the commentatorThe Student Newspaper of the New York University School of Law Volume XLIII, Number 5 November 11, 2009 Construction Continues at NYU Gives H1N1 Vaccine to Students BY MICHAEL MIX ’11 have already suffered the effects an allergic reaction, especially in EDITOR -IN -CHIEF of H1N1. those who are allergic to eggs. Fur- 133 MacDougal Street “Primarily, [swine] flu made my thermore, some have reported mild The line stretched up the whole body hurt, nonstop, for days,” problems including runny noses, na- stairs, through the vestibule, out said Nir Zicherman ’11. “I was very sal congestion, sore throats, a severe the doors of D’Agostino Hall physically drained, I had a painful cough, chills and headaches. Various and down 3rd Street. NYU stu- cough and I also had a high fever media outlets have expressed worry dents are used to long lines for for the first few days. I couldn’t at all about distributing a vaccine that is things like free food during finals, sleep unless I took NyQuil.” so new. However, these conerns but this line was a little different: The vaccine that was distrib- did not stop many NYU students Students were from heading to queuing up for D’Agostino to re- the swine-flu ceive the vaccine. vaccine. Last “I wasn’t re- Monday, NYU ally worried about School of Law the side effects be- Stavan Desai did its best to cause I think being mitigate the protected against spread of the the swine flu was BY ANDREW KLOSTER ’10 Federal Theater Project, which disease, oth- worth the risk of STAFF WRITER stimulated the local economy and created and retained many erwise known maybe experienc- “[It is in this] hallowed jobs. When that failed, the lease as H1N1, be- ing cold-like symp- ground in the region of Wash- changed hands many times. tween its stu- toms from getting ington Square … that we must Despite this constant chang- dents by distrib- the vaccination,” look for the real birthplace of ing of hands, the building has uting 250 free said Kosha Tucker H1N1 vaccines ’11. the American drama,” noted always been used as a theater. Michael Mix theater critic William Archer in The groups that held the lease at D’Agostino “I was really 1921. Archer was referring to produced Savoy operas, plays Commons. sick during finals the Provincetown Playhouse, by Samuel Beckett, and Edward H1N1 dif- my first semester fers from the Students eagerly await both the seasonal and the H1N1 vaccine last of law school and 133-139 Macdougal Street, and Albee’s first play in New York Monday in D’Agostino Hall. The school distributed 250 doses. the site of current construction City. seasonal flu vi- do not want that to expand the law school. The In the early nineties, the rus, most point- experience again,” historic theater was conceived Playhouse hit its high point edly in that most people have uted on Monday is live but in attenu- said Danielle Escontrias ’11. by amateur writers and actors, with its longest run, the five- not built up any antibodies ated form, and is sprayed into the The NYU Student Health Cen- including Anne Bancroft, Julie year Vampire Lesbians of Sodom. yet, given the newness of the nose, as opposed to the traditional ter is currently out of vaccinations, Harris and Nobel Prize-winning Understandably, the commu- disease. In addition, the virus flu vaccine, which is given as an but expects to receive more in the Eugene O’Neill, and its first nity was up in arms when NYU, is very contagious, transmitted arm injection. The Center for Dis- coming weeks for those who did not performance took place 91 which has owned the property person-to-person by sneezing, ease Control (CDC) recommends receive the vaccination on Monday. years ago, three days after the since 1984, decided to convert coughing or touching. Students that the vaccine should be given The seasonal flu vaccine continues end of World War I. it for Steinhardt’s use in the are especially susceptible because to pregnant women, people who to be available. Those infected with The new building is the mid-nineties. they maintain consistent close care for young children, health care H1N1 are contagious beginning product of a compromise be- Given its proximity to the contact with others. Symptoms and emergency-service personnel, the day before experiencing symp- tween the local community and law school, 133-139 Macdougal of H1N1 include high fever, and persons between 2-24 years toms until five to seven days after. NYU. It took nearly three years was a natural choice for expan- cough, sore throat, a runny nose, of age. The CDC recommends that those of back-and-forth discussions sion. The initial plan proposals