May 2, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9591 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE SOVIET MOOD: ONE OF WAR Medvedev added: "Nixon couldn't beat tiny ALASKA LANDS LEGISLATION­ Vietnam because the country was too divided GOVERNOR HAMMOND'S LETTER to win a war. We sent a few thousand troops down to Angola and we took over the place in HON. LARRY McDONALD just a few weeks." HON. JERRY HUCKABY OF GEORGIA Mr. Herr confesses that before he went to the USSR, he held views like those officially OF LOUISIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES expressed by the early Carter administration, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, May 2, 1979 especially by U.S. SALT negotiator Paul Wednesday, May 2, 1979 Warnke, specifically "th~t the Soviet Union e Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, the So­ was ruled by responsible, conservative office­ • Mr. HUCKABY. Mr. Speaker, today viet mood since our political defeat in holders who would not risk their privileges I am inserting in the CONGRESSIONAL Vietnam has been one of rising optimism with an expansionist foreign policy. It seemed RECORD a letter recently transmitted to based upon the "correlation of forces" as absurd at that time to think in terms of the Members of the House by Alaska Gov. they put it. Her recent adventures have old bipolar world ... But Russians have taught me that such notions as East versus Jay Hammond. In the letter, Governor been successful in Angola, Ethiopia, and West, however much the West may wish them Hammond urges us to support the Alaska Afghanistan. Certainly the changed situ­ to disappear, are still thriving in the East." lands bills reported by the House In­ ation in Iran contains many pluses for For those of us who are not experts, it is terior and Merchant Marine and Fish­ the U.S.S.R. and great potential for hard to know who is right about Soviet in­ eries Committees and to oppose the further Soviet gains. Militarily, the tention.s. legislation sponsored by Congressmen U.S.S.R. has pulled well ahead of the Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, in a bril· UDALL and ANDERSON. I believe that the liant, if loosely constructed speech at the United States in all except one or two Naval Academy on March 22, cited the White Governor has made a persuasive case, categories of weapons. Her outlook re­ Paper of the British Defense Ministry, which and commend his letter to the Members :flects these gains and she is :flexing her points out that "the Communist bloc has a of this body and to others interested in muscles. This new mood was discussed in 50 per cent edge over NATO in submarines, a a sound resolution of the Alaska lands a recent column by Michael Novak that 30 per cent edge in surface ships, three times issue: appeared in the Washington Star of as many tanks and heavy guns, and more STATE OF ALASKA, April 14, 1979, and should be read by than twice as many fixed-wing tactical air­ Washington, D.C., April 30, 1979. everyone who doubts we are entering a craft-well beyond what can be considered DEAR CONGRESSMAN: This letter is written necessary for purely defensive purposes." to urge your support for the Alaska lands most dangerous period in our history. Most of my friends, I find, are not aware of bills reported by the House Interior and (From the Washington Star, Apr. 14, 1979] the actual amounts the U.S. has been spend­ Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committees, THE SOVIET MOOD ; "ONE OF WAR" ing on arms. Moynihan points out that we and your opposition to legislation sponsored (By Michael Novak) have not built a new strategic missile by Congressmen Udall and Anderson. launcher since 1967. Hal! of our defense Unfortunately, the Alaska lands issue has A pseudonymous American living in Mos­ budget goes for salaries and personnel costs. become clouded in misinformation and cow has contributed a most important new Another 35 per cent goes for maintenance of innuendo. The issue is not one of environ­ insight into the decline of the West as seen fac111ties. Only about $9 blllion goes for stra­ ment versus development or concerned citi­ from Russia. tegic nuclear forces. For arms and ammuni­ zens juxtaposed against interests. Writing in the March 31 issue of The New tion, expeditures total barely $20 blllion. The Interior Committee (Huckaby) and Republic, "Robert Herr" reports on a multi­ By contrast, the Soviets spend !ar more Merchant Marine Committee (Breaux-Din­ tude o! conversations he has had with or­ than we do, a far larger proportion of their gell) b1lls are very strong environmental dinary Russians over the last several months. resources, and do not count most personnel measures. Each b111 