Connecticut REGISTER,S* ft 1 s FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD S SJe- rs SSt S f^ 1810: ?l BEING 'THE rHIRfT-FOURTH OF 7'HE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED OBSERVATION. rFHE hour of night is, many times, more conven- JL iently estimated by the moon's southing, than by Her rising and sitting. To find the moon's southing : It U L M. Add three hours to the time of high water on any given day, as it is inserted in this almanack, and you have the true time of the moon's southing for that day. N. If you double the time of the sun's setting, you will have the length of the day ; and double the time of the sun's rising will be the length of the fright. Chronological Cycles for the year 1810. Dominical Letter, G 1 Solar Cycle, l27 Lunar Cycle or Gold- | Roman lndiction, 13 en Number, 6 Julian Period, 6521 Epact, 25 J Names and Characters of thq Plantts. O or © Sol or Sun, 0 or ]) Luna or Moon, $ Herschell. Saturn. % Jupiter. % Pilars. © Tellas, or Earth. 9 Venus, $ Mercury. Names and Chara&ers of the Afpe6ta. 6 Conjunction, or planets bituated in the same longitude* • Quartile, whew they are 90 degrees distant from each other. •§ Opposition, when they are 180 degrees dis- tant. A Trine, when they are 120 degrees distant. # Sextile, is when two planets sr uars are degrees distant. ECLIPSES IN THE YEAR 1810. ^j^HERIERE will be bubutt two Eclipses this year, and both of the Sun. I. The first will be April 3d, at 8 o'clock and 49 minutes, in the evening, invisible. II. The second will be September 28, at noon * but by reason of the moon's south latitude, the penumbra will not quite reach our vertex, conse- quently it will be invisible to us : butinlat. 6° S. and lorig. 72{* W. on the main continent in South- America, there will be a central annular Eclipse on their meridian ; exhibiting a bright ring of light round the Moon's body, appearing like a splendid g©]d ring. FREEMEN'S MEETINGS. "fTi REEMEN'S-MEETINGS; throughout the JL State of Connecticut, are held annually on the third Monday in September, and on the Mon- day following the first Tuesday in April. A umber of Inhabitants in the several States in 18GQ- Blacks, Vc. Total Blacks, &c. Total. Vermont 557 154,465 Delaware 14,421 64,27S N.Hampshire 860 183,858 Maryland 127,694 149,692 Maine 818 151,719 Virginia 367,475 886,149 Massachu. 64521 422,845 N.Carol. 140,329 478,103 R. Island 3684 69,122 S.Carolinal49,336 345,591 Connecticut 6281 251,002 Georga 61,618 162,686 >Jew-Yor£ 30,987r 586,050 Kentucky 40,184 220,959 N.Jersey 16,824 211,140 Tennessee 13,893^ 105,602 I ennsylva. 16,270 602,545 Territory N.W. of Ohio, total 45,365.—Indiana, to- tal 6,407—Missisippi Territory,total 8,850—Total ia 1790-3,929,326— la 180Q-5,3Q5i482. AT ABLE Jheivlng the difference of High-Water at Jever«i places from New-London HE fixth column of each monthly page fliews the T time of High-water at New-London, New-York. Elizabethtown-Point, Tarpaulin-Cove, Cape-Henlopen, Cock-Spur, in Georgia, and Brunfwick, in North-Caro- lina—to which if you add and fubtraft as in the annexed table, you will have the time of high-water at the fol lowing places.—(A) {hews that the annexed quantities of time mult be added ; (S) fubtrafted—(H) ftands foi hours, (M) for minutes. Names of Places, H.M. | Names of Places H • M Albany A 6 30 ! New bury port A 2 45 Am boy S 0 45 New-Haven A I 50 Annapolis, S 2 c New Providence'Mar. S I 25 Annapolis, Noif, A 3 o Newtown Landing A 1 O New-Bedford S i 12 Norwich Landing A O 4i Bofton A 2 ! 