1916. CONGRESSIONAL RE.CORD-ROUSE. 5973 sary for the Government to go into the business of manufactur­ I want to see in this country, us -a ·measure of proper prepm-etl­ ing fertilizers in order to serve the farmers of thi::; Republic, ness for the future, abundant and cheap food, abundant and I do not believe my people will expect or require me to yield cheap raw materials, abuadant ·and cheap explosives for pro:. to any -such demand as that. I do not -think we ought to go tective purposes and for internal purposes. 'I should like to see into such a business, either for the ·farmers or for the laboring the Government harness these water powers, which it owns with men, for the. lawyers, or the -doctors, or the merchants, or the money costing the Government 2 per cent, and I should like to business men, or anybody else. see these nitrates furnished to whoever wants them to increase As 'I said this morning, I think the Government of the Unitetl the Pl'oductive capacity of the land of this country.· .I do not, as States will have fully enough to do if it will not engage in any fl Democrat, . apologize for that position, nor do I sympathize other sort of business except the governing ·business. It seems with the condemnation of the Senator .from Alabama [1\Ir. to me like its hands will be full if it will do that, because,multi­ UNDERWOOD]' because he wished to -use in a -small way these tudinous and -vexatious problems are already · pressjng on us powers. f:rom that standpoint alone. .But this ·proposition that the Thomas Jefferson ,taught good doctrine for .his day, but Government of the United States is to embark firt in this Thomas Jefferson . had no conception of .the combined powers business and then in that business and t hen in the other busi­ that exist now in the .hands of a few men to control, as the ness, on land and on sea, and it may IJe after a while in ihe Senat01··from New Jersey [Mr. ·MARTINE] pointed out, the entire air, is far too much for an old-fashioned Democrat like myself. output and delivery and use of fertilizing agents. Thomas 1\Ir. l\1ARTINE of New Jersey. ..Mr . .Pl~esident, will the ·Sen­ Jefferson had no conception of the .modern monopoly. Thomas ator yield to ·me for one second? Jefferson strongly and violently opposed monopolies of eYery 1\Ir. HARDWICK. I will; yes. character; but here .is one place where the Government of the 1\Ir. 1\IARTINE of New Jersey. I have no purpose of making United States can use ·the cheap water powers now going to · any speech, but 'I only want to impress one fact upon -the ·Sena­ waste. Here is one place where the people of.the United States, tor from Georgia. I think 'he is not aware .of the fact. He acting through their representatives on this flool' and in -the admits that fertilizer is a necessity. I want to impress upon .him other Chamber, can use their combined powers for the common the fact that all the great fertilizer plants in this country are · welfare and the general good. I do not;feel willing to hear·that owned and controlled by one corporation, and ·that is the Stand­ doctrine denounced ·here by the Senator from ·Georgia, and I ard Oil Oo. The Mapes ·and the Bokers, the :l\li lle.J;s and the have no sympathy whatever with his views upon that subject Listers-you can saJ.l along the Kill Van ·Kull, in ·the State of BECESS. New Jersey and see these .great, ponderous plants presenting 1\fr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. President, I move that the Senate their frontage to the water, and you will1ind each one of -them _take a ·recess until to-morr.ow at 12 o'clock. ~ays: "Principal,office, Standard Oil Building, .26 Broadway •·• The motion was agreed ·to; and (at· 5 o'clock and 58 minutes " Standard ()U Building,.26.Broadway." ·So I say·to the Senator p. m~) the Senate took a .recess untilito-morrow, Thursday, April- from Georgia that the farmers of this country are in a dire , -situation so far as that is concerned, and it illy becomes the 13, 191.6, at 12 o'clock·meridian. Senator to characterize as being special -:pleaders for buncombe . -effect to the farmers those who advocate 'Some system whereb~· '.O.F fertilizers .may · be made cheaper. HOUSE REPRESENTATirVES. .Mr. HARDWICK. Mr. President, I am glad the distinguished ' WEDNESDAY, llp1"'tt1~, 1.916 • Senator from New Jersey .has given .me that information. 'He -seems to be better acquainted with what the .Standard Oil Co. The House met:at J.2 o ~clockmoon. is doing·than I am. But I can say to him that so far as·Georgia The Chaplain, Rev. Henry .N. ·Couden, D. D., .offered the fol- is concerned, the Standard Oil Co. has no hold there that I know lowing p1·ayer: of on ·our fertilizers. .The Virginia-Carolina Chemical ·Co. is 0 Lord mtr tLnrd, lww weellent is .Phy 'tWme in aU the earth'! supposed to have some. Be that as it·may, .have we not got laws who hast set Thy glory above the heavens. · on om· statute•books. put there by a Democratic administration, Look-down, we beseech Thee, from Thy,purity with comp as .