INDEX. Bottle. Egyptian, wrapped in papyrus, 112 Bowl of oak, from Cheshire shore, 140 Abstract quantities, surnames connected with, 25 Brndwall hall, 80 Alexanders, origin of term, 59 Bragge, John, Schoolmaster, Ormskirk, 129 Alphabet on leaden tablet, 143 Bromley, James, exbibitor, 141, 142, 114, ib., 110, Amphoree, interesting, 112 14H Amulet, curious, 142 Brooklands, wayside cross at, 150 Amulets of Egyptian glass, 111 Broxop, John, king's preacher, 129 Ancient and modern glass, 146 Bullet mould, 149 Animals, surnames connected with, 23 nulmer, Hev. Mr., 135 Antiquities, their history lost, 113 Burial of Ormskirk clergy and ministry, 125 April, characteristics of, 4 Burscough, prior of, his burial, 127 Archery, surnames derived from, 20 Buxton, Dr., paper by, 140 Artichoke, origin of term, 50 Asiatic prisoner, blue porcelain, 147 Asparagus, origin of tei'm, 55 Aspinwall,"Sir" William, 148 Astrological manuscript, 1 Cabbage, origin of term, 45 Astronomical manuscript, 1 Calendar, 2 August, characteristics of, 0 " Calvin's Commentary on Genesis," 141 Australian boomerang, 147 Carr-moss, wayside cross at, 150 AuTiiohS OF PAPKHS Carrot, origin of the term, 72 Axon.W. E. A., 1,141 Cartmel, clergyman at, 113 Bailey, J. Eglinton, F.S.A., 148 Caulijtotver, origin of term, 45 Behew.Thos. A., 147 Celery, origin of term, 59 Buxton, Dr., 140 CHAIRMEN AT MHRTINOS Comber, Thomas, 43, 143 Benus, B. L, 144 Dixon James, F.K U.S., 125, H5,149 Hume, Canon, 139, 141, 142, ib, 143,144, 145, Earwaker, J. P., MA., P.S.A., 81,147 147, 148, il>. Gatty, Chas. T., 105, 140 Moore, Hev. R., M A., 146 Kendrick, Dr., 33, 143 Chancel, the High, at Ormskirk, 128 Latham, Dr., 91, 140 Chervil, origin of the term, 03 Picton James A., F.S.A.,9, H2 Cheshire coast, objects finm, 140,147 Rimmer, Alfred, 117, 144. Cheshire, East, Kornan remains in, Hi, 147 Robson, William, 140 Cheshire, interesting scenes in, 117; parlia­ Axon, W. E. A., author of paper, 1, HI; ex­ mentary divisions of, 82 hibitor, 148 Chester cathedral, stalls in, 124 Chicory, origin of term, 49 B Chinese card-case, curiuus example, 148; cross­ bow, 147; silver coin, 14S; stock and sliare Babylonian tablets, 149 list, 144 ; vases, carved, 141 Bailey, Dr., exhibitor, 148 Chisel of green-stono, 145 Bailey, J. Kglinton, paper by, 148 Chives, origin of the term, 07 Banner, Harmood, his age, 10 Chronology, surnames connected with, 20 Beads and bead-makers, various, 115 Churches and chapels in Liverpool, 1760,31 Beads from the Cheshire coast, 147 Cibol, origin of the term, 67 Bean, origin of the term, 05 Clayton, Dr., manuscript of his lectures, 142 Beamont. W., his history of Winwiok, 30; life of Clayton, family of, 11 Richard Mather, 38, 39, 40 Cluughton, Bisuop, educated at Winwick, 41 Beet, origin of the term, 77 Cleveland, family of, 11 Bellew, Thomas A., exhibitor, 147 ; paper by, ib. Clothing, surnames connected with, 28 Belt, Egyptian, 147 Coin, Irish, temp. Henry viii, 141 Benas, B. L., chairman, 144; exhibitor, 141, 148 Cttlcivort, origin of term, 45 Beni Hassen, drawings of glass-blowers at, 108 Comber, Thos., exhibitor, 143; paper by, 43, 143 Bescar, wayside cross at, 150 Compotus, ecclesiastical, 2 " Biblia Sacra." copy of, 142 Copper thumb-ring, 142 Bickerstaffe, Quakers