

" \ ~. TRHCK G FIELD C~'-'IRmPlonSHIPS On behalf of Carlmont High School~ its administration~ faculty~ and student bodY9 and the Sequoia Union High School District9 I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the many athletes9 their coaches~ and track fans to the Central Coast Section C.I.F. Track and Field Championships. This meet is the top interscholastic track meet of the year and brings representatives from most of the schools in the Central Coast Section. The boys that will take part in this meet are the best in their respective events 9 and with their fine coaching and their wonderfUl competitive spirit9 I am sure the loyal track fans are in for an enjoyable day of top performances. The first three place~s in each of the varsity events will qualify for the California State Championships to be held in Los Angeles next weekend. It is with great pleasure that I dedicate this meet9 the Central Coast Section of the California Interscholastic Federation9 Track and Field Championships9 not only to the outstanding athletes gathered here todaY9 but to the many thousands of boys who annualy participate in what is considered the greatest international sport. SincerelY9 Andy Darby Meet Director Carlmont High School MEET DIRECTOR Andy Darby REFEREE Phil Casaroli CLERK OF THE COURSE - Henry \1Jeston STARTER .• Ivan !\llain Dick Conner RECALL STARTER ..Vic Mangini CHIEF FINISH JUDGE - Jack Fasman ANNOUNCER .. Don Berry FINISH JUDGES - Emmett Lynch Tom Mark 5 CHIEF Tll1ER .. Steve Chelbay Jim Bradshaw Art Cutler Tll1ERS .. Robert Anderson Norm DeNardo Rick Zambrini Pat Lalosky Bob Podkaminer Bob Kauk Cliff Harris Spli t Lynch Herb Stone Bill Nowland CHIEF FIELD JUDGE - Harry Young Finley Thompson Tom Miemiller POLE VAULT - Myron Goodwin Paul Castoro Fred Mangini SHOT PUT and DISCUS .. Fred Ludeke Vince Rascon SCORERS .• Jackie Darby Bob Mills Jeri Darby Bob VJilliams I1ndi Darby Bill Neider TYPIST - Joyce Berry LONG JUMP and TRIPLE JUMP - Larry Mathers TICKETS ..Art Cutler Alex Geczy GATE CUSTODIAN .. Ken Krueger HIGH JUMP .. Joe vlyrick Zeth Anderson CONCESSIONS .• Bud Sweet9 Chief Carlmont Nock IIC" ASSISTANT TO JUDGES .. Ed Austermuehle PRESS .•Kevin Doyle INSPECTORS - Art Smith Redwood City Tribune Emmett Stanton .. Jim Luttrell \rJINDGAUGE - Dr. Leon Glover San Mateo Times WEIGHTS and PROGRAM - Don Berry MEASURES .. Bureau of Heights Joyce Berry and Measurex9 San Nateo County MIMEOGRAPHING .•Mrs. Bretag Carlmont High School OFFIC IALS Loren Lansberry EVENT No. 1 VARSITY .