P»p * FrT. July *, 1W»S THE gANTOBiniCTXtfj ( Unofficial Report ** -Tells O f -Prisonerf- F r e e ' T V Serving With Reds Sought By Men TAIPEI, Formoio ID—A wholly unconfirmed report by a National- For Politicians 10 a. m on th» d o derail! offlr* by lit Chinese news agency Wednes­ All i imrco Notioet muff a# pr* non day said about 50 U.N. prioonen of By CHARLE4 MERCER war captured in Kot«a—including NEW YORK ID-Net long ago CL.NTBAL BAPTIST < HUH CD ASSEMBLY OF C.OD CHURCH ! FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH U.S. and Canadian officer*—are Frank Stanton,. president ef th* Hf« i w Pirb«ra, parlor 12th SC and I aurel Ate. 1607 Sanford A»e. being forced 'to aerve is the Chi­ Columbia Broadcasting lyitam, Onr. Fourteenth EL, Oak A te Sunday Sch<«l 9:45 a m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. nese Communist army. laid CBS would be hippy to pro­ Sunday b*-h««ol a 45 a m Morning Worahip II a m. Morning Worahip Service 11:00 a- The story came from (he Tateo vide free tele vision time for a ter* Morning Worship Service 11:00 Youth Service 6:45 p m. m. agency, operated by th* National- tea ef "Ltaeoto-Douglai" type d*> B. rn. Evangeliatie Rally 7:45 p. m. I lit Interior Ministry. Tateo dalmi bates between th* two major prea-. Training Union 0:30 p. m. It’a a Player and Bibla Study Wednea- to bare underground- sources on identlal'candidates in 1999. Rut in family eii-Hox day at 7:45 p. m. C. Y. F. A Chl-Rho 6:00 p. m. the Red mainland. ordsr for CBS t* d* this, Stanton Earning WoNblp 1:30 p, m. 'Join tha happy, ainging crowd. Evening Worahip Servica 7:U0 p. The Defense Ministry said tt had pointed w t, tha present communir "Coma thou «iU> ua and «a will I ™. Worahip tha Lord with ua." no such information. cationa law must b* amended. do then good." pirt The itory was trailed with Following up Stanton’s outgae* FOSTER CHAPEL f-OUTH FIDE BAPTIST CHURCH THE r im u 'H OP GOD Eatt 2Tth Street sion ilderabla reserve. tion, t*p. Harris (D-Ark) baa in* I at PROPUECT METHODIST CHURCH traduced a Reuse bill that would 2303 Elm A«a Oviedo Mltaionary and Premi)i*niai The agency said th* pri>en*n • Ritbop A. W. Slaver, Panter Rev. George II. Carlton, Minister Sunday School J0:00 a. m. arrived at Shanghai Jun* a from relieve tbe networks ef the re­ 1:43 a m fueday Sr bool 9:45 a.m Sunday School. Morning Worahip 11:00 “Lifo’a l*o* Bcienee Fiction Thoatro Manchuria and tbe next day ware quirement of giving equal appeir- 1 U a m Mornmi Worahlp. Eer- 11:00 a m. Worihlp Service. Turning". 1*40 TBA taken to Hangchow. They are re­ anoe time ta candidates. It wpuld, • Boa by A. W Slnvcx. 1:00 p m. Worabm Seme*. il.ee TV Playhouss Harris says, "give leeway .(* Evening Worship S.00 p. m. TELEVISION MOVD4T ported attached to artillery units 7:49 p. m Evangallrtif Hour. UPS ALA COMMUMTT "Mark of a* Gen'd Baptitt". MonNINQ in Fukien province, nppealta for­ broadcasters and networks. , , .* T:4I p. m. Tuesday Evening Sar- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prayer Meeting and Bible Study wnrro r v r i n v s i L a a •** Plarhnui* «r Itarn iiie Btgn -On mal a. Leeway is Just what talsviiion ‘ tW .-Prayvt-M cclire----- Rev. C. C White, Mlnialer nn tw o** ----- 1.3* Bis nsybarb __ Program Rtaum* ind radio want H 1999 whan they Wednesday 8:00 p. m. » Hill*v Si at Industry On Parade e n Nowa-Woathor 7:43 p m. Thruaday Young Pao- lira. Clover M am, Planlal Pastor: R. B._ Lunsford trtcRvoo.v a j** Ur.d*r Arrtst T:ft« The Morning Show 4 ;** TBA hope for tha btggcit political cov­ Alfred Erlraon » i* -Th* window* o.oe Teat Pattern 4:20 , fl* m**t. Associate Fa»tor: ^\W. L. Stephens I "V adv*eiur* With Unci* Watt i« ** AFTEBMOOn 4;** t ur.day Bch. Leases erage tha medium kls yet Everynna welcome. Superintendent of Churek School 4 ir Wild full Hlcknk Th* Visa 11:4* George Petold Sunday School Supl. Milton Hig- r .itu v Q i*.