SOCIO ECONOMIC REVIEW OF WEST KAMENG DISTRICT ARUNACHAL PRADESH Published by DISTRICT STATISTICAL OFFICE West Kameng District BOMDILA SOCIO-ECONOMIC REVIEW >0F . .WEST KAMENG DISTRICT 1 -^yr P u b lish e d by :- District Statistical Office, West Kameng District^ Bomdila NIEPA DC UlU/'IO UBRARY a BOCUUEKTATHHi CESrilil ^ ,loscitu*^ of Edu^tiosal PldQUmg «ad" 17-B, Stj Aurobindo Mari* UUL.,nnr N o........ - 0 )H o ^t> _ _________ ! U - j S i L a 2 ^ FOREV;ORD "^District Socio-Economic Review of V7est Kameng District, 1997" is brought-out the District Statistical Office^Bomdila in the form of booklet. The Publication incorporates data up~to March/1997 relating to important aspects of Economic and Social Developments of X'^est Kameng District, I hope,district officials,Planners, Research Scholars and other users will make good use of the publication. Date ! 20.4,98 Places Bomdila. Deputy Commissioner I/C West Kameng District Bomdila INTRODUCTION / The "Socio-Economic Review of West Kameng District., 1997" is the Seventh publication in the series published by the District Statistical Office/Bomdila* In this publication, attempt has been made to present the district’s economy in the light of development activities undertaken and achievements made during the year,1996-97, I am grateful to all Heads of Departments of this district for their co-operation in furnishing required data, in time. Any suggestion for improvement of future issue of the publication -will be appreciated. SD/-. MAMTA RIBA,EAC I/C District Statistical Officer V7est Kameng District Bom dila. (i ) CONIEKTS ( SOCIO-ECONOMIC REVIEW OF WE: P. KAMENG DISTRICT, 1996-97) ____ ______________ ’ ^ _ £srt_icul^^ _________ ____ l^age Numbers - _ loi _ _i ___________ : _ _(!)_ _ ■__________________ i _ i3i I _ r - 1. location 1 2. Historical Genesis 1 3. Physiography 1 - 2 4. River 2 5. Clim ate 2 6. Adm.inistrative Set-up 2-3 7. Population (as per .1991 Census) 3-4 8. Inhabitant and their Religion 4 9. Infrastructure 4-5 10, Post and Telegraph 5 11, Telephone 5 12, Electricity and Power 5-6 13, Banks 6 14, Co-operative 6 15, Civil Supply 7 16, V.L.P.T- Centres 7 17, E?ducation 7-8 18, Medical and Public Health 8-10 19, Forests " ’ 10^12 20, Animal Husbandarv and Veterinary 12- 13 20(a) Regional Sheep Breeding Parm/Sangti 13- 14 20(b) National Research Centre on YAK 14 20(c) Regional Temperate Fodder Seed Product ion-cum-Demons tr at ion Farm, R.T.Fo^Dirang 14 - 15 21, Fishery 15 - 16 21(a) Government Trout Hatchery,Shergaon 16 22, Industries 16 - 18 22(a) Sericulture Activities 18 23, A griculture 18 - 19 23(a) Farmer's Training Centre,SALARI 19 Contd.Pace(ii) S L . NO^ I___ __ _P3Cticul,ars_ _ _ _ _ _JPag£ Numbers ______ (a)_ _ I i _______I _______ Z(V ____________________ 1 - 1 2 X _ / 24. Hor.ticu-lture 20 24(a) State Horticultural-arm,jShergaon 