ALBERTA ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW Number 3 ISSN 0701-1776 Autumn 1981 Copyright © 1981 by the publisher, The Archaeological Society of Alberta Archaeological Society of Alberta SOCIETY OFFICERS FOR 1981-82 EDITOR'S NOTE This issue of the REVIEW appears in a new format. Its President: Nick Sheptycki purpose is two-fold: to convey news of the sponsoring 5811-113A Street organization's activities throughout the province, and to Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1A9 provide a forum for news and comment of value to all who 434-2316 may be interested in the archaeological heritage of Alberta. Past President: J.T. Humphreys This will be possible if readers provide the Editor with 2139 - 29th Avenue S.W. pertinent news items, brief reports or comments, illustrated Calgary, Alberta T2T 1N6 if possible with black and white photographs. It is hoped 244-8793 that the REVIEW will be a meeting ground for both amateur Vice-President: Michael Quigg and professional archaeologists. I invite your comment and 307 - 7th Street S.E. suggestions. If response is sufficient two issues per year will Medicine Hat, Alberta be published. An illustrated book containing papers pres­ ented at the 1980 Annual Meeting in Lethbridge will be 529-9249 published later this year. Secretary-Treasurer: Mary Sheptycki 5811 -113A Street I wish to express my appreciation to the former editor, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1A9 Ron Getty, for his co-operation, and to Duncan Mackintosh 434-2316 and Lawrence Halmrast for their encouragement, and to Edmonton Centre: President G.F. Paschen the Provincial Executive of the Archaeological Society of 11911 University Drive Alberta for their support. Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1Z6 This issue would not have been possible without the 436-4913 tireless efforts of Jim Carpenter who provided much organ­ Representative Rod Heitzmann izational assistance and who compiled the reports on the 102, 11832 -105 Street past three annual meetings. For his assistance and that of Edmonton, Alberta T5G 2N2 June Carpenter who typed the working draft for this issue I 479-0915 am most grateful. Southeastern Centre: President Dennis Milner Publication assistance provided by Alberta Culture is 1710 - 9th Avenue N.E. gratefully acknowledged. Medicine Hat, Alberta 527-5263 Representative Ev Johnson 227 - 10th Street S.W. Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 4R3 Members of the Archaeological Society of Alberta 526-2481 receive a copy of the ALBERTA ARCHAEOLOGICAL Lethbridge Centre: President Duncan Mackintosh REVIEW. Non-members and institutions may subscribe to 1919 - 9th Avenue S. the ALBERTA ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW for $5.00 Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 1W8 per calendar year. Cheques should be made payable to: The 327-5466 Archaeological Society of Alberta. Representative Lawrence Halmrast All communications regarding subscriptions and the P.O. Box 165 ALBERTA ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW should be sent Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 to the Editor, Dr. T.A. Moore, University of Lethbridge, 642-2126 Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4. Calgary Centre: President Sharon Thorpe Communications regarding The Archaeological Soci­ 2614 - 1st Avenue N.W. ety of Alberta should be addressed to the Executive Secre­ Calgary, Alberta T2N 2Y4 tary/Treasurer, Mrs. Jeanne Cody, P.O. Box 4609, Station 483-2466 C, Calgary, Alberta T2T 5P1. Representative David B. Coutts 3817 - 7th Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2T 2Y4 243-2101 Executive Sec./Treas: Jeanne Cody cover photo: petroglyphs near Writing On Stone Provincial Park, Editor: Dr. T.A. Moore photo by Ed. Cesar, Granum, Alberta Annual Meeting News ORGANIZATION Annual Meeting 1979 In April, 1975, a charter was granted by the Province of The fourth annual meeting was held in Medicine Hat on Alberta under the Societies Act and the Archaeological April 7 and 8, 1979. The format for this meeting differed Society of Alberta came into being. from the previous meetings in two respects - President It was agreed that the annual meeting and the elected Laurie Milne Brumley called for unsolicited papers to be offices of president, vice-president, and secretary/treasurer presented on Saturday, and arranged field trips for Sunday would be held in rotation in the following order: Lethbridge, morning. All the Saturday proceedings were held in the Calgary, Edmonton. When the Southeastern Archaeologi­ Crowfoot Room at Medicine Hat College. cal Society was later formed, Medicine Hat was included in the cycle. The president and the secretary/treasurer are SATURDAY, APRIL 7 nominated from the host Centre; the vice-president is nom­ inated from the Centre next in order of rotation. Annual 9:15 a.m. VISION QUEST SITES AND STRUC­ meetings to date: TURES, John F. Dormaar, Lethbridge Lethbridge 1976 - President J.F. Dormaar, Lethbridge; V/P Centre Coutts, Calgary. 9:35 a.m. ALBERTA HISTORICAL RESOURCES Calgary 1977 - President D.B. Coutts; V/P Sheptycki, FOUNDATION, WHY DO WE HAVE IT? Edmonton. WHY DO WE NEED IT?, Arthur Greg, Edmonton 1978 - President N. Sheptycki; V/P Brumley, Executive Director, Alberta Historical Medicine Hat. Resources Foundation, Calgary, Alberta Medicine Hat 1979 - President L.M. Brumley; V/P Carpen­ ter, Lethbridge. 