at, 131 Cos, origin of term, 41 Bird-i'-the-hand, wayside cross at, 150 Counties, surnames connected with, 27 Blackburne family, at Newton hall, 41 Cress, origin of terra,.r>l Blackburne, Thomas, diary of, 41 Cromwell's cross, Lathorn park, 150 Blood-letting, a common custom, 1 Cross-bow, Chinese, 147 Blundell, family of, 11 Crosses, number of formerly, 149 Body, parts of, surnames connected with, 25 Cuneiform characters, 149 Bookbinding, curious, 145 Cunliffe, family of, 11 Boomerangs, Australian, 147 Cypher, names of plants in, 143 158 Goblet, curious glass, 141 Gore's Directory, 14 Daoia, Petrus de, table of, 3 Gorse, Mr., Master of Winwick School, 40 December, characteristics of, 8 Goss, Bishop, from Ormskirk, 130 Denmark, mural paintings in, 143 Gower, Dr., of Chester, his remarks, 81 Derbyshire, interesting scenes in, 118 Gower's proposed History of Cheshire, 83; his Diptych, Russian. 141 MSS., ib. Directory of London, first issued, 13 Grammar School, Winwick, 36 Directory of Liverpool, peculiarities of, 9; cha­ racter of, 10; paper on, 9, 142 H Dixon, James, papers by, 12,0, 145, 149 Dob-cross, wayside cross at, I/jO Hair cutler, interesting, 142 Dobson, Wm., editor of Walkdeu's life, 144 Hall, Ralph, local token of, 141 Dominical letters, &c., 2 Halsall Rectory, wayside cross at, 150 Douglas chapel, where, 133 Harlnnd, John, paper by, 1 Downholland cross, 150 ; history of, ib. Hasp, peculiar, 145 Draught-man, Egyptian, 117 Hatchet boomerangs, 147 Drawings curious, of the months, 2 Heaton's bridge, wayside cross at, 150 " Duggaa," the [Douglas chapel], 133 Herbal,illustrated, 143 Herbert's " Temple," reference to, 144 Heywootl, Nathaniel, notice of, 130; memorial window to, ib. Earle, family of, 11 Hodson, Rev. Thomas, of Crosby and Ormskirk. Earwaker, J. P., exhibitor, 147 ; paper by, HI, 147 131,132 Ecclesiastics, surnames connected with, 22 Horn-book, of lead, 148 Egyptian belt, 147 Hornby, Admiral Sir P., dinner to, 33 Egyptian glass, 110, 140; objects of, 110 Hornbya, education of, at Winwick, 41 Emblems, of Egyptian glass, 111 Horrocks, Jeremiah, of Toxteth, 37 Endive, origin of term, 49 Horsemanship, surnames connected with, 29 Enfield, curious book from, 3 Horton, Rev. J. T., Ormskirk, 137 English (Ancient) streets arid scenes, 117 House, parts of, surnames connected with, 29 Etymology of plant names, 43 Houses, age of near Shrewsbury, 121 Evangelists, figures of, 143 Howe, John, educated at Winwick, 40 EXHIBITORS Hulme's bridge, wayside cross at, 150 Axon, W. E. A,, 148 Hulme Wall fit-Id, near Cougleton,85 Bailey, Dr., 148 Hume, Canon, chairman, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, Bellew.Thos. A., 147 147, 148, i&.; exhibitor, 141, 142, 143, 144,145, Benas, 13. L,. 144, 148 ib., 147 Bromley, James, 141, 143, 144, i&., 140,148 Hymns and Hymn writers, notices of, 146 Comber, Thomas, H3 Earwaker, J. P., M.A., 147 ffarington. Miss, 142 Gatty, Chaa. T., 140, 147, 149 Ickneld Street, 118 Gilison, J. H., 141, 14->, 143, 144, 149 Implements, surnames connected with, 26 Hume, Canon, 141, 14-2, 1 H, Hi, 145, ib., 147 Irish inhabitants of Liverpool, 16 Potter, Chaa., 140, 147, 14'.) Irish wild boar, tusk of, 14H Richards, W. H., 141, 147, 148 Ivory carving of Omphale and