Ar0und World Tour Frogs Meet for Students Set Hogs Tonight - See Page 5 — — See Page 8 — TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skiff • • » » FORT WORTH, TEXAS No. 26 TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1963 8 PAGES lealth Unit r~ [obstruction jSjfc Convocation lay Begin I way- ^^* For Ministers t ructure, \ ampin, Ian 15, mi '■HIT ■ tltO ac Will Continue I :; (if pecifica- Ministers' Week continues today its endowed lecture tted by i with the theme of "crucial current national and inter bidders I national issues from the Judaeo-Christian viewpoint" before J i,i funds an estimated 500 ministers and laymen attending the annual convention. I ild pro Dr Harold A I'.osley pastor of J led at the Speakei four da) and formal clave ending Thursday, are be Christ Church Methodist Church ing sponsored b) the Wells Oreon ■ later in New York, will speak at 8 p.m. Scotl and McFadin lecture I tonight on "The I'owei to Rel< grants All lectures are being | en in the sanctuary of University (ireat Things, as IIK second part Christian Church of the WelK sermons. In- Glenn C Routt, professor Wednesdl ram will con I of theology in Firito College, will tinue the lectures with Dr Itoiltt 1 were deliver the first lecture in the again speaking at 'i 10 am on \ McFadin series at 9 10 a.m to day, when he speaks on 'The "The Lordship of Christ Over the I Health Lordship of Christ Over the World. Dr I.ittcll speaking at I of Col World " 11 a.m. on "The (ireat Cit) (The ■ the first Sermons Continue Challenge of Pluralism)" and Dr. Hosley speaking on "The ALMOST THAT TIME AGAIN The second Scott lecture will bo Toughest Test Men Face at 9 • i at 11 a.m. by Dr. Kranklin Glory Hopkins. Richmond sophomore and a pre-law major, got II i.ittcll of Chicago Theological P m that wistful lootc from thinking about final examinations The tra- Seminary, who v.ill speak on "An Thursday lectures will feature ditional brainwashing gets under way next week, so Miss Hopkins Historical View of American Pro Dr. Routt at 9.10 a m. on "Lord thought it appropriate to visit the Library for her scholastic Today Deadline testantism ship and Discipleship" and Dr meditations I.ittcll at 11 am. speaking on For Fall Drops "The Relevance of Restitution " University Senior Hurt Luncheons Planned I l - drop Skiers To Sign Waiver In Roofing Tar Accident In addition to the lectures, the ilready Deadline for signing for the trip Kev l.enton I. POSS, pastor of innoun Don Lynch rth sen ndod to Thursday Casa View Christian Church in Dallas, will preside at Wednesdaj Students must make a SIP de- bis face about and Thursday luncheons in the p in Saturdaj in posit when they register and the Student Center ballroom lor all hairman of the remainder is to he paid before ministers attending the meeting mittee, I I.Mich. irture The total lee lor t. while the ministers are b "end I ition and lodging i and chartered Greyhound buses will mg a luncheon of then own in leave from the Student Center on Itherl) Hall, with Mrs. La mar Hai - ifter finals and return to Hocker, president Minis campus Jan 28 ters Wives of Texas presiding irilj Mondaj morn sign tl Steering Committee Appointed On Proposed Campus Museum seph Pelich, Fort Worth archi BY DIANA DUPY dark, founders of the Univer tret, has drawn up plans for the sity, spoke on what such i n com urn would mean to the Uni museum The museum will be oiled Thursday Clark a retired re-constructed exactlj as the quel fo, Sam Houston State fust building stood It will be 33 that on I bj 66 leet with two stories ■ ampus the first Mondaj of Septen £. • I Thorp 1873, there were 13 students and and pait "I a third storj The MUW IS two teachers his mother estimated cost to completelj re i placed KM) father the buildii I have been able to see the committee Golf Course ,,1, oi tins institution into Baytown The museum will be located on s„„len. what it is today, Clark said He the Worth Hill- Coll ionise haii emphasized that this first build ie institution would make Melton -aid since there will be i iscal 1 r leiaj m obtaining the Dr. o repository f° historical course the actual building i nivei things of the University jeel cannot be begun until Sep representing 'I'm For It' 1 Di Bita Maj tenth th( faeulU Clark said the building should The minimum goal I thi l„. accessible to buses, tourists dent bod) has been set ind I and the general public In ■ p, he met b> the sprin |n! li aa announced that funds - in oi th« "1 '" " w ommerce children could he obtained from the per manent impr : "! Pounder's Son the old building - -and -tone b a ton the moi ' > ,,„. ..indent bod) will be matched JOE L. CLARK, CLASS OF lWo Vmoe Melton a-sistanl to the m oi Randolph •x students and friends founders' kin with museum memento "•■ oi Addison chancellor announced that JO ^k THE SKIFF Tuesday, January 8, tW3 Veteran's Class Discontinued Dr. Emert Regrets Course Ending BY GIL STRICKLIN "We had a feu girls who trans "I'm terribly proud of him as Dr Martine Emerl git* in Reed ferred to Tt'l and lacked an he is one of my products. Hall tadly ■waiting the end ol hour credit, and we had several Dr Emerl the semester, when a course. older people who didn't take phv The make up ol me world has conceived and taught by the long changed greatly during the last sical education and needed on.- Umi phj professor is dis 15 years, and Dr Kinert is tre- continued after eighl hour, she explained mendously proud that a Geogra- T( 1 Dr. Emert admits that most phy Department has been creat- i)i Emei' began in the spring ol the students expected a "snap ' ed here to chronicle these devel of 1954, the "odd class," the first course when they started hei opments one hour COUne offered in the class Evening College "But when 1 got rid of that She recalls that the t' S Ion yress passed the Korean Veter idea we really had an enjoyable New Manual ana Bill In 19.13, e,rantinK financial time." she laughed aid in veterans taking seven Her Friday night sessions were hours of college work unique in another aspect, in that Due on Rush Aid To Veterans it was a family affair." The Interfraternity Council has I invited (he men to bring discarded the old Rush Manual The late Dean Cortell K Hoi their families to class when I for incoming male students and sapple of the Evening College is beginning work on a new bro- was going to show an interesting came to the aid of the wai chure. It will be completed in erans needing the seven hours film." said Dr Emert "We had time for fall Rush of 1963 and asked Dr Emert to leach a families attend the class several new one hour geography course The council has decided the old times over the years " Kush Manual is obsolete. "It has Since it was impossible to take been revised only a few times seven hours at that time in the Her classroom is equipped with almost every type of map and since 1955, the year national fra- Evening College, Dr Emerl split projector ternities came to TCU," said her 33S (leotfraphy of North Tex Mclver. 1FC spokesman. America into three one-hour Teaching the one hour course Young Republicans Slate courses called 139X, Y. and Z to meet Congress' requirement The new brochure will be writ is not the first special project ■ten for the high school graduate Wednesday for Meeting "All of our courses were three Dr Emert has handled at TCt who knows nothing about the fra hours then and it was almost ternity system. It will explain the The Young Republicans Club of TCt will hold its first meeting impossible for a nifjht student to First Geography Professor Creek organizations more clear take seven hours in one semes of the year on .Ian 9 at 4 p.m. in ly than did the previous manual. ter," said Dr Emert She was the first person to room 215 of the Student Con "The council plans to send "Our first course was Geogra teach geography at the Univer- ter. sity these brochures to every high phy of the u s with IH students, school in Texas." Mclver said Gordon Fitzgerald, author of hut we jumped to 30 the next "When I came here in 1946, I the book. A Catholic Rebels." The goal is to reach the prospec .semester. Dr Emert continued was supposed to teach history," will he the speaker His topic tive fraternity member while be Dunne the last eight years said Dr. Emert. "But because will he "No Surrender " the State of Texas required ele is still in high school, interest classes have averaged 45 students, •raid is a Fort Worth in mentary education majors to him in the Universtiy, and with 80 pei cent of the students surancc salesman and chairman take geography, I opened the geo- plain the procedure for Rush taking other geography courses of the Tarrant County Rcpuhli graphy field here in the fall of 2400 Park Hill Drive Only M students are enrolled 1946." can Candidates Committee this fall because the Korean Hill He was a delegate to the 1951; WA 1-1682 Dr.
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