*« TEA •:gn>oa 1:1* SiffcatJ*— • achieved. Aa th* law new studs, 4iS« iii*>« N*w«. Ipertt-w*atkae „ Pregram Itoaura* •ws CIA—end other networks—cannot THE CHRISTIAN AM) MISSION leader al Mid Week Rerrtcaa genbotham V port* 11:44 ntxrlisht Tbaatm - 22:94 Kowa-Woathar ii;.1 'eatha* • ARY ALLIANCE CHURCH Church School 10 a.m. Welcome To The Chureh a il Jrihni l l Daly___ _ N*W» 13: la ■ign-I-Olf 11:** Jark Parr I give tees time te major partiae a 1* M ulnl Vtrlatles 13:3* I^nd of Ours ETExnin without giving equal time tn minor Park Aie. at Fourteenth SC Worahip II a m. a. it Stu»*c»l V*r<«ti»» • VmiDAT li** Ruhort Q. Loo la Shew *:** Passport To Danger Parlor, David 6. Carnrlli Young Fenole I p m. T ftn rtnlom ln* Quia MOIM4Q 1 .V* Movl* Matin** ssie partial. That may sound fair until THE LITTLE BROWN CHURCH 7 VI 1 upper 1: 3* B*as Th* Clack Sunday School and Doming Evening nervico 1.30 p m. Blrn-on Poh Crosby Fhow 4:42 beat Th* Clock you remember that fa 1M there ON THE HILL I'r-rrim Eteum* : 44 Channel Crotsroeda T,00 Worship Combined Service 9.43 « Wedneiday Eveniag 1:30 p m 4:14 Amarlra'e Or*at*et _ Everybody tavitad to attend all (Congregational) • It .v*%-»-W’*ath*r h*rr*t Storm 1:04 Two For Th* Iteaoy ware li parties and 19 pretiianflal tn to 11:30 a ra "Worship Period FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH *:1* 411 Witard 3.4* Viewers Digest 2:20 ra Toa Qo candidates. aur tarvlcec I Corner Park Avenue and 241ft RL I0i*e tv Inky Dink and Teg 1:41 Movie Matinee 1:00 t Father . begina at 10:40 a. m ” Park Avenue at Sixth Street 1B:H Ttnjr Rageri ItlO Allunce Youth Fellowship 9:90 J. Bernard Root, Mini tier W. P. Brooks, Jr. Pastor 111*' Th* Big Tog w m * tt r n a o m , « , -J»*n Runyon Thaatm •The reality ad the alluatten is GENEVA BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:10 1:44 Daman Rnayon Thaalrn p m Geneva John L. Milter, Minister of Ed­ U 00 SclOUr Farad* JACKSOTtILLS 10:00 ■tndl* IT that we’re a two-party country,’* Morning Worship 11:00 arrcKnoo* rn iti.tr 10:14 Studio IT Stanton said the other day. discus­ Evening Servlco 1:43 p m. Rev. Samuel Stewart. Paatof ucation 13.1* Film Far* AFTERXOOE l*i!0 Patll Pagn Wednesday Mid-Week B ib le Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Sermon: "Paradis* Regained'.’: Ruth E. Archer, Director of 11.44 rra-Oapia Warm Cp *:** Open House 11:0* Lai* Show sing tha problem in an tatarriew. Hits Bai*ball asm * *t th* Week site western Theatre t2i!0 Raws * a Ign OCf •‘Sometime*, el course, important Study 1-43 p m Church Service 11:00 a m. Music iiie V livsrp Dlgsst EVE HI no Training Union 1:00 p m. HOLY CROSS CHURCH “Wa’v# Raved A Place For Y'ou’* 4:11 A r t t r n l i e ^ t Hewn, wther. Spta. ICRDAT third partita emarga. If there cam* THE FREE METHODIST (Episcopal) KTEFIX44 S:t* CBg TV News 10:41 Teat Pattern a iituition like 1919 (when Thao* CHURCH Evening Worahlp Service 1:00 Early Morning Worahlp 8:45 a.m. (tM Prl* *t th* Family ■ :4S Julius LaRosa IliO O South aid* Fr Cor. W. Fourth SC l-aurel Are. p. m. Rev. II. Lyllleton Zimmerman, Sermon Chaplain F. W. Kcmp- e.ia Central Florida ghowea** T:** Ptntomlna Quia iisis t»rtan Church dor* Roosevelt formed th* BuQ Wedneiday Prayer Sendee 1:00 B. D.. Hector Amarlca'* Or*at*ss Banda T:4S ~T,’pr*t i*r 11:04 Rtar *howeaae Moot* party) naturally we’d cover G. Eldon Wine, Mini*ter *on, Guest Treacher I A* Th* Variety Hour 4:0* My Llttl* Margie 13:34 Wild BUI Hlckak Sunday School 9:43 a m p. m. Fifth Sunday after Trinity a ** Th* Cnmpas* Oil* Our Silas Brooks l.-«0 Home Fair a third party. It would he m w i.h 8.0(1 a. m. Holy Eucharist Sunday School 9:45 a- m. a 3* Tour Playtime 0:*4 Play ha of Stars 1:30 Million | Movie Basically, television minds like klormng Worahlp 10 43 a. m. CHULUOTA BAPTIST CHURCH "Come With Your Family to Sun­ l«:«* Lit* •( Riiay 0:1* ho Window 3:00 "Miracle *r th* BeUet Evening Warship 1.30 p m. 9:15 Choral Eucharist and 10:3* Loretta Toung Skew 1 0 : 0* IlOO Stan ton’s teak the type ef freedom Matter A. Routh Jr., Paator day School. We Provide For lt:0« Dollar A Strong h* Undareurrent Thi* la Th* ur* Prayer Meeting Thuraday 1:30 6unday School 10 a.m. Address 10:1* ?TV Thaatra 1:10 Th* Chrldaphara newtpapers enjoy in coming pot Every* Member of The Family— ins* Ptarllght Thtalr* It <00 Newt a Waather 4 i* e Captain Onflant » »• Morning Worahip Sendee U a m Services through the week 11:44 Marllght Thtatre 11:11 Lata Show 4 :2 4 Let s Take A Trie itlci.
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