University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Cerrillos Rustler, 1888-1891 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-20-1891 The Rustler (Cerrillos, N.M.), 11-20-1891 A. M. Anderson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rustler_news Recommended Citation Anderson, A. M.. "The Rustler (Cerrillos, N.M.), 11-20-1891." (1891). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rustler_news/6 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cerrillos Rustler, 1888-1891 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. F.vorry Item of mining leteret f J ! lav-tit- t, ('Ut to-- .Mlit. t'tngrm eJ doveiupmeni or I oviM-ra- ana ail tu inter , tutn S'rik ma t out put ul J HI Cud I Ms paper rrflitUr or, fri'uj lit rwt o.inor--t di-tr- tn aim tl table iwrrm or infor ma- f tVrruloa, two IVdm, Bsa IB il . Car W Utea la prevent OolJtj, lhtlorw and the Hndi. KB Hi any tnlieadioc Ay tiM-nt- will Im published ia thw m w On Ihl tbo arr 4 W 'NT iiir tl. !! vbfn the Mine emu ponclbly be J haa vlue to xa and obtain!. loerll u your aatarri4on. YOL. IV, XO. i!9. CCnitIL,L,OB, HAXTA F13 COUXTY, XEW MBXICO, 1'HIIIAY NOV. -- O 181)1. 63PKKYBAK. gov- Ran II. It. Cerrilmmi No. 19. Santa Fe ople expert the ftaa Irdra Rnstllai. Personal Itustilaf. I'rdre. Merlin. i on al.i:. 1 a meeting of A . F. A A. M-- , rutfta at It ernment toatatiun soldier again at Mr. and Mr. Qeo. U. Bailey are II. K. Behn now located at At citian of Sn complete plant of Mining Ma Saturday San Francisco. Pedro hel.1 on hall on the first Ft. Marry, a the order tranterlng both on the sick 1UI. and vicinity the chinery, as follows: In each month. 14, evenin? that reservation to the government II. M. llurton I In from San evening of Nov. lS'.i, to bear a 1 15-ho- Chas. F. Eabley, W. M. Ladles' trimmed and uu trimmed jKwcr hoisting engine. been changed Pedro I hi week. report from delegate Anderson horse-pow- land department ba 1 "0 er bau at O. Z. & Co'. Rogers, or tubular boiler. Lodge, No. 15, K or P. and the property will remain at W. W. Miller wa a visitor to and to the convention Vesieb Married, on the 13th Inst., by V. No. 3, Ingersoil Eclij Rot Jc y army. Colorado and New Mexico railroad Meet Tu-da- evening of each the service of the Santa Fe last week. Drills. Schick, Eq., Mr. Kichard Gibbon men held at Santa Fe Nov. 11th, V. Week, t "Rose of Kansas' and ,Imerlal," L. D. Sugar made a trip 1 D, C. and My Melrose. Wedding quiet ; bulnes Tunnel Column with two arm Z. M. Crutchfiei C favorite brands or flour from the Schick was called to the chair and D. J. Jonim. K. of II. S. no to San Pedro on Saturday last. and champs. celebrated Walnut Creek Mills-J- ust card. Alexander U. Lane pol(ited sec Latest style In all kind of La- It. Kelley has been slightly on retary. 1 Shalt Column and champ. C Directory. received in carload lots, by Is harm Uoods, just arrived at the sick list thi week, but better. 11. Y. first 1 Tripod M.E. Church South. Rev. W.B. Ame 4 Gould, who now have the dle Pre Anderson addressed with weights and extcn. Jennlnjr, pastor. Preaching eve- largest and stock of flour O. Z. 4 Co's. Mrs. Harry Scranton ha recov- the people, discussing the proceed- si on. evening bet ry Sabbath, morning and ever brought to Mr. Conger feel ronfldent that ered from her lllne reported last ing or the meeting at Santa Fe. .r00 B.s or :4.j m. Prayer Cttrrlllo. Fitted steel for drills. babbtb school at a. week. He stated that Albuquerque dele 1 Wednesday evening. Saloon sign have Isying the San Laearu troubles will soon toil Martin wrapped steam hose. meetings bin gates pledged the readiness of that 2 complete around the street promisruouNly be adjusted and the mine be work- John Ssyle, of the Lmy char sets Driving Tool. ing again with Increased force. coal ovens, in down with typhoid city to put up ti 00,000 to obtain 1 lot ol Extrns, an J'arols, Ratch- A. C tbiswetk, until colUrt-- by the A, T. 8. V. Time ard. connections with Bsn Pedro ami ets, Couplings, Tongs, Wrenches, marshal and taken to Call on Q. Z. 4 Co. They have fever. Train carry In pasoogers leave adorn the Rio system, Bolts, Spanner, etc. now a complete stock of Dry Goods, Tom Gable end Dr. Sloan went the Grand and that the . Cerrillos a follow: Interior of the eUlxme. Shame Fe 1 No. 3, Stuutcvant'a Pressure v duck-huntin- g. Santa Southern people agreed EAST: upon such a condition of humanity ! Clothing and Uents' Furnishing to Lo Lunas Thursday, Blower. Passenger, 8:10 a to break dirt inside or sixty days No. 2. u I that what you work for, man Uoods. They also take measures 1 Countcrshafting. 