hensive list of potential qualities (guna), cover an enor- An Introduction to mously large degree of Ayurvedic Pharmacology possibilities. The Ten Pairs of Opposites are as follows: Ten Pairs of Opposite Qualities by Todd Caldecott Heavy Light Slow Fast The branch of traditional Indian knowledge that is Cold Hot concerned with health and disease, the qualities (guna) Oily Dry of food and medicine (dravya) and their activities (karma) Sticky Brittle upon the human physiology, is ayurveda. The term Solid Fluid ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit words ayus, meaning Soft Hard “life,” and vedas, which translates as “divine knowl- Stable Mobile edge.” Ayurveda is derived from the four principle vedas: the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda Subtle Gross and the Atharva Veda. The vedas are considered to be a Frictional Slimy vast storehouse of sacred and transcendent knowledge, It is these qualitative possibilities, organized into pat- and ayurveda is a shastra (teaching) within the vedas that terns of interaction, that are found by observing the directly relates to health and disease. This shastra is human body, and that give rise to the concept compiled into samhitas (“collected of tridosha 1, viz. vata, pitta and kapha. sayings”), and although there are several extant works of ayurveda, two texts, one compiled by Susruta and the Vata is the catalyst for all functional changes that other by Charaka, are considered occur in the body, and as such, ayurveda considers pitta to be authoritative. While the date of these texts is and kapha ‘lame’ without vata’s involvement. The term a subject of some controversy, the bulk of academic ‘vata’ is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘va’, opinion places their date of authorship to be meaning ‘to go’. It is the most powerful of the doshas, pre-Buddhist, prior to the 5th century BCE. The residing principally in the large intestine and urinary Charaka Samhita in its present form is unlikely to rep- bladder, and has a downward-moving energy. According resentative of the original work, which is said to have to the vedic concept of agni-saumiya (‘solar-lunar’, originated from the teachings of Bharadvaja, the first roughly synonymous with the TCM concept of yang human proponent of ayurveda during this period. and yin respectively), vata is neutral in energy, and can Whereas the Charaka Samhita is wholly be disturbed by extremes of either hot or cold. However, concerned with internal medicine (kaya chikitsa), as ayurveda considers the nature of the human body to the Susruta Samhita is first and foremost a technical be cold, vata more often promotes this quality. manual of the surgical practices of ayurveda, Referring to the gurvadi gunas listed above, vata’s pri- surprisingly devoid of the magico-religious practices mary qualities are light, fast, cold, dry, brittle, hard, that one might attribute to an ancient and “primitive” mobile, subtle and people. This latter text seems to provide little in the way frictional. Pathologically, vata might be noticed in the of innovation and appears to be representative of con- body by asthenia (light), mental lability (fast), anorexia temporary practices, and as Dr. Krishnamurthy opines in (cold), mucosal deficiency (dry), weakness (brittle), his Wealth of Susruta, must have had a long period of constipation (hard), migrating body pain (mobile), development before coming to this level hypersensitivities (subtle) and arthritis (frictional). In of fruition. The modern practice of rhinoplasty, some individuals complaints such for example, was described by Susruta as a prosaic sur- as these are constitutional tendencies (prakriti), and gical technique over 2000 years ago. thus measures are taken on a daily and seasonal basis to limit the effects of vata. Of the many important concepts that ayurveda has to share, the gurvadi gunas, or the “Ten Pairs of Opposite Pitta’s function in the body is to provide heat, to pro- Qualities,” certainly ranks as among the most impor- vide the act of ‘cooking’, and thus is responsible for tant. These ten pairs, although by no means a compre- catabolic processes such as digestion. The term Pitta is 18 Fall 2000 derived from the root word ‘tapa’which refers to the of mnemonics detailing the various synonyms that properties of ‘heat’; the development describe specific characteristics of a given medicament. of tapas results in the ‘inner heat’ of spiritual These different names (nama) usually refer to awareness. Pitta is the principle of agni (lit. the morphological characteristics (rupa), but nama ‘God of Fire’) in the body, residing principally in might also refer to a medicinal use or another the organs of digestion from the lower fundus of the unique characteristic. An example is the variance Todd Caldecott stomach to the terminal end