The Bates Student THE VOICE OF BATES COLLEGE SINCE 1873 WEDNESDAY March 19, 2014 Vol. 143, Issue. 16 Lewiston, Maine FORUM ARTS & LEISURE SPORTS Curtis Rheingold ’14 Sarah Weinshal ’16 covers the Baseball sweeps SUNY discusses the new changes Robinson Players’ full-length Old Westbury 7-2 for for the SAT and what it musical, The 25th Annual Putnam fourth straight win of means for colleges’ testing County Spelling Bee - A huge the season. optional policies. success! See Page 2 See Page 7 See Page 12 Bates Democrats Women strive to lead host prospective state representatives the summer and carries through to EVAN HANSEN-BUNDY the elections in the Fall. STAFF WRITER So what can Bates students This week the Bates Demo- do to help influence the outcome crats hosted three special guests to of the local 2014 elections? When their Monday night meeting: Jared asked about how specifically Golden, Nate Libby and Heidi students may help in the coming Brooks. These three are all candi- months, President of the Bates dates for Maine representative seats Democrats, Teddy Rube, said “our in the 2014 elections. primary mode of participation dur- Jared Golden, Bates class of ing the height of local campaigns is 2011 is running for the Maine door-to-door canvassing—knock- House of Representatives. He ing on residents’ doors and speak- currently works in Augusta at the ing to them about the candi- democratic legislative office where dates—throughout the residential among other things he handles neighborhoods of Lewiston. In issues of veteran’s affairs. As a many cases, a whole troop of Bates Marine, Golden completed tours of students can provide great grass- duty in both Iraq and Afghanistan roots manpower, helping candidates before attending Bates on the GI reach a large amount of voters. Ad- Members of BCWIL. SARAH DURGY/THE BATES STUDENT bill. The most prominent issues ditionally, we do campaign phone on which he plans to campaign with the Career Development Cen- on its first meeting. Within half an calls for candidates, and informa- SARAH DURGY ter to help students hone necessary hour, the passionate women gath- are education reform and veterans tional tabling in commons.” STAFF WRITER affairs. skills like resume building. Frick ered around the table had discussed Teddy went on to say that the While studying at Georgetown explains that these workshops will a multitude of ideas. Many spoke Nate Libby, class of 2007, is most important thing for students, currently a member of the Maine University last semester, Fiona be moments when “members of about the challenges of uphold- not just Democrats, is to stay Frick ’16 joined a Women in Lead- BCWIL can get feedback on job ing feminist ideals when the word House of Representatives and is involved and learn about the issues now seeking to gain a seat on the ership club with a goal to provide applications, career advice, or even “feminism” is so often negatively in the coming election. Working to students, especially young women, basic brainstorming.” Perhaps stereotyped. On that note, all of Maine State Senate. Libby entered stay involved with local processes politics when he volunteered under with the necessary resources for most importantly, Frick hopes that the women around the table felt may be difficult, but Teddy insists personal and professional growth. the group will establish its own strongly about keeping the group’s Mike Brennan the current mayor that staying updated on all political of Portland and started his career in When Frick returned to Bates in subset of the alumni network so focus on women’s challenges in events is crucial to the Bates com- January, she knew she wanted to that women in the workforce can the business world but allowing all public policy and advocacy. Libby’s munity’s influence in and around current work has been integral to bring this movement with her. provide mentorship and advice to members of the Bates community Lewiston. That way, when it does Consequently,, Frick started Bates current Bates students. to join the group and partake in the the Lewiston community and he come time to vote in the Fall, plans to be “a fierce advocate for College Women in Leadership Beyond these activities, discussion. The ladies also debated people can do so with the most (BCWIL). BCWIL’s goal is to BCWIL will function as a discus- the pros and cons of the Lean In the people of my district and for relevant information at hand and Lewiston.” He will face off against provide support for all Batesies but sion forum. The group hopes movement, a conversation sparked with a serious understanding of the with the specific hope of foster- to bring speakers to Bates who by Lean In: Women, Work, and republican candidate, Patricia candidates platforms. Gagne in November. ing a network of “women helping will spark these conversations by the Will to Lead, a book by Sheryl