~ ion broad enough and strong enough to meet that situation? Have upon our infirmities, our weaknesses,,and our sins which doth so we ri Republican Attorney General, or a Democratic Attorney easily beset us. •Inspire us with pure thoughts, high ideals, and General? Are we obliged 1to embark on all sorts of socialism noble purpose , that we may meet the-conditions of life with brav-e because we can not get the lnws that we have on the ~tatute and manly hearts and fulfill every.obligation Thou bust laid upon books enforced with our own adminimation·in power? Is that us 'vith patriotic zeal and fervor; that under Thy guidance we what the Senator means? may further evecy ..good ·and render unto the people valiant 1\Ir. 1\1ARTINE of New .Je1·sey. 'Well, .I llave ·heard 'it stated service with patience and perseverence, that our Republic may that the process of the law is eternally slow. ful.till its purpose to the good of mankind··and to the glory nncl . .Mr. HARDWICK. YP.s; it js eternally -slow. It is not as honor of 'rhy holy.name. Amen. fast as ·the rate .at which you :would sentl this country to :pe1·di- . The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday 'vas reac1 and tion if you could -embark it on all such schemes.as this. approved. 1\Ir. 1\.fArerJNE of New Jersey. What constitutes a scheme in , EXTENSION OF REMARKS. the Senator's eyes would not constitute it in mine. 1\fr. IDCKS. .Mr. Speake.J,', I ask unanimous consent to extend Mr. HARD\VIC.K. That is all right. The Senator and I-I . my ..remarks in the ~ECOJID. am happy to say-disagree about many things. But J do ·not .The SPEAKER. ·Is there ·Objection? tllink the suggestion of the Senator that because fertilizer is a 1 -There was no objection. ~ecessity of life the Gover~ment ought, therefore, to .engage in ' 1\Ir. FAIRCHILD. ']Jr. ~peaker, '1 ask .unanimous consent to its manufacture and sale, will appeal to the reason of the Senate. I extend my remarks in .the RECORD on the Agricultural app ro- It does seem to me that the suggestion of ·the Senator that I _priation bill. because fertilizer is a nece~sity of lif~, the:efore the Govern- 1 The SPEAKER. Is there obj~ction? ment ought to manufacture It and sell It to .Its people, answers 1 There was no objection. itself. : Mr. President, I know not what course any other Senator in ' MESSAGE ~ FRmi :I!HE SENATE. this body, .Democrat or 'Republican, may take, but as far as I :A message -from the Senate, by .Mr. 'Waldorf, one· of its clerks, am concerned my decision is irrevocable on this .question. I I announced that the - Senate !had passed bills and •concurrent can not and will not embark on enterprises of -this sort to t~lease resolution of the following titles, 'in which the concurrence of an;ybody in th..is Republic, in my own State, or anybody .. else'-s 1the •House of .Representatives ·was ·requested: State, be he farmer, laborer. workingman, or what not. S ..5229. An act •granting the consent of -Congress to the Mr. OWEN~ Mr. President, the issues which appear to be county commissioners of Wnrren tCounty, Pa., ito construct a drawn in the discussion which .has taken place would seem .to bridge across tbe .Allegheny llliver in the borough of Warreu, be as to whether or not, under any circumstances, the .Govern- County of ~warren, in th~ ;State of ..Pennsylvania; ment of the United States should use the :Powers of nature noyv ' ;S .-: 3606 . .An •net for the ;reHef :df -£ontributors ·of ,the Ellen IJ\1. going to w~te in the · water powers af .this country "for the . Stone ransom fund.; tand manufacttu·e of fertilizers or ex_plosives or other uses to which : .:Senate concurrent :l'esolution 20. nitric acid may be properly _put. ! 'EeBolvea by the !Benate ' 'tl~ House of .Rey?:"ese.ntatives concurring), f 1 "llin t ll ..... · t 'th t That the President of •the United States is -hereby authorized and I d o no t ee Wl g · o a ow .J.Ue eceaswn o pass WI on .requested to .appoint ..a .representative of >this Government to ..ap- saying that, for one Dem<Jcrat, I am in favor of using the com- pear at the celebration of ·· the landing of S1r Francis Drake on the bined powers of the people of this country in using these water ' shores ,of ft;~arin •County, Cal., on the ·ilates of May ~9, 20 and 21 owers and turning them ·not "in a slight way as this amend- ~ 1916: ·Provided, That .the expenses ..of -such trepresentative :ahall !be paid P • • • : by those .in charge .of .the .celebration, ,and that no .expense whatever ment proposes, but on a ·large scale, mto the .service of mankind.
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