4 " 6 42 a n If the railroad bonds heretofore and brother ? for Mills 4 Averills.St. Louis, and 1 Pump. 88 " 1108 am Mr. and Mr. L. G. Jones, both voted were refunded by the county WEST: F. Kaufmann, Chicago. This machinery has been nsed Copper matte, carbonste ores, slightly on the sick list last week, commissioners. No. 1, Passenger, 1 06 a m but little, is in perfect working or- silver-lea- d aud zinc concentrates, Henry Pierce, charged with cut are recovered. g " 10 43 p m Mr. Mayo was then called upon der, comprises everything requisite I ting Verona in the face with a 87 6 06 p m anthracite and bitumiuou eon and Mr. S. M. Hale's father and a to explain his position on the rail- lor a modern mining also with taking improper equipment! effect Sunday Feb. 1st 1891. coke are among the principal pro- knife; married dauehter, are visiting him- road bonds in question. He stated and will be sold low. Enquire of la liberties with the wife of Alex. C. E. II arnev, Agent. ducts shipped from Cerrillos. The self and family. that the conditions on which the O. W. ALEXANDER, was to Santa Fe Wed- small and more precious shipments Steck, taken Mr. E. lluhn visited Santa Fe bonds had been voted were never Cerrillos, New Mexico. nesday and lodged in Jail by con- according to bulk, are gold bricks, Tuesday, to confer with Mr, Wil- complied with. He read a buter Local IlUKtllnr. nuggets stable Frank Ciuufuegos, lu dwfault winds have ruled the pant aud dust, aud turquoite. son Waddingham. from another county commissioner Aottc High 1,500 Tho. P. Gable i no longer In The following are subscribers to of f bail. or treating of an Interview with Mr. week. Mr. Knight, the Beacon, made my employ as manager of my the ItLBiXKK this week : Manager R. Y. Anderson, of tho Chapman In which It was been J suds a business trip to San Pedro on Sat- stated from the east have y, business, and Is not au- Train Elkins, Wiu. Ash, A. Jackson Lincoln-Luck- Is feeling elated of last that that gentlemau wanted cer all week. Ja. urday week. thorized to receive any money late nearly and A. lUariy, Cerrillos; John over the nearly completed condi- tain things dono and the bonds or Dr. A. Q. Lane, of 8n Pedro, give any receipts for money on ac- ay tion of the Middleton shaft, which flush pay-d- has started a Patterson, Jack Akers, Jno. T. refunded, but promised nothing. The passed through town yesterday, on count of any bill for undertaki- Fornhs, Sunt Fe ; L. W. Morgan, will make the mine a great produ- Mr. Msyo in bis interview with due Dumber of the game In town. a trip to Albuquerque. ng- Sau Pedro ; C. W. Floyd, Dolores; cer aguin as toon as it reaches the Mr. Chapman, pledged to put the A. T. Giuao. Keep your eye on the Rustler D. C. ileatuan, secretary Colorado ore body. When the mine gets Chas. Haspelmath, the Lamy bonds in escro, to be delivered Santa Fe, N. M.. O t. 2S, 1891. and you will not go far astray. Fuel Company, Denver Colorado. fairly to work, It should ship from merchant and Bernalillo ranchman, ou the completion of so mauy was in town a List Premium. Ilev. Father Defouri camu 50 to 80 tons of ore a day, aud this, tdiort time today, miles of railroad to Sao Pedro, but Santa Fe has uniformed Its police down This paper will present to any from with the Increased matte and coke F. II. Mitchel came up from that he should not consent to re- They look like soldiers! Ssnta Fe to visit Cerrillos aud lady who, between now and the force. hauling for the Copper Company, Wallace, Tuesday. He talks about fund the bonds until some guaran- See? Bernalillo, this week. He has first day of January next, will get will make teaming lively again building ou his Second street lot In tee was given of the road complet purchssed the triangular piece of It fifty cash yearly subscribers, a M.
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