THE DIET AND PREDATOR-PREY RELATIONSHIPS OF THE SEA STAR PYCNOPODIA HELIANTHOIDES (BRANDT) FROM A CENTRAL CALIFORNIA KELP FOREST A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories San Jose State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts by Timothy John Herrlinger December 1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments iv Abstract vi List of Tables viii List of Figures ix INTRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS Site Description 4 Diet 5 Prey Densities and Defensive Responses 8 Prey-Size Selection 9 Prey Handling Times 9 Prey Adhesion 9 Tethering of Calliostoma ligatum 10 Microhabitat Distribution of Prey 12 OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS Diet 14 Prey Densities 16 Prey Defensive Responses 17 Prey-Size Selection 18 Prey Handling Times 18 Prey Adhesion 19 Tethering of Calliostoma ligatum 19 Microhabitat Distribution of Prey 20 DISCUSSION Diet 21 Prey Densities 24 Prey Defensive Responses 25 Prey-Size Selection 27 Prey Handling Times 27 Prey Adhesion 28 Tethering of Calliostoma ligatum and Prey Refugia 29 Microhabitat Distribution of Prey 32 Chemoreception vs. a Chemotactile Response 36 Foraging Strategy 38 LITERATURE CITED 41 TABLES 48 FIGURES 56 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My span at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories has been a wonderful experience. So many people have contributed in one way or another to the outcome. My diving buddies perse- vered through a lot and I cherish our camaraderie: Todd Anderson, Joel Thompson, Allan Fukuyama, Val Breda, John Heine, Mike Denega, Bruce Welden, Becky Herrlinger, Al Solonsky, Ellen Faurot, Gilbert Van Dykhuizen, Ralph Larson, Guy Hoelzer, Mickey Singer, and Jerry Kashiwada. Kevin Lohman and Richard Reaves spent many hours repairing com­ puter programs for me. Mike Kellogg, Gary Gillingham, and Mark Silberstein were very helpful in assisting with stomach content identifications. The members of my thesis committee provided many useful comments during revision of the manuscript. Financial sup­ port was provided by committee members and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. A special thanks to Harvey Van Veldhuizen and Mike Foster who were always ready to talk about kelp forest ecology. I hope the completion of this work helps in some way to pay my hot water debt for the innumerable showers so gener­ ously provided by the Hopkins Marine Station. Jim Watanabe and Chuck Baxter never avoided my questions and provided much insight and kindness. My special friendships with Allan, Ellen, Todd, Mike, iv and John helped shape my thoughts on subtidal research and life. Thanks for the memories. Becky - Thank you for enduring through many difficult times. Your friendship was the most recharging of all. v ABSTRACT The diet of Pycnopodia helianthoides from a kelp forest in central California is dominated by gastropods (79%). Calliostoma ligatum and Tegula pulligo are the most impor­ tant prey species. There is a 3 to 1 ratio of Q. ligatum to T. pulligo in Pycnopodia stomachs, whereas a 2 to 1 ratio exists for their field abundances. This apparent preference occurs despite 1· pulligo containing more than four times as many calories as an individual C. ligatum. Pycnopodia di­ gests C. ligatum in half the time required to digest T. pulligo. Pycnopodia selects all sizes of C. ligatum but ignores small 1· pulligo. Both the opportunistic Pycnopodia and its prey appear to utilize a chemotactile exchange of information rather than distance chemoreception in their predator-prey relationships. Calliostoma ligatum displays a violent somersaulting escape response when contacted by Pycnopodia, whereas T. pulligo does not move. Neither spe­ cies is able to adhere to the substratum strongly to prevent predation. Although 1· pulligo contains more calories than C. ligatum, Q. ligatum appears to be preferred by Pycnopo­ dia. The results of this diet study from the northern end of the California range of the sea otter are very similar to the diet of Pycnopodia from the southern end of the otter's range (Dayton et al., 1980). Otters probably influence the diet of Pycnopodia, since the sea star consumes sea urchins vi and bivalves outside the range of Enhydra lutris. Balanophyllia elegans provides protection to Q. ligatum from Pycnopodia predation by stinging advancing sea stars with its nematocysts. When C. ligatum was tethered in an area with B. elegans and an area without the coral, Pycnopo­ dia produced significantly greater Q. ligatum mortalities in the coral-free area. Calliostoma ligatum benefits in a sec­ ond manner while on non-horizontal surfaces by releasing itself from the substratum and dropping to safety below. Calliostoma ligatum are not significantly more abundant around B. elegans but large snails are more common on steep sloping rocks. These two refugia (coral patches and verti­ cal walls) may allow the gastropod to maintain its density despite heavy predation pressure by Pycnopodia. vii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Diet of 41 Pycnopodia helianthoides from the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge, Pacific Grove, California 48 Table 2. Additional Pycnopodia field feeding