During the Meeting on Mon- women.” sharing “their experiences, stories, Sandberg that urges women to take Heidi Brooks is not a Bates day, all three of the visit candidates graduate but is very much a local Last Friday, the first members and advice they may have about charge at work and banish the word seemed professional, purposeful of this new group gathered to the challenges women face in the “bossy” as a means for describing person with deep roots in this area. and quite interested in garnering She is a physician who entered converse about their experiences workforce,” as Frick puts it. For driven women. Perhaps, everyone the support of Bates students. They and brainstorm ideas for the club’s example, Jennifer Porter, a Bates agreed, BCWIL should include a politics in the secretary of state fielded questions regarding their committee. Her biggest priority in involvement in campus life. Frick alumna who serves as a Manag- book club so that interested mem- platforms and prior experience with spoke first, explaining how women ing Partner at The Boda Group, bers could read relevant books and her pursuit of a seat on the Maine expertise and expressed their hope House of Representatives is health- face extra challenges when enter- which she founded in 2011, will discuss new ideas. After the group’s of more support to come from ing the workforce and BCWIL will be on campus in April and the initial meeting, it was clear how care reform. From personal experi- inside the College. ence Brooks knows how devastating hopefully serve as both a means for group encourages all students to dedicated Bates women are to the Regardless of area of registra- preparation for these difficulties, as attend her highly relevant talk on idea of better understanding and it can be to have one’s benefits cut. tion or party affiliation, it was very At this moment in the electoral well as a forum to discuss how the entrepreneurship. The group will further improving their futures in interesting to see Bates graduates societal norms that lead to these also host open forums for the Bates the workforce. process the only concrete way to taking an active role in making the help these candidates is to sign the conditions can be changed. BC- community on topics ranging from Frick urges all Batesies interest- state of Maine a better place. Both WIL will focus much of its energy maternity and paternity rights, ed in her group’s mission to keep an petitions that have been passed Jared and Nate expressed an eager- around by the Bates democrats. on teaching its members the art the Lean In Movement, and salary eye out for information on upcom- ness in sharing both their experi- of networking. Additionally, the negotiation. ing meetings, events and activities, Although the Democratic prima- ence and expertise with any Bates ries are in June, the highest season group will host workshops taught The need for such a group on stressing that all are welcome to student interested in working in by professionals in conjunction campus was evident from sitting in attend and join the movement! or local campaigners begins during politics after graduation. Letters from abroad: Sam Thomas in Kraków, Poland by a man who grew up in Poland SAM THOMAS CONTRIBUTING WRITER during the Soviet occupation under Communism, and a Holocaust class Living in Poland is everything taught by a woman whose family and nothing like I thought it would escaped Poland during the 1930’s be. Although I had been to Europe in order to evade Hitler’s wrath. once a few years ago, this is my Opportunities to learn about how first time traveling alone and living Kraków and Jerusalem connect in a big city. Kraków itself is a city through philosophy and religion with 250, 000 students. It’s an don’t come around every day. unusual feeling to be a small fish Although in America we are in a big pond because at Bates I taught how to stand out from our can acknowledge almost everyone I peers, blending into a new home pass while walking to class. On the is more about learning the local other hand it just makes you realize customs and embracing them as how many people you are meeting your own than becoming invis- from all over the world, and that ible. Cultural immersion revolves what you have in common is that around food, dress, and lifestyle you are just in the same class or in Poland. Eating obwarzanki speak the same language. The only (Kraków’s street food which is like way people understand where I live a bagel-pretzel combination), ice back in the States is if I say “near cream (lody) when the weather is Canada” because for some reason nice, and spending an afternoon they know where that is… sipping coffee (kawa) at an outdoor Coming to Poland has been café in the square is one way you’ll more than a chance to travel and be able to fit right in.
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