The Canberra University College Calendar 1953 B y A u t h o r i t y MODERN PRINTING CO. PTY. LTD. MELBOURNE— 83327 NOTE.—Throughout the Calendar, unless the contrary intention appears— “the Principal” means the Principal of the College. “the Registrar” means the Registrar of the College. “the Secretary” means the Secretary to the Council of the College. “the University” means the University of Melbourne or the proper authority thereat in relation to the matter in respect of which the expression is used. CONTENTS Page Table of Principal Dates 4 Officers of the College— Chairman of the Council 6 Members of the Council 6 Principal 6 R egistrar 6 Professors 7 Teaching and Research Staff .. .. 7 Administrative Staff 10 Former Governing Officers of the College 11 Former Officers of the College 11 Legislation Affecting the College— The Ordinance 12 The Regulations 14 The Regulation of the University of Melbourne 15 Boards and Committees— Board of Studies 16 Library Committee . 18 > Matriculation 19 Courses for Degrees and Diplomas— Arts Course 21 Commerce Course 29 Law Course 35 Science Course 39 School of Diplomatic Studies .. 39 Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes— (i) -The Canberra Scholarships .. 41 (ii) Bursaries 49 (iii) The John Deans Prize 50 (iv) The Lady Isaacs Prizes 52 (v) The Robert Ewing Prize 54 (vi) The Robin Tillyard Memorial Medal .. 56 (vii) The Andrew Watson Prize 57 (viii) The George Knowles Prize 58 Endowed Lectureships— (i) The Commonwealth Institute of Accountants Lecture 59 (ii) The Commonwealth Government Lectureship in Austi'alian Literature 61 Statistics 61 Halls of Residence—- Gungahlin 68 Announcements 68 Canberra University College Students’ Association 72 Details of Subjects and Books— University of Melbourne Courses 78 School of Diplomatic Studies 202 Other subjects 207 Index 209 4 PRINCIPAL DATES 19 53 January 2—Fri. Office re-opens. 12—Mon. Last day of application for acceptance as a resident student at “Gungahlin.” 19— Mon. Last day for entry for Canberra Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes. 26—Mon. A ustralia Day. Office closed. »27 T ups ■Supplementary- Examinntiono begirt. February 1— Sun.“Gungahlin” re-opens. 2— Mon.Council. 3— Tues.Last day for entry and payment of fees for Degrees to be conferred and Diplomas awarded at Annual Commencement. 12—Thur. Board of Studies. 16—Mon. Last day for enrolment. Last day for payment of * fees for first term C^peOil & /* * < * 23—Mon. Council. ' March 5—Thur. Board of Studies. 15— Sun.“Gungahlin” term begins. 16— Mon.Academic year and first term begin. First term lectures begin. 26— Thur. Annual Commencement. 30—Mon. Council. A pril 2— Thur.Board of Studies. 3— Fri.Easter Recess begins. 7—Tue. Lectures resume. 27— Mon.Council. May 7—Thur. Board of Studies. 23— Sat. First term ends. First term lectures cease. Last day for payment of fees for second term. “Gungahlin” term ends. .25—Mon. Council. June (&— Sun. Gungahlin” term begins. K 5 ^^-M on. Second term begins. Second term lectures begin. 29— Mon. Council. J uly 2—Thur. Board of Studies. 13—Mon.—Last day of entry for Lady Isaacs Prize Essays. 27— Mon. Council. Lady Isaacs Prize Essays to be written. A ugust 6—Thur. Board of Studies. 8—Sat. Second term ends. Second term lectures cease. Last day for payment of fees for third term. * “Gungahlin” term ends. Last day of entry and payment of fees for Annual Examination. 31— Mon. Council. * 'iWtVd A***»«. September 6—Sun. “Gungahlin” term begins. — Mem— Third—term—begins — Third—term—lccturco begin. 10—Thur. Board of Studies. 28— Mon. Council. October 5—Mon. University holiday, Labour Day. 8—Thur. Board of Studies. p!j:—Sat. Third term ends. Third term lectures cease. “Gungahlin” term ends. 26—Mon. Council. N ovember 5—Thur. Board of Studies. 2s—Mon. Annual Examinations begin. Fourth term begins. 23—Mon. Council. December 3—Thur. Board of Studies. 19—Sat. Fourth term ends. “Gungahlin” closes. N.B.