Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Geowiss. Reihe 6 (2003) 157-159 10.11.2003 Leptolepis, Paraleptolepis (Teleostei) and a New Fish Name Gloria Arratial With 1 figure Abstract A new genus and species, Paraleptolepis wiedenrothi Arratia & Thies, 2001 was recently described from the Lower Jurassic Posidonia shale of northern Germany. Unfortunately, the name Paraleptolepis is currently occupied by a Japanese fish genus of Early Cretaceous age, which is unrelated to the so-called leptolepiforms. A new name, Longileptolepis, is proposed for the German Toarcian genus. Differences between both genera are discussed. Key words: Fishes, Teleostei, Paraleptolepis, Longileptolepis, new name, Jurassic, Early Cretaceous. Zusammenfassung Eine neue Gattung und Art, Paraleptolepis wiedenrothi Arratia & Thies, 2001 wurde kiirzlich aus den unterjurassischen Posi- donienschiefern Norddeutschlands beschrieben. Leider ist der Name Paraleptolelpis ftir eine japanische Fischgattung fruh- kretazischen Alters praokkupiert; diese Form ist nicht mit den sogenannten Leptolepiformen venvandt. Ein neuer Name, Longileptolepis, wird ftir die Gattung aus dem deutschen Toarcium vorgeschlagen. Die Unterschiede zwischen beiden Gattun- gen werden diskutiert. Schliisselworter: Fische, Teleosteer, Paraleptolepis, Longileptolepis, neuer Gattungsname, Jura, Unter Kreide. Introduction (1974) restricted the family Leptolepididae to the genera Proleptolepis and Leptolepis and pro- Leptolepis is a name mistakenly used in fish vided new diagnoses for these taxa, most of his collections to identify small teleosts, mainly of diagnostic features are primitive so the problem Jurassic age. This same problem applies to the of identifying “leptolepids” continues. general usage of “leptolepid”, for small fossil Recently, Arratia & Thies (2001) described a fishes of generalized, primitive teleostean mor- new teleost from the Lower Jurassic Posidonia phology. shale of northern Germany. The fish was consid- Agassiz (1832) coined the term Leptolepis for ered a new genus and species, Paraleptolepis wie- L. bronni, a small fish species occurring in denrothi. A few months after the publication of Upper Liassic strata of England, France and P wiedenrothi, I was informed of the existense Germany. Following rules of zoological nomen- of a paper by Y. Yabumoto, in the Bulletin of clature, the name of the type species of the the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History (Ja- genus is not L. bronni but Leptolepis coryphae- pan), regarding Yabumoto (1994) placement of noides, a species earlier described as Cyprinus the Japanese new genus Paraleptolepis in a order coryphaenoides by Bronn (1830). Thanks to the and family incertae sedis. He implied in the se- extensive research on European Jurassic “lepto- lection of the name that the fishes are “beside or lepids” by Nybelin (1974), the genus Leptolepis near” Leptolepis. Certainly, the features of the was restricted to few European species of Early Japanese fishes do not belong to members of Jurassic age and the remainding European spe- Leptolepis nor Leptolepididae (see below) or a cies were assigned to the genera Ascalabos, close related taxon. However, following the rules Tharsis and Leptolepides. Although Nybelin of taxonomic nomenclature, the name has prior- Museum fiir Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat, Invalidenstr. 43, D-10115 Berlin, Germany. Received January 2003, accepted March 2003 158 Arratia. G.. New teleostean fish name ity for the Japanese Cretaceous fishes and con- arch bearing an elongate spine. Both epaxial and sequently the election of Paraleptolepis for the hypaxial fringing fulcra. Two dorsal and one ven- Early Jurassic genus of Germany is wrong. The tral caudal scutes. Thin cycloid scales lacking ga- goals of this contribution is to correct such a noine. (Unique characters among basal teleosts mistake, to complete a new restoration of the are identified by [*I). German “leptolepid” and clarify the differences Etymology: The name of the genus refers to between the German and Japanese taxa. the larger size of the fishes in comparison with that of members of Leptolepis and Proleptolepis. Systematic paleontology Ty p e - s p e ci e s : Longileptolepis wiedenrothi (Arratia & Thies, 2001). Division Teleostei sensu Arratia 1999, 2001 Teleostei incertae sedis Longileptolepis wiedenrothi (Arratia & Thies) Family indeterminate Fig. 1 Longileptolepis n. gen. Diagnosis: As for genus Synonym: H o 1 o t y p e : MB. f.7612, nearly complete speci- 2001 Paraleptolepis - Arratia & Thies: 169, figs 3-12. men (Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt- Universitat zu Berlin, Institut fur Palaontologie). D i a g n o s is (based on a unique combination of Ty p e - 1o c a 1i t y and a g e : Salzgitter-Haverlah- features including several autapomorphies): wiese, SW of Braunschweig, Germany (Arratia