chills, vomiting and diarrhea. The vaccine is not without infected should stay home until 24 before construction started a from five years ago were much Here at NYU, some students controversy, however. It may cause hours after the fever subsides. year and a half ago. When the more ambitious than what doors open in the summer of will ultimately sit across the 2010, the building will house the street from Vanderbilt Hall. law school’s numerous centers Plans now call for a contextual and institutes, most of which building only three feet taller are currently housed in Furman than the previous one. Given Hall and on the second floor of that NYU’s ownership rights D’Agostino Hall. permitted it to build “as of In addition, however, 133- right” with no public review 139 Macdougal will house a process, the current substan- reconstructed Provincetown tially smaller project represents Playhouse that will be rented to a serious concession on the part the NYU Steinhardt School of of the university. Why not put Culture, Education, and Human the space to maximal use? Development. Steinhardt had The answer is that NYU is used the location since 1998 as a always concerned with main- part of its Educational Theater taining good community rela- program, presenting a reading tions. As a part of this project, series for young audiences, for example, the Law School debuting musical works, and worked with the Borough Presi- hosting classes and events. dent’s Community Task Force After the Provincetown on NYU Development. Indeed, Players collapsed with the stock the Law School also worked market crash of 1929, the the- ater was used for awhile by the See MACDOUGAL page 5 For the second issue in a row, we have a page 6 restaurant review with a painfully obvious pun Infra in the title. Stavan Desai Yes Fall Ball did actually happen. And we have page 8 a collage of pictures to prove it. Washington Square Park patrons dance to swing music Sunday afternoon, ignoring the abutting construction. Page 2 Opinions c& Editorials November 11, 2009 The Fall Classic Between the Yankees and Phillies Was Certainly Not Must-See TV for Spiteful and Angry New York Mets Fans BY MICHAEL MIX ’11 clinching Game 6, but my Dad the game the right way. I hated the Phillies. I didn’t really mind ers would get into wars of EDITOR -IN -CHIEF woke me up for the conclusion. how they found players like the Phillies growing up. The words with Carlos Beltran. And I’ll never forget watching Char- Tino Martinez and Paul O’Neill Atlanta Braves were the class worst of all, they beat the Mets Yankees vs. Phillies. New lie Hayes catch that final pop- who were so clutch in the play- of the division, so I hated them for the division crown in 2007 York vs. Philadelphia. Jeter vs. up, dreading that I’d have to offs. I hated how David Wells with a passion. Philadelphia was and 2008. Similarly, I had sev- Rollins. My worst nightmare. face the glee of my classmates and David Cone threw perfect like the little runt in the divi- eral friends in college who were I am sure that many New the next morning. games in two consecutive years. sion; you knew they had talent, huge Phillies fans, contributing York Mets fans around the 1996 was bad enough, but I hated how I was pretty much but they never would amount to my hatred. When the Phillies country were angry or annoyed of course the Yankees had to go forced to root for the Red Sox to anything. somehow won the World Series when the Yankees and Phillies and become a dynasty. In 1998, every postseason. Then, when the Mets began last year, it was hard to even clinched their respective league to get better circa 2005, the Phil- enjoy the fact that the Yankees championship series, setting lies did as well. The Braves were missed the playoffs. up a matchup that I lovingly at the end of their run, and it So when the Yankees and dubbed “The Nightmare Se- became clear that the Mets and Phillies took the field for the ries.” But for me, it goes beyond omment Phillies were the class of the World Series, I knew that I anger; instead, I have a deep- The Guy Behind the Guy division, starting in 2006. And couldn’t watch. It was like seeded hatred for both teams. c soon after, I began to hate them having Sarah Palin and Rush I knew from an early age Behind the Guy Limbaugh get that I hated the Yankees. Even together, and before I was officially a Mets 1999, and 2000, I had to suffer Then, inexplicably, after then follow me fan, I knew that I could never through three more champion- the 2001 World Series, the around for a root for the team from the ships.
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