research Institute–Missouri, Anthony F. Turhollow, Jr., Envi- Ames, Iowa Columbia ronmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak David Archer, USDA–ARS, North- Reviewers ern Great Plains Research Center, Ridge, Tennessee Mandan, North Dakota Harold Reetz (retired), Reetz Ag- ronomics, LLC, Monticello, Illinois price volatility for food and feed, and Quantifying energy issues within efforts. Corn production (USDA– agricultural energy decisions. any system is difficult, but attempting NASS 2011) rose from approximately The authors conclude by offering an to do so within the constraints of sus- 50 million megagrams (Mg; 2.0 billion approach, including decreased or more tainability (i.e., economically viable, bushels) during the 1930s to 1.55 bil- efficient energy use, that can enhance environmentally benign, and socially lion Mg (12.6 billion bushels) during all aspects of sustainability. Their strat- acceptable) is crucial if humankind is to the past five years (2007–2011) with egy, defined as a “landscape vision,” begin addressing the scientific, tech- no change in harvest area (33.2 million is suggested as an agricultural system nical, economic, social, and political hectares [ha] or 81.99 million acres). approach that could meet increasing elements that must be transformed to The increased production was primarily global demand for food, feed, fiber, and change how energy is generated, sup- because of improved tolerance to high fuel in a truly sustainable manner. plied, distributed, and used (NAS 2010). plant populations and abiotic stress This Issue Paper addresses energy is- (Duvick 1992). Furthermore, the esti- sues within the corn/soybean production mated genetic corn yield potential of 25 IntroductIon system as a model for understanding the Mg/ha (400 bushels/acre) (Evans and Industrial growth and development, complexities that must be addressed. Fischer 1999; Tollenaar 1983; Tollenaar electrification, rapid advances in trans- The goal is to identify research, devel- and Lee 2002) still has not been portation options, and cheap, abundant opment, and policy needs, questions, achieved across a large area of land, so energy resources during the twentieth benefits, and opportunities for both in- additional increases in yield per unit century allowed many in the United creasing energy efficiency and produc- area and total corn production are antic- States to become very complacent re- ing bioenergy in landscapes dominated ipated as transgenic crops continue to garding both the amount and sources by corn/soybean production systems. improve herbicide tolerance and insect of energy being used. All sectors of the Therefore, this paper will explore en- resistance (Duvick 2005). global economy, including agriculture, ergy issues associated with tillage, There also was a major land use are now being affected by that grow- crop rotation, cover crops, and linkages change (Karlen 2004) as the area de- ing demand for energy because of the among food, feed, fiber, and fuel pro- voted to soybean production increased critical role energy plays in maintaining duction for this cropping system. 500% from 6.1 to 31.9 million ha (15 national security, economic prosperity, to 79 million acres) between 1950 and and environmental quality (NAS 2009). U.S. and Global Corn/ 2010 (CAST 2009; USDA–NASS Understanding the complexity of en- 2011). As a result of these changes, ergy issues affecting agriculture and Soybean Production—1950 the corn/soybean rotation became the all other industries is becoming more to 2010 dominant land use in the midwestern important as world demand for food, As reported by Johnson, Allmaras, United States during the latter half of feed, fiber, and fuel increases and the and Reicosky (2006), corn and soy- the twentieth century (Karlen, Dinnes, reliability of traditional energy sources bean yields were low and constant until and Singer 2010). The development (especially oil) becomes more uncertain after the 1930s. Then, starting with the of highly efficient animal produc- because of political instability and fi- development of hybrid corn; increased tion systems, new products, and an nite supplies. Increasing recognition of use of commercial nitrogen (N), phos- increased global market demand for global climate variability (e.g., ICCAC phorus, and potassium fertilizers; and corn, soybean, and animal products all 2011) and the fact that U.S. dependence development of many mechanical accompanied this increase in corn/soy- on foreign oil has increased from 40% (planters, pickers, combines), chemi- bean supplies. These cropping system in 1990 to 56% in 2009 are just two cal (pesticides, insecticides), and most changes helped ensure a consistent, of the driving forces encouraging ev- recently genetic engineering technolo- uniform commodity supply for agricul- eryone to examine their energy future gies, yields rose steadily through public tural industries; however, with regard to (CAST 2010; NAS 2010). and private research and development soil and water conservation they raised 2 COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY many concerns (Karlen, Dinnes, and and Agriculture.
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