Elongate, fusiform fish with few skull bones cov- & This 2001: fig. 1). Early Jurassic, Toarcian. ered with a thin layer of ganoine and lacking ornamentation. Premaxilla with well-defined, D e s c r i p t i o n : For a detailed description of the long ascending process; with few conic teeth on species see Arratia & Thies (2001). oral margin. Two moderate large suborbital bones (*). Preopercle subtriangular in outline Comments and with a notch at its posterior margin (*); most tubules of preopercular sensory canal not Paraleptolepis kikuchi and P elegans, from the reaching the ventral and posterior magins of pre- Lower Cretaceous of Japan are known from in- opercle. Opercle slightly triangular and with cre- completely preserved specimens so their features nulate posterior margin (*). Subopercle larger are poorly known. In contrast, the better preser- than opercle and broadly expanded postero-ven- vation of Longileptolepis wiedenrothi permits a trally (*). Large cleithrum with a pronounced more concise morphological description, and con- curvature at its anterior margin (*). Pelvic axil- sequently, a more complete restoration (Fig. 1) lary process formed by only an elongate small than the Japanese species (compare Fig. 1 with bone (*). Caudal skeleton with narrow, elongate figures 87 and 91 in Yabumoto 1994). neural spines. Preural centrum 1 with long neur- Longileptolepis is distinct and morphologically al spine. Ural centrum 1 + 2 with unfused neural varied from Paraleptolepis. This is evidenced by: Fig. 1. Restoration in lateral view of Lorigileprolepis wiedenrothi from the Early Jurassic of Salzgitter-Haverlahwiese, near Braunschweig. Scale = 3 cm. Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Geowiss. Reihe 6 (2003) 159 1. The parietal bone [= frontal of traditional ter- In sum: minology] is short and broad in Paraleptolepis Paraleptolepis is the valid generic name for two (Yabumoto 1994), but it is elongate anteriorly fossil species from Minamigaoka, Kokura-kita- and characteristically broader posteriorly in ku, Kirtakyshu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Longileptolepis (as well as in Proleptolepis Freshwater Lower Cretaceous deposits. and Leptolepis). Longileptolepis new generic name replaces 2. One supramaxilla is apparently present in that of Paraleptolepis widenrothi from Salzgitter- Paraleptolepis (Yabumoto 1994), whereas two Haverlahwiese, SW of Braunschweig, Germany. broad, well defined supramaxillaries are Marine Lower Jurassic deposits. found in Longileptolepis (as well as in Pro- leptolepis and Leptolepis). 3. Paraleptolepis is diagnosed by an absence of Acknowledgements teeth on the maxilla and the presence of ca- nine-like teeth on premaxilla and dentary My thanks to A. Lopez-Arbarello (Berlin) for calling my at- tention concerning the name Paraleptolepis and to Y. Yabu- (Yabumoto 1994). Longileptolepis bear minus- mot0 for making available to me, a copy of his monograph. cule conic teeth on premaxilla and maxilla C. Chang-Arratia (New York) revised the style. (condition of dentary unknown). 4. Epineural processes or bones were not men- tioned nor illustrated for Paraleptolepis (see References Yabumoto 1994). Long epineural processes associated with the neural arches of the abdo- Agassiz, L. 1832. Untersuchungen uber die fossilen Fische der Lias-Formation. - Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geogno- minal vertebrae are present in Longileptolepis sie und Petrefaktenkunde 3: 139-149. (Fig. 1). Similar processes are present in Lep- Arratia, G. 1991. The caudal skeletop of Jurassic teleosts. In tolepis. Chang, M-M., Liu, Y. H. & Zhang, G. R. (eds). Early Vertebrates and Related Problems in Evolutionary Biolo- 5. Paraleptolepis has 40-42 vertebrae. Longilep- gy: 249-340, Science Press, Beijing. tolepis has over 44 vertebrae (Fig. l), a count - 1999. The monophyly of Teleostei and stem-group te- more similar to that of Leptolepis coryphae- leosts. Consensus and disagreements. In Arratia, G. & Schultze, H.-I? (eds). Mesozoic Fishes 2 - Systematics noides. and Fossil Record: 265-334, Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, Mun- 6. Paraleptolepis has three uroneurals whereas chen. Longileptolepis has five or more elongate - 2001. The sister-group of Teleostei: Consensus and dis- agreements. - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21 (4): narrow uroneurals (Arratia & Thies 2001: 761-173. figs 10B, 11). Leptolepis coryphaenoides has Arratia, G. & Thies, D. 2001. A new teleost (Osteichthyes, commonly seven (Arratia 1991: fig. 7). Actinopterygii) from the Early Jurassic Posidonia shale of northern Germany. - Mitteilungen aus dem Museum 7. There are 18 principal caudal fin-rays in Par- fur Naturkunde in Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe 4: aleptolepis kikuchii and I? elegans. Longilepto- 167-187. lepis and Leptolepis
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