•440 YJ~RD RELAY TRIALS: 10:00 AoMo FINALS: 1:00 P.M. NationalHigh School Record :41.1 KirkpatrickHoSo Fort vJorth9Texxs 1968 C.C.So Meet Record :4208 Menlo Atherton High School 1968 1968 C.CoSo Champion :4208 Henlo Atherton High Sc..hoo1 HEAT I HEAT II IJiNE QUALIFY0 W~RK SCHOOL LANE QUALIFY.¥l.ARK SCHOOL ---z- :43.1 Henlo Atherton --r :43.2 Sequoia 3 :43.6 Santa Cruz 3 :43.3 Hillsdale 4 :43.8 Woodside 4 :4309 S. San Fran. 5 g4400 Monterey 5 :44.0 Westmont 6 :4400 Cupertino 6 :4403 Branham 7 :4405 Watsonville 7 :44.4 Los Altos 8 :44.5 Sunnyvale 8 :4407 LYnbrook 9 :4502 Carmel 9 :4408 Ayer 1rJONBY: 2nd~ HON BY: 2nd _ 3rd 4th 3rd 4th_~ _ TlME: TIME: _ FINALS: WON BY 2nd_. 3rd _ 4th -5th TlME: _ EVENT No.2 CLASS B .•440 YARD REIJiY TRIALS: 10:10 A.M. FINALS: 1:05 PoM. CoCoSo Meet Record :4400 BurlingameHigh School 1968 1968 C.CoS. Champion :4400 BurlingameHigh School HEAT I HEAT II LANE QUALIFY.MARK SCHOOi. LANE QUALIFY.MARK SCHOOL ~ :44.5 1rJillowGlen ~ :44.7 Ravenswood 3 :4501 Alisal 3 :4500 Crestmoor 4 :45.1 Capuchino 4 :4502 t·) atsonville 5 g45.~ Jefferson 5 :4503 i;~oodside 6 g45.5 San Jose 6 :45.5 Piedmont Hills 7 :4508 Salinas 7 :45.7 Cupertino 8 :45.9 Blackford 8 :4509 Gilroy 9 :46.5 Hollister 9 :46.2 Homestead HON BY: ------2nd------ 1;JONBY:------2nd------- 3rd 4th 3rd 4th_~ _ TlME: TlME: _ FINALS: \WN BY 2nd 3rd _ 4th. .5th TIME:. _ EVENT No. J VARSITY - 120 YARD HIGH HURDLES TRIALS~ 10g25 AoM. FINALSg 1~15 P.M. National High School Record glJ.5 Richmond Flowers Lanier H.So Montgomery 9 Alabama 1965 C.CoS. Meet Record :14.5 Jim Miller Carlmont High School 1968 1968 C.C.S. Champion d4.5 Jim Miller Carlmont High School g14.9~150Jg14.J~1505g15.2d5.4~15.4g1501~15.2~14.d409~14.9~1502d4.9d5.0g15.6M.A.C.P.KoSoJoEdB.PoJRoJ"MARKDoNAME09MartinMorrisChristoffHoughJohnsonAlbanesePuraPetersVarguspatraliaNominiPortlockChapmanDedingerTolarBancheroLANEHEATMontereyAyer59J6BuchseritJestmontCarlmont28KingCapuchino4Saratoga7SCHOOLFremontSanGunnSeasideSequoiaLiveICarlosCityOak QUALIFYHEA T II 9752J486 QUALIFYLANE ~}ONBY~ 2nd l,vONBYg 2nd~ _ 3rd-------- 4th------ Jrd--------- 4th------- TIMEg------ TIME:------- FINALS g WON BY--------- 2nd--------- Jrd--------- 4th 5th TIME: _ EVENT No. 4 CLASS B - 70 YARD HIGH HURDLES TRIALS: 10:J5 A.M. FINALS ~ 1 g20 P.M. C.CoS. Meet Record ~0900 Bob peero Los Altos High School 1960 ~09.0 Mike Toler Buchser High School 1965 1968 C.CoS. Champion g09.J Blair Morris San Carlos High School HEll T I HEAT II QUALIFY QUALIFY LANE MARK NAME SCHOOL LANE MARK SCHOOL 