Hercules, 143 Families, advancement of, 11 January, character!sties of, 4 February, characteristics of, 4 Jones, Thomas, his opinion, 8 ffarington. Miss, exhibitor, 142 July, characteristics of, 6 Fibulro, Roman and Saxon, 147 Figures, of Egyptian glass, 111 Flint arrow heads, Cheshire shore, 146 Flowers, surnames connected with, 23 Ka7e, origin of term. 45 Fogg, Rev. T. W., Ormskirk, 137 Kernpis, Thomas a, his Tmitatio Cht'isti, 3 Food, surnames connected with, 23 Kenrlrick, Dr , paper by, 33, 143 Foreigners in Liverpool, 17 " King's preacher," notice of office, 12-1,120 Forest chapel, ttoman remains at 87 Kippax, Archippns, Vicar of Ortnskirk, !32 Fruits, surnames connected with, 23 Kirkneton, fine of lands in, 148 Kitchen vegetables, etymology of names, 43,143 G Knowles, Rev. Wm., 135 Kornerup, J., paper by, 143 Garlick, origin of the term, 69 Gatty, Charles T., exhibitor, 146, 147, ib. t 149; paper by, 105, 146 Gibson.J. Harris, exhibitor, 141,142, 143, 144,149 Lancashire, Orms of, 91; with Lincolnshire, ib. Glass, discovery and constituents of, 106,11)7 Lancashire, shorthand writers of, 148 Glass, ancient and modern, I4ti; ancient, paper Lancaster, intended excavations at, 140; prior on, 105; specimens of, 146; early, how pre­ of, thumb-ring, 142 pared, 108 Land, surnames connected with, 22 Glass-blowers, Beni Hassen, 108; process known Latham, Dr., paper by, 91, 149 3500 years ago, ib. Latham, William, «3 Glaze on paste, 109 Law, surnames connected with, 22 159 Leek, origin of the term, 09 Onus of Lancashire, 12th century, 01: paper on, Legh Gualter, founder of Win wick Grammar 149 school, 36 ; there was probably an older one, ib. Orms, the, Norwegians of recent introduction, Letter, curious, in doggerel rhyme, 143 103 Lettuce, origin of the term, 48 Orm-erod, reference to, 93 Lewis, Rev. J on., his descendants, 126 Orms-by, reference to, 93 List, Stock and Share, Chinese, 144. Orms-kirk, reference to, 93 Liuaker, Martha, her age, 10 Ormskirk clergy and ministers, burials of, 125, Lincolnshire, possesses claims with Lancash., 91 145 Liverpool town in 1760, 12 Ormskirk market cross, 149 Liverpool Directory, history and curiosities of, Ormulum, the writer of, 91 ; 149; dialect of 9 ; ditto, 1-2, 13, 14 ; paper on, 142 investigated, 95; it leaves more to Lancashire, Liverpool local token, 141 89 London, ancient map of, 147 ^Owen's hymns, paper respecting, 146 Longevity in Liverpool, 10 Lydiate, wayside cross at, 150 Pamphlets, book of, 144; peculiar binding of it, to. Mac in names, 17 " Paradise Lost," reference to, 144 McCorquodale's directory, 15 Parsley, origin of term, 59 Macclesfiold hundred, Roman remains in, 82 Parsnip, origin of term, 59 Main waring Dr., presents a book, 3 Partnerships, curious union of names in, 28 Maker's mark on glass, 114 Patriarchs, surnames connected with, 22 Makin, Robert, his age, 10 Pea, origin of the term, 03 Manuscript, curious, 141 Peak of Derbyshire, scenery of, 118 March, characteristics of, 4 Peculiarities, surnames connected with, 23 Marriott, Mr., poem by, 33 n., 35 Phoenician glass, authorities respecting, llfi Mother. Cotton, 38 Picken's Directory, 14 Miither, Richard, master of Winwick school, 37 ; Picton J.
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