Aquaculture Research, 2016, 47, 51–55 doi:10.1111/are.12464 Induction of triploidy in Melicertus kerathurus (Forskal, 1775) with temperature shock Mehmet Kır1, Ali Kemal Sßahan1 & Ozg€ ur€ Okur2 1Faculty of Fisheries, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, Turkey 2Biotechnology and Bioengineering Central Research Laboratories, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey Correspondence: M Kır, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Fisheries, 48000 Kotekli, Mugla, Turkey. E-mail: mkir@mu. shrimp species which have been studied to date Abstract are generally distributed in the Eastern Pacific and Triploidy in fertilized eggs of Melicertus kerathurus Indo-West Pacific (Bailey-Brock & Moss 1992). was induced by cold (8, 10, 12°C) and heat (34, Melicertus kerathurus, a commercially valuable 36, 38°C) shock for different duration times (2, 4 penaeid shrimp, unlike the previously studied spe- and 8 min) after 10 min of post spawning. The cies, is endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and best individual treatment produced 64.5% triploid Eastern Atlantic Ocean (Pellerito, Arculeo & Bon- nauplii in cold shock application at a temperature homme 2009). As well as being an important of 10°C for a duration of 8 min. Temperature did resource for fisheries, it has been considered and not have significant effect (P > 0.05) on triploid used for aquaculture since the beginning of the rate but duration time had a significant effect 1970s (Arculeo, Pellerito & Bonhomme 2010; (P < 0.05) for individual cold or heat shock. This Lumare 1979). There have been no reported study demonstrates that because of a wide variety attempts to induce triploidy in M. kerathurus. of effective parameters, it is essential to optimize Two categories of triploidy have been studied in shock conditions for each species strain at each penaeid shrimps: Meiosis I and Meiosis II triploidy. location. In these categories, triploid shrimps are induced by the inhibition of polar body (PB I or PB II; PB I Keywords: triploid, Melicertus kerathurus, tem- and PB II) extrusion during meiosis (Li et al. perature shock 2003, 2006; Sellars, Degnan & Preston 2006; Sel- lars et al. 2010). Thermal hydrostatic pressure and chemical shocks are applied to inhibit the extru- Introduction sion of polar bodies in newly fertilized eggs (Sellars Triploid induction is considered to be one of the et al. 2010). most important techniques to achieve genetic In this study, triploids in M. kerathurus were improvement in aquatic animals. In comparison induced using thermal shock induction to stop sec- with mollusks and fish, research on shrimp triploid ond meiotic division (PB II extrusion). The study induction has developed slowly due to their special was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of reproductive characteristics, such as spawning at shock temperature and duration time on triploidy. night and asynchronous embryo development (Li, Xiang, Zhou, Wu & Zhang 2003; Li, Zhang, Yu, Materials and methods Liu, Zhang, Zhou & Xiang 2006). However, very important research on some shrimp species to Broodstock, spawning and embryo collection obtain triploid individuals has been carried out so far around the world. The most studied species are The broodstock shrimps required for spawning in Fenneropenaeus chinensis, Litopenaeus vannamei, the study were obtained from a population of the Marsupenaeus japonicus and Penaeus monodon (Sel- coast of the Aegean Sea and transferred to the fish lars, Li, Preston & Xiang 2010). These penaeid farm of the Kılıcß Holding near Bafa Lake in Turkey. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 51 Induction of triploid in Melicertus kerathurus M Kır et al. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 47, 51–55 The Broodstock were kept in maturation tanks Assessment of triploidy (1000 L) at 28°C sea water and fed squid and mussels twice daily. The gravid shrimps were then The naupli samples were disintegrated in 1 mL individually put into 30-L circular spawning marine phosphate buffered solution (MPBS) con- tanks. The tanks contained a manipulation basket taining 0.1% Triton X-100 (Amresco 0694-1L, (500-lm mesh size) placed inside another net Solon, OH, USA) (11 g LÀ1 NaCl, 0.2 g LÀ1 KCl, À1 (100-lm mesh size), which served as egg collec- 1.15 g L Na2HPO4 2H2O) and then homogenized tors. The temperature and salinity of the water in by passing through a 25-gauge needle. Samples the tanks were 28°C and 36 mg LÀ1 respectively. pushed against the wall of tube firmly for eight To determine the time of spawning, the shrimp in times and cell suspension passed through 80-lm the spawning tank was consistently observed by mesh to obtain single cells (Sellars et al. 2006). night vision camera connected a computer. After Rnase A of 100 lL (200 lgmLÀ1) was added for the shrimp had spawned, the manipulation basket each sample. After 30-min incubation at 37°C, was suspended to remove spermatophores and 100 lL propidiun iodide (PI) (1 mg/mL) stain