5 Penobfcot A 3 0 Burlington A 0 20 jPenfacola S 1 9 Canfo A 2 50 Philadelphia A 4 20 Cape-Ann A 2 451 Pifcataway A 2 46 Cape Fear S i o| Plymouth A 1 35 Cafco Bay A 2 J5j Polepels Ifland A 3 0 Charlefton Bar & 2 2; Port lloyal, S. C. S 0 30 Fairfield A 2 0 l^ortfmouth A 2 45 F re d e r i ca, Gforgia} S I o Providence S 1 0 Georgetown Bar s 2 20 Purifburgh, S. C. S 2 0 Guilford A I 30 Quebec A 3 0 Hackenfack A 3 0 Ree-dy-Ifland A 2 15 Halifax A 3 0 Rhode-Ifland S 0 45 Hell Gate A 0 30 Salem A 2 45 Hartford A '2 20 Sandy-Hook S 0 45 Hingham S I 32 Savannah S 1 12 Huntington A 2 O Saybrook A 2 15 Ipfwich A 2 45 St- Auguftine, B. S 1 25 Jamestown A O 50 St. John's, Newf. A 3 0 K i n gft o w n, £!fopusA, 6 0 Sunbury, Georgia^ A 0 30 Louifbourgh A 3 0 Tybee Bar A 0 15 Main Ocean S o 45 White Stone A 2 4i Mobilie-Point A 5 0 Williamfbuig, Va. A 2 "Nantucket S i 3o Wilmington, V. C. A 2 IS1 JANUARY, balk 3 i days. Newmo.5d. 10h.50m.m. Full m.20day,0h. 19m.aft-. First qr;12d.7h.45m.mo. Last qr. 28d.6h. 27m. mo- M| W| Calendar,J©ruj@s.|F.sea.|TT2 s 12 Circum. A coldt 28[4 32 4 58 2 37i 213 storm of snow 7 28 4 32 5 56 3 16 34 D Per. 3 low, or 7 27 4 o5 6 56 4 5! 4 5 Full tides. vain^ 27 4 33 7 58 5 57 5:6 New moon. H©2/ [7 26 4 34 9 00 j) set < 6 7 (Epiphany. ' 7 2614 34 10 00 6 19 7jG 1st. sund. after Ep. 7 25;4 35 10 58 7 3Q; 8:2 © slow of clock 7m. 7 24:4 36 11 54 8 42; 9 3 | Cold weather about 7 2414 36 aft. 43 9 47i 10 4 Days increase 14 m. 7 23.4 37 2 10 52j these days. 7 22|4 38 19.|11 5£: • © D More 7 22,4 38 3? morn. 11 sets 1 lh. 43m. even f 21(4 39 52 0 52 2d after Epiph. 7 20U 40 38 1 50 moderate, 7 20*4 40 5 24 2. 48 3) high. comes 7 19 4 41 6 11 3 39 D Apogee. rain 7 18 4 42 6 58 4 30 Fogy va/ioi\ 7 17 4 4 7 45 5 15 More' moderate. 7 16 4 44 8 32 6 0 © in 11 h. m. F.C 7 15 4 45 9 18 D risf d. aft. Epiph. 7 14 4.46 10 6 9 Some firetti/,7 13 4 47 10 48 7 7 © slow of clock 12 m. j7 12 k 48 11 33 8 244 good weather 7 11 4 49 morn 9 25 Conversion St. Paul. 7 10 4 50 0 58 10 26 for winter? then 7 9 4 51 1 11 10 27 Day's increase 44 m. 7 8 14 52 1 52 morn 28; 4th aft. Epiph. UQD 7 7 4 53 2 42 0 H 29|2 snow, rain, 7 6 4 54 3 35 1 If 30;3 J) Perigee. 5 4 55 4 31 2 2< 31 '4 $ Gr. elon. vafiour}? 4 4 56j 5 29 3 27 '^ew m. 3d. 9ft. ^itn.after. Fullm.l9d.6h.llm.morn, "irstqr. 1 Id.2h.6m.morn. Last qr. 26d. 3h.50m.aft >l| W | Calendar, See. |©ri.|<v)s.|F.sea.|i\ J) s 5 O sl.oici.14m. J) low. 7 3 457 6 20 4 29 2 6 Purfi.B.V.Mary. 17 2 4 58 7 32 5 28 3 7 New moon. Snctu 7 1 4 59 8 32 D set. 4 G 5th aft. Epiph. or'p5S 5 1 9 28 6 7 5 o Full tides. rain}6 58 5 2 10 22 7 17 6 3 ]} station. Cold.fi $7 5 3 11 15 8 27 7 Days increase lh. 8m. '6 5 6 5 4 lift. 3 9 35 b 5 % sets 10 h. 16 m. ev. 6 54 5 6 0 52 10 34 9 0 Foggy, then 653 5 7 1 40 11 33 10 r j) high. snow. 6 52 5 8 2 27 morn 11 G;6th alt.Epiph. HQ]) 651 5 9 3 14 0 32 12 2 Some filras-ant 6 49 5 11 4 2 1 7 13 3 D apogee. weather, 6 48 5 12 4 49 1 42 14 4 Valentine, f/ierc 6 47 5 13 5 37 2 47 15 5 comes rain 6 46 5 14 6 24 3 53 16 6 Inf. 6 © g 6 44 5 15 7 1 1 4 33 7 Afore pleasant. 6 43 6 17 7 57 5 13 18 G Septuag.es. Sund. 6 42 5 18 8 33 5 53 19 2 Q in K 1 mom. F. } 6 40 5 20 9 28 D ris 20 3 A otv comes 6 39 521 10 14 6 57 > r4 O si. of clock 14m. 638 5 22 11 2 7 59 2 2 5 snoiv or rain.
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