of the small intestine, hav- in synonyms of turmeric root (Curcuma longa), includ- Todd Caldecott, Cl.H., AHG ing haridra (referring to its natural yellow dye), varna ing a sideways-moving energy. Pitta’s primary qualities blends his training as a (indicating its usefulness in skin disorders) and nisha are light, fast, hot, oily, fluid, and soft. Pathologically, Western Clinical Herbalist with (which explains that the root is best pitta might be seen in the body as Ayurvedic medicine, and has harvested at night, preferably under the light of the excessive secretion of bile (light, promoting been a professional member a full moon). The second branch of dravyguna peristalsis and flatulence), impatience and irritability of the American Herbalists concerns itself with explaining the properties (guna) (fast), hyperacidity (hot), excessive sweat (oily) and Guild since 1997. He received and actions (karma) of medicaments, something that diarrhea (fluid and soft). In some individuals these com- his diploma in Clinical herbal modern science might understand as pharmacology, and plaints are constitutional tendencies, and thus measures medicine in 1997 from the is known as gunakarmavijnana. Building upon Coastal Mountain College of are taken on a daily and seasonal basis gunakarmavijnana, the third branch of dravyguna Healing Arts in Vancouver, to limit the effects of pitta. is prayogavijnana, describing the therapeutic B.C. His training in Ayurvedic In many ways kapha is opposite in nature to pitta, indications of specific medicines, as well as pharmacy. medicine began with and is representative of soma (the lunar aspect) main- The fourth and last aspect of dravyguna is bhesa- Dr. T. Sukumaran at the taining the structural functions of the body by lubricating, jakalpana, referring to the collection and storage Centre for Ayurvedic Studies moisturizing, nourishing and providing support. Kapha of drugs and various methods of processing. in Vancouver, B.C., and continued in India at the is derived from the root word ‘shlish’which means ‘to What is a Dravya? embrace’, referring to its overall function of cohesion Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam A substance only becomes a dravya when its specific (Hospital) under the direction and integration. Kapha resides in the heart and lungs qualities (guna) are taken into consideration, and thus a of Sri Vasudevan and and has an upward-moving energy. Its primary qualities dravya is dependent upon the purpose (artha) and Dr. Hari. Todd currently are heavy, slow, cold, oily, sticky, solid, stable, gross and rationale (yukti) of its usage. When viewed as practices in Calgary, Alberta at slippery. Pathologically, kapha might be noticed as obe- a singular phenomenon, a dravya has no inherent quali- the Wild Rose Clinic, and is a sity (heavy), laziness (slow), sluggish appetite and poor ty: it is the perceptive process, viz. the five an instructor at the Wild Rose digestion (cold), oily skin (oily), mucus congestion senses and the mental impressions that are formed, College of Natural Healing. (sticky), tumor (solid), stubbornness (stable), weight which give rise to guna. Ayurveda designates a dravya Todd also spends a fair gain (gross) and emotional smothering (slimy). In some as strictly panchabautika or ‘formed of the amount of his time in the individuals these complaints are constitutional tenden- elements’, and is devoid of atma (consciousness) and temperate rainforests of the cies, and thus measures are taken on a daily and season- therefore insentient (Sharma, 9). It is the conscious West Kootenays of British al basis to limit the effects of kapha. usage of a substance that makes a dravya. Columbia looking for medicinal plants and Dravyas are grouped in several ways depending upon Within the body, any of the doshas can undergo three conducting harvesting field the source within the extant literature of ayurveda, but basic stages of change. Increase (chaya) refers to the trials for the Harrop-Procter both Susruta and Charaka group dravyas according to aggravation of a dosha within its respective sphere of Community Co-operative influence, whereas vitiation (kopa) refers to that same therapeutic action. Charaka enumerates fifty groups, (HPCC). The HPCC is the dosha beginning to affect the other doshas or functions each group containing ten herbs named according to the first such community normally outside its direct sphere of influence. Doshas general action of that group, such as analgesics organization in Canada that are not responsible for any pathological changes are (vedanasthapana), diuretics (mutravirechana), and licenced by government to anthelminthics (krimighna). Susruta categorizes each normal (sama). harvest forest products therapeutic group with according to the ecological
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