GEOFF ROBISON PRESI DEN T, VINTAGE AIR CRAFT ASSOCI ATION AirVenture 2007 At this writing I again find myself percent each year. The word is really volunteers. Steve works in the Vintage pulling volunteer duty with EM's B-17 getting out about how much fun and data shack (as well as being a terrific Bomber Tour. This time, my trip began personal satisfaction can be had when help as a photographer) and pumps in New Jersey. As I was flying commer­ volunteering. Start planning for next out a great nimber of quality products cial into Newark, we passed by the is­ year: "You gotta be there." in support of our organization and his land of Manhattan in New York City. fellow volunteers. It is always a warm and reassuring feel­ While on the topic of this year's ing to see my girlfriend just off shore, I have had the joy event, the post-AirVenture assessment with her torch still flying high over­ of befriending of all the activities in the Vintage area head. She appeared as beautiful as ever, reveals an enormous amount of suc­ forever symbolizing the freedoms this dozens of EAA cess. I tend not to measure our suc­ great nation stands for. Again, I have cesses solely in dollar amounts, as it had the joy of befriending dozens of and VAA members is more productive to assess what I see EAA and VAA members all over these as the true measure of these successes: United States. This weekend we are in all over these the results of watching and listening the "Queen City" of Cincinnati, Ohio, to as many attendees as we can. One being hosted by Warbird Squadron 18. United States. particularly notable improvement we This is a great bunch of folks, and they observed, and were particularly pleased have proven to be wonderful hosts to As most of you are aware, each year about, was this year's Vintage Aircraft the bomber and its crew. the VAA board of directors makes a Awards presentation in the Theater in When you receive this issue of Vin­ special effort to reward and recognize the Woods on Saturday night. tage Airplane, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh these special members, and it is there­ I personally fielded at least a half­ 2007 will be but a memory to those of fore my pleasure to announce this dozen strong and oftentimes emotional us who were fortunate enough to at­ year's "VAA Volunteers of the Year." remarks complimenting the division tend. It was really a great show. One Please join me in recognizing our 2007 on this much-improved program and of the most surprising and heartwarm­ Flightline Volunteer of the Year, Mr. A1 its presenters. One of our long-tenured ing statistics I will share with you is the Hallett of West Chicago, Illinois. Al has VAA board members informed me im­ fact that we, the VM, attracted an all­ been volunteering with the VM flight­ mediately after the event that he has time record-high number of volunteers line for more than five years now, and never missed our awards program since at this year's event. Be mindful that I he continuously has proven himself to its inception back in the 1970s, and he am referring only to those deeply dedi­ be an extremely valued member of the had never seen the program conducted cated individuals who, over the previ­ flightline crew. AI, thank you for your as well as this year's program. Many de­ ous 12 months, have volunteered more dedication and tireless efforts to assist served thanks are offered to everyone than 24,000 hours of total volunteer us in providing our membership with a who had a part in this success, includ­ time to further the success of our fine great convention each year. ing EM and VM staff, the board of di­ organization. It is with great pride that We also recognize a "VAA Behind rectors, and the many volunteers who I report to the membership of the VM the Scenes Volunteer of the Year." had a hand in the solid improvements that we had more than 500 individu­ With tremendous gratitude we high­ to this program this year. I know what als volunteer at AirVenture during the light the "behind the scenes" efforts of a home run looks like, and based on 2007 event. That's a great number by Steve Moyer of Lansdale, Pennsylva­ the many positive remarks we heard, itself, but another amazing element to nia, for his support of the VAA. Steve it's apparent that we smacked this one this wonderful success story is the fact is a longtime volunteer who has many out of the park! that the total number of volunteers talents that go a long way in providing As a matter of course, we always re­ continues to climb by 8 percent to 10 some very special support to our VAA continued on page 38 LANE OCTOBER