Submission ID Program # Title Author First Name Author Last Name Session Name Session Type Session Start Session End Room Day Computer # Presentation Start Presentation End 8386 1 What is Big Data? Paul Thompson Big Data: Population - Plenary Session 8:30 10:15 Plenary Monday, 1 June 9:15 9:35 8368 2 Collecting Big Data Monique Breteler Big Data: Population - Plenary Session 8:30 10:15 Plenary Monday, 1 June 9:35 9:55 8367 3 Big Data in Action Viren Jain Big Data: Population - Plenary Session 8:30 10:15 Plenary Monday, 1 June 9:55 10:15 5836 4 Whole-brain in-vivo Siawoosh Mohammadi Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 6061 5 In vivo mapping of T. Duval Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 4471 6 Physiological noise Yoonho Nam Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 5584 7 Comparison of Han Jang Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 1915 8 The role of myelin Tianyou Xu Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 4767 9 Understanding Jae-Woong Kim Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 2017 10 Fast absolute Thanh Nguyen Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 3329 11 Frequency Benjamin Tendler Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 5531 12 Modelling the effect Benjamin Tendler Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 986 13 Possible Riccardo Metere Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 5484 14 Signatures of Pippa Storey Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 687 15 Dependance of the Peter van Gelderen Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 1791 16 Towards an Hye-Young Heo Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 1354 17 Can Nuclear Yee Kai Tee Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 672 18 GluCEST imaging in Julien Flament Microstructure in CNS Power Poster 10:45 11:45 Power Pitch Theatre, Monday, 1 June 0:00 0:00 4024 19 Novel Biomarkers Gheorghe Mateescu New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 10:45 10:57 6398 20 Chronic Diabetes Marie Schroeder New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 10:57 11:09 4574 21 Cardiac metabolic Desiree Abdurrachim New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 11:09 11:21 6616 22 Alterations in Choukri Mekkaoui New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 11:21 11:33 2574 23 Flexible Time- Giulia Ginami New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 11:33 11:45 2723 24 In vivo Peter Opriessnig New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 11:45 11:57 5948 25 Steady-state Real- Behzad Sharif New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 11:57 12:09 5941 26 MR Fingerprinting Jesse Hamilton New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 12:09 12:21 170 27 Five-Dimensional Li Feng New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 12:21 12:33 4923 28 Improved free- Simone Coppo New Insights & Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 105 Monday, 1 June 12:33 12:45 8448 29 Selective magnetic Bo Zhu Young Investigator Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 A Monday, 1 June 10:45 11:05 8445 30 Spin Echoes in the Jakob Assländer Young Investigator Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 A Monday, 1 June 11:05 11:25 8449 31 k-t FASTER: Mark Chiew Young Investigator Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 A Monday, 1 June 11:25 11:45 8443 32 Free-Breathing Joseph Cheng Young Investigator Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 A Monday, 1 June 11:45 12:05 8444 33 In Vivo Visualization Martin Freitag Young Investigator Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 A Monday, 1 June 12:05 12:25 8447 34 Automatic and Anette Karlsson Young Investigator Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 A Monday, 1 June 12:25 12:45 6624 35 MRI-Guided Focal Sherif Nour Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 10:45 10:57 3971 36 Multi-parametric Yi Zhang Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 10:57 11:09 674 37 MR-Guided Blood- Yuexi Huang Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 11:09 11:21 219 38 Respiration Artifact Bryant Svedin Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 11:21 11:33 6232 39 White-Matter- Jason Su Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 11:33 11:45 1099 40 Screen Printed HIFU Joseph Corea Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 11:45 11:57 6466 41 Hybrid MR/US- Lorena Petrusca Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 11:57 12:09 2742 42 Motion correction Valéry Ozenne Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 12:09 12:21 148 43 Model-Based Multi- Megan Poorman Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 12:21 12:33 3322 44 Interventional Nadège Corbin Thermometry & Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 701 B Monday, 1 June 12:33 12:45 2873 45 Comparison of Yurui Gao fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 10:45 10:57 4650 46 Remodeled resting Tanzil Mahmud Arefin fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 10:57 11:09 5097 47 Voxel-scale Adam Liska fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:09 11:21 3614 48 Mapping resting- Alessandra Griffa fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:21 11:33 4882 49 Does vasomotion Priya Patel fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:33 11:45 5590 50 Can resting state Peiying Liu fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:45 11:57 2677 51 Subject-specific Sandro Nunes fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:57 12:09 4705 52 Inter-Scanner Thomas Welton fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 12:09 12:21 5953 53 Anisotropy of local Michael Tobia fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 12:21 12:33 4012 54 fMRI-derived Garth Thompson fMRI: Testing-state Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 714 A/B Monday, 1 June 12:33 12:45 6177 55 Hybrid Encoding for Hyungseok Jang New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 10:45 10:57 5813 56 Efficient Charlie Wang New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 10:57 11:09 542 57 Accelerated multi Vincent Boer New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:09 11:21 2724 58 Quantitative proton Ivan Kirov New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:21 11:33 2238 59 In vivo quantitative Tangi Roussel New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:33 11:45 471 60 Accelerated Echo Manoj Sarma New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:45 11:57 404 61 Validation of Zohaib Iqbal New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 11:57 12:09 4225 62 Multiband MR Jullie Pan New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 12:09 12:21 758 63 Synchronous Joshua Kaggie New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 12:21 12:33 4478 64 FAST SODIUM Christian Mirkes New Encoding Methods Oral 10:45 12:45 Room 716 A/B Monday, 1 June 12:33 12:45 5137 65 MRI Tracked Tumor Rasha Elmghirbi Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 10:45 10:57 5083 66 Application of 3D Xiaowei Zou Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 10:57 11:09 1844 67 Differentiation Moran Artzi Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 11:09 11:21 3768 68 Dose and Volume Iska Moxon-Emre Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 11:21 11:33 1441 69 The Effect of Peter de Blank Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 11:33 11:45 2711 70 Comparison of Melissa Prah Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 11:45 11:57 5615 71 Tissue Mapping in Anagha Deshmane Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 11:57 12:09 1869 72 Parameterization of Mary McLean Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 12:09 12:21 2548 73 Abnormal Tumor Ingrid Digernes Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 12:21 12:33 2757 74 <sup>13</sup>C Pia Eriksson Brain Tumor Imaging - Oral 10:45 12:45 Constitution Hall 107 Monday, 1 June 12:33 12:45 635 75 Acquisition-free Eric Peterson Novel Image Oral 10:45 12:45 John Bassett Theatre Monday, 1 June 10:45 10:57 3557 76 Externally Curtis Wiens Novel Image Oral 10:45 12:45 John Bassett Theatre Monday, 1 June 10:57 11:09 Submission ID Program # Title Author First Name Author Last Name Session Name Session Type Session Start Session End Room Day Computer # Presentation Start Presentation End 3582 77 Joint Compressed Mehmet Akcakaya Novel Image Oral 10:45 12:45 John Bassett Theatre Monday, 1 June 11:09 11:21 3918 78 Simultaneous Multi- Tae Hyung Kim Novel Image Oral 10:45 12:45 John Bassett Theatre Monday,
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