observa- tions from central California 50 Table 3. Comparison of species of Calliostoma and I£g­ ula from Pycnopodia stomachs and density quadrats 51 Table 4. Prey-Size comparisons of Q. ligatum and T. pulligo from Pycnopodia stomachs and density quadrats 52 Table 5. Pycnopodia handling times for Q. ligatum and 1· pulligo 53 Table 6. Results of Q. ligatum tethering experiment with and without Balanophyllia elegans 54 Table 7. Correlation coefficients of microhabitat dis- tribution of prey 55 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Hopkins Marine Life Refuge, Pacific Grove, California 56 Figure 2. Calliostoma ligatum tethering experiment 57 ix Introduction Asteroids have important ecological roles in subtidal, temperate waters along the west coast of North America (Mauzey et al., 1968; Landenberger, 1968; Birkeland and Chia, 1971; Rosenthal and Chess, 1972; Birkeland, 1974; Van Veldhuizen and Phillips, 1978; Vance, 1978; Dayton~ al., 1980; Sloan, 1980; Watanabe, 1980; Harrold, 1981; Birkeland ~ al., 1982; Kastendiek, 1982; Schmitt, 1982). As major predators within a community, subtidal sea stars are capable of influencing the distribution and abundance of local prey populations (Mauzey et al., 1968; Birkeland and Chi a, 1971 ; Rosenthal and Chess, 1972; Rutherford, 1973; Birkeland, 1974; Dayton et al., 1980; Sloan, 1980; Watanabe, 1980; Tegner and Dayton, 1981; Birkeland et al., 1982; Kastendiek, 1982) . Pycnopodia helianthoides (hereafter Pycnopodia) is a major carnivore in kelp forests along the west coast of North America. It is the largest and heaviest sea star known, individuals having been recorded with a diameter of 130 em (Mauzey~al., 1968). Possession of thousands of tube feet promotes quickness and makes this predator proba­ bly the fastest (Feder and Christensen, 1966) and most active Pacific asteroid (Ricketts and Calvin, 1968). Small prey items are digested internally within the alimentary tract while larger prey may be digested extra-orally. 2 Following complete digestion of the prey's soft tissue, nondigesti ble parts (e.g., mollusk shells and small sea urchin tests) are egested or discarded. Pycnopodia ranges from the Aleutian Islands to San Diego. In Alaska and California, its distribution and diet overlap that of the sea otter, Enhydra lutris. Where sea otter predation has reduced the numbers of abalone and urchins in central California (McLean, 1962; Ebert, 1968; Lowry and Pearse, 1973), Pycnopodia may be an important competitive predator by consuming small abalone and urchins which have not yet attained a refuge in size (Dayton et al., 1980) . There is only one report (Dayton et al., 1980) of the diet of subtidal Pycnopodia within the range of the sea otter, Enhydra lutris. At Point Piedras Blancas, Califor­ nia, where densities of urchins and abalone are low due to sea otter predation, Dayton~ al. (1980) found that 72% of the diet of Pycnopodia was gastropods. Their report differs markedly from other diet studies outside the range of E. lutris where researchers have found subtidal Pycnopodia feeding primarily on Strongylocentrotus spp. in southern California (Hopkins and Crozier, 1966; Leighton, 1971; Teg­ ner and Dayton, 1981; and pers. obs.), Washington (Mauzey et al., 1968), and Alaska (Duggins, 1981). Pycnopodia also consumed bivalves in Washington (Mauzey et al., 1968) and Alaska (Paul and Feder, 1975; VanBlaricom, pers. comm.) in 3 other habitats without otters. With urchins reduced and bivalves generally absent from rocky substrata at the Hop­ kins Marine Life Refuge, one of the purposes of this study was to examine the prey of subtidal Pycnopodia from the northern end of the California range of E. lutris in a Monterey Bay kelp forest. Laboratory studies involving Pycnopodia feeding biology have been limited. Greer (1961) performed feeding observa­ tions in aquaria and examined the morphology of the diges­ tive system of Pycnopodia. Breen (1979) looked at selective feeding rates for Pycnopodia held in aquaria with clams, urchins, and oysters. Aquarium conditions are unnatural and such diet studies may not accurately reflect the diet of the sea star in the field. The importance of Pycnopodia in influencing the distri­ bution and abundance of local prey populations is supported by its interactions with a variety and number of organisms which display avoidance and/or escape responses to contact with the sea star (Bullock, 1953; Feder, 1963; Feder and Christensen, 1966; Montgomery, 1967; Mauzey et al., 1968; Robilliard, 1972; Rosenthal and Chess, 1972; Dayton, 1975; Getting, 1976; Margolin, 1976; Phillips, 1976, 1977, 1978; James and Nolen, 1978; Moitoza and Phillips, 1979; Nance and Braithwaite, 1979; Hoffman, 1981; Schmitt, 1981; Palmer~ al., 1982). Steroid saponins have been implicated as the chemical cues released by predatory sea stars that elicit 4 such avoidance and escape responses in prey (see Mackie and Grant, 1974 for review; Phillips, 1980). Predator-prey interactions are fundamental in determin­ ing availability and utilization of prey items to asteroids. The methods sea stars employ in capturing prey are compli­ cated and involve factors other than prey defensive respon­ ses.
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