VOL. 35, No. 10 2007 CONTENTS IFe Straight & Level AirVenture 2007 by Geoff Robison 2 News 5 Aeromail 6 Amazing AirVenture 2007 A vintage year for friends and airplanes by H.G. Frautschy 16 The Remarkable Bucker Bestmann A delight in flight! by Sparky Barnes Sargent 24 Benny Howard's Racers Return The resurrection of Benny Howard's Giant Killers, Mike and Ike by Karl D. Engelskirger 28 What's New for Vintage Pilots 30 The Vintage Instructor " . ..shall become familiar with all available information ... /1 by Doug Stewart 32 Type Club Notes The Technical Corner-Instrument Systems As originally published in Travel Air Log, the newsletter of the Travel Air Restorers Association by Robert G. Lock 36 Mystery Plane by H.G. Frautschy EAA Publisher Tom Poberezny 37 EAA's New Reach for the Sky E-Newsletter Director of EAA Publications David Hipschman Helping people start making their dreams of flight a reality Executive Director/Editor H.G. Frautschy Executive Assistant Jillian Rooker 38 Calendar Managing Editor Kathleen Witman News Editor Ric Reynolds Photography Jim Koepnick 39 Classified Ads Bonnie Kratz Advertising Coordinator Sue Anderson Classified Ad Coordinator Daphene VanHullum COVERS Copy Editor Colleen Walsh FRONT COVER: An unusual angle for this shot highlights the strongly tapered wings of this Director of Advertising Katrina Bradshaw Bucker Bu 181 Bestmann, restored and flown here in the United States by Richard Epton. De­ Display Advertising Representatives: signed by Anders J. Andersson, the Bestmann has long been known as one of the great training Northeast: Allen Murray aircraft of its day. See Sparky Barnes' story of Epton and his Bestmann beginning on page 16. Phone 856·229·7180, FAX 856·229·7258, e·mail: aJ/mmlirraK"'lIlilldsprillg.com Southeast: Chester Baumgartner BACK COVER: High over the broken clouds of the north-central Midwest, Skip Holm pilots the Phone 727·532·4640, FAX 727·532·4630, e·mail: [email protected] Keith Rider R-4 replica racer, the Schoenfeldt Firecracker as it rockets along amongst the cloud Central: Gary Worden pillars. The Firecracker, owned by the Wathen Foundation, was one of the aircraft featured in Phone 800·444·9932, FAX 816·741·6458, e·mail: gary.wordell @Spc·lIlag.com front of the VAA Red Barn Hospitality center. For more on this year's VAA activities during EM Mountain & Pacific: John Gibson AirVenture Oshkosh 2007, please see the article beginning on page 6. Phone 916·784·9593, e·mail: ioilllgibsoll(i!.spc·lIIag.com Europe: Willi Tacke EM photos by EM Chief Photographer Jim Koepnick. Phone +49 (0) 8841 487515, FAX +49 (0) 8841 496012, e·mail: willi@{lyillg.page5.com VINTAGE AIRPLANE VAAIEAA Reaction to Alan Klapmeier to Speak at Taylorcraft AD EAA Halls of Fame Dinner As this article was going to press, Cirrus Design CEO Alan Klap­ VAA staff and the EAA Government meier, a longtime EAA member, will Programs office were drafting a re­ be the keynote speaker at the an­ sponse to the recently issued Airwor­ nual EAA Hall s of Fame dinner on thiness Directive (AD) 2007-16-14 November 9 at the EAA AirVe nture concerning Taylorcraft lift struts. The Museum. Alan and his brother, Dale, AD, which covers a broad spectrum began their business with a Cirrus of the Taylorcraft fleet, including all homebuilt des ign, the VK-3 0 (the A, B, and F models, requires owners prototype is on display in the EAA to have their lift struts inspected us­ AirVenture Museum), in the 1980s. ing either eddy current or ultrasonic They moved on to production air­ nondestructive testing (NDT) meth­ craft, producing the SR20 and SR22, ods, with the testing being conducted and in just over a decade became only by certified NDT inspectors as one of the top small-aircraft manu­ defined in the AD and Taylorcraft Ser­ Alan Klapmeier facturers in the world. At AirVe nture vice Bulletin 2007-001. This inspec­ this year, Cirrus announced develop­ (M ike Ma rkowski); Vintage Ai rcraft tion, due within five hours' time in ment of the SR Sport, a light-sport Hall of Fame (Chet Peek); Warbirds service after August 20, 2007, applies aircraft, and just weeks prior to the Hall of Fa me (Connie Edwards); In­ to unsealed struts built in accordance con vention unveiled its "the- jet" ternational Aerobatic Club Hall of with Taylorcraft part numbers A-A815 personal jet. Fame (Debby Rihn-Harvey, Bill Ker­ and A-A84, or their equivalent part EAA members are invited to at­ shner); and Flight Instructor Hall numbers as supplied by other ven­ tend the dinner, which includes the of Fame (Hal Shevers, Wolfgang dors.
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