AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES 11 AUTOMOBILES 113* AUTOMOBILES 112* AUTOMOBILES Thursday, July 7, 1955 TORRANCE PRESS Fagt 2? Carl P. Pursche A NEW KIND OF CAR WE HAVE HAD SUCH YOUR IN STUDEBAKER HILLMAN TREMENDOUS SUCCESS CONVENIENCE WITH OUR Dealer in Gardena 16317 So. Vermont Ave. ECONOMY AND I9S4 COMMANDER V-8 Sport Coup*. No Down Payment Plan Radio, heater, automatic drive, TOOJ ^iqhh, white-walls, wire discs, direc- 945 , PERFORMANCE for the People of Torrance and Vicinity, That We) Are Going to tionals, etc. Low mileage. Continue it Indefinitely! 1952 DODGF 4-Door Sedan. Coroner, THE NEW radio, heater, Gyro-matic. Dodge's Come in and let us prove that We Can Sell finest car. $795 EXCITING \asi With Absolutely No Money Down 19.52 HILLMAN Convertible. Heater, new tires. A real summer-time car. Truly IT'S AS SMART AS TOMORROW special at this price! $545 You and You Alone Know If Your Credit Is Good. THE FAVORITE OF TODAY! If your credit is good, we can borrow sufficient money to complete the deal! 1951 STUDEBAKER V-8, 5-passenger WE ALSO CARRY A TERRIFIC .StLfcCTION OF NEW CAR TRADE-INS coupe. Automatic transmission. Real $495 TEST DRIVE ONE OF THESE TODAY! eltan and in top condition. '53 NASH .....................,.$1695 '54 NASH .,,,..,.,,......,$ 1795 4-door. Equipped witli Iliuriblrr custom 4-door sedan. A 1953 PLYMOUTH - I960 MERCURY radio, heater and liydraniatic. A «loan beautiful new car trade-In with nil Subuibarv Station Wagon. Complete with radio and IfSO HUDSON Commodore 4-door se­ one-owner car with nil th* famous custom equipment. Including radio, 4-Door Sedan. It has a radio and heater. Original Nash fnatur^i, including r«:linin& hcator and g&f-saving «iverdrm>. heater, and gas-saving overdrive. A beautiful car with throughout. Factory blue finish. This is a one owner dan. Rrfdio, heater and overdrive. $495 eat* and bod. modern 2-tonft finish. Not only does it look like new, car in excellent condition. An excellent buy at a nor­ '50 BUICK $ 895 but it runs like new. mal price, but you can have it under CUP 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion 4-door. Supor 4-door Mr-dan. Just Traded in. 51 FORD..........................$ 895 A clean one-owner <*.r. Very c-.lean NO DOWN PLAN Radio, heater end overdrive. Clean Ouatom Victoria. Fully equipped and and ready to RO. Fully equipped with NO DOWN PLAN radio. heater and dynaflow. conomical transportation. $395 a real buy. $17.00 a Week $10.25 a Week FOR GOOD VALUES IN 1950 STUDEBAKER Landcruiser. Auto­ NEW OR USED CARS .... SEE 1950 FORD matic transmission, radio and heater. 1949 FORD 4-Door Sedan. This original, I-owner car runs and A steel et this price! $345 V-8 4-door. Comfortable for the whole family. Spark­ ling ruby maroon finish, radio and heater. Smooth rid- looks like NEW. Radio and heater included, as well ing( gas saving overdrive. Don't miss this one! as mileage-making overdrive. A honey of a buy at a 1941 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan. New paint, excellent nominal price per week under our tires, and excellent condition throughout. Would HARBOR NASH NO DOWN PLAN