10:00 a.m. AN ASSESSMENT OF HISTORICAL Lethbridge 1980 - President J.H. Carpenter; V/P RESOURCES AT HISTORIC FORT Humphreys, Calgary. CHIPEWYAN, ALBERTA, Roderick H. Calgary 1981 - President J.T. Humphreys; V/P Sheptycki. Heitzmann, Historical Resources Consul­ Centre presidents and one representative from each tant, Edmonton, Alberta Centre are directors on the Provincial Executive. The Executive appoints an editor and an executive secretary/ 10:25 a.m. COFFEE BREAK treasurer for an indefinite term. 10:45 a.m. MEN, MOUNTAINS AND MAMMALS: Duties of the elected secretary/treasurer are: to take A VIEW FROM THE CANADIAN minutes at the annual and executive meetings; to look after ALPINE, Dr. B.O.K. Reeves, Associate finances in connection with the annual meeting; to make Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, Univer­ financial accounting to the executive secretary/treasurer; sity of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta to furnish the editor with minutes and reports. Duties of the executive secretary/treasurer are: to 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. LUNCH BREAK attend to correspondence in the Society's postal box, and to oversee the central bank account; to collect and disburse 1:00 p.m. THE NATURE, DISTRIBUTION AND money as directed by the Society; to attend to records of a POSSIBLE FUNCTION OF SMALL recurring nature for continuance of the Society (e.g. Char­ STONE CAIRNS IN SOUTHERN ter up-dating, Revenue Canada records, etc.); to notify and ALBERTA, John H. Brumley, Archaeolog­ assess each Centre of contributory membership fees as of ical Consultant, Medicine Hat, Alberta January 1 of each year. 1:25 p.m. ROSS GLEN TIPI RING INVESTIGA­ TION, Michael Quigg, Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 1:50 p.m. COMMENTS ON THE ARCHAEOL­ OGY OF NORTHWESTERN ALBERTA, Annual Meetings 1976, 1977, 1978 William J. Wood, Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Reports on the first and second annual meetings appeared in the Alberta Archaeological Review #1. The 2:15 p.m. COFFEE BREAK report on the third annual meeting appeared in the #2 Review, February 1979. The format for these one-day 2:30 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING annual meetings was a business meeting in the morning, 4:30-6:30 p.m. FREE TIME luncheon, with or without a guest speaker, and a field trip in the afternoon. In the evening a formal banquet with guest 6:30 p.m. BANQUET, CROWFOOT ROOM, MED­ speaker concluded the proceedings. ICINE HAT COLLEGE 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker, Dr. George F. Mac- Mrs. Jeanne Cody was appointed as executive secre­ Donald, Senior Archaeologist Archaeolog­ tary/treasurer, and President J.H. Carpenter, Vice- ical Survey of Canada, speaking on "NORTH­ President J. Humphreys, and Jeanne Cody were WEST COAST WOOD WORKING - AN appointed to be the signing authority for the Society's ANCIENT TRADITION". bank account, any two of those three. 3. Gerry Paschen was reappointed for another two-year term as our representative on the Advisory Commit­ SUNDAY, APRIL 8 tee of the Environment Council of Alberta and Henry Anderson of Lethbridge was appointed as alternate. 8:30 a.m. 12:00 noon FIELD TRIP starting from 4. Executive for the year 1979 -1980: parking lot, east side of Medicine Hat Col­ President J.H. Carpenter, Lethbridge lege. Preliminary program includes visit to Vice-President J.T. Humphreys, Calgary Many Islands Lake Medicine Wheel, Ross Secretary/Treasurer H.R. Anderson, Lethbridge Glen Site, Irvine Bison Kill and Campsite. Lethbridge Centre President Claudette Chadsey Representative Lawrence Halmrast BUSINESS MEETING Calgary Centre President Brian Jones President Laurie Brumley thanked the members Representative David Coutts for their co-operation during the year. Her report Edmonton Centre President Rod Heitzmann mentioned three of the decisions made by the Society Representative Gerry Paschen S.Eastern Centre President John Brumley Executive during the year: Representative E. Johnson 1. To centralize the Society's bank account in Calgary under an executive secretary/treasurer. 2. To apply for registration with Revenue Canada so that the Society would be able to issue receipts for income tax purposes, for money donations made to the Society. 3. To increase the yearly member assessment to $2.00 from the present $1.00 per membership, effective January 1,1980. Annual Meeting 1980 Shirley Heather, secretary/treasurer, filed the financial The fifth annual meeting was held at the Lethbridge report showing the Society had a bank balance of $422.45. Lodge Hotel in Lethbridge on April 12 and 13, 1980. To commemorate Alberta's 75th birthday, an ambitious pro­ Ron Getty, editor, filed his report which emphasized gram was planned and presented. The theme was "Alberta the need for more funding and more items to be submitted Archaeology - Retrospect and Prospect". Papers presented by members. by authorities in their specialized fields will be published in a journal of the proceedings.
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