2 ~09.7 Ed Diaz Gilroy 2 g09.8 wilcox J ~09.4 R. Rudisill Monterey J g 09 •5 Fremont 4 g0904 S. Gibson Saratoga 4 g0904 Saratoga 5 g0901 M. Miller Homestead 5 ~09 •2 Ravenswood 6 g09.J Bo Johnson Burlingame 6 :0902 l,<jatsonville 7 ~0904 M. McCloud Capuchino 7 :0904 Terman 8 g0907 A. Valdez No Salinas 8 ~0906 Alisal 9 9 ~0908 Riordan vJON BY g------ 2nd------ 3rd--------4th------- TIMEg FINALS : lfJONBY 2nd Jrd _ 4th ~5th Tn1Eg _ EVENT No. 5 VARSrry - 880 YlI1i.DRUN FINALS: 1:25 PoM. National High School Record 1:48.8 Richard Joyce Sierra i.Jhittier9 Calif. 196.5 C.C.S. Meet Record 1:5203 Don Bowden Lincoln High School 1954 1968 C.C.S. Champion 1:.5402 Rick Brown Los Altos High School QUALIFY QUALIFY LANE MARK ~ SCHOOL LANE MARK ~ SCHOOL 1 1:56.5 Jo Montoya sto Ignatius 9 175971 Po Gaessler Homestead 2 1:5605 D. Robertson San Mateo 2J\ Id901 Lo Hietel' Gilroy 3 1:58.0 T. \'ihiteheadBurlingame 3A 1:5903 Po Fl'ancich Los Gatos 4 1:5806 G. Funston Pac. Grove 411 1:5904 Ed Hilton Homl?stead 5 1:58.6 K. Maness Salinas 511 2:00.7 Ro Miller Leigh 6 1:5806 Do Blackfield vlestmoor 6A 2 gOl. 0 L. Davis Los 1I1tos 7 1:5806 Ko McCormick Mills 711 2:0209 T. Uchida 1Ilisal 8 1:58.9 Ro Brown Los 1I1tos 811 2:0300 Go Mapp Monterey 'irlON BY: 2nd -3rd- _ 4th 5th_.. TTI1E: _ EVENT1:.59031:59081:59031:59.32:03.622:03.12:04.02:06092:07052:06082:09052:08002:05022:08.4:01..51:5902Noo.M1IRKMARK~NAME\J.1>1.PoRoJ.K.1:35B.D.R.GoToTT.60MoreheadMcCollumtroiFoleyPerezHillHaleyYoungeGandeSellersVerretteLawsonCarranachoSmithGranadoSantol:£lli!~vhiWhiteheadoodfillAyerJlwaltVJillowAragonAyersSan1Iragon511311N.vJatsonville1Ilisal2116A7APoMoJeffersonRavenswood8ASCHOOLLelandSaratoga4ALeigh9BurlingameteheadSalinasrCar:}.osGlenv;atsonville1968TIME:3rdHigh1:57.21:57025th2ndCLflSSSchoolFINALS:'B - 880QUALIFYYARD RUN 1968 C.C.S.-r724863Champion 5 L/\NE QUALIFY C.C.S.v·JON MeetBY: Record 4th EVENT Noo 7 VIIRSITY- 100 YARD DASH TRIALS: 10 ~45 A oM. FINALS: 1 :45 P oMo National High School Record ~09.3 v·JilliamGaines Clearview High School Mullica Hil19 N.Jo 1967 CoCoSo Meet Record ~09.7 Rupp Sequoia High School 1952 ~0907 Brad Lyman Los Altos High School 1967 1968 CoCoSo Champion ~09.9 Brad Lyman Los Altos High School HEAT I CoE.AoJ.HoToHEANAMEtJhiMarshallCampbellAndersonBraboyFowlerReeseScottT IIteMontereyCupertinoM.LincolnSantaSerraSCHOOLRiordanAthertonCruzClara QUALIFY ~09dO.O~10.2dO.:10.0d0030a1 QUALIFY 1JJA RK LANE MARK NAME LANEMontereyCrestmoorSanHomesteadFremontLosSCSanta68459237HOOLAltosJoseMateoCruz