some-one please come in end make offer ! ! ! Best AUTHORIZED NASH SALES AND SERVICE FOR LO« ANGBLBS HARBOR AKEA NO DOWN PLAN ffer drives away. 445 EAST ANAHEIM $25.27 a Month $9.60 a Week WILMINGTON IE. 4-8595 1953 PLYMOUTH 1947 DODGE Carl R. Pursche Cranbrook 4-door sedan. It has a radio, heater OVER­ 4-Door sedan, It has a radio, heater and, 1o make DRIVE, as well as Spotlights! The beautiful bronze driving easier, an automatic transmission! Would STUDEBAKER HILLMAN finish is original. A wonderful buy! make a fine second car! SALES and SERVICE NO ciearance Sa NO DOWN PLAN NO DOWN PLAN *« $14.11 a Week 163 I 7 South Vermont Ave. ON $26.28 a Month y PLymouth 6-2060 Gardene DAvis 4-6603 MONEY 1949 FORD V-8 Station Wagon. It hat '52 engin.. R.adv for th. DOWN NEW BUICK Road! $399 Total Price IT'S ON APPROVED CREDIT '54 BUICK 4-door $i995 $9.40. a Week R. Jb H... W.W. Beauty 2- torf. Very low miles. A TRADE-INS TRAVELING jewH for you. (522). '53 CHRYSLER .$1495 AT: 4-dr. N. Y. Auto, Iran*., TIME W.W.. R. & H. Very clean. (R81730). OSCAR MAPLES AT AVALON MOTOR CO. 'SI JAG. Mark VII $1295 "Your Friendly Torrance Ford Dealer" Red. A r*al beauty. Mu»t aee. (2R73113). 1420 CABRILLO AVE. FA. 8-5014 TravelTown 52 PACKARD $ 89j 54 PONTIAC $2195 4-dr. Ultra tram*. Radio A heater. 4 to choone .from. Catalina with 13,000 original miles. Has 2-tone ft (1X70883). A Few Examples of Our Vacation Specials oaint, beiqe leather interior, whitewall tires, radio '51 PONTIAC . ... .$ 795 and heater, and automatic transmission. The Pontiac Twins Have Chief, dlx. 2-dr. Hydra. R. ft. H. A-l cond. (1880942). Harbor FULL PRICE 48 CHEVROLET .........,....,............................$249 50 MERCURY $ 695 '53 OLDSMOBILE $2195 Convertible. O-dr.. R. & H. A beauty and ready to go. Sharp. Thin one really '98' .Holiday, 2-tone blue and while top. Radio, E-X-P-L-O-D-E-D movei. (4U3436). heater, automatic transmission, whitewalk beauH- Pontiac '48 PACKARD ..................................................$299 '51 FORD Corwerl. $ 695 ful matching interior and low mileage. R. ft H. Beauty. black net Equipped, looki and drive* like new. off with new white top. Choice. (!C90«4). '53 BUICK ..... $1195 Liquidation NEW CAR COSTS! '51 CHEVROLET $ 695 '48 PONTIAC ..................................................$379 Club coupe fully equipped. Special 4-Door Sedan. Briqht black finish. H a r Excellent cond. throughout. Hydra/natic, radio, heater, ate. Check It. (1C9064). whitewalls and low mileage. Here's Your Chance to Really Save! '51 FORD Club $ 69S '48 OLDSMOBILE ....._....................,.........$389 Immaculate, yhown lineal of care. Many extras on '53 FORD ...... $1195 SALE this one. (1W&2964). Hydranwtlc, radio, heater. New type '6' wide block. This gar has Fordomatic, NOW YOU CAN OWN * radio and heater, is a Custom 4-door. '50 FORD ....................______............