Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-24-1982 The BG News September 24, 1982 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 24, 1982" (1982). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4037. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4037 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THe weather Mostly cloudy today. High near 50. Clear and cold good tonite. Low near 40. morning BG News Friday Bowling Green State University September 24, 1982 Lebanese president sworn in amidst rubble by the Associated Press force charged with guarding against during the mass killings, which were forces intervened to stop the blood- The Lebanese military prosecutor- Beirut's outskirts. further Christian-Moslem bloodlet- carried out by Israel's Lebanese bath. general announced he had launched "I shall offer no program of a new Amin Gemayel took over as Leb- ting. The first peacekeeping unit, 300 Christian allies. an official investigation to try to de- era because a single concern grips us anon's president Thursday, vowing to French paratroopers, was expected in The respected Israeli newspaper LEBANESE RED CROSS workers termine who was responsible for the now...This is to stop the vicious cycle stop "the vicious cycle of bloody vio- the Lebanese capital Friday morning, Haaretz quoted two Israeli soldiers Thursday continued to dig for more killings. of bloody violence on Lebanon's soil," lence" that has gripped his land for and the Marines on Saturday. stationed near the massacre scene as bodies among the earth and rubble Amin Gemayel, 40, a political he declared. eight years. Recriminations from last week's saying they suspected a slaughter eushed up by bulldozers in an attempt leader of the Phalange Party, was "The wars of others in Lebanon and ''It expresses all we had in mind, Beirut refugee camp massacre con- was under way in the Palestinian i hide the bodies in the Sabra and elected president by the Lebanese at Lebanon's expense must stop. This really," former Prime Minister Saeb tinued to rock Israel. camps and had informed their com- Chatilla camps. Parliament on Tuesday, replacing his will be accomplished by a strong, Salam, a leading Lebanese Moslem, manders, but were told: "It's all A spokesman said five more bodies 34-year-old brother Bashir, the Pha- independent sovereign state capable said of the Christian president's inau- AN ESTIMATED 3,000 demonstra- right, don't worry." were found Thursday morning, bring- langist militia leader and president- of safeguarding public freedoms and gural speech. "We have great hopes tors, shouting "Begin resign!", Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sha- ing the total recovered to 298. Relief elect who was assassinated in a bomb bringing about a withdrawal of all in him." marched on Prime Minister Menac- ron says Israeli troops helped coordi- officials said many more may be blast Sept. 14. foreign armies from the entire soil of In the Mediterranean, 1,800 U.S. hem Begin's home as the wave of nate the Christian Phalangist militia buried. Estimates of the total slain the homeland." Marines aboard the helicopter carrier protests continued over his govern- raid on the two predominantly Mos- range from 300, the U.S. government THE NEW PRESIDENT took the Syrian troops and Palestinian guer- Guam steamed toward Beirut to join ment's refusal to authorize an inde- lem camps, but never expected it to report, to 1,400, the estimate of the oath of office before the assembled rillas control eastern Lebanon's Be- a new three-nation peacekeeping pendent inquiry into Israeli conduct end in a massacre. He says Israeli Palestine liberation Organization. Parliament at a military school on kaa Valley and the country's north. Deserted 'eyesores to remain standing by Lou Wilin caved in on one side. Shelley said she staff reporter had the owner block off that area with boards. Eyesores though they may be, local "It's safe for me to get to the front abandoned homes probably will stand door," she said. for awhile, according to local offi- Owners of the abandoned buildings cials. on Court and Ridge Streets near the "In tearing down a house we have to railroad tracks, and at 656 Manville determine whether there is a danger apparently do not have any plans for or a nuisance, not 'Geez, that doesn't the houses, she said. But the owners look nice' - that doesn't cut it," Larry are paying property taxes on the lots, Sorrells, supervising sanitarian for she said. the Wood County Health Department, The city can take legal action said. against the property owners, but it Sanitarian Debbie Shelley said the does not have the funds to demolish houses are not a danger or nuisance. the buildings, according to Shelley. "It's not worth our while to have it torn down," she said. "At this point INSTEAD OF USING its fiscal 1982 it's acceptable until something hap- $96,200 Community Development pens." Block Grant (CDBGl for demolition, Local officials have not determined Bowling Green used the money to put exactly what that something is. an elevator in the city building to "They're unsightly, but they're not provide access for handicapped per- a danger where kids play," Rod No- sons, Carolyn Lineback, grants ad- ble, Bowling Green zoning inspector, ministrator for Bowling Green, said. said. She added that future CDBG money Shelley said she inspects buildings could be used for demolition. in the city regularly and she works It costs about $3,000 to demolish with the owners to prevent hazards. houses that are about the size of the buildings on Court and Manville, Sor- "I'M WORKING with the owners of rells said. those houses," she said. "If I notice Shelley said the owners have kept any problem there, I notify the the buildings boarded up. owner." "The main thing on an abandoned Shelley said she has had the owner house is that it is boarded up so it of the two houses on Court Street, can't be vandalized," she said. near the railroad tracks, tear down a "As long as a landlord is willing to N 3G - onoi- Jerrv Cattaneo garage and remove a chimney that keep it closed up. they're doing all Thu abandoned ':ouse ot 512 Derby Ave is owned by William J. and John O Warj /• is was falling apart. they can," she said."No one lives Just an eyesore? definitely an eyesore but if its appearance is a reflection of its stability it moy also be an The porch on one of the houses see EVESORESirt.i. 3 safety haiord Study affects off-campus student code by Doug Llllibrldge looking into possible changes in the that we're currently researching," Galen Ash, chief of city police, he the off-campus situation. Arrowsmith and Dickinson's rec- staff reporter Code so that off-campus students that said Ragusa. said. ommendations must be approved bv commit misdemeanors may also be THE RESEARCHERS, Dr. Boh Ar- Ragusa, University President Paul Research is underway into chang- brought before the Office of Stan- Ash was quoted in the Daily Senti- rowsmith, associate dean of students, Olscamp and the University Board of MISDEMEANORS INCLUDE such nel-Tribune as saying that the off- and Derek Dickinson, director of the ing the student code as it pertains to dards and Procedures. crimes as disturbing the peace, drunk Trustees before the recommendations off-campus students. Section III, Item B-2 of the student campus parties were keeping his men Office of Standards and Procedures, will become part of the student code. and disorderly conduct, and any vio- from patrolling while they were are looking into how other universi- Currently, the code states that if a code states that "The University's lation of the new state drinking law. University student commits a felony, special authority will be asserted only spending the majority of their time ties have dealt with the problem and Undergraduate Student Govern- The research is being undertaken in breaking up parties or responding to ment President Everett Gallagher that person may be charged by the where its interests as an academic an effort to ease the pressure on the whether the University should pros- courts as well as being charged and community are distinctly and clearly complaints about parties. ecute before or after a court decision. has voiced his concern over the issue Bowling Green city police and, thus, Campus Safety and Security Direc- "We have already looked into a few and plans to get all the organizations penalized by the Office of Standards impaired." * improve University-community rela- and Procedures. "Defining what areas consititute tor Bill Bess responded, by a letter to legal decisions and, in the cases we that are represented in USG involved tions, Ragusa said. The decision to Mayor Alvin Perkins, that campus in opposing the University's proposal, According to Dr. Donald Ragusa, the 'University's interests as an aca- look into the matter was based partly have seen, hearings by both the Uni- dean of students, the University is demic community' is one of the things security would cooperate in any way versity and the courts do not consti- if a proposal follows from the re- on statements that were made by possible to help the city police with tute double jeopardy," said Ragusa.
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