Estimation Methods for Basic Ship Design Prof. Manuel Ventura Ship Design I MSc in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture Summary • Hull Form • Lightship Weight • Deadweight Components • Propulsive Coefficients • Propulsive Power • Subdivision and Compartments • Capacities M.Ventura Estimation Methods 2 1 Introduction • At the beginning of the basic design there is no sufficient data to proceed with accurate computations • It is necessary to use estimate methods which with the few information available or assumed will allow to obtain approximate values • These methods are generally based in statistical regressions with data compiled from existing ships M.Ventura Estimation Methods 3 Hull Form Coefficients 2 Block Coefficient (CB) C = 1.08 (single screw) CC= −⋅1.68 F B n C = 1.09 (twin screw) C = 1.06 L + 20 0.14 B CB =⋅ Fn 26 0.48≤ CB ≤ 0.85 0.14≤ Fn ≤ 0.32 L + 20 0.23 B CB =⋅2 3 26 Fn 3 CFFFB = −+⋅−⋅+⋅4.22 27.8nnn 39.1 46.6 0.15< Fn < 0.32 Barras (2004) ⎛⎞V V [knots] C =−⋅1.20 0.39 B ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠LPP LPP [m] M.Ventura Estimation Methods 5 Block Coefficient (Cb) Alexander (1962) CKBf=−05. VL with: K= 1.12 » 1.03 p/ navios mercantes = 1.32 » 1.23 p/ navios de guerra V: velocidade[] knots LF : comprimento da linha de flutuaçao[] ft Van Lameren CVLBf=−137.. 202 M.Ventura Estimation Methods 6 3 Block Coefficient (Cb) Ayre CVLBf=−106.. 168 Minorsky CVLBf=−122.. 238 Munro-Smith (1964) dC Cw− Cb B = dT T M.Ventura Estimation Methods 7 Block Coefficient (Cb) Townsin (1979) −1 CB = 0.7 + 0.125 ⋅ tg [25 ⋅ (0.23 − Fn)] Schneekluth (1987) L 0.14 PP + 20 C = ⋅ B B Fn 26 L PP + 20 p / 0.48 < C < 0.85 0.23 B B CB = 2 ⋅ Fn 3 26 0.14 < Fn < 0.32 M.Ventura Estimation Methods 8 4 Block Coefficient (Cb) Katsoulis 0.42 −0.3072 0.1721 −0.6135 CB = 0.8217 ⋅ f ⋅ LPP ⋅ B ⋅T ⋅V In which f is a function of the type of ship: Ro/Ro Gen. Cargo Containers OBO Bulk Gas Products Ferry Reefers Tankers Chemicals 0.97 0.99 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.09 Kerlen (1970) CB =1.179 − 2.026 ⋅ Fn p / CB > 0.78 M.Ventura Estimation Methods 9 Midship Section Coefficient (CM) Midship Section Coefficient R2 C =−1 M 2.33⋅⋅BT Kerlen (1970) Where: −3.56 CM =1.006 − 0.0056 ⋅ CB R= Bilge radius [m] Fn = Froude Number HSVA 1 CM = 3.5 1+ ()1− CB Meizoso 0.792 RO/RO ships and Container-Carriers CM =1 − 0.062 ⋅ Fn M.Ventura Estimation Methods 10 5 Midship Section Coefficient (CM) Parson (2003) ⎛ 0.4292⋅ R2 ⎞ CM = 1− ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ B ⋅T ⎠ M.Ventura Estimation Methods 11 Waterline Area Coefficient (CWL) Schneekluth 3 U shape sections CWL = 0.95⋅CP + 0.17 ⋅ 1− CP 1 C = ()1+ 2 ⋅C Intermediate shape sections WL 3 B V shape sections CWL = CB − 0.025 1 ⎛ C ⎞ C = ⎜1+ 2 ⋅ B ⎟ WL 3 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ CM ⎠ AG= 0.248+⋅ 0.049 Torroja BG=−⋅0.778 0.035 G= 0sec U shaped tions CWL = A + B ⋅CB = 1secV shaped tions M.Ventura Estimation Methods 12 6 Waterline Area Coefficient (CWL) Parson (2003) CB CWL = 0.471+ 0.551⋅CB M.Ventura Estimation Methods 13 Buoyancy Center Ordinate (KB) ⎛⎞51CB KB=− T ⎜⎟ Normand ⎝⎠63CWP KBT=−(0.9 0.36 CM ) Normand KBT=−⋅−⋅(0.9 0.3 CM 0.1 CB ) Schneekluth ⎛⎞CB KB=− T ⎜⎟0.78 0.285 Wobig ⎝⎠CWP ⎛⎞0.168⋅ CWL KB=−⎜⎟0.372 ⋅ T Vlasov ⎝⎠C B M.Ventura Estimation Methods 14 7 Buoyancy Center Abscissa (LCB) As a first approximation, the abscissa of the buoyancy center can be obtained from the following diagram as a function of the Block Coefficient (CB): A - recommended values B, C – limit values M.Ventura Estimation Methods 15 Buoyancy Center Abscissa (LCB) Schneekluth [% Lpp AV MS] lcb=−⋅()8.80 38.9 Fn /100 lcb=−0.135 + 0.194 ⋅ CP (tankers and bulkers) M.Ventura Estimation Methods 16 8 Transverse Metacentric Radius (BMT) The Transverse Metacentric Radius is defined by I BMT = XX ∇ The transverse moment of inertia of the waterplane (IXX) can be approximated by the expression: 3 IkBLXX=⋅⋅ r In which the values of the factor kr are obtained from the following Table: CWL Kr CWL Kr CWL Kr 0.68 0.0411 0.78 0.0529 0.88 0.0662 0.70 0.0433 0.80 0.0555 0.90 0.0690 0.72 0.0456 0.82 0.0580 0.92 0.0718 0.74 0.0480 0.84 0.0607 0.94 0.7460 M.Ventura0.76 Estimation0.0504 Methods0.86 0.0634 0.96 0.7740 17 Transverse Metacentric Radius (BMT) fC( ) ⋅⋅ LB3 fC( ) B2 BMT ==⋅WP WP 12⋅ LBTC⋅⋅⋅B 12 TC ⋅B Reduction Factor: fC( WP) =⋅1.5 C WP − 0.5 Murray 2 f (CCWP) =+⋅0.096 0.89 WP Normand 3 fC()WP=⋅⋅+0.0372 ( 2 C WP 1 ) Bauer 2 N.N. f (CCWP) =⋅1.04 WP 2 Dudszus and Danckwardt fC( WP) =⋅+⋅±0.13 C WP 0.87 C WP 0.005 M.Ventura Estimation Methods 18 9 Transverse Metacentric Radius (BMT) Xuebin (2009) B2 BMT = ()0.085⋅CB − 0.002 ⋅ (bulk-carriers) T ⋅CB Xuebin, Li (2009), “Multiobjective Optimization and Multiattribute Decision Making Study of Ship’s Principal Parameters in Conceptual Design”, Journal of Ship Research, Vol.53, No.2, pp.83-02. M.Ventura Estimation Methods 19 Longitudinal Metacentric Radius The Longitudinal Metacentric Radius is defined by I BML = YY ∇ The longitudinal moment of inertia of the waterplane (IYY) can be obtained approximately by the expression: 3 IkBLYY=⋅⋅ R In which the values of the factor kR are obtained from the following Table: CWL Kr CWL Kr CWL Kr 0.68 0.0332 0.78 0.0450 0.88 0.0588 0.70 0.0350 0.80 0.0475 0.90 0.0616 0.72 0.0375 0.82 0.0503 0.92 0.0645 0.74 0.0400 0.84 0.0532 0.94 0.0675 0.76 0.0425 0.86 0.0560 0.96 0.0710 M.Ventura Estimation Methods 20 10 Stability Parameters Metacentric Height KM ⎛⎞23 CCBB⎛⎞ ⎛⎞ C B KM=⋅ B ⎜⎟13.61 − 45.4 + 52.17⎜⎟ − 19.88 ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟CC C ⎝⎠WP⎝⎠ WP ⎝⎠ WP Applicable to ships with 0.73 < (CB/CWP ) < 0.95 ⎛⎞0.08B 0.9−⋅ 0.3CC −⋅ 0.1 KM=⋅ B⎜⎟ ⋅⋅+ C MB Schneekluth ⎜⎟C T B ⎝⎠M T If CWP is unknown: 1 ⎛⎞C C =+⋅⎜⎟12 B C = 1.0 WP, N 3 ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠CM M.Ventura Estimation Methods 21 Period of Roll • An excessively high value of GMT implies a very small period of roll and leads to high accelerations, which