—All dates shown must be regarded as provisional, and subject to any alteration which may become necessary during the year. 6 OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE THE COUNCIL, 1952 Chairman of the Council: Sir Robert Randolph Garran, G.C.M.G., Q.C., Syd. and Melb., LL.D. Syd., Melb. and A.N.U. («0 0>> Members of the Council: Professor Kenneth Hamilton Bailey, M.A., B.C.L. Oxon, LL.M. Melb. (fl) Herbert Burton, B.A. Q’land., M.A. Oxon and Melb. (d) P ierce William E dward Curtin, B.A., LL.B. W.A., Ph.D. Lond. (a) Charles Studdy Daley, O.B.E., B.A., LL.B. Melb. (») Bertram T homas Dickson, B.A. Q’land., Ph.D. McGill (») J ohn Qualtrough E w ens, LL.B. Adel. (») Lionel Courtenay St. Aubyn Key, B.A. Melb. (») (O L Roland W ilson, C.B.E., B.Com. Tas., D.Phil. Oxon, Ph.D. Chicago. (a) 5 H arold J ohn Wright, B.Ec. Syd. («0(c) PRINCIPAL. H erbert Burton, B.A. Q’land., M.A. Oxon and Melb. REGISTRAR. SECRETARY TO THE COUNCIL. T homas Miles Ow en, B.Com. Melb., F.I.C.A. (a) Appointed by the Governor-General in pursuance of section six of the ‘ Canberra University College Ordinance 1929-1940” for a term ending 31st December, 1952. (b) The Chairman was re-appointed by the Governor-General in pursuance of section seven of the Ordinance. (c) Nominated by the University Association of Canberra. (d) Co-opted, in pursuance of sub-section (2a) of section six of the Ordinance, as an additional member to 31st December. 1952. 7 PROFESSORS. lEconomic History— H erbert Burton, B.A. Q’land., M.A. Oxon and Melb. i Economics— H ein z W olfgang A rndt, M.A., B.Litt. Oxon. English— Alec D erw ent H ope, B.A. Sydney and Oxon. French— Derek P ercival Scales, B.A. Sydney, D. de I’U. de Paris (Professor Designate). History— Charles M a n n in g H ope Clark, M.A. Melb. Political Science— Leslie F inla y Cr isp, M.A. Oxon and Adelaide. TEACHING AND RESEARCH STAFF—1952 Economic History— t H erbert Burton, B.A. Q’land., M.A. Oxon and Melb. P rofessor * L eslie W h it e , B.A. Q’land. L ectu rer Economics and Commerce— H einz W olfgang A rndt, M.A., B.Litt. Oxon P rofessor Burgess D on Cam eron, M .E c. Sydney, Ph.D. Senior C antab. L ecturer R onald H enry Barback, B.Sc. (Econ.) London L ecturer R oy J ames Cam eron, M .E c., Dip. Com. Adelaide (on leave) L ectu rer N oel T yler R u t h , M.A., B.Com. N.Z. T em porary L ecturer * H erbert K in g , M.A., Dip. Ed. Sydney, F.R.G.S. (Economic Geography) L ecturer * David George D u n lo p, B.Com. Melb., Dip. Pub. Ad. Sydney, A.I.C.A. (Accountancy) L ectu rer * Bernard V illiers F ryer, B.Com. Melb., A.I.C.A. (Accountancy) L ectu rer * Samuel Stuart McB urney, B.Com. Melb. (Statistical Method) L ecturer t Also Principal of the College. * Part-time officers. 8 f Thomas Miles Owen, B.Com. Melb., F.I.C.A. (Accountancy) Lecturer * Charles Samuel Soper, B.Com. Melb. (Statistical Method) Lecturer English— Alec Derwent Hope, B.A. Sydney and Oxon Professor F rancis Murray Todd, M.A. N.Z., Ph.D. London Lecturer * Charles J ames Ashman, B.A. W.A. Tutor History— Charles Manning Hope Clark, M.A. Melb. Professor Donald William Archdall Baker, B.A. Melb. Lecturer Lawrence Roy Gardiner, B.A. Bristol Lecturer Ailsa Gwennyth Thomson, B.A. Melb. Research A ssistant Law— J ohn Gunther F leming, M.A. D.Phil. Oxon Senior Lecturer Louis Frederick E dward Goldie, LL.B. W.A. and Syd. Lecturer * William Richard Cumming, B.A. Q’land., LL.B., Dip. Pub. Ad. Sydney Lecturer * Herbert Davies, B.Sc. Mane., Dip. Pub. Ad. Melb. Lecturer * Cedric Park, LL.B. Melb. Lecturer * Karl Barry Petersson, B.Sc. W.A. Lecturer * Noel Thomas Sexton, LL.B. Sydney Lecturer Mathematics— * Henry Greenhalgh, M.A. Q’land. Lecturer Modern Languages— Derek Percival Scales, B.A. Sydney, D. de Professor PU. de Paris Designate J effrey Frederick Meurisse Haydon, M.A. Melb. Senior Lecturer E rwin Karl Theodor Koch-E mmery, M.A. Adelaide, Ph.D. Vienna Lecturer * Helmut Kaulla, Ph.D. Munich (German) Lecturer * Rex Norman Crawford, B.A., Dip.Ed. Sydney Lecturer t Also Registrar of the College. * Part-time officers. 9 * Michael F reiberg, B.A. Melb. (Russian) Lecturer * Edward Ridley Bryan, M.A., Dip. Ed. Melb. (French) Lecturer * Russell Rix, B.A. Sydney (Japanese) Lecturer :: Wei Yu Su n , Ph.D. Cantab. (Chinese) Lecturer * Salme Koobakene (Russian) Tutor * Paule Buard (French) Tutor * H elene Herzog, B. es L. Belfort (French) Tutor 1 Pacific Studies — Tom Inglis Moore, B.A. Sydney, M.A. Oxon Senior Lecturer i Philosophy — Quentin Boyce Gibson, B.A. Melb., M.A. Oxon Senior Lecturer A llan Henry Donagan, M.A. Melb. Lecturer (On leave) Bruce Stanley Benjam in, B.A. Melb. B.Phil. Oxon Tem porary Lecturer i Political Science— Leslie F inlay Crisp, M.A. Oxon and Adelaide Professor Brian Dugan Beddie, B.A., Sydney (on leave) Lecturer Creighton Lee Burns, B.A. Melb. and Oxon Temporary Lecturer * William Richard Cumming, B.A. Q’land. LL.B., Dip.Pub.Ad. Sydney Lecturer * Ross Phillip Deane, B.Ec. Sydney (Public Administration) Lecturer * Leonard John Hume, M.Ec. Sydney Lecturer * Ronald Mendelsohn, M.Ec. Sydney, Ph.D. Lond. (Public Administration) Lecturer i Psychology— Patrick Pentony, M.A.
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