would more than double All predict an imminent war with the United costs in their mllltary budget. the size of certain Federal Conservation sys­ States, in which "Soviet m111tary power will tems, would designate several parks and crush the new flabby American m111tary." Perhaps-let us all hope-there will not be war. Yet in our national psyche, the mass wildlife refuges larger than many states, and "The mood within the Soviet Union," Herr media thrive on images of disaster. Our would protect important scenic and wildlife writes, "is clearly one of war." The "Russians minds may say peace, but our imaginations resources throughout Alaska. perceive a weakness in America." A political are saying disaster. In fact, the Merchant Marine Blll con­ information officer told him "how certain he tains slightly more wilderness acreage and was that in the next decade hls country Leonid Brezhnev is very 111. By the early 1980s, when Soviet power in virtually every the Interior b111 slightly less than that rec­ would be at war with either China or Amer­ ommended by the Carter Administration, and ica. We should go to war sooner rather than sphere wlll exceed ours, even though there wlll stlll be a rough balance of ultimate ter­ t h e Merchant Marine legislation would des­ later, he said, for 1f we walt another 10 years ror, the Soviets will have a new government. ignate significantly more wildlUe refuge China may acquire the technology to beat acreage than would either the Udall-Ander­ Russia." What sort of government wlll it be? It son or Carter Administration proposals. This Soviet officer wore jeans; he loved probably will be younger. "Very possibly," Further. the Merchant Marine blll exceeds Moynihan points out, "it will be a govern­ by approximately 35 million acres the total Stevie Wonder and American rock. "It's a ment of uncertain or at least untested legiti­ shame to think that your country will be amount of land which would be designated macy, a government that might well desire a or redesignated by the Carter Administra­ destroyed," he said. "Without America, this test of strength." Its power in relation to ours country would really be a prison. Such a tion, and contains 9 milllon acres more than shame." will be at an all-time favorable point. the Udall bill. (While certainly not deter­ IRoy Medvedev, the famous physicist, told The next eight years promise to be the most minative, all of the pending bllls exceed by a Mr. Herr that "the Soviet Union is moving in dangerous the United States has ever gone very wide margin the 80 million acre ceiling one direction-toward the strengthening of through. In 1962, when the Soviets had only which the 91st Congress, in balancing the our military might .. Our country is a m111- 60 to 70 truly strategic weapons, while we had various competing interests, authorized the tary machine. We are continuing now as we about 2,000 misslles and bombs, the Soviets Secretary of the Interior to study for perma­ did in World War II .. We won because our did not hestitate to put misslles in Cuba. Now nent conservation designation. A Udall system allowed the spending of colossal re­ that they have parity, and even superiority amendment calling for a 100 mlllion acre sources for one purpose alone>-military in many respects, wm they be more timid? study-the Merchant Marine b111 would des­ strength . Americans are fools. They come They may well calculate that to delay is the ignate 127 mlllion acres of new units-was to Russia, stay in our hotels, eat in the res­ more dangerous course. cefeated on the House floor.) taurants and find out that everything here is After 15 years of anti-war feeling, it is dim­ At the same time, the Interior and Mer­ badly run . Then they return to the cult for the public to face new realities. Such chant Marine Committee bills address other United States with the conclusion that since a turn was required once before, at the begin­ important Federal interests -and State con­ Russia. can't run a hotel, it can't build a ning of World War II. This time, we wlll not cerns. Both b1lls help to satisfy Alaska's en­ rocket either. They don't realize that we put have the luxury of suffering a surprise attack titlement under the Statehood Act--an un­ everything into rocketry, that the govern­ and months of early defeats. fulfilled Federal promise made over twenty ment doesn't care whether or not anything It is more than irony that peace is obtained years ago-and to insure the future viab1llty is left over for the population ... Americans by preparation for war. It 1s a moral of the State's economy-another objective cannot keep up with this kind of a system." responsib111ty.e of the Statehood Act.
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