20 24(b) Regional Apple Nursery>Dirang 20-21 2 5, R^al_WorXs^ 21-22 26. Public Health Engineering 22 27. Irrigation and Tl^dd ciontrol 22 28. Rural ^Development 22 28(a) Integrated Rural Deyelopment Programme 22 - 23 28(b) Assistance^ to Small and Marginal Farmers (ASMF ) ’ 2 3 28(c) Integrated Child Development Service (.ICDS) 23 28(d) Physical and Financial Achievement of Rural Development Programme 24 29. Panchayat Raj and C.D. Block 24-25 30. Information and Culture 2 5 31. Miscellaneous 31(a) Police and crime 26 31(b) Employment 26 31(c) Registration of Births and Deaths events 26 31(d) Legal Metrology 26. « 1 ~ l/est K^naefi| QiSoriqt having a]&‘ar’fea\of 74s2-Sq.KGi. accounts for'5,36 percent of total’ar.ea of''state»The'District is Ich* catec! in t^.e Western^paP t of- .^un-aclial Prades'h>Its 'main land extends be.tx;een 91;,31 toEksrt- :|.ongitudes anS’.r26' 5.4 to 28’ 01 N6 ;p.;bl\' latitudes*.The dis„triQt^ is- surrounded by Tibet region Df-Qhiha in xt^ieJ-Jorth,-.Eiiutari in the v/est,'a.ncJ' T^warlg . '■ and East Kai^eng District of -Aru^acMl %ade.^^h are in ih& IT or th- s t, and Sas t r,e s pe at i v,e ly., ‘rh'e s outhera. ,|)pund ad Gins Soni.tpur' and Dayiran'g Dis'b^icts ‘-of ^ s a in / ’ 2 . Eiy^ftlQAJj ' - Th^ name of the district is dei'i^ve^S fron; ICant^n^ fi^er" a tributor^ of the Brahmaputra^ that flo-^ws' t:^oj[fgh th^-d^isH^-^ tr-ictj'rill lpi4,^tiie, d.isjtricf%as a part .of the Dairrarig ^Di|- tfict of'-Assam. By' a Govt* of India Ncixification ofuhe area covered by this district became’"a part of the .¥e^,t^-rn. section of the llovth S^ast Frotler Tract to v/hiplivgntry:9 f th^e British subject was regula4sed.. by an 1 9 X 9 ,this traptVswasi ^renamed as'‘the Ballpark Frg1:ie>'‘fr having it& 'hoadquar ter afe ‘Gharduar of ^^Assam*!^ 'was-^,cufyed ou,t of the 3alipara‘lFr'ontier- Trac5t ^wlW^the ‘name of Sela*^Sul5«”Age^cy and its headquarter continued to be at' Gharduar*.In 19545Sela Sub-ilgency ^^^as renamed as t^,''^'Ka^meng - •Froatier Divlsion^^ aiid its headquarter i/?as later ta’ansferred to Bpmdila.Iak© oph'er ^parts of JT^rfa'/lt was als o und^r'^^tneMi- rilsti^'y ,of E^rbernal A£:^«aairs .and "Over-all i n c h a r ‘qr-'the'J di^‘-* trict y;as a- poll’ti c a l . Offijcef:*QiT ;:lst ■Sei3temberV19^jthe3fln^ sjtrji/of Home A ffairtoqlr. oveir' the Adniinistrative^ih^rge o^f A “frdp/:thepf Ii^xterhal i^fairs aujLd Iv^)?ie?rg'Fronts ler: Division vjas*"renamed as 'Kameng District" *^hdythe\Polijs^0kl^ Officer x’/as^'rsdesigKated, as Depu'ty Comaiissioher; . Pn 1st anc itest o f the' then -_______ ___ . ___ _____ ______ Ivameng District m s placed under Vl^st Kameng,.Finally gn 6 th October j 19 ' ' ^ 5 V7est Kameng District i/jas again>’'tirf,urG^ted'-cur*- ving out the area ox Ta^.