$399 BETTER H urry, Hurry! A New *' 6USTOM fe.DOOR. Look at the price. Need w« cay more? '51 STUBEBAKER . $695 Hurry! BUYS V-8 Landcruiser. Radio, heater, overdrive, ALL CAN BE FINANCED 100% 1955 PONTIAC ' new tires. Excellent mechanically. We work out for ,: Up to 24 Months to 'Pay With Monthly Payments in BONDED '50 PONTIAC ..... $495 your problems! Most Cases Less Than Bus Fares Two slick cars to choor,*» itom. Coupes 2-doors '51 KAISER \ 69b $100 LESS Scores More to Choose From «t the Lot 4-dr. O-dr., R. ft H. Run* Hard-tops 4-doors A look* like new new. '50 BUICK ...... $495 than the price of a Famous for Spotless Cars (2S74J38). Pick-ups Sta. Wag. 'SI HUDSON ..........$ 595 Two more nice cars 1o c.hoo:e from. 4-dr. Hydra., R. * H. Plen­ ty of mllea left here. Convertibles FORD (4K&M3). FOR A GOOD DEPENDABLE USED CAR SEE- 50 BUIOK Super .. ..$ 591 JIM DARDEN and JACK FREEMAN Transportation Cars TravelTown 4-dr. Dynahow. H. A. H CHEVROLET See this and you'll buy It Bring Your Trade-In TipTop C«r§ (185403). Paid for or not. '50 NASH Rambler $ 595 or 1824 W. Manchester PL-27159 O-Ar. R. ft H. Combined AVALON MOTOR CO. economy and pleaaurr. (2W7962). BUICK-PONTIAC DEALER Immediate '52 HENRY J Sedan $ 49b PLYMOUTH R. ft II.. many othw ex­ Where Anaheim Meets Wilmington Blvd. tra*. j>l*>a»ure ft economy. Delivery! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE UC00A4). rrom WILMINGTON TE. 4-6446 EXCLUSIVELY AT '49 MERCURY ... $ 495 Every available source e) Clb. cpu.. «Ad«. O-tlt.. R our command to assist you * . H. 4 to choo*A /nun. J. P. LAMERDIN (6A3«m7). in your purchase. 16 YEARS SELLING QUALITY '50 HUDSON Cl..b $ 495 DO YOU KNOW A ffw mrr> curn Ope. O-dr., R. ft H. Priced up In 9796. Can TWIN PONTIAC AUTOMOBILES IN COMPTON to Mil thle .we*k-end. (1C9064). b« delivered with appi-ovfld credit 51 NASH .$595 '51 HENRY J $ 395 That only at Walter Lmch you can buy e better for only 505 Pacific Coast Highway (101) 4-DOOR, I Th« King of Economy. E*- r»ll«nt conrl. throiifhout. Used Car, Drive it for 2 days your money back 49 PONTIAC .... .............. ........................$495 Bee it. (3N30O56). Hermosa Beach FR. 4-8987 OR. 8-5286 unconditionally if you ere dissatisfied. CLUB OOUPB. Radio an* heater. New paint. '49 STUDEBAKER $ 295 2-dr. O-dr.. R. ft H. Sharp $25 51 DODGE ....:..............,.............__.......... $595 ft cl*an. M<xn«y waver. IF YOU DON'T KNOW USED CARS CONVERTIBLE. Radio and heater. (6N93340). DOWN '49 FORD KNOW FOUR DEALER Custom 3-rtoor V/8. Overtime. STUDEBAKER ....,__.................. .....$595 47 MERCURY $ 195 Runs* Hoorl, looks irood. 51 4-dr, R. ft H. Plenty of No Money Down! CH-AMTTON 4-DOOR. food left In thin one. (7P*70«) SAN PEDRO 47 MERCURY ............................ ........,.......$395 WALTER G. LINCH 1949 HUDSON . $145 CLUB COUP*. Radio, heater, whitewalli. 150 MORE Harbor MOTORS, INC. L. A. County s Oldest Authorial But* k Dealer 1948 PACKARD . $145 49 FORD .....,................,,............._....-...........-$395 TO CHOOSE FROM Open Eve*. 4 Sunday 4-DOOR. 1601 S. Pacific TE. 3-1303 48 FRASER ........:...............:..........-.......................$ 95 DODGE-PLYMOUTH 32 YEARS Pontiac 1946 MERCURY . $145 4-DOOR. Why Walk? SAN PEDRO 3I2 SOUTH PACIFIC HIGHWAY One Quarter Century 1942 FORD COUPE $145 We Trade for REDONDO Open 9 to 9 Every Day FR. 2-2122 in Sen Pedro '50 BUICK J. P.
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