Annual Report 2009-2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - 2010 NATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT INSECTS (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Bangalore 1 NATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT INSECTS National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects Bangalore 560 024. Telephone : +91-80-2341 4220, 2351 1998, 2341 7930 Telegram : BIOSUPPRESSION, Bangalore Fax : +91-80-2341 1961 E-mail : [email protected] Website : http:/www.nbaii.res.in Published by Director NBAII, Bangalore Compiled and edited by B. S. Bhumannavar Dr. K. S. Murthy Dr. R. J. Rabindra July, 2010 Front cover The Coconut leaf beetle Brontispa longissima, a quarantine pest Cover design Sunil Joshi Hindi Text Satendra Kumar Warning No portion of this report should be used without prior permission of the Director, except in quoting for scientific references. Note The reference to some trade name in this report is in no way an endorsement of or discrimination against these products by the Institute. Correct citation Bhumannavar, B. S., Murthy, K. S. and Rabindra, R. J. (eds.). 2010. Annual Report 2009-10. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects Bangalore, India, 120 pp. Printed at Brilliant Printers Private Limited # 72, Lottegollahalli, RMV 2nd Stage Bangalore 560 094. CONTENTS Particulars Pages 1. Preface ...................................................................................................................................1 2. Summary (Hindi) ..................................................................................................................2 3. Executive summary .............................................................................................................14 4. Introduction .........................................................................................................................28 5. Research achievements .......................................................................................................33 6. Technology assessed and transferred ..................................................................................82 7. Education and training ........................................................................................................85 8. Awards and recognitions .....................................................................................................86 9. Linkages and collaboration .................................................................................................87 10. AICRP/ Coordination Unit/ National Centres .....................................................................88 General / miscellaneous 11. List of publications ..............................................................................................................90 12. List of ongoing projects ....................................................................................................100 13. Consultancy, patents, commercialization of technology ...................................................105 14. Meetings held and significant decisions made ..................................................................106 15. Participation of scientists in conferences, meetings, workshops, .....................................112 Symposia, etc. in India and abroad 16. Workshops, seminars, summer institutes, farmers’ day, etc ..............................................119 17. Distinguished visitors ........................................................................................................120 18. Personnel ...........................................................................................................................121 19. Infrastructure development ...............................................................................................123 20. Empowerment of women ..................................................................................................124 Annual Report 2009-2010 4 NATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT INSECTS Annual Report 2009-2010 1. PREFACE Indian agriculture continues to face the pressure of ever-increasing demand for food by the burgeoning human population. As we strive to enhance the food production, we face severe constraints, foremost being losses caused by pests, diseases and weeds. Loss of biodiversity of useful insects, mites and related arthropods like parasitoids, predators, honey bees, pollinators and soil builders due to indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides as well as habitat loss due to alien invasive weeds is becoming a huge concern. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has responded to this situation by upgrading the Project Directorate of Biological Control to the National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAII) with effect from June, 2009. The mandate of this newly formed bureau shall be: “Collection, characterisation, documentation, conservation, exchange and utilisation of agriculturally important insect resources (including mites, spiders and related arthropods) for sustainable agriculture”. Since the time Dr.S.Ayyappan, a dynamic leader in agricultural research and education took charge as Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the NBAII has become increasingly conscious of the strong support and encouragement from the ICAR. His constant affirmation of faith in the NBAII has enabled us to gain confidence in meeting the colossal challenge of harnessing the power of insects for the benefit of Indian Agriculture. The NBAII shall strive to enhance the preparedness for facing the threat posed by alien invasive pests. The staff of NBAII gratefully acknowledge the support of Dr.S.Ayyappan. Dr.Swapan Kumar Datta, the Deputy Director General, ICAR, continues to guide us with his scientific excellence and leadership for which we shall ever remain grateful. His support to the bureau was crucial particularly as we went through the process of transformation and change. The NBAII enjoys the strong support of Dr.T.P.Rajendran, Assistant Director General (Plant Protection), ICAR almost on a daily basis which we value very much. We place on record our gratitude to Shri Rajiv Mehrishi, Secretary, ICAR and Additional Secretary, DARE for providing the much needed logistic support through his colleagues, Shri J. Ravi, Deputy Secretary (Personnel) and Shri Sanjay Gupta, Deputy Secretary (Administration). Shri Sujit K. Mitra, Deputy Secretary (Crop Sciences), ICAR extended his help constantly. His timely actions on several administrative matters were very crucial to the smooth functioning of the NBAII. The support extended by Mr. V. P. Kothiyal, Director Works (ICAR) in carrying out the various civil works was remarkable. I thank all my colleagues at the NBAII for their co-operation and earnest attempts to carry forward the vision and goals of the newly formed bureau. I acknowledge the research contributions of all the scientists of the NBAII as well as those in the different centres of the AICRP on biological control of crop pests, diseases and weeds during the year 2009-10. I acknowledge the role of Dr. B. S. Bhumannavar, Principal Scientist (Entomology) and Dr. K. Srinivasa Moorthy, Senior Scientist (Entomology) in the preparation of this report. The NBAII shall strive to forge partnerships and collaborations with all stake holders, both national and international, involved in conservation and utilisation of insects, mites and related arthropod resources for the benefit of the farming community. R.J.Rabindra Director National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects and Coordinator AICRP on Biological Control of Crop Pests and Weeds 1 NATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT INSECTS Annual Report 2009-2010 {Zînm{XV gmam§e g§~{ÝYV Wo, H$mo A{^bo{IV {H$`m J`m Ÿ& `o Mm¡Xh d§e-EpÝQ>amo_mo\$m©, 25 OyZ, 2009 H$mo nyd©H$mbrZ O¡{dH$ {Z`§ÌU n[a`moOZm ~oarH$moZg, ~mE`g, graQ>mo~mE`g, S>moS>rE„m, â`yOrH$mo{Z©Am, {ZXoemb` H$m CÞ`Z H$aHo$ amï´>r` H¥${f Cn`moJr H$sQ> ã`yamo Amo{nñWmoH$mÝWm, gr{bAmo, AmoS>moÝQ>oH$mobg, gr{bAmogoaS>mo, J«m`moZ, (am.H¥$.C>.H$s.ã`y.) Ho$ ê$n Am`m_ àmá hþAm & ZE én go ~Zo ã`yamo Q´>mB©_moag, `y{_H«$mogmo_m Am¡a Q´>mB©_moag h¢ & ~oarH$moZg, ~mE`g, Ho$ A{YXoe Ho$ AÝVJ©V ì`mnH$ AZwg§YmZ H$m`©H«$_ {Zînm{XV {H$`o graQ>mo~mE`g, S>moS>rE„m, â`yOrH$mo{Z©Am, Amo{nñWmoH$mÝWm Am¡a J`o & am.H¥$.C.H$s.ã`y. na n[a`moOZm g_Ýd`Z àH$moð> Ho$ AÝVJ©V AmoS>moÝQ>oH$mobg H$mo H$Zm©Q>H$ _| nhbr ~ma, O~{H$ `y{_H«$mogmo_m Omo{H$ nmXn amoJmUwAm| H$m O¡{dH$ {Z`§ÌU g§~§{YV g^r AZwg§YmZ H$m`©H«$_ Ho$db {X„r Am¡a h[a`mUm go A{^bo{IV h¡, dh X{jU ^maV go {Za§Va ê$n go MbVo aho & gZ² 2009-10 Ho$ Xm¡amZ am.H¥$.C.H$s.ã`y. nhbr ~ma A{^bo{IV {H$`m J`m & Ho$ gmW-gmW O¡{dH$ {Z`§ÌU na A.^m.g.AZw.n[a. Ho$ AÝVJ©V 14 YmZ Ho$ nrbo VZm ~oYH$ Ho$ AÊS> g_yhm| H$mo Q´>mB©H$moJ«m_m ñno. amÁ` H¥${f {díd {dÚmb`m| Am¡a ^maVr` H¥${f AZwg§YmZ n[afX (Q´>mB©H$moJ«m_o{Q>S>o), Q>obrZmo_g ñno. (gr{bAmo{ZS>o) Am¡a Q>oQ´>mpñQ>H$g (^m.H¥$.AZw.n.) AmYm[aV N>… Ho$ÝÐm| Ho$ A{V[aº$ AZoH$ ñd¡pÀN>H$ ñno. Ûmam naOr{dV {H$`m J`m & Q>obrZmo_g ñno. 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