was excrement debris. added and incubated 15 min at room temperature in dark. The ploidy assessment of the samples was performed by fluorescence activated cell sorting Triploid induction by thermal shock (FACS) technique using a flow cytometer (Beckton Prior to the triploid induction, microscopic obser- Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, vations were carried out to determine the timing CA, USA). To detect PI, green solid state 488 laser of polar body (PB I and PB II) extrusions (Chavez, was used for excitation, 556/LP and 585/40 filter Murofushi, Aida & Hanyu 1991; Garnica-Rivera, configuration was used for detection. The level of Arredondo-Figueroa & Barriga-Sosa 2004). A triploidy in each sample was then determined using total of 108 triploid induction treatments with a ModFit LT software (Verity Software House, Top- control were carried out within three spawnings. sham, ME, USA). The treatments were conducted using cold (8, 10, 12°C) and heat (34, 36, 38°C) shock tempera- Statistical analysis tures with three duration times (2, 4 and 8 min). All experimental treatments were replicated twice The effects of temperature and duration time on with a control (28°C). After spawning, the fertil- triploid and hatching rates were analysed by ized eggs were distributed into 200-mL plastic analysis of variance using SPSS 15.0. Regression shock containers (PSC). Each PSC contained analyses were subsequently performed to deter- about 500 eggs. The bottom and top of the PSC mine the relationship between duration time and were covered with a 100-lm mesh screen. In triploid rates using the Microsoft Excel program. accordance with the experimental design, the PSCs that held shrimp eggs were submerged in Results and discussion the water baths that contained different tempera- tures of water to perform the thermal shock. The The extrusion of PB I and PB II were observed in treatment began 10 min post spawning. After eggs of M. kerathurus within 6–8 min and 14– thermal shock, the PSCs with eggs were then 16 min post spawning at 28°C respectively. returned directly to the initial water temperature Higher frequency of extrusion occurred at 6 and of 28°C. 14 min. These results are slightly different from those reported in previous studies for L. vannamei (Dumas & Ramos 1999), M. japonicus (Norris, Determining of hatching rate Coman, Sellars & Preston 2005) and P. monodon About 15 h after spawning, six egg aliquots (Pongtippatee-Taweepreda, Chavadej, Plodpai, Pra- (10 mL) from each treatment (each PSC) were toomchart, Sobhon, Weerachatyanukul & With- removed. The rate of hatched eggs was calculated yachumnarnkul 2004). It is noticed that PB I and by establishing the total number of eggs in the PB II extrusion happens 3–5 and 10–15 min in PSC and the relative frequencies of hatched eggs eggs of P. monodon respectively (Pongtippatee-Ta- and non-hatched eggs in the distinct thermal weepreda et al. 2004). Sellars, Wood, Murphy, shock treatments. McCulloch and Preston (2012) treated chemical 52 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 47, 51–55 Aquaculture Research, 2016, 47, 51–55 Induction of triploid in Melicertus kerathurus M Kır et al. Figure 1 The FACS data output to detect the highest triploid rate from cold shock application at a temperature of 10°C for a duration of 8 min for spawning 3. shock to eggs of P. monodon after 6 min and to 100% in another penaeid shrimp, L. vannamei, 40 s spawning to get PB II triploid. Pongtippa- using a cold shock temperature of 10°C which tee, Laburee, Thaweethamsewee, Hiranphan, As- was obtained from the most successful individual uvapongpatana, Weerachatyanukul, Srisawat and induction rate in this study. This induction tem- Withyachumnarnku (2012) reported that PB II perature is similar to the most successful induction triploids (61.4%) of P. monodon were induced (76.7%) at a temperature of 9°C for a 6-min dura- when cold shock was applied at 10 min post tion in P. monodon (Wood, Coman, Foote & Sellars spawning at 8°C for 10-min duration. In this 2011). Regression analyses for individual cold or study, temperature shocks were applied at 10 min heat shock applications for all spawnings in this after spawning. Since the spawning duration of study determined that temperature did not have a the gravid shrimp usually lasts several minutes, significant effect (P > 0.05) on triploid induction triploids induced in the present study might be PB rate (Fig. 2). Triploid nauplii induction rates ran- I and PB II triploids. ged between 0–64.5% and 0–13.3% for cold and The best individual treatment produced 64.5% heat shock respectively across all duration times. triploid nauplii in spawning 3 at a temperature of Multiple regression analyses for individual 10°C for an 8-min duration in the present study. spawning determined that the duration of shock The FACS data output of the highest triploid rate application had a significant impact (P < 0.05) on is illustrated in Fig.
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