AoCoJ.S.C.Bo1rJ.MezaAndrewBommaritoEmeryLassiterBoyleRocanelliHeads 2" ~1002 3 :1001 4 dOo a 5 ~09.8 6 dOo a 7 dO.l 8 d002 9 dO.3 tJONBY:------ 2nd------- ~iON BY:-------- 2nd------ 3rd-------- 4th------- 3rd---------- 4th------- TJME:------ TJME:------ FINALS: v-lON BY: 2nd 3rd _ 4th----------- 5th---------- TIME:--------- EVENT Noo 8 CLASS B - 100 YARD DASH TillUiLS:10:55 A.M. FINALS: 1 g50 P.M. C.CoS. Meet Record :1003 Carl Dancoff Burlingame High School 1968 1968 CoCoS. Champion :1003 Carl Dancoff Burlingame High School HEAT I REAT II :1003dO.9dOoO:1004:10.3dO.5:100QUALIFYMARKM.EoP.N.CoC.B.NAME6 MKaminBarkerGomezGligerDeNelloRobanoThomascBtlrney 4th2nd QUALIFY 2468 9537 LANE T,1iON BY SCHOOL LANE MARK NAME SCHOOL FINl\LS:3rd 4thTIME: 'lrJONBY: Buchser 2 dO.6 B:'Calmpong Gilroy vJilcox 3 :10.4 J. Cortez Alta Homa Monterey 4 dO.4 Go Linker Alisal Blackford 5 :10.1 Mo Rhodes San Jose Ravenswood 6 :10.1 Jo Strangis hillow Glen San Car:1.os 7 dO.4 T. Garza Crestmoor Hillsdale 8 :1005 Lo Moore Pied. Hills So Lorenzo V0 9 :10.9 J. Nunes Hollister HONBY:------2nd------- 3rd-------- 4th------- TJNE: _ _________ 2nd 3rd _ __________ .5th TIME: _ ~ EVENT No. 9 VARSITY:49.9:50.2:50.0~5004:50.6:50.1:50.3MARK:49.9F.P.A.PoR.D.B.L.~1:55-UlisFrankLeeAndrePetersAlexanderBeBremmerDattolaBro'tmOrlando440rryLANEEvansMt.P.M.CrestmoorAragonSunnyvaleBranhamS.HillsdaleSCHOOLWilliams7968435YARDH\i.gheCupertinoComptonOverfeltSanPleasantDASHsFran.19651961HighHighHighSchoolSchoolSchoolFINALS : :49.5:48.1 MontereyProspectSalinasRoAwaltGilroyLeighStevenson SCHOOL QUiILIFY Compton~ California :46.1 National High School Record FLIGHT II C.C.S. Meet Record 1968 C.C.S. Champion FLIGHT I QUALIFY LANE MARK NAME 2 :50.8 Ko Bailey 3 :50.9 R. Stewart 4 :50.9 Jo Kessel 5 ~5lo4 So James 6 ~51. 4 Go Farotte 7 :51. 5 J. Buser 8 :51. 6 Mo Farber 9 :51. 9 J. Hanson VJThlNERSBY TIME: lst 2nd .3rd- _ 4th .5th 6th. _ V1ARK 2 EVENT :52.1:52.4:52.5:53.2:52.8:52.6:52.9:53.6:5402:54.4:50.4:5209:5400No.MARKJ:'S'hirleyW:-WilliamsMoM.PoBoCoJ.T.B.S.NAMEN1IME2:05R.Dattola10McCollumMoorehouseHayesCogarVerretteAlcamilloHicklenLennigerBugosGardierTooreminoRamosOsunaReynosoLIINEIrjaP.M.AwaltAyerGilroyCrestmoorPied.AlisalSCHOOLJeffersonLelandN.CampbellSalinasPetersonRavenswood874659AragonSunnyvaletsSalinasonvilleHillsCapuchinoHighHighSchool3 CLASSSchool:5204:5200FINALS:B1966- 440QUALIFYFLIGHTYARD IIDASH 68 27593 1968 C.CoS.QUALIFYLANE4 Champion CoC.S.WINNERSMeet BYRecordTIME: FLIGHT I 1st _2nd 3rd .

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