^an^ Sub-d,ivj,sion and i^aviangi Dis-'t^Jict vas formed. " ' The top.ography of the District is mpstly mounJ:^in9U§^^y5t greate^v^ it fa lls xuthin the higher 'mountai^i ^one consisting* 4 mass of :bang'le peal^s and valleys. ' 2 “ In ¥es;b Kameiig, there tbre^ pr„incipal» mqun- tain range.s a^par't'O^* •Sela-'-'r'dngej^gamdila'^ange anS f’bpl^hilis rai’ige’jThe Sela ^raiigQ ,g©insists a'Series-bf ■niouata:ifi^_ d,rrange(T iii the f 6 rnl 15ig iin§ ±r£. tH^ llortk^Bhatair in.,';tlie V)e3 .t and, tlius Yor^nigr^ >a itougliT ter'15alri-*to ^-13ass through "it ■♦.The alti.tude' of range v<^ri^S:.'fr^cM 140Q(>*feet^ ;1k) 1S06'0-ep.t and'^el^. 1371.4 ^f«q^tJoagTi.^he Boiaaila: i^ang^ hky£n.g\an a'^?f=^T’ Q-0 0 (^\ f ft-fi-h nr.c* f ^qp. in(a-pa^;-]=>f^" sj'HV -a tfVi ' V, r, rrylng from 8100' feet“ to 9000 feet above\mear\ se^a, level.South thr ouf , river^ --^-v— i — ^ ,—* — — ,,7 -7 ,^ . drs^r ic't' 'Altijm^teay:^oiBSr'fibhe::]: %-^et ErahmA'putr a, in ' plains of ii^-samv O .0 ' *k! cla^'yj)^kl<s is Jio"t and hUmid^upto '^Cb/feei:/^ iA^'Soti-cnern area.jftemppr'^ fee.t and^-c^ld bey'’6 n d 'l t . ’ " Humidity is g8 neralj.y high through-out thfe\year, the ,m n« ter ^ months_____ bei;3 eing,3-l^s^ hufHi.di,!i"ne Ib'west and thLe-^Hi"ghest\t^)npe~ 'atfii-e*'bf'"^0mcliiaf i\jon during rth'euyear------ 1996 ’were^C-)!• G Oii^ , m J l ^ ^ A 9 6 - ■' ’ ^ I -> ■ /,'ThexaSiiiiiui'strativ^‘ se'fe^ujj ±s uayeu uu tjiLigxe xxjiit: l administration .which aims at keeping a olosed^, co«operation amongst various development depar.tments with/the ^adnanisr t r a tio n and thus work together for the -speedy■'/d^v^l'o^'menx of the people and the area. ^h%''^^t[i/^t^4 ^ ^ d W id e d ^ .^t- a th^ee sub-4>iVis3-;0^" v iz .BM &&*^itU iD ‘a .srubi-divis‘loh li’a ^ 'tV b circles i^e Dirahg'and BonidilaCSadar )jRu pa'Sub-Division covers ICalaktang circle and Sinchung circle,Thrizino sub­ division has got three circles 5namely Ifafra^ltoizino'and Jam iri ♦ « 3 As per Govt jHotificatiOil Blialulipong is under I’lirizino sub«dxvision for developmental purpose and under Hupa sub--divisidn for maintaining la\^^ and order* ^ 'HhQ Depu'ty Goniniissioner jbeing the over-all Inclpiarge of. the',d:];c;trict5maintains law and order with help of adminis’tratxv^ Q;rf.icers arid police force.The Villagers ha- - ve theix owii cus't'OmkrV' administrative system in the form of 'traditional village councils .The council, consists of the Gaon 'Bur a s' and members . The' Assam Frontier Regulation Act^1945,author^ i^es the village councils to settle all civil nmtters and cer-. tain cri-minal UBatters falling within their jurisdiction.Kow- ,’p‘Ve r ^‘Cor a ll mattprs,;jthe Dexjuty Commissioner and solne other ^admitxi'S/trative officers have jurisdictions under the supervi­ sion "Of the Assam High court which holds the a'ppellate and r e Vi s i ona 1 auth or 1 1 y.
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