are uncomfortable to crew and passengers and also results into higher loads in some equipment • A maximum value of GMT should therefore be assumed based on na acceptable value of the roll period (T = 10 seconds is typical value) • The period of roll (T) can be estimated by the expression: 0.43⋅ B T = R GMT [s] where: B [m] GMT [m] M.Ventura Estimation Methods 22 11 Wetted Surface (SW) Denny em que: ∇ SW : wetted surface [ft2] SLTWPP=⋅⋅+1.7 LPP : length bet. perpendiculars [ft] T T: draught[ft] ∇ : displacement volume [ft3] Taylor ScLWWL=⋅⋅∇⋅0.17 em que: SW : surface [m2] ∇ : displacement volume [ m3] LPP : length on the waterline [m] c: f(CM, B/T) M.Ventura Estimation Methods 23 Wetted Surface (SW) Holtrop and Mennen (1978) SLwlTBCWM=⋅⋅+⋅⋅(2 ) 0.453+⋅−⋅−⋅+⋅+ 0.4425CC 0.2862 0.003467B 0.369 C ()BMT WP A 2.38⋅ BT CB In which: ABT – transverse section area of the bulb on FWD PP Schneekluss and Bertram (1998) 11 SL=⋅∇+⋅⋅∇3.433 0.5 WWL( ) M.Ventura Estimation Methods 24 12 Cylindrical Mid-Body Lindblad (1961) L E =−⋅1.975 2.27 C p/ Cb < 0.75 L B L R =−1.12 C L B Le = length of entry LLLLXER=− − Lr = length of run Lx = length of parallel body Lindblad, Anders F. (1961), “On the Design of Lines for Merchant Ships” , Chalmers University Books. M.Ventura Estimation Methods 25 Cylindrical Mid-Body Approximate extent of the cylindrical body: • Full shape (CB > 0.80) LX = 30% ≈ 35% LPP • Full shape (0.70 ≤ CB ≤ 0.80) LX = 15% ≈ 20% LPP • Slender shape (CB < 0.70) LX decreasing to 0 In alternative, the length of the cylindrical body (LX) and the proportion between the entry and the run bodies (L1/L2) can be obtained from the graphic of the figure, as a function of the block coefficient (CB) M.Ventura Estimation Methods 26 13 Freeboard Tabular Freeboard (ILLC) • The tabular freeboard can be approximated by a parabolic curve regression of the tabular values from the Load Lines Convention as follows – Ships of Type A: 2 FB=−0.027415 × Lfb + 21.007881 × Lfb − 562.067149 [mm] – Ships of Type B: 2 FB=−0.016944 × Lfb + 22.803499 × Lfb − 691.269920 [mm] where Lfb = ship length according to the rules [m] M.Ventura Estimation Methods 28 14 Tonnage Gross Tonnage • The Gross Tonnage can be estimated as a function of the Cubic Number (CN = Lpp x B x D), by the following expression: GT= k⋅ CN Type of Ship K Tanker, Bulk Carrier 0.26 – 0.30 Product Tanker, Chemical Tanker 0.25 – 0.35 Multi-Purpose 0.25 – 0.40 Fast Container Carrier 0.25 – 0.33 M.Ventura Estimation Methods 30 15 Net Tonnage • The Net Tonnage can be estimated as a fraction of the Gross Tonnage, as follows: NT= k⋅ GT Type of Ship K Container Carrier 0.3 – 0.5 Others 0.5 – 0.7 M.Ventura Estimation Methods 31 Compensated Gross Tonnage (1) • Compensated Gross Tonnage (CGT) is related to the amount of work required to build a ship and it depends on her size, as measured by the GT, and her sophistication, as defined by a coefficient increasing with the ship type complexity.
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